View Full Version : "the seedy beach town of Pattaya."

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 20th, 2007, 03:08
An outraged Colonel draws my attention to this report concerning the "swirly face" suspect:

"Neil was no stranger to Thailand, having once taught in a Bangkok language school, but his hiding place was revealed by a trace on the mobile phone of his 25-year-old Thai boyfriend, identified by transvestites in the seedy beach town of Pattaya.

"They went together to different provinces, probably on the run, and the last call made was from Nakhon Ratchasima. So I sent my men there," tourist police chief Chuchart Suwannakom told Reuters."

By Nopporn Wong-Anan

the seedy beach town ?? whatever your personal view of Pattaya , this is an outrageous statement for a journalist to write on a major website. It personalises the report and breaks all the rules of journalism, apart from the shocking slur on the owners of legitmate businesses ( the majority) and the thousands of ex-pats who live in Pattaya.

I wonder if tourist police chief Chuchart Suwannakom will castigate Nopporn Wong-Anan ?

http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071019/ts_ ... dophile_dc (http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071019/ts_nm/interpol_paedophile_dc)

October 20th, 2007, 03:20
I don't find this to be a shocking slur at all. Quite the contrary, I think he was being rather kind.

October 20th, 2007, 03:28
I found his comments unremarkable! They say the same thing about crazy guys who pass the personality and psychological test but shows nothing wrong even though there is. Case in point. When the Church was trying to prove I was gay. The Psychologist they sent me to simply replied his test was unremarkable. I was neither crazy nor gay, at least the tests did not indicate it. However, any one who knows me, like we most know Pattaya, know I am clearly crazy and gay.


October 20th, 2007, 03:46
It has been my experience that crazy people are called crazy and not seedy so your analogy is pointless. As to your own mental health I shan't comment but one does wonder why, as a gay man, you would ever want to belong to a religious organization that is anti-gay.

October 20th, 2007, 04:03
After it was all over they really didn't care if I was crazy or gay it was merely a power play. I won and now I am out of the closet thanks to an Internet picture of me in Bangkok at a gay cafe there posted on a web site about gay life in Thailand. I was outed. Later the leadership decided it made no matter if I was gay or not clearly my work spoke for itself. It was a bit sticky working in a Muslim country and openly gay however. But, the church did not send me nor were they involved in my work directly. I of course take help any where It comes from and as far as I can tell monetarily it neither hurt nor helped my situation to be openly gay.

So, now I do as I please and they do as they please. I am sure there are some who do not like it but there are some people WHO don't like anything unless you are doing nothing. Then someone will complain about that. There obviously is no way to make Everyone happy. So, I really don't give a damn.


October 20th, 2007, 04:13
It has been my experience that crazy people are called crazy and not seedy so your analogy is pointless. As to your own mental health I shan't comment but one does wonder why, as a gay man, you would ever want to belong to a religious organization that is anti-gay.

As for my analogy, I don't give a damn if you liked that or not either. I was speaking about my comment that I had nothing remarkable to say and that led to my short experience with the word "unremarkable"not the event.


October 20th, 2007, 07:54
the seedy beach town ??A friend of mine in Sydney reports that the Australian television news reported the item as "... Pattaya, which is known as a haven for paedophiles ..."

October 20th, 2007, 08:55
As I have never been to Pattaya (remedied soon) I really don't have the knowledge to discount or refute what is said. HOWEVER, I am sure a lot of the folk who write these sort of comments have never been either but that doesn't seem to stop them making many and varied sweeping statements.

Reading through some of the comments from posters, some of whom live in the area or surrounds, perhaps there are some things that need addressing. I am sure you know to what I am referring since the thread was the to do with the slanging off by journalists crawling over themselves to best describe paedophilia and its domains.

Am I right or completely off track?

October 20th, 2007, 08:59
After an alert from Interpol, Police Lieutenant Colonel Phanthana Nutchanart sent his men to trawl transvestite hangouts in Bangkok's Patpong red-light district and the seaside town of Pattaya, infamous as a haven for misfits and perverts.

After seeing a picture of Neil taken by security cameras on his arrival at Bangkok airport a week ago, transvestites in Pattaya said they had seen him with a 25-year-old cross-dresser called Ohm.

Amazing how the boys in brown can do some real police work when they want to.

October 20th, 2007, 09:14
Amazing how the boys in brown can do some real police work when they want to.Especially when there was no tea money involved ... and the guy was in neither place

October 20th, 2007, 10:25
An outraged Colonel draws my attention to this report concerning the "swirly face" suspect:

"Neil was no stranger to Thailand, having once taught in a Bangkok language school, but his hiding place was revealed by a trace on the mobile phone of his 25-year-old Thai boyfriend, identified by transvestites in the seedy beach town of Pattaya.

"They went together to different provinces, probably on the run, and the last call made was from Nakhon Ratchasima. So I sent my men there," tourist police chief Chuchart Suwannakom told Reuters."

By Nopporn Wong-Anan


The only description I find wrong in the report is in calling a transsexual a transvestite.

sigh... such ignorance to overcome in this world.....

October 20th, 2007, 10:46
"I was speaking about my comment that I had nothing remarkable to say"


Lunchtime O'Booze
October 20th, 2007, 14:32
I didn't mean for this to descend into a question of Wesley's mental health !!

blame The Colonel...

October 20th, 2007, 15:31
Amazing how the boys in brown can do some real police work when they want to.Especially when there was no tea money involved ... and the guy was in neither place

No , no tea money,

But a sure way to gain promotion!

The UK news hardly had room on the TV for the Paedophile, there were so money cops trying to get in the picture!

October 20th, 2007, 16:48
I am going to assume you meant to say "so money cops" and that its wasn't spelling mistake. Good one. cheers

October 20th, 2007, 16:52
After an alert from Interpol, Police Lieutenant Colonel Phanthana Nutchanart sent his men to trawl transvestite hangouts in Bangkok's Patpong red-light district and the seaside town of Pattaya, infamous as a haven for misfits and perverts.

Now I'm going to lie awake nights trying to figure out which one I am.

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 20th, 2007, 19:34
they just make the town more interesting.

perverts ?..not sure what they are.

October 20th, 2007, 20:08
come on guys, why are you so hurten by the words. We ├бll know that if you are going to Pattaya as a tourist, the reason is to fuck or be fucked. What other reason should there be? :cat:

October 20th, 2007, 20:15
No Hans!!! I go for the boat hire and great off shore fishing. Dont have time for the sex thingy.

October 20th, 2007, 20:25
I have to say I am a little surprised that the Reuters report would use "perverts" in their description. But I think it's hard to argue much of the rest of it.

October 20th, 2007, 20:50
Brace yourselves for an influx of tourists after such deft advertising!!

October 20th, 2007, 21:28
I have to say I am a little surprised that the Reuters report would use "perverts" in their description. .

Why? Reuters have always prided themselves on accuracy.

October 20th, 2007, 23:47
"I was speaking about my comment that I had nothing remarkable to say"


I was simply trying to be nice and neither say if Pattaya was seedy and full of perverts and pedophiles, I assume people Reading the forum are old enough to make up their own mind as to the accuracy of the report. If I had to make an opinion I would say if you don't include Sunee Plaza, it is a Gay haven for acceptability as a single gay guy. At 48 When I first went to Bangkok I was sure my Gay life was over at that age, considering the way older guys are treated in America in a gay bar. It was on PG's forum and I think Jinks who make it clear that Thailand was indeed a place to go to find younger companionship with out all the western evangelical fundamentalism and its influence on morality world wide. I think only Muslims are more aggravated than fundamentalist Christians concerning homosexuality. So, a place where I could hold hands with my bf in public and not get my head cut off or thrown in the bottomless pit after death was certainly a haven for me and a welcome rest from the western cultural attitude about Gays. Amsterdam, I guess is also a haven for almost anything. However, I have never felt anymore at ease than I did in Pattaya and for the first time I think I experienced true freedom of expression with out repercussions. So, I guess I still have said nothing remarkable for anyone who has been there. I would think for some one like me who at the time,felt as though my romantic life was over after 40; pattaya is truly a remarkable place as is all of Thailand. Although, I may be totally unremarkable Thailand is and it is a haven for us older gentlemen who felt life was over at 40. Thank God I found the forum and people that were willing to tell me about Bangkok Pattaya and Thailand's abundance of Seedy places for a person like me to go to find acceptability love and hope of not dying totally alone.


October 21st, 2007, 01:15
Thank God I found the forum and people that were willing to tell me about Bangkok Pattaya and Thailand's abundance of Seedy places for a person like me to go to find acceptability love and hope of not dying totally alone.


Hope for us all - thanks for the encouragement

October 21st, 2007, 07:43
Good on you Wesley

October 21st, 2007, 08:39
Whatever gave anyone that idea?


Lunchtime O'Booze
October 21st, 2007, 09:19
westerners have been bred to believe that anything connected to sex is 'seedy'..something to be ashamed of and tabloid newspapers now exploit that for all it's worth.

Thais don't see sex as sleezy..maybe naughty, something to be shy about.
We should ask the developers and banks who are pouring $$billions into development in Pattaya whether they think the place is 'seedy'.

we can be sure though that when a media outlet reports a place is 'seedy' that aren't talking about poverty or the conditions that many Thais have to live in..just about sex.

October 21st, 2007, 10:31
Seedy: Worn and shabby; unkempt; tired or sick; unwell; somewhat disreputable; squalid

A very apt description of the good ship Pattaya and all who sail in her.

October 21st, 2007, 10:37
Wesley, I can't say I always agree with what you say or how you say it, but I am pretty sure this is the straight from the heart Wesley (five posts back).

I too am happy that as a one time Mr Popular on "the scene", I don't have lay down in the street until the 277 bus runs me down outside my home in Auckland.

There is hope and I found it in spades in Thailand.

Cheers Wesley. I know it wasn't just me that saw your writing as our own voices unspoken.

Good health,

October 22nd, 2007, 01:07
Wesley, I can't say I always agree with what you say or how you say it, but I am pretty sure this is the straight from the heart Wesley (two posts up).

I too am happy that as a one time Mr Popular on "the scene", I don't have lay down in the street until the 277 bus runs me down outside my home in Auckland.

There is hope and I found it in spades in Thailand.

Cheers Wesley. I know it wasn't just me that saw your writing as our own voices unspoken.

Good health,
krobbieThanks Krobbie,

I am aware I am not the most articulate ,person on the forum, my grammar after 10 years of Broken English and speaking Russian more than English has my grammar screwed up. I don't express things well but the core of thought is real and most of my letters and web site material is edited to death before anyone sees it.

However, I do love Thailand to the bone. I hope to move a bit closer in a few months to the Philippines and fly over when I need a man. I am not as fortunate as Bucky; however I manage to have a good time anyway when I am there.

I was fortunate that I had long term lovers most of my life until I was almost 40 by then it was hard to find anyone that wanted an old fart like me. I was fortunate in Bishkek in as much as my lover there was a Model and was almost perfect in every respect. But, nothing can compare to the time of my life I had in Pattaya. I never was so comfortable in Bangkok as Pattaya. And Chaing Mai was so spread out it was hard to play it all in 3 evenings out. So, back to Pattaya I came and although I don't have time to go to Pattaya as often I do get to Bangkok in stop over fairly often.

Thanks for your thoughts, it would be a boring world if we all agreed or all of us had the same writing style. My test came back this week about cancer of the colon and it was benign. And the tumor is so small they just want to monitor it for any changes so no surgery either. I am a fortunate man.



October 22nd, 2007, 15:58
Seedy: Worn and shabby; unkempt; tired or sick; unwell; somewhat disreputable; squalid

A very apt description of the good ship Pattaya and all who sail in her.

Do you have another name such as homintern?

October 22nd, 2007, 16:47
Whatever gave anyone that idea?


I am delighted to see the former leader of the Liberal Democrats, Sir Menzies Campbell is alive and well and living in Pattaya, I have never seen him smile before, a good thing considering his ill fitting dentures.

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 22nd, 2007, 19:14
Thanpuying Sanitree
Interfering busybody

..that old slapper that used to frequent this board some time ago ?..the one who spent a fortune on cosmetic surgery and ended up looking like that old bat Dame Cartland ?

weren't you deported ?

October 23rd, 2007, 13:38
I have never seen him smile before, a good thing considering his ill fitting dentures.

Yes........and others in the heat of the moment left theirs in the bus, maybe a mix up. Never mind, what with the fly problem this time of year, I am sure he wont go hungry.


October 23rd, 2007, 16:57