View Full Version : Canadian arrested in Nakhon Ratchasima Friday a.m.

October 19th, 2007, 20:52
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-p ... 052065.stm (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/7052065.stm)

Read the rest of the story

October 20th, 2007, 07:27
if you have BBC 24, there is a detailed news report, showing the bars with the journalist talking, mentioning the tip off by a transvestite.

October 20th, 2007, 08:44
I heartfully wish the canadian chaplain a good time at first in Thai and later Korean prisons. I really do hope the other inmates will keep him busy so he doesn't feel "unloved" or "unwanted". I would be bothered at all if guards would loose the keys to his cell for ever.

October 20th, 2007, 09:10
I heartfully wish the canadian chaplain a good time at first in Thai and later Korean prisons. I really do hope the other inmates will keep him busy so he doesn't feel "unloved" or "unwanted". I would be bothered at all if guards would loose the keys to his cell for ever.What liar you are, ttom. You don't believe in the rule of law; not only do you want the law to deal with him, you then want the lawless, his fellow criminals, to act extra-legally and murder him. Either he's sick (and therefore should be locked away in a mental institution, not a prison) or is he is merely a criminal, in which case he deserves neither more nor less than any other criminal

October 20th, 2007, 09:41
I heartfully wish the canadian chaplain a good time at first in Thai and later Korean prisons. I really do hope the other inmates will keep him busy so he doesn't feel "unloved" or "unwanted". I would be bothered at all if guards would loose the keys to his cell for ever.What liar you are, ttom. You don't believe in the rule of law; not only do you want the law to deal with him, you then want the lawless, his fellow criminals, to act extra-legally and murder him. Either he's sick (and therefore should be locked away in a mental institution, not a prison) or is he is merely a criminal, in which case he deserves neither more nor less than any other criminal

Maybe he is thinking of that song from The Mikado

lsize=18]let the punishment fit the crime [/size]

October 20th, 2007, 10:28
My understanding is that he's going to be extradited to Canada.

BTW, do Thai prisons have the same reputation as western ones vis a vis child molesters?

October 20th, 2007, 14:53
I heartfully wish the canadian chaplain a good time at first in Thai and later Korean prisons. I really do hope the other inmates will keep him busy so he doesn't feel "unloved" or "unwanted". I would be bothered at all if guards would loose the keys to his cell for ever.What liar you are, ttom. You don't believe in the rule of law; not only do you want the law to deal with him, you then want the lawless, his fellow criminals, to act extra-legally and murder him. Either he's sick (and therefore should be locked away in a mental institution, not a prison) or is he is merely a criminal, in which case he deserves neither more nor less than any other criminal

Oh yes. I am so sorry. The poor sod is just sick and need a good treatment, preferable by very young assistance in order to make him feel comfortable all over.

And all the money he’s made selling naughty pictures and rape sex acts on www including future royalties from this kind of hard work and sweaty acts should be collected, given into trust and paid into a pension fond for his retirement just in case he is able to return to Thailand, Cambodia, Viet Nam, Korea, Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, The Philippines or any other country with young boys in need of personal attention.

That would suit the good Christian values Canadian chaplain Christopher Paul Neil had studied at the Mission and the great wisdom he passed on to other young followers.

Believe me, as soon as I would have detected him before he has being invited by the police into free of charge full board safe and homely accommodation, I would have invited him to a nice cup of freshly brewed coffee or tea or a cool beer and several prayers. I do really regret that I’ve missed this opportunity to express me deepest feelings to him. And I do know some kind hearted others who would like to invite him home to show him the pleasure of farm live and natural beauty for a couple of time. There are all good people, interested into he welfare and always keen to make any moment of his stay in Isaan memorable for a live time.

October 20th, 2007, 15:30
Either he's sick (and therefore should be locked away in a mental institution, not a prison) or is he is merely a criminal, in which case he deserves neither more nor less than any other criminal

The guy is just a pedo who like so many other perverts head for the pedo haven of Sunee where they can find sympathetic ears willing to listen to each other as they wring their hands and tell each other how hard it is having the 'sickness' that attracts them to small children.

Maybe after 20 years in a Thai prison and another 10 years in a Korean prison he can be returned to Canada in a box.

The irony that he was caught by the very medium he used to distribute his porn photos is I am sure not lost on him. The fact that he made a beeline for Soi VC where he felt he would be safe amongst his fellow pedophiles only confirms what the majority of people who visit that area are truly interested in and lays to rest the myth that the Sunee area is now sqeaky clean and that the majority of businesses in that area are legal. Speak to business people in Bangkok who are the real money-men and who finance many businesses in Pattaya and you will find out that it is the illegal businesses that are returning the greatest profits.

October 20th, 2007, 15:33
My understanding is that he's going to be extradited to Canada.

BTW, do Thai prisons have the same reputation as western ones vis a vis child molesters?

Dear Kenc,

Not really,

They are hardly interested in anyone else's problems but their own.

A lot of Thais are in there for underage sex with girls!

A National pastime, it sometimes appears in the North East.

October 20th, 2007, 16:08
The guy is just a pedo who like so many other perverts head for the pedo haven of Sunee where they can find sympathetic ears willing to listen to each other as they wring their hands and tell each other how hard it is having the 'sickness' that attracts them to small children.

Maybe after 20 years in a Thai prison and another 10 years in a Korean prison he can be returned to Canada in a box.

The irony that he was caught by the very medium he used to distribute his porn photos is I am sure not lost on him. The fact that he made a beeline for Soi VC where he felt he would be safe amongst his fellow pedophiles only confirms what the majority of people who visit that area are truly interested in and lays to rest the myth that the Sunee area is now sqeaky clean and that the majority of businesses in that area are legal.
I don't often agree with what you write but you are absolutely spot on here. The defenders of Sunee Plaza must be having apoplexy that the myth that SP has been cleaned up has been exposed once more as a lie.

It is revealing to see that, contrary to denials by it's defenders, SP has been variously described in international newspapers as 'sleazy', 'seedy' and 'an international haven for layabouts and paedophiles'. It is true that there are some legitimate businesses in the SP area which have no truck with under-age kids and also true that not all visitors or residents there are pedos, but both categories have to accept that they are going to be tarred with the same brush as long as SP has that sort of international reputation.

October 20th, 2007, 17:05
The defenders of Sunee Plaza must be having apoplexy that the myth that SP has been cleaned up has been exposed once more as a lie. It is revealing to see that, contrary to denials by it's defenders, SP has been variously described in international newspapers as 'sleazy', 'seedy' and 'an international haven for layabouts and paedophiles'.

Point taken, but it's actually Pattaya that has seemingly been described that way, not SP. It's only those who have been to SP or who read boards such as this who know where in Pattaya they are referring to.

Which raises an interesting speculation. The guy in question obviously used the internet heavily, and seemingly trawled SE Asia for young boys through to mid-20's ladyboys. So it's likely that he visited this board at some stage to seek information, and may even have been a poster.

And authorities such as Interpol who were tracking him probably know that too.

So it's all very well for people to bemoan the presence of youngsters in SP in bar reports, etc. But unless they're willing to do something about it, such reports are only likely to have the opposite effect - of attracting more creeps to SP and therefore, more young boys.

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 20th, 2007, 19:44
do people really make money out of this on the web ??

I think there is a vast amount of exageration that goes on here. Especially in the USA where they claim $$billions are made yet provide no proof..indeed it was former AG Alberto Gonzales who made this claim.

One thing is for sure now...no-one will use a swirly face anymore !!

## everyone's taking it for granted that the photo published is genuine which is reasonable as the authorities would never distort a photo..would they ?

update :you are all wrong..it's not Asia but Portugal according to the Daily Mail:
Why Portugal is a haven for paedophiles - the disturbing backcloth to the Madeleine case
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/a ... ge_id=1770 (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=488654&in_page_id=1770)

apparently based on an appalling case of abuse at one school for orphans in Lisbon..let's blame the whole country !!!

October 21st, 2007, 02:59
... believe he's a perfectly rational person ... just like them. Medical science knows otherwise (and not just in the pages of Nuclear Physics for the Under Fives) - http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn2943.html