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View Full Version : TAxi From Suvarnabhumi to Khorat

October 17th, 2007, 03:43
Hi All
Have finally managed to get around to booking my next flight to LOS

Will arrive on December 30th at around 7am. Problem is that Bf and I want to spend New Years night at his home in Buriram...

I was thinking of taking a taxi from Suvarnabhumi to Khorat, meeting him there and then overnighting in Khorat on the 30th... before going to Buriram the next morning.

(this would give us plenty of private time away from his family to get "re-acquainted"!)

Anyone know what a Taxi to Khorat would cost?
Or have other suggestions for getting to Khorat without travelling into BKK and out again?

BF reckons 3000 THB - but is unsure...

Thanks in Advance

October 17th, 2007, 06:20
I look site abouttravels

October 17th, 2007, 06:31
I paid 4000 from Pattaya so 3000 sounds right.

October 17th, 2007, 06:56
Hi Colmx, BF met me, I hired a car and BF insisted on driving to Buriram as much as possible. Of course, he drove into the village to show off to everyone.

Car rental was 2250 baht per day. I have done this twice and found it to be a great road trip.

October 17th, 2007, 07:48
Or you could fly to Khorat... business class if you like to spoil the bf - it isn't a great deal more. Likely as not your bf's family will know someone locally to home with a vehicle that can meet you at the airport. Fill his tank up with petrol and off you go... first stop naturally will be the supermarket... which will be why half the family come meet you in the pickup!

October 17th, 2007, 14:22
Hi All
Have finally managed to get around to booking my next flight to LOS

Will arrive on December 30th at around 7am. Problem is that Bf and I want to spend New Years night at his home in Buriram...

I was thinking of taking a taxi from Suvarnabhumi to Khorat, meeting him there and then overnighting in Khorat on the 30th... before going to Buriram the next morning.

(this would give us plenty of private time away from his family to get "re-acquainted"!)

Anyone know what a Taxi to Khorat would cost?
Or have other suggestions for getting to Khorat without travelling into BKK and out again?

BF reckons 3000 THB - but is unsure...

Thanks in Advance

Yep, for 3000 THB any driver should be very pleased to make the drive.

Why don't you asked your friend to find someone from Khorat to pick you up at the airport for 3000 TBT?

October 17th, 2007, 18:15
Why don't you asked your friend to find someone from Khorat to pick you up at the airport for 3000 TBT?
I would imagine that to hire a car (with or without driver) in Khorat would be much less expensive than hiring a taxi in Bangkok ?

October 18th, 2007, 01:50
HI All
Thanks for your replies so far
Unfort BF is in Buriram and will be coming to meet me in Khorat so he has bno contacts there

I am hoping he comes alone as we will have 3 months of catching up to do on the first night - so the option of having family or local taxi pick me is ruled out.

I also don't like the idea of the rental car - as i don't trust either myself or him to drive there!

And there are no civilian airlines that fly to Khorat - so that is also ruled out!

However it has got me thinking and i may try to fly to buriram instead!

In the meantime if anyone else has taxi experiences i'd be grateful to hear of them!

October 18th, 2007, 01:58
Why don't you asked your friend to find someone from Khorat to pick you up at the airport for 3000 TBT?
I would imagine that to hire a car (with or without driver) in Khorat would be much less expensive than hiring a taxi in Bangkok ?

Most likely not.
Up-country often isn't that cheap. In Khorat your bf might pay for a mini van plus driver (about 1 000 TBT per day) plus fuel.
If your bf is keen and able, he could pick you up at BKK airport and take you home for probably around 2 500 TBT all in.

October 18th, 2007, 01:59
Why don't you asked your friend to find someone from Khorat to pick you up at the airport for 3000 TBT?
I would imagine that to hire a car (with or without driver) in Khorat would be much less expensive than hiring a taxi in Bangkok ?

Most likely not.
Up-country often isn't that cheap. In Khorat your bf might pay for a mini van plus driver (about 1 000 TBT per day) plus fuel.
If your bf is keen and able, he could pick you up at BKK airport and take you home for probably around 2 500 TBT all in.

October 20th, 2007, 20:19
You can't fly to Khorat now. They stopped the flight a few years ago. It used to go on to Surinam. I flew a couple of times when I was importing stuff from the Khorat region. The biggest problem is the distance from the airport about 20 miles I think from memory. One morning I was due to get the early flight back to BKK. The only reasonable fare was a Tuk Tuk. Hotel cars wanted a fortune so here I am screaming along the highway (?70kms per hour) in a Tuk Tuk but I made it in time.

December 12th, 2007, 04:59
Hi All
Just want to give this thread a bump
Anybody have recent info on a taxi from Suvarnabhumi to Khorat?

Also if anyone has any recent hotel info it would be appreciated..

BF wants to do our usual "plan when you get here" approach... however i'd like to know where i'm staying on my first night!

December 12th, 2007, 16:31

Another Option:

Hop on one of the Air Conditioned buses that operate daily from BKK to Buriram for a few hundred baht - skip Khorat (the place sucks) - ask your BF to meet you at your hotel in Buriram (alone) - and inform his family that you have arrived after you've been "reacquainted" several times over.

Just a thought...

December 16th, 2007, 08:18
In May 2004, BF and I took a taxi from the Tarntawan in Bangkok to Khorat, his home. I seem to remember it costing perhaps 2000-2500 THB, not including tip. It was certainly much faster and more comfortable than bus. Bus trip returning to Bangkok was a NIGHTMARE!! - hot, sweaty, cramped....

December 16th, 2007, 08:28
Peter, if the bus was "hot, sweaty, and cramped", you obviously took what is called a fan bus. I made the mistake of doing that once from Lampang to Chiangmai (only an hour+ trip) and thought I was going to die. Never again.

As Dodger noted, take the VIP (air-conditioned) bus....lots of room, quite cool, and comfortable. For me, it's a lot more comfortable than taking a taxi (less feeling that my life was suddenly at risk a few hundred times and better view of the countryside). A taxi to Khorat will probably get there 45 minutes earlier but you'll also save yourself a couple thousand baht in the process and have a decent trip.