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View Full Version : Thai Ambassador sold the Embassy

February 17th, 2006, 06:04
"Ex-envoy to pay Bt10m over тАШsaleтАЩ of embassy

The Civil Court yesterday ordered a former Thai ambassador to the Netherlands to pay a total of Bt10 million in compensation after he was found guilty of selling the Thai embassy to a foreign businessman without permission.

The court said Suseree Tavedikul, who was the ambassador to The Hague in 2003, had signed an agreement with a businessman, J Bakker, to sell the embassy compound. The Foreign Ministry said it was not informed of the sale and that Suseree, formerly known as Prachyadavi, was not authorised to ink such an agreement. Suseree, who was sacked after the scandal broke, argued that he had signed a kind of тАЬletter of intentтАЭ with Bakker, not an agreement to sell.

The court said the de-fendant signed a document without obtaining permission from the ministry, which is required under bureaucratic rules. His signing was also considered a breach of his superiorsтАЩ orders. The scandal resulted in the Foreign Ministry being sued by Bakker and the Netherlands Court ordered confiscation of the Thai embassy premises.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Sihasak Phuangketkeow said that Bakker withdrew the case against the Foreign Ministry after the two sides agreed to settle out of the court and the ministry paid a sum of money in compensation. The ministry sued for compensation for its court costs in the Netherlands. The court ordered the former ambassador to pay the ministryтАЩs costs of Bt10.54 million.

Suseree is a former Foreign Ministry spokesman and deputy permanent secretary in charge of administration. He now owns an international school in Bangkok."
The Nation.

I wonder which International School he owns.