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View Full Version : What gifts to take people in LOS (revisited)

October 9th, 2007, 21:12

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 9th, 2007, 23:19
or was that money ?..that's it , take MONEY MONEY MONEY

October 10th, 2007, 02:20
LOB, you're just too shallow for words.

Mind you I have been wondering the very thing for January / February.

Oh for shit sake, I'll take money then. After all, it goes with absolutely everything in ones wardrobe and is seldom the wrong size (unless Cheap Charlie).


October 10th, 2007, 08:22
Maybe well intentioned but so far from the reality of Thailand is Boa boa.
Pens, candy, t shirts - why waste your time on these things? All can be
purchased here in Thailand. You give the boys cash and they will buy
what THEY want. Right? Ok its not romantic, but then it is practical.
C A S H easy to transport, universally convertible, appreciated by
all Thais. C A S H
I knew a newbie to Thailand a few years ago. He transported two huge suitcases from the USA to Pattaya. One, was half full of his clothes. the other remaining space inside both bags contained fake perfume. Dozens of them still in their fake boxes. When asked he replied, "the boys will love it when I pass these out to them". He could have purchased the same fakes here and spared himself the bother as he was not a fit man. So sad. C A S H please mister. Khap Khun Khap

October 10th, 2007, 08:35
If your friend is a paid friend then yes, don't worry about the gift. Give cash or something valuable in Thailand. If they are a true friend than let your heart be your concierge.

I am taking a friend of mine some Cologne. He is not a money-boy, just a good friend with benefits.

October 10th, 2007, 09:31
I used to have a friend who always wanted levi 501's, he must have gotten a lifetime supply from me. Every trip, he would email his current size, and I always loved the way his eyes would light up when I gave him the latest pair. I would always leave the tags on and in the original bag so he could be sure they were new! The gift wasn't meant to replace any money I would give him, just a little something from "America."

October 10th, 2007, 10:08
I bring him me. :bounce:

Frankly I don't get it, but me being there seems to be enough for him .... obscene I agree, but there you have it.
Having said that, if I recall correctly over quite a few years now, cash on the barrel-head has never exactly been tossed to the curb either.
I thought once to ask which is #1 and which is #2, but thought better of it at the last minute, not really wanting to know the answer.

Cheers ...

October 10th, 2007, 20:35
Maybe well intentioned but so far from the reality of Thailand is Boa boa.
Pens, candy, t shirts - why waste your time on these things? All can be purchased here in Thailand. You give the boys cash and they will buy what THEY want.

First of all, thanks for the thought that I may be "boa" and not "bao," boogy. Those who know me that well will get quite a giggle out of the possibility there could be such a large snake involved! :cheers:

If you read either of the threads I'm sure you'll see are usually several Board Viewpoints - read: "realities" - on this...

1) Established friends
2) Guy Specials
3) Moneyboys/girls/casual sex partners/etc.

...and ideas or suggestions on any or all of them were intended to be included. I've enjoyed reading them all, thanks!

Some Thai would turn up their noses at a knock-off fragrance, some would be tickled with the airline hand-outs (as was shared on the linked post). Again: know your audience.

The club-crawling falang with doubts about their reception there may want to consider just wrapping a Bt1,000 note around their aging "boa" (or in Billy's case a Bt20) :cheers: