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View Full Version : Brokeback Mountain and The Oscars

February 16th, 2006, 19:47
Why is Jack Twist nominated for Best Supporting Actor ?. I think his role is as good and important as Ennis Del Mar. Do the Oscars not allow 2 Best Actor nominations in the same film then ?

Oh by the way, the BAFTA ( British version of the Oscars ) is on this Sunday. Although Brokeback Mountain has been nominated for 9 BAFTA awards, how many awards will it actually get ? Empty hand, perhaps !.

February 16th, 2006, 21:09
Why is Jack Twist nominated for Best Supporting Actor ?. I think his role is as good and important as Ennis Del Mar. Do the Oscars not allow 2 Best Actor nominations in the same film then ?

THey could be both nominated for the same award - and I was surprised that they weren't - but doing it this way allows the possibility that they both can win.

February 16th, 2006, 22:05
Why is Jack Twist nominated for Best Supporting Actor?.

Do they have a Best Gay Bottom? :geek:

February 16th, 2006, 22:20
I think it would be a grand gesture if one won, he would take the other to the stage with him and declare him a co-winner.

February 16th, 2006, 23:50
THey could be both nominated for the same award - and I was surprised that they weren't - but doing it this way allows the possibility that they both can win.

Thanks. That's a very good point.

The song " A Love That Will Never Grow Old" from Brokback is also nomiated for Best Song at the Oscar and also at the BAFTA, and it already won the Golden Globe. At the Oscars, I hope that the singer will sing this song live. And as she's singing the song, I hope that both Jack and Ennis in their cowboy clothes will stand on the stage, with Ennis holding Jack from behind as you seen in the movie. Oh dear, I must be crazy !, but it's just my most favourite scene in the film.


Excerpt from the book describing this scene...

What Jack remembered and craved in a way he could neither help nor understand was the time that distant Summer on Brokeback when Ennis had come up behind him and pulled him close, the silent embrace satisfying some shared and sexless hunger.

They had stood that way for a long time,...., Ennis's breath came slow and quiet, he hummed, rocked a little in the sparklight and Jack leaned against the steady heartbeat, the vibrations of humming like faint electricity and, standing, he fell into sleep that was not sleep but something else drowsy and tranced until Ennis, dredging up a rusty but still useable phrase from the childhood time before his mother died, said " Time to hit the hay, cowboy. I got a go. Come on, you're sleeping on your feet like a horse,"...


February 17th, 2006, 00:02
I saw it tonight, and although good, it's not of the caliber I would normally consider Best Picture material. Do you all here really think it is that fantastic a a motion picture, or are you simply biased towards its subject matter?

February 17th, 2006, 03:32
I saw it tonight, and although good, it's not of the caliber I would normally consider Best Picture material. Do you all here really think it is that fantastic a a motion picture, or are you simply biased towards its subject matter?

I have to agree - a good movie - but not what the critics would have you believe. My thought is that here was finally a mainstream, serious "gay" movie that critics couldn't ignore - and probably felt that they had to rave lest they be perceived as homophobic.

What with all the hype I couldn't help but be, overall, somewhat disappointed. In the first place, only Larry McMurtry (co-screenwriter) could turn a short story into a too-long film. And for all the praises of Ang Lee's cinematographic eye - the fact is, turn your camera on anywhere in Wyoming, and you'll have a beautiful film.

My biggest complaint is in the afterlife of this film. It would be useless to show to a straight guy in hopes of bedding him - and doesn't even have that much to provide masturbatory fodder on DVD.

February 17th, 2006, 04:10
Don't know if it is the best picture, casue I haven't seen the other four nominees. But it is one of my most favourite pictures. Saw it twice, and found the second time sadder. Love it.

February 17th, 2006, 09:55
I too don't reckon that Brokeback is a great film, however, that does not bar it from winning the best film Oscar. If you look at the winners for the last 10 years, which of these would you say is a great film.

Braveheart - Please, I still cannot watch this nonsense
The English Patient - Ok, I like this one
Titanic - No acting honours and still got best film, what a load of drivel
Shakespeare in Love - Puhleeze, how the hell this won is beyond me
American Beauty - Kevin Spacey can do very little wrong in my book but what a yawnfest
Gladiator - Didn't Joachim Phoenix look desperate when he didn't win best support, that went to Crowe's codpiece
A Beautiful Mind - A horrible boor
Chicago - Why oh Why wasn't Baz Lurhman's much better Moulin Rouge awarded the year before, and as for Zeta-Jones, was there an award for best drag queen
Return of The King - Never read the books but the film was rightly honoured in my own book
Million Dollar Baby - Hollywood loves a bit of Clint, I really can't understand it myself.

Talking of clint .... ... There may be people in Swindon who recall the day that Diana Dors, a local girl made (almost) good (British Movie star of the 1950's), was invited back to open some new civic amenity. The mayor, by all accounts, was briefed thoroughly about how to receive the visiting star.

The most important thing he had to remember was that Diana was known in Swindon by her real name: Diana -- carefully now -- Fluck. Right, said Mr. Mayor, got that. Diana Fluck.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he boomed, up on the platform beside the honoured guest. "I'm proud to be here today with one who needs no introduction.

"A warm welcome, please, for someone you all remember as -- and I've been told to be very careful about this, ladies and gentlemen -- Miss Diana Clunt."'

February 20th, 2006, 06:07
Yahee!! Brokeback Mountain won 4 British BAFTA awards !!!.

- Best Picture
- Best Director
- Best Adapted Screenplay
- Best Supporting Actor ( Jack )

The Constant Gardener, a homegrown Brit film, was nominated for 10 awards but went home with one.

Hope Brokeback will win the Oscars as well.






