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View Full Version : Worst sex you ever had?

October 7th, 2007, 05:03
Tell us about the worst sex you ever had?

About two years ago.... Let me see if I can set the stage. I was staying at Babylon and it was my last night there and my trip was drawing to a close so my mood was low.

I was at 11pm I went to DJ station and did not feel right to be there so I went to the Telephone pub and even there I felt like an outsider and only stayed long enough to finish my drink. I went back to DJ station, had a drink and decided I would go back to my room at Babylon and play around in the showers. I left DJ station and was walking along the sidewalk and I thought I head someone. I continued to walk and it seemed there was someone talking to me. I looked to my side and there was a very hot dark skinned guy walking next to me. He was dressed in all black fashionable clothes. He asked me where I was going. I told him to my hotel. He continued to walk with me and asked me where my hotel is. I told him Babylon. He asked me if he could fuck me. I asked him if he was a money-boy. He looked shocked and said No and that he just graduated.

We took a cab to Babylon and went to take a shower, we got back to the room... I had a room with two small beds so that made it difficult. It was only a few moments that he was on his back on the bed when he started snoring! I woke him up and he played with himself a little before he fell back to sleep. I had my fun with his sleeping body but I am sure we would have had more fun if he was awake.

In the morning we jerked off but it was more mechanical than sensual. He dressed and before he left the room I asked him if he needed taxi money and he again looked offended and told me "NO".

He had written his cell phone number for me but at that time I did not have a cell phone and since my time in Thailand was near its end I did not save the number. And besides that, I did not enjoy the sex with him... He slept through it all!

October 7th, 2007, 05:32
And besides that, I did not enjoy the sex with him... He slept through it all!

Bucknaway, you make it sound abnormal. I can't remember the last time someone stayed awake while I was having sex with them.

October 7th, 2007, 05:52
hahaha! I like sex at night because I like to massage the guy I am with. I like to do this to learn the places on his body that are sensative and what turns him on. It also breaks the ice with shyness between us. After 2 hours of massage the guy tends to sleep but they wake-up with no problem. If they go to sleep before I can massage them to sleep than it is all over and all I can do is play with their body till I grow tired of it.

And besides that, I did not enjoy the sex with him... He slept through it all!

Bucknaway, you make it sound abnormal. I can't remember the last time someone stayed awake while I was having sex with them.

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 7th, 2007, 10:37
massaged a gentleman all night, played with his privates..you name it I tried every trick in the book and couldn't get the slightest response.

When I sobered up in the morning can you imagine how I felt to discover he had passed away early in the evening from a heart attack. Wondered why he didn't laugh at my jokes.

October 7th, 2007, 11:32
Worst sex? I recall the occasion when a young man jumped up just as things had started getting interesting and rushed to the bathroom to be sick, loudly and abundantly. He returned looking a little apologetic, but I had no stomach for proceedings after that. Oh, but on reflection that's nothing really, there have been worse times.

October 7th, 2007, 12:31
Tell us about the worst sex you ever had?

About two years ago.... Let me see if I can set the stage. I was staying at Babylon and it was my last night there and my trip was drawing to a close so my mood was low.

I was at 11pm I went to DJ station and did not feel right to be there so I went to the Telephone pub and even there I felt like an outsider and only stayed long enough to finish my drink. I went back to DJ station, had a drink and decided I would go back to my room at Babylon and play around in the showers. I left DJ station and was walking along the sidewalk and I thought I head someone. I continued to walk and it seemed there was someone talking to me. I looked to my side and there was a very hot dark skinned guy walking next to me. He was dressed in all black fashionable clothes. He asked me where I was going. I told him to my hotel. He continued to walk with me and asked me where my hotel is. I told him Babylon. He asked me if he could fuck me. I asked him if he was a money-boy. He looked shocked and said No and that he just graduated.

We took a cab to Babylon and went to take a shower, we got back to the room... I had a room with two small beds so that made it difficult. It was only a few moments that he was on his back on the bed when he started snoring! I woke him up and he played with himself a little before he fell back to sleep. I had my fun with his sleeping body but I am sure we would have had more fun if he was awake.

In the morning we jerked off but it was more mechanical than sensual. He dressed and before he left the room I asked him if he needed taxi money and he again looked offended and told me "NO".

He had written his cell phone number for me but at that time I did not have a cell phone and since my time in Thailand was near its end I did not save the number. And besides that, I did not enjoy the sex with him... He slept through it all!

I had my fun with his sleeping body, so you enjoy!!! For that sounds necrophilia!!!


October 7th, 2007, 14:53
Worst sex I ever had was when I had offed a boy and in the middle of us going at it--his cell phone rings. He answers it and carries on a converstion while we were "supposedly doing it." Last time for him.

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 7th, 2007, 15:55
somewhere on a Thai chat board a young Thai man is telling about the "worst sex he ever had"..when he picked up a young African American and thought he was in for a nice screw until the Yank told him the most off-putting, erection wilting thing he could possibly say..

"I'm a Republican !" :shaking:

October 7th, 2007, 15:56
yes that cell phone ringing is very annoying when your at it, if i remember i ask for it switch off

i dont like it when your promised a certian activity for a set price, then you get the 'it hurt - it hurt' & your too big for me trick played on you.
Then to rub salt in the wounds, you get conflict when you try to give a lower price

October 7th, 2007, 18:43
the worst sex was last year, when i told a guy in pattaya where I was staying. It told him in the disco, wrong of me, alas the phone called in the morning "you friend is here ", well I fucked him but it was the most bad sex i have ever meen into. Always I like passion and gay guys. Well the best sex I ever had was in Pattaya also, 7 year ago, fucking him in front of the mirrow, aN TOTALLY BTTM GUY, AND HE LIKED IT.

October 8th, 2007, 05:12
I went with a guy many years ago and I was about to rim him, but I always feel around that area and sniff also, only to find, he had loads of clinkers around there. It turned me off believe me!

October 8th, 2007, 06:49
The worst sex I ever had was with a closeted friend of a friend in chicago. I was out with my friend and he has a pal in town from philly. We drank a bit and the pal and I started kissing at the bar then went back to my place. He was very nervous and every sound in my apartment made him jumpy. I turned on the lamp on my desk so we could have a bit of light. He did not want to have sex with that much light in the room (I think he was embarrssed about being naked) so he wrapped a towel around the light. We were sucking each other off and the towel caught fire and he about bit off my dick. The smoke detector was going off and my neighbors were pounding on the front door wonderig if I had started the apartment building on fire. I went to the door with my underwear on (having found them in a hurry) and had to reassure them that I was not trying to burn them out... all the while by trick was running around muttering to himself "I am so embarrassed I should not have come here" etc.... He put his clothes on and ran out the door. The blow job was not finished, my apartment smelled like the inside of a fire pit and I started laughing so hard I could not jerk off! Needless to say the trick and I did not stay in contact.

October 8th, 2007, 08:10
One major way to avoid a bad night with a boy in Thailand is to divorce him from his mobile phone. To insist that he turns it off is not enough-you must take it and put into the locker on your side of the bed. Otherwise he'll turn it on again on flashing or vibrating mode. I can't tell how many times I lay there like an idiot while animated conversations flowed between he and any number of male and female friends. In Chiang Mai I had a guy who kept 2 active mobiles in bed while I remained very much inactive.
Now I lay down my number 1 rule; turn off and give me your mobile phone or go home.

October 8th, 2007, 08:24
I never have a problem with the guys and their phone. only once did a working guy answer his phone. I was getting a massage in my room in Chiang Mai. It was a non-sex massage. The phone rang and he answered the phone.

When have been with other guys in Thailand, their phone will ring and I give them a chance to stop and answer their phone and they all refuse. They will loook at the caller id but once they see it they tend to turn the phone off.

When I was in the room with a guy in Pattaya, my phone went off and I had to answer it! My favorite guy in Pattaya may have been on the other end! :bounce:

October 8th, 2007, 09:09
Worst sex I ever had was with... A WOMAN!

Went thru all the machinations, the sweating, the groaning, the cumming.
And afterwards I felt just like the old Peggy Lee song "Is that all there is?"

"Is that all there is,
is that all there is
If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing
Let's break out the booze and have a ball
If that's all there is"

October 8th, 2007, 11:41
Worst sex I ever had was with... A WOMAN!

Went thru all the machinations, the sweating, the groaning, the cumming.
And afterwards I felt just like the old Peggy Lee song "Is that all there is?"

"Is that all there is,
is that all there is
If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing
Let's break out the booze and have a ball
If that's all there is"

So Peggy Lee singing in your head didn't trigger any thoughts that maybe, just maybe, you wren't having sex with the right gender?

I guess you've made up the lost time though?
