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October 6th, 2007, 18:44
Big joke on the beach is the new bar in Soi VC , Look is for boys who are too young for Kaos

Same owner and same approach

There have been a lot of whispering about other new bars, but this has been the most critical

October 7th, 2007, 22:21
Big joke on the beach is the new bar in Soi VC , Look is for boys who are too young for Kaos

Same owner and same approach

There have been a lot of whispering about other new bars, but this has been the most critical

I wondered why there was a big queue's outside the door as I passed by tonight, after having eaten at Sanongs; I now know this post must have been the reason for them. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/biglaugh.gif

Actually Wombat, Look is not owned by the same person that owns Villa Rouge. (Kaos) He is a good friend of the owner of Look and the same Nationality, but has nothing to do with this particular club.

Choc dee,


October 8th, 2007, 08:44
Well, so much for the big "cleanup" of Sunee Plaza.....

October 8th, 2007, 15:22
Well, so much for the big "cleanup" of Sunee Plaza.....

don't like it, go home. Sunee doesn't need to be 'cleaned up'.

October 8th, 2007, 15:32
Well, so much for the big "cleanup" of Sunee Plaza.....

don't like it, go home. Sunee doesn't need to be 'cleaned up'.


It DOES need to be cleaned up, and your comments of "don't like it, go home" and similar nonsense is why the Newspapers have a field day when they come to Pattaya.

Your view is obviously then, that 10 year old kids offering sex and taking drugs and glue is fine and acceptable????

I don't like it, never have, and by the way, Thailand is my home.

Shame really, when some bars like David at Come inn bar, Peter at Krazy Dragon and Eric at the Dom plaza and other establishments work hard to provide a good value night out without the necessity to resort to underage, cheap dirty shows with boys masturbating for 100 baht.

I would have thought a little bit of originality would have gone down well, but "each to their own!!!"

October 8th, 2007, 16:43
Thank you Kquill for the posting.

Anyone else who condones the underage scene, glue sniffing/Yaa baa problem(s) better be careful if I am around.

I will give you a tongue lashing you won't forget. :bom:

October 8th, 2007, 21:21
Well, so much for the big "cleanup" of Sunee Plaza.....

don't like it, go home. Sunee doesn't need to be 'cleaned up'.


It DOES need to be cleaned up, and your comments of "don't like it, go home" and similar nonsense is why the Newspapers have a field day when they come to Pattaya.

Your view is obviously then, that 10 year old kids offering sex and taking drugs and glue is fine and acceptable????

I don't like it, never have, and by the way, Thailand is my home.

Shame really, when some bars like David at Come inn bar, Peter at Krazy Dragon and Eric at the Dom plaza and other establishments work hard to provide a good value night out without the necessity to resort to underage, cheap dirty shows with boys masturbating for 100 baht.

I would have thought a little bit of originality would have gone down well, but "each to their own!!!"

May this is a competition? Who spending first all his money and than go to jail? I'll will holding bets!

:wav: :sign3:

October 9th, 2007, 01:08
Whining about this kinda stuff just gives you busy-bodies something to talk about other than your medical prescriptions prices going up. Some of the people on this board are probably more tweaked out on medication than the glue-sniffers are.

And the glue-sniffers are not even IN Look Bar so why did you bring up that topic? Those kids are way too messed up to even think about getting a job anywhere, and their existence is not the fault of Look bar.

For the record, I find the jerk-off shows stupid and pointless but I'm sure some people enjoy being squirted with the cum of complete strangers. Up to you. If you don't like it, don't go. Once again I just count these comments as coming from the sawatdee sewing circle crowd who have nothing better to talk about. Why aren't you guys talking about how weird it looks for old men to go around with 19 year-old Thai boys? Have any idea how pathetic that looks?

Gogos with underage staff are probably not safe to be in even as a customer sitting alone...so don't go.


October 9th, 2007, 02:08
Whining about this kinda stuff just gives you busy-bodies something to talk about other than your medical prescriptions prices going up. Some of the people on this board are probably more tweaked out on medication than the glue-sniffers are.

And the glue-sniffers are not even IN Look Bar so why did you bring up that topic? Those kids are way too messed up to even think about getting a job anywhere, and their existence is not the fault of Look bar.

For the record, I find the jerk-off shows stupid and pointless but I'm sure some people enjoy being squirted with the cum of complete strangers. Up to you. If you don't like it, don't go. Once again I just count these comments as coming from the sawatdee sewing circle crowd who have nothing better to talk about. Why aren't you guys talking about how weird it looks for old men to go around with 19 year-old Thai boys? Have any idea how pathetic that looks?

Gogos with underage staff are probably not safe to be in even as a customer sitting alone...so don't go.


Perhaps less finger pointing and abuse and more reading and listening to what is actually being said might be a novel idea.

There are some very good minds on this forum and a dismissive attitude, such as you display, will get you nowhere and provide no answers in the long run.

As for old men with Thai boys. Okay, maybe it is unique. Are you going to pay their way through life? I suspect not. Question answered.

Perhaps you could come up with some ideas to assist the young guys who are huffing and ruining their young lives? No ideas?? Thought not.

October 9th, 2007, 02:11
I don't get your point Dboy.

I agree that an old man with a 19 year old boyfriend might look pathetic but... any adult person (no matter if 29 or 99) having sex with a 14 year old child is SICK and DEPRAVED (aside commiting an ILLEGAL act in most civilized countries). You do not need a double-digit IQ to spot the difference!

October 9th, 2007, 07:50
Well, so much for the big "cleanup" of Sunee Plaza.....

don't like it, go home. Sunee doesn't need to be 'cleaned up'.

Hit a raw nerve there Dboy?

October 9th, 2007, 09:01
You do not need a double-digit IQ to spot the difference!

Actually you DO need a double digit IQ to spot the difference.

October 9th, 2007, 11:17
I think when Thai Guides there are nervous about going to Sunnee there probably is a problem. IQ has nothing to do with Morality, To realize right from wrong was bestowed on man in the beginning. To assume you have seen so much of this in porno and in your imagination you eventually harden your own mind to what is wrong and right. Underage boys are Illegal for a reason as one said, in most civilized countries. That should speak for itself. If you do any thing long enough you will soon get to the place that what you began thinking was wrong has now become the norm. it saddens me when a few make all of us look bad. Kids in my opinion are off limits.


October 9th, 2007, 13:28
Agree 100%

October 11th, 2007, 01:25
yes well done krobbie

we do need to think about things & look more also, as i know a guy in this bar who is 18, maybe 19 now, so much for the prep school & taring all wiv the same brush

never the less, i accept the majoritys decision

October 11th, 2007, 09:06
.... Underage boys are Illegal for a reason as one said, in most civilized countries. That should speak for itself. .... Wes

The original reason being, believe it or not, to protect them from sexual advances by women, see, e.g., in 1903 the New South Wales Attorney-General, Attorney-General, one B.R.Wise (who also opposed female suffrage) who claimed it was more urgent to protect young boys from seduction by тАШviciousтАЩ girls than vice versa. The Wolfenden Commission's decision in 1967 of an age of consent of 21 was based solely on the fact that this was the age at which people then became legal adults and able to enter into legally binding contracts. The politico-legal decisions about ages of consent are as much based on emotion as on reason.

October 11th, 2007, 09:39
The amount of children abused by straight or gay reflects the percentage of the same two categories and so gay guys are a part of the normal percentage. It is no reason to brand us as pedophiles no more than straight , however the Christians right only sees this as another reason to kill us all off and send us to hell as soon as possible. I see no reason to give them more reasons to look at us any worse than they already do.

Emotional or sickness or what ever you call it it remains illegal as do many things like speeding and public drunkenness. Usually however these items do not leave lasting lifetime affects to the kids unless they are in the car with you while speeding or while you are driving drunk. Either way Illegal is illegal and our actions affect those people around us and often in a profound way. Kids especially are vulnerable to these kids of psychological problems related to abuse and it is mental and physical cruelty in my opinion to hurt a child in Any way. How old they are adults could range from 13 to 25. However, I prefer to look at them as children until they are old enough to die for their country.


October 12th, 2007, 01:17
Very hard to clean up Sunee even when they catch them in bed with underage children. They take these guys in one day and they are out on the streets the next.
I agree that they have to start locking them up and throwing the key away.

October 12th, 2007, 10:59
[March 8, 2007 ] :: PATTAYA DAILY NEWS


German gay bar owner, Mr. P.... F.... A...., was arrested, yesterday, after outraged neighbours notified the police about the scandalous goings-on at his house in Somboonsuk Village where he was entertaining as many as 6 boys, some in under age gay sex.

Mr. P..... told the police that he had also been accused of a sex crime in Germany, but he had managed to escape conviction.

October 12th, 2007, 22:00
What's up with this "Mr. P.... F.... A...., " they can name him? What bar does he own?

October 12th, 2007, 23:20
He's one of the Sunee sacred cows. Aren't all gay Germans first names Peter? That was the comment posted on Thai Visa when this story first broke. Has everyone forgotten already?

If you paste this exact phrase into Google search engine <GERMAN>
you will get it. Also while there you should read another article by PETER TATCHELL which begins thus:

OutRage! advocates an age of consent of 14 for everyone, both gay and straight. PETER TATCHELL argues that young people have a right to make their own sexual choices without being victimised by the law.

It's all very well for the lesbian and gay community to call for an equal age of consent of 16, but what about the sexual rights of those who are younger?

A third of lesbians and two-thirds of gay men have their first same-sex experience before the age of 16, according to research by Lesbian London magazine (1992) and Project Sigma (1990)."

I might add that people who don't know the name Peter Tatchell should make it a point to learn more about him. He doesn't say anything that he doesn't back up with his life and is one of the world's foremost gay activists fighting for all our rights everywhere in the world.

Thailand seems not only very repressive but also totally out of touch with the modern world not to mention reality when it comes to an age of consent law. Half the states in America set the age at 16, and Hawaii is 14. Japan and Spain are 13. Most of Europe is either 16 or 14.

A dozen years ago in Thailand no one gave a hoot about the age of the boys you took home with you. But there's money to be made in making something illegal and in this case, there are really big sums involved all around. Imagine all the NGOs that would be out of work if they couldn't poke their long noses into everyones lives.

Most of what I read here on the subject amounts to no more than ignorance at best and sexual fascism at worst.

October 12th, 2007, 23:24
The whole phrase was clipped. Here it is once again complete. Let's see if this makes it up?
German National Arrested In Under-Age Gay Sex Case

October 12th, 2007, 23:39
The Pattaya Mail article can be seen at
http://www.pattayadailynews.com/shownew ... 0000002542 (http://www.pattayadailynews.com/shownews.php?IDNEWS=0000002542)

Journalistically, it was very badly written. As comments below the story pointed out, it was full of irrelevant stuff and innuendoes. What I'm interested to ask is this: In the 7 months since, does anyone know if the case against Peter Fritz Alfred has gone to trial? Is he still running Crazy Dragon? Is Krazy Dragon same or different from Crazy Dragon?

Why I ask is because I would not want to support a business whose profits go to support the owner's habit of having sex with minors.... but that's provided he's guilty in a court of law. Would appreciate a picture of what's what as of today.

October 12th, 2007, 23:49
Aren't all gay Germans first names Peter?

No!! My first name is andreas and will not change it!

October 13th, 2007, 00:10
The comment about all German gays being named Peter was made on Thai Visa. It was tongue-in-cheek. I found it to be funny.

Macaroni... you're a nut case, plain and simple, and I think you are funny too.

Yes, Crazy Dragon's business, thank god, was never interrupted, not for even a minute. I wish him well, and I hope the case has been thrown out. I only wish the repressive Thai age of consent law is changed to reflect the laws in most of the modern developed world today as I have said in my earlier comment.

In America, which is all but run by religious zealots, in the majority of states, the age of consent is set at 16, even in Washington D.C. Hawaii is 14. That is in America, better known for its Christian fundamentalism than for its sexual liberalism. Where do these guys come from that all want absurdly high age of consent laws? I thought this kind of bigotry and ignorance went out with the trial of Oscar Wilde.

I wonder how many of you know anything about the history of legislation regarding sex in Thailand in the 20th century? It is a worthwhile study. But many of you won't like that one bit either.

Brad the Impala
October 13th, 2007, 00:14
I wonder how many of you know anything about the history of legislation regarding sex in Thailand in the 20th century? It is a worthwhile study. But many of you won't like that one bit either.

Please share your knowledge of this with us.

October 13th, 2007, 08:59
"In America, which is all but run by religious zealots, in the majority of states, the age of consent is set at 16, even in Washington D.C. Hawaii is 14." from RawSugar

Nothing I wish more than for 'someone' to go to the USA, and end up in one of our finest prisons for having sex with someone under 18.

October 13th, 2007, 09:26
....In America, which is all but run by religious zealots, in the majority of states, the age of consent is set at 16, even in Washington D.C. Hawaii is 14. .....

That might be true but prostitution is illegal. Come on guys, lets face it. We're talking here about places of prostitution, not your average corner pub. And the idea that we should allow 14-16 year olds (or younger) to prostitute themselves is morally repugnant across Planet Earth.

October 13th, 2007, 11:03
"In America, which is all but run by religious zealots, in the majority of states, the age of consent is set at 16, even in Washington D.C. Hawaii is 14." from RawSugar

Nothing I wish more than for 'someone' to go to the USA, and end up in one of our finest prisons for having sex with someone under 18.

Oh yes enjoy your "big freedom" alone !

October 13th, 2007, 11:50
.... Underage boys are Illegal for a reasonWell yes, Wes, that's because underage = illegal. Or can you come up with a place where underage <> illegal (ie. there is no age of consent)?

October 13th, 2007, 13:11
Some of the best places in the world to have sex today are exactly those that make ALL homosexual activity completely illegal. Some that I visit frequently, and have a great time in, even make ANY homosexual behaviour a capital offense. Iran is only one example that I like to cite and that I love to visit.

But for the lazy and/or ignorant, Pattaya and Bangkok may be a second best, especially those who want to carry on like bufoons.

Sad as it is to say, Thailand has seen better days for most of its history, but I am speaking mostly of the places that farang have despoiled by trying to impose their Western values. If you go far enough afield, you can find a good life here... still. But you have to speak the language and you must be comfortable with Thai culture. These are are not the "trump suits" of most foreigners who usually end up getting what they deserve.
