View Full Version : Going with strangers

October 6th, 2007, 08:09
Do any of you throw caution to the wind and go with any cute Thai guy that invites you to come along with them?

Many times after Babylon or DJ Station, I tend to meet guys who strike-up a conversation and during the exchange, I am letting them know that I don't want the fun to end. Often they will suggest other places to go but we both know I would never find it and then if I am lucky they offer for me to come with them! That is what I was looking for! I love it when guys will invite me to after parties or sex parties.

Once when I was leaving DJ, I met a British guy on holiday. We walked to the after hours bar and found it closed. We walked back to the main road and he began telling me that if he could find a PC he could find a place to go. Me? I decided to look lost and very soon a cute guy approached us and I asked him where everyone is going. He said we could come with him. We got in a taxi with him and his 4 or 5 other friends and the British guy I was with got out of the taxi when they told him we were going to an apartment. I stayed in the car and went to the party.

Some of the parties I have seen!!! Tables filled with drugs! guys passing out, strangers coming and going and me fearing they are trying to spike my drink!

When have any of you thrown caution to the wind and done something crazy/stupid in Thailand?

October 6th, 2007, 08:12
OH.. There was also the one time when I was in Pattaya with some drunk guys on the beach. A guy drove up on his motorbike, stopped, looked me up and down and asked if I wanted to go for a ride. I got on his bike and he took me to his Apartment. :flower:

October 6th, 2007, 09:26

October 6th, 2007, 09:43
i am the same way here at home....

October 6th, 2007, 13:55
... Get it while it's hot!

You have relative youth on your side ... why waste a minute?

You'll have plenty of time when you are as old as many of us to think about being too impetuous.

Pleeeeenty of time to consider if you were too restrained and what might have been.

Use your head and all your other talents, (which I'm sure are considerable), and you know you'll have a blast.

Choc dee,

Brad the Impala
October 6th, 2007, 15:09
Taipei, ten years ago. Funky disco on a Saturday night. Met a really cute guy. We chatted and we clicked. He explained that he couldn't go back to my hotel. His boyfriend who lived abroad, sometimes called him on the home number at night.

No problem, how far away is home. Thirty minutes. No problem. Shall we go now? Sure.

Leave the club together and go up the stairs to ground level. While we have been partying downstairs, the heavens have opened, and it is clear the tropical downpour has been going on awhile. The street is awash. We look at each other. The storm shows no signs of stopping...........We look at each other again, ok let's get going, and, to my surprise he leads me towards a motorbike which is sheltered from the storm under arches. I had been expecting a taxi journey. He explains that he canтАЩt leave his bike there.

I had decided years and years before, after a couple of crashes, I DONтАЩT DO MOTORBIKES ANYMORE. And I hadnтАЩt been on one since that decision.

But we are both horny, eyes filled with lust, and sparkling with anticipation, neither exactly sober.

He started the engine, and looked at me. I paused, then I got on the back. He kicked the engine into life and we set off. The storm was unrelenting, we were soaked immediately.
Lightning flashed across the sky illuminating the empty darkened office skyscrapers, as we sped down streets empty except for floodwater. I held his body tightly and wordlessly as the thunder cracked above us. Rivers seemed to appear from nowhere, rushing at us out of side streets. The journey seemed to go on for ever, and I had the same feeling that you have on an airplane. I am no longer responsible for my destiny, what happens, and if I survive, will be determined by fate. Just hold on.

We reached his home, stripped off our clothes and rubbed each other down, our senses heightened by the journey. We explored and took possession of each otherтАЩs bodies in a two man orgy, and finally sated, fell asleep in each others arms.

We met several more times, and each time the sex was as good as previously. Somehow that original journey permeated us and freed our inhibitions.
Then I realised that each time we met, he would take some money from my wallet while I was out of my trousers and out of the room. Not a lot of money, maybe ┬г30. It was strange, he wasnтАЩt poor, but ...............

I decided to confront him the next time we met. So after we fucked I went to the bathroom and gave him the opportunity to steal again. I checked my wallet in front of him, and found money missing. He denied it, he blustered, he cried, he left.

I never saw him again. I still remember the fun and the sex we shared, and I donтАЩt have bad memories of him at all. Some people are just different and strange. He didnтАЩt really need the money, I would have given it to him if he had asked. I think that he knew that. I guess that the thefts just filled some need, provided an added frisson.

Over to you, Dr Freud.

October 6th, 2007, 16:08
My friend is over 60 years old, still invited to sex parties, so no matter of age.

I heard of police raids on these parties.

What do you think who will go to jail for the loads of drugs there ?

The Thai boys ?

Who knows if they are not working with the police.

I better stay on the safe side about drugs in Thailand, can have sex in other places.

October 6th, 2007, 20:37
What a refreshing topic change?

Well yes I have given in and had a close shave. It was several years ago and I was lurking in a dark place predominantly frequented by older, тАШnext-doorтАЩ type Thais. I was having a great time when one fellow suggested that him and I and his friend grab a taxi and go to a тАШnight clubтАЩ north Bangkok somewhere. Off we go giggling and set for fun. Arrive at this nightclub after a tortuous taxi ride and the music is Isaan. The place is full of straights and gays (?the difference) having a great time. Dancing, performing, squealing, gossiping, drinking and more drinking. Many hours pass and we prepare to set off back to our hotel. Stop at a small upstairs caf├й on the eay for more drink, as I remember a bit like a school caf├й with the lights turned down. All thai guys sitting around in pairs. Off to the bog for a pee and the young fellow who comes in to pee beside me bursts into tears distraughtlyand sobs and sobs into the urinal, that his boyfriend is dumping him tonightтАж

Sorry canтАЩt help tonight, I must get on and join my two mates.

Back to the hotel where one of these fellows, the one I fancy is very drunk and whose personality has changed to ugly. He demands cash and I strangely refuse. Silly bugger that I am and a struggle ensures. He grabs a bottle threatening to smash it into my face and I manage to get this guy in a bear hug. This guy is really strong, he is sinking his teeth into my chest and I am grappling with him for dear life. I manage to roll him around the room a bit towards the door, grasp the door with one hand, fling it open and him out and slam the door. My god the relief with him on the other side. He is really pissed off. After a while he vanishes and the other fellow and I quickly consummate lustily encouraged by the strenuous effort just exerted. We are still in the dark glowing and there is a knock on the door. I can see the expelled one and hotel security standing in the passage. The security guy has come to тАШrescueтАЩ his friend. He can have him and duly gets him. All over.

Next morning I am black and blue around my midriff with a great set of bite marks about the area of the shoulder blade/titty. How lucky I am. Bruises gone in about 2 weeks.