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View Full Version : Looking for LOVE & "Bad Boy Billy" Too!

October 1st, 2007, 10:44
Seen sitting curbside last evening in Pattaya
as she waited for the fireworks show to start...

I chatted with a lady holding a sign "LOVE"...

She was beside herself...very, very unhappy...
thinking she would NOW be in Australia...

But her new found boyfriend "Bad Boy Billy" from Australia..
has gone and left her behind...

She says she is still Looking for Love...
and for Bad Boy Billy too!


Bad Boy Billy ...she says...
Please come back...
You are not a Bad Boy...
You are MY MAN!

She said she will ALWAYS remember..
that special day cruising around Chonburi...
in your cool pickup truck...
and that "extra special stop" we made together...


WOW Billy - She says...
I am waiting for you...
You are MY MAN!!


October 1st, 2007, 12:07
In all honesty, I do not think she was the reason that Billy broke his bed whilst staying at TwoGuys.

Stewart is not saying but Ill bet that he did not offer to pay for that damage, as well as doing a runner on Monty

October 1st, 2007, 13:02

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 1st, 2007, 13:17
either that or is she is stark raving mad. :geek:

October 4th, 2007, 13:25
In all honesty, I do not think she was the reason that Billy broke his bed whilst staying at TwoGuys.

Stewart is not saying but Ill bet that he did not offer to pay for that damage, as well as doing a runner on Monty

Is that correct? Billy broke one of Stuarts beds?

Obviously it must have been some hunk of a ladyboor darting him up his ars to achieve damage like that

Man mountain on top is the picture that springs to mind.

I wonder if they have found the ladyboy or is he still missing