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September 27th, 2007, 23:53
I was looking at the journal I kept of my first visit to Pattaya twelve years ago would be interested to read about the earliest memories of other contributors.
My first go-go bar was Moonlight, in Second Road- it was the first one I saw on my way from the Royal Garden Hotel (I could afford it back then!) and Boyztown. I recall how astonished and shocked I was; the dancers seemed so small- I'd never been to Thailand before- and soon became aware that even the policemen often looked like schoolboys. I remember the go go dancers of Moonlight in their short green gowns and am certain that when they danced they actually expended some energy; lots of it in fact. None of the sullen shuffling we see today. They danced in groups of three (I think) on two separate stages.
I sat down and ordered an orange juice (60 bht) and almost immediately, a young gentleman came over and, uninvited, sat on my knee whereupon he began to flirt outrageously. I was shy and embarrassed. Like many of the dancers, he was very femme (I didn't think in terms of ladyboys back then). I think he was wearing make-up.
After five minutes, he looked at the podium and said, "Ecthuse me, thir, I muth dan' now." He removed his gown, folding it neatly and putting it on a chair, patted it. Then he went to do his turn.
I believe that, back then, the age for bar workers was sixteen and I'd guess that most of the dancers were under twenty. In fact, if I went to a bar now and saw dancers like that, I'd get out quickly.

September 28th, 2007, 03:45
The Moonlight was rockin'.

The boys really knew how to have fun, dancing in pairs, twirling each other around in sensual aerobic type movements, giggling and laughing more as the night grew old, and were even fond of shedding their undies and dancing completely nude once the 100 Pipers started to flow.

When Moonlight closed a few of the boys drifted across the street to Star Boys, and one more I recall went on to grace the dance floor at Butt boys in SP, which was also a hot little spot during that period.

Thanks Nelson, for bringing back some "Hot" memories.

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 28th, 2007, 07:07
even though Mae West said "keep a diary and one day it will keep you.." it's more likely to send you to jail !! with some of our memoirs.

This is quaint though..."and soon became aware that even the policemen often looked like schoolboys"

These days..everyone looks like a schoolboy to me !

September 28th, 2007, 07:39
certainly we all look upon our first few trips back then as if it were a second adolescence/pubescence.
with rose tinted glasses making everything look rosey.
or would they be a blue tint?

heck yeah it WAS exciting those first trips, and I like hearing others stories too.

September 28th, 2007, 09:44
Old Star Boys being replaced by new Star Boys on Pattayaland Soi 1.. Should open soon in new location
right next to Narcissus Massage Boys.

Also heard that Classic Boys/Gacuya Boys closed. It was up a flight of stairs near Lucky 777 and not worth
the climb.. I understand the boys moved over en masse to Dynamite Boys, which definitely needed an infusion
of new talent. Dynamite Boys, also upstairs but maybe now will be worth another look as bar had fallen from this punter's
top tier of boy bars.. :cat:

September 29th, 2007, 22:12
My first trip to Thailand was 17 years ago but it was some time later before I made it to Pattaya for the first time. I did go to Moonlight but it didn't make a huge impression as all I can remember about it is sitting on wicker furniture. I don't think I stayed long.

At the time of my first trip to Thailand I travelled around the country and only sampled a couple of bars in Bangkok on the two days I spent there. Barbiery Boys was the big thing then with a graphic sex show. It was in Surawong Road and Soi Twilight wasn't anything like it is today. At that time Gay Bars were more spread out and "Golden Cock" was a comfortable and rather up-market bar which shows how much things have changed. In the next few years I remember bars called "Galaxy Boys" and "Lionceau" which have all gone now. "Super Lex Matsuda" was the place to go for a Ladyboy show and further down the same Soi "Super A" and "Lucky S" were best avoided, even then, with what I wrote at the time was "enthusiastic touting of underage boys".

September 30th, 2007, 07:28
My favorite bar on my first trip was the MACHO bar in chiang mai located near the ole Chatree hotel (now chiang mai gate). Moonlight was also a favorite and a dancer named Tiger had the silkiest skin ever but then it spiraled dow to a lady boy bar and i lost interest i it. Also was the Cock Pit in boystown.

September 30th, 2007, 09:29
Hi, The names you mentioned brought back happy memories... Love those places. I do recall KAAMALA and his dance with the snakes. Saw my first shower show after he finished with the snakes. I think rose colored glasses are so nice.

September 30th, 2007, 18:04
For me it is just over nine years since my first visit to Thailand. It was the year of my fortieth birthday and one close friend was determined to show me Thailand. In the end there were nine of us, and we arrived for the last night of Songkran, which we spent in the bar then called Cocobanana, in Boyztown in Pattaya. What a fantastic night that was! We all got royally drunk and threw water over every one (with the staff having access to ice which we did not!).

The next night my dear friend walked me up to some bar in a dark side street somewhere near Day Night, and into a bar where we sat on low leather sofas, and my glasses steamed up with my blushing face - boys sitting on other sofas with hard-ons in their hands in full view!! I literally did not know where to look! My friend laughed himself hoarse! Then boys started running past our sofa banging on the glass-topped table in front of us - it took a while for me to realise they were banging their hard cocks on the table!!!

My dear friend was very ill at the time and spent a lot of the trip in bed. We returned to the UK in May and he died in the July. Leaving me with an addiction to Thailand as his legacy. How he would laugh to know that I am married to a Thai man, and completely under the thumb!!