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September 24th, 2007, 05:51
Hey! I have come up with a GREAT way for bars to help out you guys that always ask about what gogo workers do.

I used my palm pilot software for my TREO to create this info list. Bar Owners could create the same thing for you guys!

It may even be a way to read recommendations if the guy wants them shown....

The screen capture below is from the windows program, but the handheld layout would be similar, if you are familliar with the Palm Pilot contacts than you will be aware that you can see contact photo as well as contact info.


What do you think? hehehe

September 24th, 2007, 05:53
Just so you know, the guy listed is on a public web page offering his services. I edited out his contact info but will be happy to provide his contact info to anyone who wants it. :)

September 24th, 2007, 07:30
Oh so romantic!

September 24th, 2007, 07:38
Well it is not as romantic as telling the kids how Dad met Mom... Well kids.. I was walking down the street and she yelled out! Hell'low han'sum man... Do everything..... you no cum, you no pay.... Then I knew then and there #22 would be my wife. Right after she came out of the short time room for the 4th time with different customers, I watched her perform her ping-pong show. Jenny... Take your moms ping pong balls out of your mouth.... Oh Romance...... we use to know ye well....

Oh so romantic!

September 24th, 2007, 08:04
Oh Bucky, how very 21st century you are.

I haven't yet plugged myself into The Matrix.

September 24th, 2007, 08:45
Buck, Did you ever think of selling a similar system to the barboys... A system where all the Farang's are rated in terms of alcohol use, pay history, bathing habits, erection ability...

September 24th, 2007, 10:18
A bar loads all the info about the dancers into a system and when you go in and sit down you have a monitor screen (like the airplanes do now) in front of you. Bring up the info of the boy you like and if you like what he does then call him over for a drink. Saves a lot of time and a lot of buying drinks for the wrong guys.

September 24th, 2007, 10:25
I don't think that would work because the employer/customers are on holiday and some may never return. The database size to follow the customer would have to be HUGE!

And lets be real. The guys are on hire, like a plumber is on hire. You can try to gather personal/physical and financial info on the customer but it won't happen...

Buck, Did you ever think of selling a similar system to the barboys... A system where all the Farang's are rated in terms of alcohol use, pay history, bathing habits, erection ability...

September 24th, 2007, 14:47
The problem Bucky, is that one man's 10 (perfection) is another man's 3 ( not interested at all).
I am always surprised to meet friends' new boys and often wonder what they see in him that I cannot.

Some adore dark brown skin and some only want pale white. Some insist on large endowments and some
farangs insist on small ones. Some farangs rob the cradle and for others the over the hill guys are magical..

I know a farang, who can walk in a crowded boy bar with 60 or more boys and declare there is only one
boy who is decent looking. Amazing to me, when I find the majority to be awesome. Of course, this farang
is physically repulsive but if he was doing the ratings, you can imagine how useless they would be.
This same farang offed a boy whom several friends gave a ten (10) and raved about and he gave him a one (1).
Of course, the boy was repulsed by this man (an assumption) and the farang reported
that the boy stayed as far away from him as possible (no wonder here). I try to do the same..

Word of mouth works best and after a while one knows whose opinions align with his own and whose opinions
are useless. I fear to recommend anyone as the same boy might be great with one customer and repulsed by another.

It would be helpful if one knew if there was a silicon/oil injection situation, anal warts, inserted pearls or stones in the
pecker or if he was a thief. Still, word of mouth seems the only way.. nice try Bucky.. :cat:

September 24th, 2007, 16:28
I agree about the boys talking about the customers. You take one boy off from a bar and you go back, all the boys know how much you gave, what you like to do in bed, everything about you. Not that that's bad, but the boys gossip just like we do. Nobody likes to give more than you have to, but you don't want to be known as a cheap charlie by the boys either.

September 24th, 2007, 16:46
All I can say is, I hope I don't become as jaded as many here.

We are dealing with real people, real lives and a laissez faire attitude toward these bar guys is a bit rich ... IMHO.

I realise they are in it for the money but the options are a bit thin on the ground in Thaialnd. I mean, anything higher than a rice or ice delivery person, you have to have a Government Paper.

I know I sound like a bleeding heart, but that's my personal preference (at this point).


September 24th, 2007, 17:00
I think it could be a powerful tool, especially if the "task list" included the boys sexual preferences, e.g., top, bottom, versatile bottom, bottom, but prefer riding on the top, str8, but will take it in the ass for an extra 500 baht, etc.

Another useful tool would be an interactive Customer Satisfaction Survey, where customer feedback information would be populated in the palm pilot and quantified using statistical data. The results would display a histogram ranking each individual satisfaction criteria, such as, personality, language skills, kissing skills, smoking skills, versatility factor, cock size, overall performance, etc.

As one poster has already mentioned, the boys should store this information on us farangs. But, come to think of it, they already do. Actually, they're three steps ahead of us in this category. Shortly after your first "off" from a bar, the entire staff will know your tipping pattern, sexual preferences, cock size, etc., which will be reflected by the number of smiles you get the next time you enter the same bar. Have you ever watched a farang walk into a bar and the boys not only do not smile at him, but turn their backs to him as well? Yep, he's already been labeled as either a "Cheap Charlie" or is ranked low on their Satisfaction Survey based on another satisfaction criteria, e.g., smells bad, is physically abusive, can't get it up - but wants you to smoke him for 3 hours, has bad breath and insists on kissing, urinates on himself instead of cumming - and thinks it's funny. You know, that kind of stuff.

September 24th, 2007, 17:10
Okay Dodger, I'm over myself now that I have read your suggestion. Loved the farang assessment. All, I am sure, absolutely true.

My own education in these bar boy matters is relatively limited, but I am learning more about the client base by the minute.


September 24th, 2007, 17:18

Oh no he got height mixed up with penis size again, all to common a mistake.