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September 16th, 2007, 18:37
From friends that went to bills party, the bill came to 5340 baht and billy paid 2000 and did a runner on the rest

I am told that Monty was charging a reduced price for the drinks and trusted billy

any more info?

Brad the Impala
September 16th, 2007, 23:39
and how much of the income went to Heart 2000, the advertised beneficiary? For such prolific posters and showmen, Monty and Billy have gone awfully quiet since this event!

September 16th, 2007, 23:44
If no money was made then no money has to be donated. And why you guys beating up on these guys for at least trying to do a good deed (Which would be too stressful for me to try as they did)?

If we were true FAMILY & FRIENDS on here we would come together and see to it that all parties could save face and have some baht to donate to the charity but it is more fun to go on the attack and hope for a cyber mob to get in on the act.

Ting & Tongs has a charity pot with a total amount donated. If we had such a thing for the Billy event, I would be more than happy to give knowing where he money is going and that it helps not only the charity, but 2 posters here that lets them know we care.

September 16th, 2007, 23:54
The charity thing did not happen so let it go. The big deal here is that Monty was left to foot the bill when we all know he is having a tough time these days trying to get his own business going again. When Billy deleted his postings we all knew he could not afford to sponsor a farewell party and instead of him doing the right thing and cancelling the event he let Monty foot the bill. My opinion of Billy has always been low and this proved that I was right. Monty bears a little guilt here by going along and doing a soft opening but I think this was to help Billy out. Still the whole affair left a bad taste and should Billy ever again show his face in thailand we should let him know what we think of him.

September 17th, 2007, 00:00
I am all for helping Monty and the Charity but I don't want any part in the Drama of beating up on Billy.

Why hold onto all that negativity? You have to hold onto it and wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, rekindle it, wait and then when you see him let him have it on something that all concerned parties may have worked out and moved on.

What happened between him and Money is their affair between two grown men, they don't need me or you or anyone else on the sideline giving our 2 cent on how they conducted their friendship.

But this is my opinion only........

September 17th, 2007, 00:07
If we had such a thing for the Billy even .

You have a serious creepy behavior by an individual with not have a sketchy mustache . He is out of control !

September 17th, 2007, 00:20
Thanks Baizel. that should read "If we had such a thing for the Billy event."

Ok, I am not going to haunt this thread.

I said my part and am willing to put my money where my fonts are.

September 17th, 2007, 00:49
My opinion of Billy has always been low and this proved that I was right. Monty bears a little guilt here by going along and doing a soft opening but I think this was to help Billy out. Still the whole affair left a bad taste and should Billy ever again show his face in thailand we should let him know what we think of him.

It was of course you luvthai who was main of the main protagonists who were forecasting the whole Billy event would be a failure from the start. You and others who if you really had any sincere intentions of supporting the charity to which it was hoped donations would be made would have offered encouragement rather than using Billy's party to vent you own personal vendetta against him.

At least Billy attempted to gather support for the charity, apart from posing your venom what have you done?

Brad the Impala
September 17th, 2007, 02:00
I think that you guys who are willing to just say, "Oh Monty is having a hard time with his business" or "Billy is a card, who could have expected more from him" are missing the point.

Heart 2000 is a very respected local gay charity, on whose name a number of fundraising events in gay or gay friendly venues have had special evenings with the intention of raising funds for Heart 2000. These events are generally well publicised, frequently on message forums, and the name of Heart 2000 adds a certain cachet and credibility to these events, which have a chequered history of actually making as much for the charity, as is earned for the business. What these events do provide is publicity for the venues where the events are held, and they draw in potential future customers, who might not have visited the premises otherwise.

Now you have a new business promoting it's "soft" opening on all the message boards, and on a notice board outside the bar, with the message that it's all in aid of Heart 2000, and no one can tell us what if anything was donated to the charity?! And apologists on here are saying, "well maybe they didn't actually make a profit on the night"! That's not the point, they used Heart 2000 to publicise this as a charity event and the opening of a new venue! They gained publicity by association, and the credibility of other "fundraising" events, using the name of Heart 2000 as a hook, is diminished by another failed charity evening.

September 17th, 2007, 02:05
Like the Jerry Lewis Telethon, the time Charitable donations do not end when the TV show is over. Why not champion an online donation drive in conjunction with the even held at Monty's?

Why not make our words and actions count for something positive?

Brad the Impala
September 17th, 2007, 02:11
Like the Jerry Lewis Telethon, the time Charitable donations do not end when the TV show is over. Why not champion an online donation drive in conjunction with the even held at Monty's?

Why not make our words and actions count for something positive?

Perhaps we could start with the business owner who benefitted from hosting the event, in publicity for his new venue, if not in actual profits on that night. Or perhaps the charity could benefit by only being associated in future with genuine fund raising events.

September 17th, 2007, 02:42
Don't forget the people who benefited from free food and drinks and the people walking by who benifited from the sound of the music coming from the bar... and the people who benefited here by talking about the even and those who benefited by trashing the event.

Charity is CHARITY... You can't DEMAND Charity and you can't decide on others charitable amount.

With all this negativity being posting about the people and charitable even, I would probably walk on by an event for this charity remembering how nasty it all became. Hell... Who would want to host a charity event for an ungrateful charity or a charity that brings with it such negative baggage?

If I hosted a birthday party that did not turn out so well I would laugh in the face of those that told me I owe a proper average of birthday gifts they should have received if the party was well attended.....

Trust me when I tell you that your doing no favor to this Charitable organization....

September 17th, 2007, 02:47
Now you have a new business promoting it's "soft" opening on all the message boards

Perhaps we could start with the business owner who benefitted from hosting the event, in publicity for his new venue, if not in actual profits on that night.
Brad, can you provide quotes/references where MONTY posted ANYTHING about the event on ANY message board, please?

They way I view it, Monty agreed to let Billy use his venue for this failed charity drive. Billy chose not to collect an entrance fee, or grab the microphone and ask for donations, or pass a hat, or whatever. If the Sheraton comps me a ballroom with food for a charity drive, and then I fail to solicit donations, is the Sheraton liable since after all, they got publicity?

September 17th, 2007, 03:05
The charity thing did not happen so let it go. The big deal here is that Monty was left to foot the bill when we all know he is having a tough time these days trying to get his own business going again. When Billy deleted his postings we all knew he could not afford to sponsor a farewell party and instead of him doing the right thing and canceling the event he let Monty foot the bill. My opinion of Billy has always been low and this proved that I was right. Monty bears a little guilt here by going along and doing a soft opening but I think this was to help Billy out. Still the whole affair left a bad taste and should Billy ever again show his face in Thailand we should let him know what we think of him.

I expected nothing less of you. Or your lack of compassion in any event , if it were Billy or me or Mr L, you would have found some reason to fart on the event in hopes it would run a few off.

I can see now you are quite happy to have done just that. As for me my credit card is as good as BuKnaway, set up a Billy charity fund and I will be

second to help heart 2000 in Billy's name, or Mr A's Name or for that matter even your name. It was never meant for anyone to get the credit for how it

turned out good or bad it was an event for sick kids who got that way from Farange. God help us when personality conflicts get in the way of helping

the kids we helped to destroy; not only their lives but even their life being now at risk we still complain about some failed attempt to help. Its time the

west took some responsibility for the diseases we brought into a country who knew nothing of such a thing until we came a long with our high christian morals and took advantage of kids that had nothing but their body to sell. Then we stand Back with our holier than though attitude and just let

them slowly die, all the while with our own grotesque moral superiority looking on to see who gets the credit. It should have been done in the Name of Humanity not Billies bash.


Brad the Impala
September 17th, 2007, 04:40
Brad, can you provide quotes/references where MONTY posted ANYTHING about the event on ANY message board, please?

I acknowledge that the posts promoting the "soft" opening were not posted by Monty. He did however not deny that the party was being held and that it was in aid of this charity, despite all the promotional posts on here, Gay Thailand and Baht Stop, and despite being a regular visitor and poster here. He also had a sign outside his premises, as posted by TJ, that promised that the evening was in aid of this charity. I can't think that anyone would have written that without at least his authorisation.

September 17th, 2007, 05:48
I am sure the good Dr. will accept any contribution you make in Billys name or any other name you chose. I was hoping Billy would pull this affair off and supported it up to the point he deleted his original postings. I do not sugar coat and brown nose but call them as I see them. As for your comment that the good Drs. kids are there because we farangs have caused them to be there is only partly true. He also helps those that were infected thru IV's, drug needles , parents passing the virus on etc. You could have donated to Billys party and helped him pull the event off. Its always easy to take the high road after the damage is done.

September 17th, 2007, 06:43
Why I'm following this thread is a bit bewildering, even to me, but I guess I'll add my two cents.

I agree with BKK GWM's comments wholeheartedly.

I haven't seen a single word posted on our forum related to this topic by Monty to begin with. He never advertised for this event, nor has he commented on the aftermath, and I don't blame him. Furthermore, Monty just returned from a medical leave in Australia, only to find that he was ripped off at his new business and ended up in a shuffle trying to rekindle the Enchanted Hut. Just how much time do you think he has to sit back and read all this bullshit on the forum? Did you ever consider the fact that he just may be too dam busy at the moment?

Monty has been actively involved in charitable events for as long time and isn't the type to run around looking for pats on the back. If the event that Billy sponsored earned one satang, it's worth more to the charity than the non-value of all this nit-picking and gossiping.

mai pen rai

September 17th, 2007, 07:02

I am not saying all Thais HIV problems are a result of sex with us , but the disease came from some where and to my knowledge it did not begin in Thailand, if so I assume its a Frange problem as much as any. Sorry I wasn't there for the event I was home in the USA for medical tests. I would give you as much or more credit than you gave Billy. As to calling it as you see it if you were a bit more often positive than negative I think most would over look some of this, but you live with a glass half full. I will happily give you the benefit of a doubt. I hope all goes well for you and although we cross words occasionally doesn't mean I dislike you. Just to often I think you are a bit tough on people. But, to each his own, it Would be a boring forum if we all agreed on everything

September 17th, 2007, 07:25
Wesley wrote: God help us when personality conflicts get in the way of helping the kids we helped to destroy; not only their lives but even their life being now at risk we still complain about some failed attempt to help. Its time the west took some responsibility for the diseases we brought into a country who knew nothing of such a thing until we came a long with our high christian morals and took advantage of kids that had nothing but their body to sell. Then we stand Back with our holier than though attitude and just let them slowly die, all the while with our own grotesque moral superiority looking on to see who gets the credit. It should have been done in the Name of Humanity not Billies bash.


Our "disease colonialism" demanding reparations seems to be what you are discussing and I'm not so sure that there is any blame.

No-one knows how AIDS got here and I don't think that there is a Thai Patient Zero (http://www.guardian.co.uk/notesandqueries/query/0,5753,-27837,00.html), a (gay) Farang - as you assume although it could have been another Asian who was heterosexual - who was the index case or who purposefully infected a partner/partners.

It is as foolish to blame the west as it is to blame a PWA for having a disease.

It is not my responsibility to "save" Thailand and, even though I worked in the social service industry for years and volunteered in the AIDS prevention field for several more, I believe that you can save no-one. People have to save themselves. You can, however, give them a helping hand.

I guess I'm saying that it is up to people and up to Thailand to save themself/itself.

That said... As to getting money to Heartt 2000, why do you need an event to donate through? Why not just give them cash directly?

Click here (http://www.heartt2000.org/) for a biography of Doctor Phillipe and informatiion how to donate to help his efforts.


Thailand Statistics
Estimated total population, July 2005 64,233,000
Estimated number of people living with HIV, end 2005 580,000
Adults (15+) 560,000
Women (15+) 220,000
Children (0-15) 16,000
Estimated adult HIV prevalence 1.4%
Estimated number of AIDS deaths in 2005 21,000
The majority of ThailandтАЩs HIV infections (around 80%) occur through heterosexual sex.
HIV affects more men than women in Thailand; the male-female ratio is nearly 3:1.

For more information on AIDS in Thailand, click here. (http://www.avert.org/aidsthai.htm)

My expertise on the subject tend to be small in comparison and I my self have never looked into its etymology or rarely check the statistics. you seem much more informed. I had a bf when younger who told me he was HIV negative then much to my surprise I later found out he not only had it but knew it. So none of us are immune and me the least. I just see the problem and know many who under American Health has survived for almost 30 years with it and the guys there seem to pass onshortly after findng out I am not sure why. I realize I am not well read on this issue but know when someone has gone over board when they blame Billy for all that went wrong when they could have done a little more to make it a success. I did not know this was an AIDS debate or I would have tried to read up on it a bit since you have done all that for me I can just read your most informative post. I was aware of most of it but why the hey maybe some one else needed a course on statistics. I am sure a google search would have sufficed.

September 17th, 2007, 07:26
It seems to me that if someone posted where to send donations to Heart 2000 then people could donate directly. It doesn't have to be in anyones name. If you want to help this charity or cause then donate some money. Never mind Billy or Monty or anyone else.

September 17th, 2007, 07:33
The argument is about Billy running out on this reposibliities, not heart 2000, So I have given and will but the issue is about if billy ran out of his responsibilities

September 17th, 2007, 07:36
Don't forget the people who benefited from free food and drinks and the people walking by who benefited from the sound of the music coming from the bar... and the people who benefited here by talking about the even and those who benefited by trashing the event.
Trust me when I tell you that your doing no favor to this Charitable organization....

Buck, what a load of shit you write. The web is full of good, interesting things - why do you obsess with this crap ?

September 17th, 2007, 10:29

September 17th, 2007, 11:35


The first point is I told Billy on this forum not to dabble in areas he had no knowledge so I can't be accused of taking the" high Road" after the event.

These events take time, planning, programming, News coverage and contact, Beach Runs, posters around every gay bar, contacts with suppliers begging for items for the raffle. Some form of special event to entice people to come, EG. Rear of the Year and others.

Regards Billy, a number of posters disliked him intensely for his rude postings etc so he was off to a bad start already.

All the above points, RE-Events, I am sure were not done in order to achieve a level of success.

I personally used to get on the back of a motorbike taxi with laminated posters and double sided sticky tape on the back, and get around the venues to ensure the places put the bloody posters up and had no excuse not to.

Monty has used the forum as has Mrs. Bucket to promote their venues on a great deal of occasions, so they know how to court publicity for an event, They are also old hands so should be aware of possible "scams". I have been described on this forum as No "Mother Theresa" well Monty, is no Ghandi either!

If Monty was supplying the venue only, I would have thought it would be made clear on the forum.

I saw nothing re-advertising except for Billy's posts, in which case I would have rejected him using my venue.

Monty has been an old hand and has also been quite a generous man within his budgets and does his best.

At worst Monty can be accused of a "lack of judgement" and should ensure his venue is not used like this again.

Lessons should be learned.

I think all venues should contact the Heartt 2000 or PGF if the wish to hold an event and seek permission otherwise, there is a dangerous precedent here announcing no profit made, so nothing to be handed over, thereby bringing hard working charitable organizations into unfair disrepute.

Finally, people like to see if their money is going to the causes intended. PGF has an excellent reputation and book keeping as I am sure has Thais for Life etc.

People from outside unless they come with a full package of what they intend to do, give over what proceeds should not be allowed to use these well run charities names.

September 17th, 2007, 15:15

September 17th, 2007, 16:39
I have read all the posts, I still think "someone" was trying to make a quick, tax free dollar.
If so....shame on you!
Recent posts of photo's with what is "reported " to be Billy (I don't know if it is or not) suggest to me that this person might be a slothful, parasite making money "for a good cause!"
THis is NOT an accusation, merely an observation based on posts read herein.

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 17th, 2007, 17:01
and put my piece in..as everyone else has.

1. The Good News : Buckanaway has given Jerry Lewis a nice write-up. Lewis is confirmed Democrat supporter so maybe there's hope for Bucknaway afterall.

2. The Bad News : I confirm everything kquill says: raising money for charity-as I have done several times with very big functions involving big names-is unbelievably hard. I'm involved in one at the moment-not in Pattaya but which will involve 2 Pattaya residents and it's a nightmare trying to pull the event together. Only for the fact I'm almost a clone of Mother Theresa-sometimes I feel canning the whole project.

But the number one rule is : you must have full agreement of the charity first-and a complete agreement with them on every aspect of the fundraiser. Otherwise there will tears before bedtime, innocent reputations suffer all round.

September 17th, 2007, 17:04
yeah sure lets run out to the nearest tree and hang him

September 17th, 2007, 17:34


Finally, people like to see if their money is going to the causes intended. PGF has an excellent reputation and book keeping as I am sure has Thais for Life etc.

As does the charity I represent, Rotary.

Dear John,

I did use the word etc

September 17th, 2007, 22:59
Locked Post - The Truth by Monty. (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/the-facts-about-billy-s-bash-t12826.html)

Assuming what Monty wrote in the locked post is true - and I can't think for the life of me why he would lie on this - then what the guy Billy did is bad crack. Forget all the charity stuff; if it didn't work then it didn't work, but to run out on a bar tab you promised to ante up for is pitiful.
So Billy, or whatever your name is, unless Monty is lying in my opinion you are an arsewipe.
I guess he'll be back on here but like so many other cowards it'll be under a different name.

September 18th, 2007, 02:38
I read Monty's post and believe it to be the truth in the matter. Sometimes things just don't go right. It didn't! Monty suffered a loss. The amount of money involved, 3000 baht not paid by Billy, is trivial. Skipping out on such a trivial amount tells you a lot about Billy. I will admit I have enjoyed Billy's posting as he is so far out as to be humorous. This matter however leads me to believe he is indeed a low life douche bag. Now if I were Monty I would take one of those pictures posted here and have it printed and hand it out to every bar in town and tell the Thai boys to watch out for this cheap charlie. We got the photo now and certainly the expat community could make any further visits very uncomfortable for Billy. It is easy for me to forgive and forget the fund raise fiasco but running out owning money is pathetic. Obviously Billy isn't doing all that well in this life, surely his next life will be even some lower form of animal life (an amoeba perhaps).

September 18th, 2007, 02:52
It is easy for me to forgive and forget the fund raise fiasco but running out owning money is pathetic. Obviously Billy isn't doing all that well in this life, surely his next life will be even some lower form of animal life (an amoeba perhaps).

However even the 3000 Baht Billy is alleged to owe Monty pales into insiginificance when compared with the amount that LMTU ripped people off for yet still had some posters licking his boots!

September 18th, 2007, 04:28
Monty's mistake was that when he sent the manager to find Billy in sunee to give him the bill he should have sent a couple mafia types with the manger to collect payment one way or the other.

September 18th, 2007, 05:40
from his picture obviously if he did do a "runner" they
should have checked the cardiac ward of Pattaya General Hospital

September 18th, 2007, 05:56
we are talking what - US$100 here? hes that hard up? Why didnt they arrange for billy to send it when he got back to oz instead of letting it turn into this?

September 18th, 2007, 09:34
I would think if Billy makes he kind of money it takes to spend that much time in Pattaya, he will be able to find enough to pay Monty back assuming he ever intended to. If not then we are all loosers. I say that in regards to what it will take to trust people again. if he does pay up I would Hope hat its posted as much as his not paying was talked about. Maybe he just ran short of cash or maybe paying for 6 boys at once was all he could afford lol.


September 18th, 2007, 11:34
The Mods have locked the thread from Monty which explains everything from his point of view. Seems pretty cut and dry to me, and you can read about it all here: http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... tml#122380 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/the-facts-about-billy-s-bash-t12826.html#122380)

Essentially, Billy / WD-40 stiffed Monty for 3000 baht.
Above it's mentioned that it's " ... only $100 ... ", which is true, but that of course neglects the moral issue of 'one's word', and the kindergarten schoolyard concept of 'owsies'.

" ... In most bars the manager is responsible for unpaid bills but I take responsibility in this case for being a bad judge of character ... "

Monty's new take on Billy / WD-40 is demonstratably well-founded, and underlines the fact that Billy continues to act like the dishonourable troll he is . . . in Boardie Land AND real life.


Cheers ...

PS ... not quite sure why Monty's thread should be locked down. Why the Mods should be afraid of 'discussion' is hard to fathom. This being a Message Board and all.
I've got no beef with deleting, locking, editing etc etc ... I just wish the powers that be would relate their actions to the published board guidelines. But they never do . . . and apparently see no reason why they should.

September 18th, 2007, 11:59
I'm assuming that Monty asked jinks to lock the thread where Monty tells us what happened at Billy's party the other night. I'm not sure, though.

Picture of Billy removed by his request. You're not supposed to post pictures of people who post here without their consent, so regardless of his posting history here, I must comply with Billy's request. Portrait deleted.

September 18th, 2007, 12:12
Well obviously Billy is still reading the board!

I wonder, William, if you know the extent to which you have really let yourself down over this fiasco and the money you owe Monty? On top of all your other bullshit, this is, I think, for most here, the last straw. You're not welcome here. Please don't come back to this Forum, and don't let the door hit your fat arse on the way out now either, will ya, ya hear?

September 18th, 2007, 12:32
I wonder, William, if you know the extent to which you have really let yourself down over this fiasco and the money you owe Monty?You can just hear your maiden aunt say this sort of thing, can't you? "Now, Tourette dear, you've let yourself down again" <chortle>

On top of all your other bullshit, this is, I think, for most here, the last straw. You're not welcome here. Please don't come back to this Forum, and don't let the door hit your fat arse on the way out now either, will ya, ya hear?Why is it that Aunty is such a wowser, perpetually trying to get Forum members banned? I've always had Billy and his ilk (LMTU etc.) on {Ignore} (similarly boygeenyus and until recently Tourette herself) but I've never, ever thought anyone should be banned from this (or any) Forum. I put it down to Aunty's grand-father's secret membership of Oswald Mosley's gang in the Thirties. That under-footman's family always were crypto-fascists

September 18th, 2007, 12:42
I wonder, William, if you know the extent to which you have really let yourself down over this fiasco and the money you owe Monty?You can just hear your maiden aunt say this sort of thing, can't you? "Now, Tourette dear, you've let yourself down again" <chortle>

On top of all your other bullshit, this is, I think, for most here, the last straw. You're not welcome here. Please don't come back to this Forum, and don't let the door hit your fat arse on the way out now either, will ya, ya hear?Why is it that Aunty is such a wowser, perpetually trying to get Forum members banned? I've always had Billy and his ilk (LMTU etc.) on {Ignore} (similarly boygeenyus and until recently Tourette herself) but I've never, ever thought anyone should be banned from this (or any) Forum. I put it down to Aunty's grand-father's secret membership of Oswald Mosley's gang in the Thirties. That under-footman's family always were crypto-fascists

Try and stay on topic would you Beryl, this thread is not about me. And it's certainly not about you! BwwwwHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

September 18th, 2007, 12:44
Try and stay on topic would you Beryl, this thread is not about meBut surely, as an Australian yourself, Aunty, it is all about you? We're talking national tendencies here - the First Fleet and their descendants, don't you know. Admittedly in your case it's by osmosis, since both your parents are English outcasts, but the principle's the same

September 18th, 2007, 13:11
Homintern and Aunty
too bad you can't duel it out with pistols. With any luck you would both end up with holes and the rest of us would be rid of you both.

September 18th, 2007, 14:24
You see, another thread Beryl's taken off topic. tsk tsk tsk.

September 18th, 2007, 14:49
This revolting “Billy” type of people is giving Thailand a bad reputation.

The trouble is, too many are getting away with this kind of misbehaviour.

But there is a simple option of teaching him a simple lesson which even a Billy – like person will understand:

1. Find his last accommodation. There are obliged to keep his details, including arrival card. Copy any details including arrival card.

2. Take all the details including the bill to the Tourist police station. Make an official complain. Make sure that the Immigration will be informed.

3. The Immigration will add all data to there computer system.

4. As soon as he is trying do leave Thailand, the Immigration officers will stop him from leaving Thailand and call the police.

5. The Immigration officers will granted two options: a) Paying the outstanding amount including additional costs for the procedure, b) staying being bars until all is matters are cleared which can take several days; he need to buy a new ticket, he is probably overstaying his visa and will be fined accordingly.

I did something similar (stopping someone at the border) some time ago and it worked brilliantly, even with all the computer failures. The IT-systems at borders have improved a lot during the mean time.

This is Thailand.

I am not sure that the amount outstanding will arrive but nevertheless, whether the money is lost or will (partly) return, the lesson is for free.

If someone is getting away with cruel behaviour, it will most likely happen again – and it is usually getting worse.

September 18th, 2007, 15:02
Homintern and Aunty
too bad you can't duel it out with pistols. With any luck you would both end up with holes and the rest of us would be rid of you both.
They both have holes already...in their backsides...and most of the time Homoturd uses his to talk through as well as for its more normal use. What comes out is the same whichever way he uses his.

September 18th, 2007, 15:28
I believe Billy's intentions were good when publicizing this event. However things went pear shaped when he started to get ripped to pieces by a bunch of poisonous viper queens on this board before the event had even taken place. He was probably well pissed off and threw in the towel.

If in fact what Monty said is true that Billy owed 3,000 Baht then he should have just paid it and then left washing his hands of this board and its vipers. I have never met Billy or Monty so at this moment in time in my opinion this is a dispute between two queens and not the world or the tourist police and border control as one over reacting drama queen ttom suggests.

September 18th, 2007, 16:57
Tourette's obsession with censorship now extends to keeping people "on-message" - obviously a frustrated Moderator

September 18th, 2007, 17:31
Tourette's obsession with censorship now extends to keeping people "on-message" - obviously a frustrated Moderator

hypocrite- anarchy

A frustrated poster who keeps half board on ignore . Private censorship ?

September 18th, 2007, 17:45
Tourette's obsession with censorship now extends to keeping people "on-message" - obviously a frustrated Moderator

hypocrite- anarchy

A frustrated poster who keeps half board on ignore . Private censorship ?

I agree...Homo-intern is a waste of fucking space and time, unfortunately the sad old slapper is probably here to stay. He really has nothing of any value to say about anything or anyone therefor I consider his pathetic musing null & void anyway! His penchant for correcting people's spelling mistakes amuses me and suggests to me that he is trying to make up for his own (obvious) failings. Perhaps a control freak, maybe just a complete wanker, definitely a board member to read and duly ignore, sometime he is comically absurd which gives me a laugh at least.
The type of person you would break his jaw in the first five minutes of any conversation, he is more to be pitied than scolded!

September 18th, 2007, 17:53
I agree...Homo-intern is a waste of fucking space and timeMy fucking space is my own, I have to tell you, and last night it was filled by myself and couple of rather sweet and tattoo-less lads, all fucking away. Well, no, that's not true actually, one of us (not me) was being fucked. None of us felt it was a waste of time either. But please remember that your fellow Australian, Aunty, believes these exchanges are off-message and I think you Antipodeans should express some solidarity

September 18th, 2007, 18:15
I agree...Homo-intern is a waste of fucking space and timeMy fucking space is my own, I have to tell you, and last night it was filled by myself and couple of rather sweet and tattoo-less lads, all fucking away. Well, no, that's not true actually, one of us (not me) was being fucked. None of us felt it was a waste of time either. But please remember that your fellow Australian, Aunty, believes these exchanges are off-message and I think you Antipodeans should express some solidarity

And I have for some time now thought that you should go a F**k youself.

September 18th, 2007, 18:17
And I have for some time now thought that you should go a F**k youself.

However, poster aussieal seems to be a tad confused about himself - http://www.connectingsingles.com.au/ema ... ssieal.htm (http://www.connectingsingles.com.au/email-for-free-aussieal.htm)

September 18th, 2007, 18:26
The man of the hour returns and we can get this thread back on track.

September 18th, 2007, 19:10
Good on you Billy for responding.

As I said the dipute is between you and Monty. Many on this board have either not taken sides or said nothing at all. Perhaps the Vipers of the board will now slither on and try to inject venom into another dispute that doesn't concern them.

Please keep posting

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 18th, 2007, 20:08
every conceivable hatred is erupting over a bar bill !

even LMTU is coming in for a bashing..slipped in skillfully by Naughty But Nice..( who sounds like he is anything but) sounding remarkably like Hedda-that Aussie ex-public servant from Perth.

Full marks to wx40afp / Billy for putting the record straight.

As for that silly old Monty..give me the name of the charity you want to donate the money to you silly old sod..and I'll donate it direct..and post the receipt on here.

talk about cheap queens. I've never heard so much drama about a few thousand baht in my life..I'll gladly give it to any kosher charity to end the bitching..in Mad Monty's name..or Billy ..whatever..

No wonder that old cunt Homitern won't come to Pattaya !!

September 18th, 2007, 20:35
Billy is not someone to be believed under any circumstance. Of course he will try to throw the blame elsewhere. It was his oringinal post that offered free drinks. Does he expect someone else to pay his bills? Time this guy was banned from not only the board but from thailand as well.

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 18th, 2007, 21:41
banning Billy from Thailand ?

Good grief-the country is overflowing with crooks and murderers from everywhere and you want someone banned for an alleged 3000 baht bar bill !

send me a list of you favorite Thai charities and I'll donate to them...there you are..anything Billy has done has boomeranged back and will have a positive effect !

September 18th, 2007, 23:37
Lunchtime O'Booze wrote :

send me a list of you favorite Thai charities and I'll donate to them...


Atigaro Project - www.thaiwave.com/atigaro (http://www.thaiwave.com/atigaro)
capture-neuter-release program for cats and dogs (Phuket)
Dog Chance - www.dogchance.com (http://www.dogchance.com)
providing medical care, sterilization, vaccination and community education programs (Bangkok)
Dog Rescue Center Samui - www.samuidog.org (http://www.samuidog.org)
providing medical care, sterilization, vaccination and shelter for stray dogs (Samui Island)
Friends of The Asian Elephant - www.elephant.tnet.co.th (http://www.elephant.tnet.co.th)
helping elephants enjoy improved living conditions throughout Thailand
Home for Handicapped Animals Foundation - www.home4animals.org (http://www.home4animals.org)
caring for sick, injured, handicapped and abandoned animals (Nonthaburi)
Hua Hin Dog Rescue Center - www.dogrescuecenter.org (http://www.dogrescuecenter.org)
helping sick, injured and strayed dogs in Hua Hin
Lanna Dog Rescue - www.lannadog.net (http://www.lannadog.net)
improving stray dog situation by providing medical care, sterilization and adoption (Chiang Mai)
Love Animal Sanctuary - www.animal-sanctuary.chiangmai-chiangrai.com (http://www.animal-sanctuary.chiangmai-chiangrai.com)
housing over 100 domestic cats as well as monkeys, civit cats, etc. (Chiang Mai)
PhaNgan Animal Care - www.pacthailand.org (http://www.pacthailand.org)
providing medical treatment, sterilization and vaccination for animals (PhaNgan Island)
Seub Nakhasathine - www.seub.or.th (http://www.seub.or.th)
preserving nature and protecting wildlife (Bangkok)
Soi Dog Rescue - www.soidogrescue.org (http://www.soidogrescue.org)
providing medical care, sterilization, adoption, sponsorship and education programs (Bangkok)
Thai Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - www.thaispca.org (http://www.thaispca.org)
helping all animals and providing education on animal rights and requirements
Wild Animal Rescue Foundation of Thailand - www.warthai.org (http://www.warthai.org)
various projects for helping wild animals in Thailand
Wildlife Friends of Thailand - www.wfft.org (http://www.wfft.org)
recruiting volunteers for various projects to help wild animals (Petchburi)
Wildlife Fund Thailand - www.wildlifefund.or.th (http://www.wildlifefund.or.th)
preserving wildlifes and natural resources


Abundant Life Foundation - www.alf.or.th (http://www.alf.or.th)
Christian foundation with various projects for children and youth (Chiang Mai)
Anglo-Thai Foundation - www.anglo-thai.org (http://www.anglo-thai.org)
British organization helping children in Thailand
Baan Gerda - www.baangerda.org (http://www.baangerda.org)
children's charity providing care for HIV & AIDS infected orphans (Lopburi)
The Better Thailand Foundation - www.betterthai.or.th (http://www.betterthai.or.th)
promoting education for underprivileged children (Bangkok)
Chaiyapruk Foundation - www.geocities.com/chaiyaprukhome (http://www.geocities.com/chaiyaprukhome)
home for abandoned children in Nakhon Nayok
Child Institute, Foundation for Children - www.childthai.org (http://www.childthai.org)
making sure babies and young children have good care and secure families (Bangkok)
Child's Dream - www.childsdream.org (http://www.childsdream.org)
providing infrastructure and personal items to meet health and educational needs in Mekong Sub-Region
Child Workers in Asia - www.cwa.tnet.co.th (http://www.cwa.tnet.co.th)
support groups promoting the rights of working children in 14 Asian countries
Christian Care Foundation for Children with Disabilities (CCD) - www.ccdthailand.org (http://www.ccdthailand.org)
working with Thai government to help disabled children (Nonthaburi)
Computers for Thai Kids - www.jeep.htmlplanet.com (http://www.jeep.htmlplanet.com)
donating computers to schools and training teachers and children to use computers (Pattaya)
Darunee Fund for Education in Asia - www.daruneefund.org (http://www.daruneefund.org)
providing education for children in Northeast provinces of Thailand
Development & Education Programme for Daughters & Communities - www.depdc.org (http://www.depdc.org)
offering education and accommodation for girls in Northern Thailand
Duang Prateep Foundation - www.dpf.or.th (http://www.dpf.or.th)
helping children in poor communities throughout Thailand
The Education for Development Foundation - www.edfthai.org (http://www.edfthai.org)
funding education, job training and community development (Bangkok)
FACE - www.un.or.th/traffickingproject/face/face_home.html (http://www.un.or.th/traffickingproject/face/face_home.html)
fighting against child exploitation
The Family - www.thaifamily.org (http://www.thaifamily.org)
various projects to help children, elderly, sick and handicapped people
For Life - www.4lifethailand.org (http://www.4lifethailand.org)
London-based organization supporting Christian Care Foundation for Children with Disabilities
Foundation for Child Development - www.iamchild.org (http://www.iamchild.org)
various projects for children (Bangkok)
Foundation for Children - www.ffc.or.th (http://www.ffc.or.th)
providing education for children (Bangkok)
Foundation for the Education of Rural Children - www.thai-rural-education.org (http://www.thai-rural-education.org)
providing schools for children in Northern Thailand
Foundation for Rural Youth - www.fry1985.org (http://www.fry1985.org)
helping underprivileged children in rural communities (Bangkok)
Foundation for the Welfare of the Crippled - www.convoyforkids.com (http://www.convoyforkids.com)
helping children with cerebral palsy, spina bifida, congenital deformities, etc. (Nonthaburi)
Home for Quality of Life Development Project - www.homefordql.com (http://www.homefordql.com)
providing accommodation and education for children (Phayao)
The Human Development Foundation - www.mercycentre.org (http://www.mercycentre.org)
working to help the children and communities of the many slums of Bangkok
Im Jai House - www.imjaihouse.com (http://www.imjaihouse.com)
caring for children abandoned by AIDS (Chiang Mai)
Jester Care for Kids - www.care4kids.info (http://www.care4kids.info)
helping underprivileged children in Chonburi and Rayong
Life Skills Development Foundation - www.rakdek.or.th (http://www.rakdek.or.th)
providing child-friendly school programs (Chiang Mai)
Mercy Ministries Foundation (MMF) - www.mmfthailand.org (http://www.mmfthailand.org)
Christian homes for children in northern Thailand (Chiang Rai)
Pattaya Orphanage - www.fr-ray.org (http://www.fr-ray.org)
various projects for underprivileged, disabled, blind and deaf children in Pattaya
Pattaya Street Kids Support Project - www.pattayastreetkids.homestead.com (http://www.pattayastreetkids.homestead.com)
providing goods and services, education and accomodation for disadvantaged children
Pavena Foundation for Children and Women - www.pavena.thai.com (http://www.pavena.thai.com)
abuse prevention for children and women
Pure Heart Project - www.pureheartproject.org (http://www.pureheartproject.org)
helping needy children and youth receive education with homes run with Christian beliefs (Chiang Mai)
Rajvithi Home for Girls - www.rajvithihome.org (http://www.rajvithihome.org)
providing accommodation, education, medical care and social services for girls (Bangkok)
SOS Children Thailand - www.soschildrensvillages.org.uk (http://www.soschildrensvillages.org.uk)
homes for children in Bangkok, Hatyai and Nongkhai
Santisuk Foundation - www.santisuk.or.th (http://www.santisuk.or.th)
centers for young children in Klong Toey and Minburi
Sarnelli House - www.sarnelliorphanage.org (http://www.sarnelliorphanage.org)
providing home and care for children affected or infected by HIV (Nong Khai)
School for Life - www.thailandfoundation.com (http://www.thailandfoundation.com)
helping accommodate and educate children in difficult circumstances (Chiang Rai)
SET Foundation - www.thaistudentcharity.org (http://www.thaistudentcharity.org)
providing scholarships to needy students, taking them from high school right through to university degree
Sister Joan Evans - www.sisterjoan.info (http://www.sisterjoan.info)
various projects to help children and youth in the slums of Bangkok
Support The Children Foundation - www.support-the-children.org (http://www.support-the-children.org)
caring for children with HIV (Chiang Mai)
Thai Children's Rights - www.thaichildrights.org (http://www.thaichildrights.org)
protecting children's rights in Thailand
Thai Youth Action Program - www.tyap.org (http://www.tyap.org)
working with youths (10-24 years old) to fight AIDS (Chiang Mai)
World Vision Foundation of Thailand - www.worldvision.or.th (http://www.worldvision.or.th)
international organization helping the poor and oppressed
YMCA Bangkok Foundation - www.ymcabangkok.com (http://www.ymcabangkok.com)
providing opportunity for personal growth and civic responsibility to children, youths and adults
Youth Coordination Center International (YCCI) - www.arf-asia.org/ycci (http://www.arf-asia.org/ycci)
organization of youth addressing issues affecting the younger generation in Asia


The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) - www.adra.or.th (http://www.adra.or.th)
international organization addressing development issues and disaster response
Asia Partnership for Human Development (APHD) - www.aphd.or.th (http://www.aphd.or.th)
association of Catholic development agencies from Asia, Europe, Canada, Australia, etc.
Chumchonthai Foundation - www.chumchonthai.or.th (http://www.chumchonthai.or.th)
urban community environment development projects (Bangkok)
Dunamis Foundation - www.dunamis.or.th (http://www.dunamis.or.th)
organizing various projects to help children, adults and communities at large (Bangkok)
Family Care Foundation - www.familycare.org/network/thailand.htm (http://www.familycare.org/network/thailand.htm)
international organization with several community development projects in Thailand
Karen Hilltribes Trust - www.karenhilltribes.org.uk (http://www.karenhilltribes.org.uk)
helping Karen people in Northwest Thailand
Karen Studies and Development Center - www.karencenter.com (http://www.karencenter.com)
providing information about Karen Hilltribes
Lions Club of Phuket Pearl - www.phuket-lions.com (http://www.phuket-lions.com)
organizing various projects to help children, the elderly, the disabled, etc.
The Mirror Art Group and Bannok Studio - www.mirrorartgroup.org (http://www.mirrorartgroup.org)
various projects to help the people of Mae Yao (Chiang Rai)
Oxfam GB in East Asia - www.oxfamgb.org/eastasia (http://www.oxfamgb.org/eastasia)
overcoming poverty through the most effective, appropriate and enduring solutions
Rejoice Urban Development Project - www.rejoicecharity.com (http://www.rejoicecharity.com)
providing medical and social support systems (Chiang Mai)
SiamCare Thailand - www.siamcare.org.uk (http://www.siamcare.org.uk)
British organization helping disadvantaged people with a child sponsoring project (Bangkok)
Voluntary Activity Creation Association - www.issarachon.com (http://www.issarachon.com)
organizing various volunteer activities (Bangkok)


Chiang Mai Disabled Center - www.disabled.infothai.com (http://www.disabled.infothai.com)
helping disabled people manage independent lives
Christian Foundation for The Blind - www.cfbt.or.th (http://www.cfbt.or.th)
providing education for the blind with centers in several provinces
The Disabled Development Foundation - www.tddf.or.th (http://www.tddf.or.th)
helping the disabled throughout Thailand
Light for The Blind - www.blind.or.th (http://www.blind.or.th)
centers in Bangkok, Nonthaburi and Nakorn Prathom providing education for the blind
Office of Empowerment for Persons with Disabilities - www.oppd.opp.go.th (http://www.oppd.opp.go.th)
government agency helping disabled people throughout Thailand
Association of Persons with Physical Disability International (APDI) - www.waddeeja.com (http://www.waddeeja.com)
non-profit organization helping people with all types of physical disabilities (Pathumthani)


Association for the Development of Environmental Quality - www.adeq.or.th (http://www.adeq.or.th)
educating people on issues relating to environmental protection
Greenpeace Southeast Asia - www.greenpeace.or.th (http://www.greenpeace.or.th)
safeguarding environmental rights, exposing and stopping environmental crimes
Tropical Forest Foundation - www.tropicalforest.or.th (http://www.tropicalforest.or.th)
raising funds to support forest rangers


Aids Access Foundation - www.aidsaccess.com (http://www.aidsaccess.com)
providing education in AIDS prevention and related social issues (Bangkok)
Project Hope Thailand - www.projecthopethailand.org (http://www.projecthopethailand.org)
international organization providing health-related education to help people help themselves (Chiang Mai)
Red Cross Society - www.redcross.or.th (http://www.redcross.or.th)
health-care and disaster-relief projects throughout Thailand
Sangha Metta Project - www.buddhanet.net/sangha-metta/project.html (http://www.buddhanet.net/sangha-metta/project.html)
Buddhist monks promoting AIDS care and prevention (Chiang Mai)
Tour de Thailand Charity Bicycle Rides - www.tourdethailand.com (http://www.tourdethailand.com)
riding bicycles to raise funds for people with blood related cancers (Bangkok)
Tsunami Volunteer Center - www.tsunamivolunteer.net (http://www.tsunamivolunteer.net)
volunteer-staffed NGO which runs tsunami reconstruction projects in Southern Thailand (Phang Nga)
Wat Phra Baht Nam Phu - www.aidstemple.th.org (http://www.aidstemple.th.org)
Buddhist temple caring for full-blown AIDS patients (Lopburi)


Amnesty International Thailand - www.amnesty.or.th (http://www.amnesty.or.th)
promoting respect for all the human rights
Asian Muslim Action Network - www.arf-asia.org/aman (http://www.arf-asia.org/aman)
promoting human dignity and social justice by encouraging intercultural dialogue and cooperation
EarthRights International (ERI) - www.earthrights.org (http://www.earthrights.org)
defending human rights and the environment in Southeast Asia and other parts of the world
Federation and Development for Peace - www.fdp.or.th (http://www.fdp.or.th)
promoting peace by working with individuals and families as well as with other organizations (Bangkok)


Buddha Dhamma Foundation - www.buddhadhamma.net (http://www.buddhadhamma.net)
spreading the teaching of Buddha to help people improve their lives (Bangkok)
Dhammakaya Foundation - www.dhammakaya.or.th (http://www.dhammakaya.or.th)
Buddhist organization promoting meditation and world peace (Pathumthani)
Society of Jesus Thailand - www.sjthailand.org (http://www.sjthailand.org)
providing retreats and seminars on spiritual topics (Chiang Mai)
Wat Sanghathan - www.vimokkha.com (http://www.vimokkha.com)
Buddhist meditation center involved in various social projects (Nonthaburi)
Youth with A Mission - www.ywamthai.org (http://www.ywamthai.org)
teaching the Gospel and making disciples of Christ among Thailand's unreached people


Bambi (Bangkok Mothers and Babies International) - www.bambi-bangkok.org (http://www.bambi-bangkok.org)
offering support and companionship to mothers in the early years of parenthood
Foundation for Women - www.womenthai.org (http://www.womenthai.org)
providing various services for women (Bangkok)
The Goodwill Group - www.goodwillbangkok.com (http://www.goodwillbangkok.com)
helping women through educational training (Bangkok)


E-Charity (Internet Thailand's Online Donation Center) - www.e-charity.thai.com (http://www.e-charity.thai.com)
accepting donations for various charities in Thailand
First Global Community College - www.fgcc.ac.th (http://www.fgcc.ac.th)
international institution modeled after U.S. community colleges (North East Thailand)
Hotline Center Foundation - www.hotline.or.th (http://www.hotline.or.th)

September 18th, 2007, 23:50
I find it strange that the businessman who says he s blind rushes to write on this message board about myself alleging to have not paid a bill,and that is was "my idea"to use a charities name,that i never heard of,to promote his opening night.
You clearly stated in one of your now-deleted posts that you heard (read here?) some folks highly praising Dr.Phillippe for his work and you wanted to solicit donations for his cause. You can deny it all you want since you deleted the post, but many many people here will recall that post. Your true colors are really out there now. And, to think I was giving you credit for at least trying to put together a charity event. Shame on me.

BTW, how many times are you going to edit your post?

September 19th, 2007, 00:16
" ... Your true colors are really out there now. And, to think I was giving you credit for at least trying to put together a charity event. Shame on me.
BTW, how many times are you going to edit your post?
The saying goes that after a certain age one one ends up the face they deserve. In our troll's case, that old cliche seems to be true.

The Boss deleted his photo up above, but this one has ben given the Nat Enquirer make-over. Perhaps it will survive? It is in Thailand's national interest after all.

Cheers ...

September 19th, 2007, 00:19
Nope, sorry. He's threatening legal action, and may even have a case. No photos please.

September 19th, 2007, 00:30
Nope, sorry. He's threatening legal action, and may even have a case. No photos please.

I am banned now ? :clown:

September 19th, 2007, 00:37
Move on

September 19th, 2007, 00:49
Nope, sorry. He's threatening legal action, and may even have a case. No photos please.

I wouldn't take him seriously. He can't even pay his bills and is a well-known Cheap Charlie. No lawyer would take his case on a contingency basis.

September 19th, 2007, 01:10
Nope, sorry. He's threatening legal action, and may even have a case. No photos please.

What i knows about Monty : " a good man " , not rip off his costumers and also many Thai's like him a lot !

He like Billy and defend Billy a lot !

Billy has a case ? I think his a troll take 6 boy's for free drinks at Monty's... And even not pay the boy's !

Elephantspike take a shower !

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 19th, 2007, 07:41
it looks like very light lunches for me for the next 10 years.

you sensibly included one for cats.

PS: Assuming that is Billy-I wouldn't take threats of libel too lightly. I know the other thread was closed and I don't know who did what but one of the benefits of that dispute was the libel action against that appalling stringer for the dreadful News Of The World-Andrew Drummond got his comeuppance in a libel action. Here is a man who writes the sleaziest articles for UK newspapers ( sometimes under other names) attacking people totally without foundation. He led the campaign to hound Gary Glitter from country to country until he was finally jailed under very dubious circumstances in Vietnam. Whatever one thinks of the former pop star-there was a despicable campaign led by Drummond run completely on innuendo. Although Drummond's fighting the case he's still moaning about how he may be kicked out of Thailand and have to leave his female Thai lover behind-something that's never bothered him in his vicious articles about others.

here's a nice quote from one of baziel's favouurite charities that puts a new angle on the great
Billy/Monty's 3000 baht Scandal of 2007:

Socialism of the Bodhisatvas
of the Buddhas is pure socialism
It helps all beings to co-exist with
appropiate propotion;
no-one takes the surplus
as taking the surplus is a sin
so we have enough to co-exist peacefully

September 19th, 2007, 08:24
Lunchtime O'Booze wrote :

send me a list of you favorite Thai charities and I'll donate to them...


If nothing else positive has come from this thread, let baziel's exhaustive list of charities give folks something more productive do by researching and donating to one, if not to Dr. P himself for the selfless work he's done and continues to do.

September 19th, 2007, 09:36

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 19th, 2007, 09:36
come on chaps..turn this controversy into a positive.

baziel's list is positively exhaustive but it reminds one of how much help is needed by Thais...and I bet it's just the tip of the iceberg.

If just one charity benefits their will be good karma for all..even Billy !!...after all, it will him that made happen..
every cloud has a silver lining...charity sees the need, not the cause...blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting..etc etc ad nauseum.

September 19th, 2007, 09:58
I am banned now ? :clown:

No, and I'm not defending anyone, it's just that everyone has a right to privacy.

I'm closing the thread. It's between Billy and Monty to settle in private.

September 19th, 2007, 09:59
Why am I coming into this post and reading it? I shy away from Gossip in real life and I don't mix myself in between friends and their disagreements.

This thread has nothing to do with me and I promise myself not to waste anymore of my life reading it.

September 19th, 2007, 10:12
OOps! forgot to close it.......