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View Full Version : Thai movie star filmed getting erection

September 13th, 2007, 06:17
From a thai blog that TJ found, this was posted today.

Maybe some members who read thai or have a BS can search for this clip.

I would be most interested in the camera work.

Actor 'Puri' Hirunyapruek, star of the comedy Kon Hew Hua ( is laughing off reports that a clip which never made into the film, of him getting an erection, has instead found its way onto the internet ) says director Ping Lumpraploeng probably kept the clip aside for use in promoting the romantic comedy, which is doing well in cinemas. Someone found it and leaked it onto the net.
In the scene, he is lying on bed, with one hand clasping the breast of female co-star 'Kratae' Supaksorn Chaimongkol while in his other hand he squeezes a handkerchief.
The camera pans down to his crotch, where a huge 'erection' is growing - or, as Puri puts it, where he is saluting the flag (
When Kratae sees what is going on, she becomes angry (rightfully so!), and belts him.
Puri says they used a prosthetic to make him look huge. Puri says director Ping decided not to include the scene, because it just looked a little too big.
Earlier, he was asked if that was really all him, rising to meet the occasion. 'If I was really that big, I'd be showing it off in temple fairs,' he laughed.
If I find the clip, of course I shall consider posting it, as it was made in fun, after all. In the meantime, here are ordinary face pics of Puri. Sorry I can't show you pictures of him giving the flag a salute.



Lunchtime O'Booze
September 13th, 2007, 06:48
of action star Jean-Claude Van Damme getting a hard-on on a TV show..if you like that sort of thing.

for those interested in trivia..I was in a nightclub a few years ago and I saw a tarty blonde giving him a blow job in full view of dozens of people..more trivia..he's thick and cut..just like Prince Harry and his brother.

September 13th, 2007, 09:04
of action star Jean-Claude Van Damme getting a hard-on on a TV show..if you like that sort of thing.

for those interested in trivia..I was in a nightclub a few years ago and I saw a tarty blonde giving him a blow job in full view of dozens of people..more trivia..he's thick and cut..just like Prince Harry and his brother.

TJ has put better looking guys on the forum than this Thai movie star!

September 13th, 2007, 09:34
Puri Hirunyapruek is hot, hope you find the clip.

September 13th, 2007, 09:36
thick and cut..just like Prince Harry and his brotherPrincess Bimbo, their mother, made it very public when they were born that she disapproved of circumcision and wasn't having them "done". I wonder when it happened

September 13th, 2007, 12:12
thick and cut..just like Prince Harry and his brotherPrincess Bimbo, their mother, made it very public when they were born that she disapproved of circumcision and wasn't having them "done". I wonder when it happened

Probably at their bar mitzvah!

September 13th, 2007, 12:45
Isn't Puri the actor in the popular Thai soap a few years ago ("Rak something") that played the gay partner of Hack Rungrueng? I think the character names were Tee & Jon?

[edited to add, after I did some searching:]
Indeed he was Tee of "Rak 8009." Here's a promo photo of them. I always favored Jon (Hack Rungrueng), though.

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 13th, 2007, 19:25
for their sakes..shortly after birth I hope.

It's a British Royal family tradition to avoid any scandals involving venereal diseases.

The tales that have leaked like a sieve from former Eton lads is that Wills is thick with a large head..much like his forbears.. and a very German trait.

Other lads have said that Harry has an impressivly long shlong, hence his popularity with young gels of the upper classes..and it has a small pointed head..and the fact that it is almost perfectly identically to that cad and bounder Major Hewitt is entirely co-incidental.

I'm so pleased these shocking libels about the Royal family are not repeated on internet boards..they are quite appalling.

I hope I never see the terrible lie on here about Prince Andrew ( who unlike his siblings is very chunky and unlike any other Windsor male has a full head of thick hair)...that he is almost identical in looks to a very close Aristocratic friend of HRH The Queen.

It's usually the Irish who spread this malicious gossip.

September 13th, 2007, 19:37
Is this the one?

September 13th, 2007, 19:39
for their sakes..shortly after birth I hope.

It's a British Royal family tradition to avoid any scandals involving venereal diseases.

The tales that have leaked like a sieve from former Eton lads is that Wills is thick with a large head..much like his forbears.. and a very German trait.

Other lads have said that Harry has an impressivly long shlong, hence his popularity with young gels of the upper classes..and it has a small pointed head..and the fact that it is almost perfectly identically to that cad and bounder Major Hewitt is entirely co-incidental.

I'm so pleased these shocking libels about the Royal family are not repeated on internet boards..they are quite appalling.

I hope I never see the terrible lie on here about Prince Andrew ( who unlike his siblings is very chunky and unlike any other Windsor male has a full head of thick hair)...that he is almost identical in looks to a very close Aristocratic friend of HRH The Queen.

It's usually the Irish who spread this malicious gossip.

mmmmm........Now that you mention it, Andrew is unlike his siblings, although I am sure it couldn't be possible, he does seem to have (or had) the good looks of the Mountbattens. What a scandelous thought, I shall put it out og my head immediately :cat:

September 13th, 2007, 20:03
As Nigel Dempster (quoted in the New York Times Magazine) said some years ago: "Get hold of a picture of Prince Andrew and then one of Lord Porchester [the Queen's confidant and racing manager at the time] at the same age. You'll see that Prince Philip could never have been Andrew's father."

September 13th, 2007, 23:51
As Nigel Dempster (quoted in the New York Times Magazine) said some years ago: "Get hold of a picture of Prince Andrew and then one of Lord Porchester [the Queen's confidant and racing manager at the time] at the same age. You'll see that Prince Philip could never have been Andrew's father."

This might help:

Brad the Impala
September 14th, 2007, 02:44
Thanks for the link jomtiengayguide, certainly seems a handful, or is that two handsfull!



"Is that a torch you have in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?" or in this case....."Is that a torch that you have in your pocket, or are you just having a fantastic dream?"

September 15th, 2007, 10:49
If you want to see Thai SEX in all its glory take a gander at the movies of Apichatpong Weerasethakul.
I think many of us are aware of his homoerotic movie "Tropical Malady" but through the glories of Netflix I was able to see some of his earlier movies.
In 2001 he made a move called (in English) "Blissfully Yours". The end of the movie has the Burmese actor getting an erection that leaves NOTHING TO THE IMAGINATION.

To get into the mood I would suggest his earlier movie "Mysterious Object at Noon" just to get the feel of how he works.

These movies are steeped in Thai culture so if you dont "get" the Thai worldview you won't understand them.

His last movie, "Syndromes and a Century" has been banned in Thailand by the censors. I could kick myself now for not catching it when it came to San Francisco.

Brad the Impala
September 15th, 2007, 17:54
Thanks Kenc for this information. The first three movies mentioned are available through Amazon, but not his latest "Syndromes and a Century" , any ideas where that can be bought?

For anyone wishing to purchase from Amazon UK:
www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_d_h_/203-1548991-7961517?initialSearch=1&url=search-alias%3Ddvd&field-keywords=Apichatpong+Weerasethakul.+&Go.x=6&Go.y=9 (http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_d_h_/203-1548991-7961517?initialSearch=1&url=search-alias%3Ddvd&field-keywords=Apichatpong+Weerasethakul.+&Go.x=6&Go.y=9)

September 15th, 2007, 19:45
His last movie, "Syndromes and a Century" has been banned in Thailand by the censors. I could kick myself now for not catching it when it came to San Francisco.

If you would like to see any of his movies, try EMule http://www.emule-project.net/home/perl/general.cgi?l=1 . Once istalled just do a search on his name, and you will see most of his movies. It takes a while to download, but the price is right....Free.

September 16th, 2007, 01:33
This film is not out on DVD yet. Don't know when the DVD release date will be.

September 16th, 2007, 07:24
The Thai authorities refused to let this movie be released in Thailand unless the director made some cuts. The Director has adamantly refused to make any cuts and is taking a stand for artistic freedom against the Thai censors.
The movie played here as part of our annual Asian Film Festival. I believe it has also played at Cannes and other film festivals. Other than that it has not been generally released.

September 15th, 2008, 00:21
If you want to see Thai SEX in all its glory take a gander at the movies of Apichatpong Weerasethakul.
I think many of us are aware of his homoerotic movie "Tropical Malady" but through the glories of Netflix I was able to see some of his earlier movies.
In 2001 he made a move called (in English) "Blissfully Yours". The end of the movie has the Burmese actor getting an erection that leaves NOTHING TO THE IMAGINATION.

To get into the mood I would suggest his earlier movie "Mysterious Object at Noon" just to get the feel of how he works.

These movies are steeped in Thai culture so if you dont "get" the Thai worldview you won't understand them.

His last movie, "Syndromes and a Century" has been banned in Thailand by the censors. I could kick myself now for not catching it when it came to San Francisco.

Ho, ho, ha ha. I don't have to watch videos. Thai sex in all its glory is part of my daily life. :-)

Right-wing wacko,

September 15th, 2008, 01:24
Thanks for the link jomtiengayguide, certainly seems a handful, or is that two handsfull!



"Is that a torch you have in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?" or in this case....."Is that a torch that you have in your pocket, or are you just having a fantastic dream?"

If the "hard-on" is meant to be part of the movie theme and not an accident, it is most likely a fake one....just like so many other things in Thailand...fake fake fake....

September 15th, 2008, 07:11
Is this what you guys are reduced to - slavering over some barely attractive film star whos never been heard of and who happens to have a fun size mars bar stuck down his knickers?

And to think you wasted a whole Viagra on his pic.



September 15th, 2008, 07:46
Is this what you guys are reduced to - slavering over some barely attractive film star whos never been heard of and who happens to have a fun size mars bar stuck down his knickers?

And to think you wasted a whole Viagra on his pic.


[quote=joe552]Forgive my ignorance, but does this refer to boxers (as in the 'sport') or to underwear? If the latter, I would attend.

I was rather hoping it referred to the breed of dog as I am extremely kinky


Obviously you would prefer to waste a viagra on your boxer dog


September 15th, 2008, 09:48
.....but not his latest "Syndromes and a Century" , any ideas where that can be bought?

Here's an Amazon link for it:
www.amazon.com/Syndromes-Century-Sakda-Kaewbuadee/dp/B000YIGNBS/ref=pd_bbs_3?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1221446594&sr=8-3 (http://www.amazon.com/Syndromes-Century-Sakda-Kaewbuadee/dp/B000YIGNBS/ref=pd_bbs_3?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1221446594&sr=8-3)

September 15th, 2008, 11:01
BTW, Syndromes and a Century came out on Netflix many moons ago.
It also has an "erection in the pants" scene.

September 16th, 2008, 03:17
thick and cut..just like Prince Harry and his brotherPrincess Bimbo, their mother, made it very public when they were born that she disapproved of circumcision and wasn't having them "done". I wonder when it happened

Probably at their bar mitzvah!

Or when the smell of stilton became too strong

September 16th, 2008, 03:30
Is this what you guys are reduced to - slavering over some barely attractive film star whos never been heard of and who happens to have a fun size mars bar stuck down his knickers?

And to think you wasted a whole Viagra on his pic.


[quote=joe552]Forgive my ignorance, but does this refer to boxers (as in the 'sport') or to underwear? If the latter, I would attend.

I was rather hoping it referred to the breed of dog as I am extremely kinky


Obviously you would prefer to waste a viagra on your boxer dog


"There is only one thing in the world that is worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about"
