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September 11th, 2007, 09:51

September 11th, 2007, 10:25
in support of Montys soft launch of the newly restyled Montys Enchanted Hut.

Thanks for the info on Monty's re-opening. Is EH open daily now? Would like to go check it out next week.


September 11th, 2007, 10:50
Thanks for the report, John. It sounds like some of Billy's chickens came home to roost and haunt him.

Although this was planned to be a charity event, and Billy was a sponsor, I really think his (Billy's) express consent should be obtained before displaying any of Boxer's pics. I would understand if Billy said no, if at Monty's "bash" the realization of his long-cultured reputation began to sink in.

Since there was no entrance fee, what (if anything) was contributed to Dr.Phillippe?

It's sad, but I think with proper thought this could have been a very successful promotion. Your post, John, on the now hidden-from-view thread about free drinks and snacks with a B200 entrance fee to be donated to Dr. Phillippe would have been well accepted IF it had been earlier, like right after you asked Billy publicly about the event. It wasn't, and from there the comments and dialogue rapidly went downhill. Too bad.

September 11th, 2007, 10:55
A Special Thank You to both Monty and Billy for the
nice evening of entertainment, free food snacks and drinks
during the soft opening of the NEW Monty's Enchanted Hut.

My Thai friend and I were greeted by Monty and many Expatriate friends
as we entered Monty's.

The new club is a comfortable venue with sofa and chair comfy seating and
a center stage risers for music and stage performances.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y64/travelerjim/MontysEnchantedHutOpening031.jpg .

The sound is also pleasing to me as I could chat with friends and hear them too :-)

The musical trio who perform on stage for Monty are very talented - playing guitar,
flute, drums, mouth organ and the such...very distinctive and play Thai cultural themes of music
as well as popular great songs - in English and Thai...very relaxing and enjoyable.

The best of Monty's dance group from his old club are still with Monty doing
both traditional Thai dances to beautiful Thai music...such beauty - dancers & music :-)

And, the Isaan Music Dancer (Art) who was so popular at Monty's is back...
he does have some real natural talent, moves which are amazing to watch on stage,
and of course - his good looks too :-)

Their is a "dark room" in the back of the NEW Monty's Enchanted Hut!
Check it out...you may like what you find...

Monty's is open from 5:00pm in the afternoon daily - until early morning hours.

For those wishing to see the NEW Monty's Enchanted Hut, here are several photos I took ...
and Thanks again to Monty and Billy for the invitation to join you in your soft opening party.

As John Botting reported, NO donations were collected...The evening was FREE for all in attendance.

Monty's NEW Enchanted Hut:


The invite to the Party:


The Music Trio...nightly at Monty's:


The Thai Traditional Dancers ...nightly shows at Monty's:



with Monty...


Isaan Singers & Dancers too ....


Our evening's Hosts...Monty & Billy Greet You...


Thank you all for the pleasant evening...I would estimate that 60 Expatriates and their friends attended...
Good evening - good music - good friends.... Thanks again!

and...friends - I hope to see you again soon at Monty's NEW Enchanted Hut -
Jomtien Complex - South Pattaya, Jomtien Beach area.


September 11th, 2007, 11:27
Well, so much for Billy's reputation of being a dwarf! LOL!

September 11th, 2007, 12:40
Well as I said on Tingtong's, my, what a handsome couple!

Oh, and Billy, did you get the old fella out?

September 11th, 2007, 13:18
I am happy to see the evening went off without any problems and that what Billy said held true. Good on ya Billy. Now why do you have to act like such an ass on here? Given the chance we may even like you.

September 11th, 2007, 17:31

Well done gents!

September 11th, 2007, 17:37
Well, so much for Billy's reputation of being a dwarf! LOL!
Yep, not your stereotypical Aussie surfer or athlete is he? He looks in the photos more like a down-and-out unemployed decorator complete with paint stained, seldom-washed t-shirt ! :geek:

However, that said, good on him and Monty for organizing the event. I wonder how much (if anything) was raised for Dr Philippe ?

Brad the Impala
September 11th, 2007, 18:12
Thanks TJ for the photos.

They included one of the blackboard outside Monty's, presumably taken along with the others on the night of the event. It says that "All proceeds to Hearrt 2000". This may have encouraged some passers by to attend.

What proceeds were passed on to this charity?

September 11th, 2007, 18:35
Since everything was free and there were no donations made I guess the answer is nothing was passed on as nothing was collected.

September 11th, 2007, 18:35
Sorry Jon - Boxer was in Hong Kong for tests.

September 11th, 2007, 18:57
Since everything was free and there were no donations made I guess the answer is nothing was passed on as nothing was collected.

IF that's the actual case then both Monty and Billy should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves as the event was touted as a charity event for Dr Phillippe and the board outside clearly stated 'all proceeds to Hearrt 2000'.

Monty (or Billy) should quickly let all the forums on which they advertised know how much (if anything) was donated to charity.

But, if no statement is forthcoming, we can only assume that no donation was made. I suppose that is only to be expected as some Pattaya entrepreneurs will do or say almost anything to lure in extra customers to increase their takings and make a few extra Baht.

September 11th, 2007, 21:53
If you re-read the original post here it explains the sequence of events. No donations were requested so none collected. I think the whole idea just got out of their control and they did the best they could to make good on the free snacks and drinks. I guess we won't know who actually footed the bill for the evening. I have the feeling Monty carried the evening tho.

September 11th, 2007, 21:58
Yep, not your stereotypical Aussie surfer or athlete is he?I've always assumed that Billy and aussieal are one and the same - and now I've got photographs to prove the Australian stereoytpe

September 11th, 2007, 22:20
If no money went to Charity , it truly is disappointing!


September 11th, 2007, 22:56
So this is Billy eh? Nice bit of sweaty beef.
This one goes in my never-to-be-forgotten file for 'future reference'. :blackeye:

What's with the rapper chains?

Cheers ...

September 11th, 2007, 23:10
Just trying to organise my itinerary for later this year.

OK, we now know its open . . . . . but when is it closing?
October? November? and then what next?


Brad the Impala
September 12th, 2007, 01:25
If you re-read the original post here it explains the sequence of events. No donations were requested so none collected. I think the whole idea just got out of their control and they did the best they could to make good on the free snacks and drinks. I guess we won't know who actually footed the bill for the evening. I have the feeling Monty carried the evening tho.

If Bar Owners are publicizing an event on the basis that funds are to be raised for Hearrt 2000, and we can see that there was a board outside this venue announcing that this was the case, then they have a responsibility to ensure that funds are raised. End of story.

There is no getout clause that you were relying on an unreliable customer, there is no getout clause that "nothing was raised, but nothing was lost either".

Something was lost if NO money was raised, which seems to be the assumption of those who were there and have posted here. Credibility for charitable events, and Hearrt 2000 in particular, was lost. The credibility of these events in gay Pattaya is tenuous enough, where what proportion of funds across the counter goes to the respective charities remains generally fudged, without a charity evening where nothing was raised.


I am a little surprised that posters here seem to be treating this event as a joke, with an ex bar owner even giving Monty and Billy a "well done" for the evening!

September 12th, 2007, 05:01
Dear Brad,


Hence the well done!

Obviously, I was premature with my congratulations, if nothng was handed over!

A small point regards Monty, he did help quite a lot of unfortunate people in Sunnee when he was around there, no fuss, just nice, I remember his efforts.

September 12th, 2007, 06:58
I don't think Monty carries any blame for anything here. I feel he was caught up in what Billy posted and did his best to make the evening work. Monty is known for his charitable work and we should not forget that. The evening did not go as planned but I am sure there will be others. Lets not dwell on one mistake and just move on to the next event.

September 12th, 2007, 07:52
As a tourist to Thailand, when I come I want to experience everything Thai and not even a muscle-bound tout could pull me into a place named Monty's. I imagine it has to be a Farang hangout known to the gay retired guys living in Pattaya and the only Thai there are there because they are employed or are friends of those who are employed there....

Sometimes when we look at the gay maps trying to figure out where to go, the only thing we have to judge a place by is the name and we would want to go where the Thai are and it stands to reason that the Thai are not in a Farang named hangout... Unless it is a well advertised party place or Discotheque....

September 12th, 2007, 08:24
As a tourist to Thailand, when I come I want to experience everything Thai and not even a muscle-bound tout could pull me into a place named Monty's. I imagine it has to be a Farang hangout known to the gay retired guys living in Pattaya and the only Thai there are there because they are employed or are friends of those who are employed there....

Sometimes when we look at the gay maps trying to figure out where to go, the only thing we have to judge a place by is the name and we would want to go where the Thai are and it stands to reason that the Thai are not in a Farang named hangout... Unless it is a well advertised party place or Discotheque....

Hi bucknaway,

I would think you would be in Monty's rapidly, it's cheap!

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 12th, 2007, 08:33
..he wasn't in drag !!

actually isn't Monty an Orstarlian as well ?

I must admit -Billy/wx40afp looks nothing like I expected..he looks rather cuddly and very lovable actually.

I propose Billy now be declared a major Pattaya celebrity..let's face it-he's becoming more famous than LMTU and Hedda !!

(ps: send your 200 baht donation..no make that 2000.. direct to Dr Phillippe in honor of Billy !)

September 12th, 2007, 08:47
Hi bucknaway,

I would think you would be in Monty's rapidly, it's cheap!

But it has to have value... It can be cheap but what good is cheap if it has no value. I am not trying to hang out where the Farang are... I am not looking for the retired crowd... I want to go where the fun is... where the guys are.... something that reminds me that I am in Thailand.....

September 12th, 2007, 08:56
....Well, he disappeared for a while after the company he was with left. Then he came back with some new company and was telling Monty that his boys had left as the evening was "so fucking boring". By the time he came back 60% of those there had left. No appeal for donations was made, so no money was raised at all.....

Well, Billy obviously doesn't know how to throw a party. He invites a bunch of people and instead of entertaining them, sulks, complains the party's boring and leaves!

There are people in this world worth knowing, and there are some not worth knowing. I learned the hard way not to bother with people that bring you down. It's unlikely I'll ever meet Billy and I have no desire to waste any more of my time even thinking about him.

I'm going to take Smiles advice re:trolls and sign off on this fellow. And if I ever bother to post about him again jinksy can hang me by my pinksies!

One LAST comment.... oddly enough he looks almost exactly as I pictured him-except for the missing tooth.

September 12th, 2007, 09:30

September 12th, 2007, 09:33
Disappointed in his looks LOL, he looks like 90% of all I met in Pattaya, Big and not to the least bit cuddly to me anyway. But I think His tooth was dark not gone.

I could be wrong but, if no money was raised I am disappointed in all that had a part in making it a failure. I would assume that pertains to some of the negative comments made before it happened. Gosh, if it had been Boxer or Jim or Kevin then all of us would have been there to help. It was Billy and we had as much to do with its lack of success as anyone. I guess Billy learned he is not cut out for this thing called fund raising, I do it everyday. Its a tough Job. It takes a lot of work, shaking hands with the right people and making a lot of phone calls and flights around the world. But its rewarding as hell.


September 12th, 2007, 09:45

September 12th, 2007, 09:50

September 12th, 2007, 13:05
Most likely Billy felt uncomfortable making a formal plea for money for Dr. Phillipe. I believe the expression is "cold feet". It is a pity, it would have been a grand beau geste in his name.

September 12th, 2007, 13:33
... I guess Billy learned he is not cut out for this thing called fund raising, I do it everyday. Its a tough Job. It takes a lot of work, shaking hands with the right people and making a lot of phone calls and flights around the world. But its rewarding as hell.

Only one flight would have been required to make this fundraiser a success ... a one way ticket for Billy back to Wagga-Wagga.

September 12th, 2007, 13:54
But it has to have value... It can be cheap but what good is cheap if it has no value. I am not trying to hang out where the Farang are... I am not looking for the retired crowd... I want to go where the fun is... where the guys are.... something that reminds me that I am in Thailand.....

If the retired farangs repulse you so, why do you even bother to post on here? Next time you come to Thailand just go up North to some village where they don't have farangs then you don't have to see or hear us.

September 12th, 2007, 14:32
But it has to have value... It can be cheap but what good is cheap if it has no value. I am not trying to hang out where the Farang are... I am not looking for the retired crowd... I want to go where the fun is... where the guys are.... something that reminds me that I am in Thailand.....

If the retired farangs repulse you so, why do you even bother to post on here? Next time you come to Thailand just go up North to some village where they don't have farangs then you don't have to see or hear us.


Pardon me....if you will please...

I too am confused by your posting....

So you say: "I am not trying to hang out where the Farang are... I am not looking for the retired crowd...
I want to go where the fun is... where the guys are.... something that reminds me that I am in Thailand.....[/quote]

Hmmm...May I suggest you post your questions about Gay Thailand elsewhere???
No need to waste your time with a bunch of Farangs found on this forum ...
which from your viewpoint -do not know where the fun is at in Thailand.

Just maybe Bucky, these so called Farangs of this forum ....
May just know where to find what you are looking for ...where the fun is at ...??? Hmmm ???
We may be older and Farang to you...but we have not lost the magic ...
and we know how and where to have fun ....I can assure you!

Bucky ...is this the type you are looking for in Thailand ???


photo courtesy of Aunt's posting on gaytingtongs board ...nearly 10,000 hits and views
http://www.gaytingtong.com/topic1653-13 ... 390d176ed5 (http://www.gaytingtong.com/topic1653-135.html?sid=d69a6ffb4e08d5254ed432390d176ed5)

or this one ???


(He will be at the NEW CLUB in Sunee Plaza..."Jungle Boys"..and he's HOT! ...opening soon)
photo courtesy of Goerge - the owner of Jungle Boys...as posted on tingtongs board...

I am happy to share whatever info I have with you...just expect a little respect in return as well... OK ????

By the way...If in Pattaya...see Krazy Dragon and Happy Boys Bar...what you are looking for is there!

I am sure there are other GEMS to be mined and to be found in Bangkok and Pattaya...as well as other cities in Thailand...
and guess what?

Farangs from this board who live year-round in Thailand probably have discovered them before you...
I see fellow Expatriates searching the clubs nightly looking for that special one :-)

Ask kindly, and they will share their treasure chest of the best of boys and clubs...

Be snobbish...and you can just find them for yourself!

Have a good trip to Thailand :-)


ned kelly-old
September 12th, 2007, 14:57
"As a tourist to Thailand, when I come I want to experience everything Thai and not even a muscle-bound tout could pull me into a place named Monty's. I imagine it has to be a Farang hangout known to the gay retired guys living in Pattaya and the only Thai there are there because they are employed or are friends of those who are employed there....

Sometimes when we look at the gay maps trying to figure out where to go, the only thing we have to judge a place by is the name and we would want to go where the Thai are and it stands to reason that the Thai are not in a Farang named hangout... "

I don't follow your logic above. You may well be right with "Monty's", but what has a farang name got to do with the presence of Thai guys? You mean farang names like Telephone, Balcony and DJ couldn't possibly have Thai guys inside!

September 12th, 2007, 15:02
Good grief this post took off in hurry.

I am glad the rest of us are such blameless darlings with our Christian and holier than though attitudes.

At this point I don't know any of you personally but I refuse to believe that you are all as mean spirited as you appear.

Before you all attack me for my comments, I do realise that what was supposed to happen, didn't quite come off.

That is too bad, but ... lighten up a bit.


September 12th, 2007, 15:21
Dear TJ,

I am moving in with you, you, obviously know where the good looking ones are!!!

September 12th, 2007, 15:30
Dear TJ,

I am moving in with you, you, obviously know where the good looking ones are!!!

... and throw a matress on the lounge room floor, I'm right behind you kquill.

September 12th, 2007, 15:50
Well I may be 63+ and Farang....and an "over the hill" Old Farang Expatriate,
obviously not worthy of Bucky's association....
as Bucky thinks I - and other Farang do not know where the "fun" is in Thailand....

But, Bucky.....
I do know a great body when I see it...
and this one is GREAT!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y64/travelerjim/BuckyIdeal2.jpg .

Here are more new photos of this Thai
from Mike George's website...Mike is a Pro Photographer...

Mike is the owner of the NEW Jungle Boys Club...
opening soon in Sunee Plaza - next to Clubber Restaurant.


The Thai pictured is ALL THAI...and in Pattaya...
see him soon at Jungle Boys :-)


ps...Kevin...You are kidding me ???
I am a Newbie compared to you and other my esteem Farang friends...
who DO KNOW where the FUN is in Thailand...
I am surely a Novice compared to you all!

September 12th, 2007, 17:17
'Nothing to do with him. So please don't started shooting Monty.'

Monty sat back, fully aware that a fund-raiser was being advertised on his premises, offering free food, free drink and entertainment. Did he have no obligation to step in and ensure that the evening delivered what was promised, if not for moral reasons, for the sake of his own reputation?

'Gosh, if it had been Boxer or Jim or Kevin then all of us would have been there to help.'

I think you're right Wes, but ask yourself why. Perhaps because each of those guys has worked hard to maintain their reputation and can now command a level of respect and trust from those that know them. I fail to see any parallel between these guys and wx40afp.

September 12th, 2007, 18:02
Well I may be 63+ and Farang....and an "over the hill" Old Farang Expatriate,
obviously not worthy of Bucky's association....
as Bucky thinks I - and other Farang do not know where the "fun" is in Thailand....

But, Bucky.....
I do know a great body when I see it...
and this one is GREAT!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y64/travelerjim/BuckyIdeal2.jpg .

Here are more new photos of this Thai
from Mike George's website...Mike is a Pro Photographer...

Mike is the owner of the NEW Jungle Boys Club...
opening soon in Sunee Plaza - next to Clubber Restaurant.


The Thai pictured is ALL THAI...and in Pattaya...
see him soon at Jungle Boys :-)


ps...Kevin...You are kidding me ???
I am a Newbie compared to you and other my esteem Farang friends...
who DO KNOW where the FUN is in Thailand...
I am surely a Novice compared to you all!

I could have swore I had fun with that guy... Or it was his twin brother.

And sorry... I do come to Thailand for the fun, the guys, the change in culture, and even when I am 70, I will not ask to be taken where the retired folk are. :)

Now you guys need to stop telling me where I should post.. Just disagree and move on.

September 12th, 2007, 19:33

NO problem...I've got your message loud & clear!

"Now you guys need to stop telling me where I should post..
Just disagree and move on".

Moving on....


Lunchtime O'Booze
September 12th, 2007, 19:35
Buckanaway you really must get out more and experience the fabulous variety of nightspots in Thailand. I don't believe you..I bet a fab butch Thai guy could drag you into any alleyway and you would meekly follow..you don't fool me !

We all know you are a Republican and all Republicans love being screwed up the arse !!

I've been to the various Monty nightspot incarnations and I've seen Thai lads you would drop your pants for Buckanaway...and why haven't you sent me a private message with that pic of your dick ???

September 12th, 2007, 19:50
'Nothing to do with him. So please don't started shooting Monty.'

Monty sat back, fully aware that a fund-raiser was being advertised on his premises, offering free food, free drink and entertainment. Did he have no obligation to step in and ensure that the evening delivered what was promised, if not for moral reasons, for the sake of his own reputation?

Like many others I think you have a very close connection to Pattayaland bars.

You are starting to be too obvious. Piss off or start being less biased.

Monty might be a fool, not a good businessman. He is honest,shares his last baht with less fortunate.

Tell us about your good points if you have any. I respect Monty you are all fairy floss. Fuck off.

September 12th, 2007, 21:17
'Monty might be a fool...'

Trust me, next to you, he looks razor-sharp. However, I thank you for your completely unbiased post.

Incidentally, the use of 'piss off' and 'fuck off' add no weight to your writing.

September 13th, 2007, 05:14

Pardon me....if you will please...

I too am confused by your posting....

So you say: "I am not trying to hang out where the Farang are... I am not looking for the retired crowd...
I want to go where the fun is... where the guys are.... something that reminds me that I am in Thailand.....

Hmmm...May I suggest you post your questions about Gay Thailand elsewhere???
No need to waste your time with a bunch of Farangs found on this forum ...
which from your viewpoint -do not know where the fun is at in Thailand.

Just maybe Bucky, these so called Farangs of this forum ....
May just know where to find what you are looking for ...where the fun is at ...??? Hmmm ???
We may be older and Farang to you...but we have not lost the magic ...
and we know how and where to have fun ....I can assure you!

Bucky ...is this the type you are looking for in Thailand ???


photo courtesy of Aunt's posting on gaytingtongs board ...nearly 10,000 hits and views
http://www.gaytingtong.com/topic1653-13 ... 390d176ed5 (http://www.gaytingtong.com/topic1653-135.html?sid=d69a6ffb4e08d5254ed432390d176ed5)

or this one ???


(He will be at the NEW CLUB in Sunee Plaza..."Jungle Boys"..and he's HOT! ...opening soon)
photo courtesy of Goerge - the owner of Jungle Boys...as posted on tingtongs board...

I am happy to share whatever info I have with you...just expect a little respect in return as well... OK ????

By the way...If in Pattaya...see Krazy Dragon and Happy Boys Bar...what you are looking for is there!

I am sure there are other GEMS to be mined and to be found in Bangkok and Pattaya...as well as other cities in Thailand...
and guess what?

Farangs from this board who live year-round in Thailand probably have discovered them before you...
I see fellow Expatriates searching the clubs nightly looking for that special one :-)

Ask kindly, and they will share their treasure chest of the best of boys and clubs...

Be snobbish...and you can just find them for yourself!

Have a good trip to Thailand :-)


I owe Traveler Jim an apology. I responded to his post when I had only moments to leave my home to go to work and I could only give a short reply and I began to wonder if he was able to tell that there was no animosity or aggression in my reply to him and as I thought about it more I figured why take the chance on a misunderstanding.

Here is my amended reply.

As far as old folk knowing where the fun is, I know they know where it is, but they donтАЩt go there. They prefer to do old folk things with other old folk and talk about their youth and the fun they use to have. OK, I jestтАж

I find the boards a wealth of information and I enjoy cyber-time with you guys but when it comes to my putting my feet on the ground in Thailand, I am going to be looking for Thai fun, not Older Farang fun.

You should not take offenceтАж Maybe the old Farang hangouts are not marketed to some of us. Maybe their niche is retired guys with fashionable boyfriends who want to see and be seen.

I am not putting any of that stuff down because it all serves a purpose. It is just that I donтАЩt have a need for it and I stated thatтАж No big deal.

And yes, the guys you have pictures of are HOT! I would truly do them once and let them go on enjoy their life. I like guys.. I like hot guysтАж But I like regular guys too and they tend to be the real spice in my stay in Thailand.

So I am going to continue to post and enjoy my time on the message board, I only ask that you make room for my opinions from time to time. They are always honest and shared without malice.

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 13th, 2007, 07:06
Buckanaway-you should send me a full length nude photo of yourself.

September 13th, 2007, 07:33
Buckanaway-you should send me a full length nude photo of yourself.

You send me yours and I will send you (Computer experienced power-failure, unable to complete this post).

September 13th, 2007, 08:06
old but not dead,

I can hardly Wait till I am 17 again, I do more do More and have more fun than I ever have in my life at 55, I have more good looking boys and less problems with them than I ever did.

Other than the fact I might die tomorrow I am quite happy with what God dealt me at 55, I hope it is as good at 60 and 70. 35-45 was fun much more fun than the time until then.

Bucky, in regards to your post it was the way you came across not what you said. We already know we are getting old and soon to depart. I see no need of someone reminding me of that, or thinking I am not cool because of it. I have said before and say again I stay out all night go out as often as they (My 23 year old bf)wants to and dance the night away. I never could dance so the fact that I still can't has never stopped me from trying.

Have Fun Bucky see you if you are still there in January,

BTW anyone know if 41,000 in Delta miles is enough to get you from RDU to Bkk. The computer referred me to a long computer generated wait on the telephone.


September 13th, 2007, 08:15
....BTW anyone know if 41,000 in Delta miles is enough to get you from RDU to Bkk. The computer referred me to a long computer generated wait on the telephone.


Uh, what was this topic about again? I kinda lost track.....

Oh never mind. I forgot Rule #37 of the Posting Guidelines: "Any discussion that runs more than 3 pages MUST go of topic!"

September 13th, 2007, 08:51
Your right Wesley, I didn't take into consideration how sesative some could be about this topic. I wonder if I could have fully expressed myself in an honest way but by choosing different words that would be kinder and gentler?

September 13th, 2007, 09:23
....BTW anyone know if 41,000 in Delta miles is enough to get you from RDU to Bkk. The computer referred me to a long computer generated wait on the telephone.


Uh, what was this topic about again? I kinda lost track.....

Oh never mind. I forgot Rule #37 of the Posting Guidelines: "Any discussion that runs more than 3 pages MUST go of topic!"

Sorry Kenc I was doing two things at once, it goes with Old age, you can only do two things at a time and keep on topic after 50

September 13th, 2007, 09:39
Sorry Kenc I was doing two things at once, it goes with Old age, you can only do two things at a time and keep on topic after 50Clearly you were only speaking for yourself

September 13th, 2007, 10:34
My Dear Col. I was speaking in jest in reference to Buck's idea that us older guys can't have fun or are senile. I run two NGO's and Several private schools and obviously I do more than one thing at a time. I was actully upset that I was on hold for almost 30 miniutes while I was surfing this forum. Any chance that someone could answer my original qustion about Delta Sky miles was desporation in hopes of finally setting a date to go to Thaialnd. I am so frustrated I am thinking of a gay resort in Key west instead. I had one of the best times in my life there when I was 40. The best time in my life was in LOS at 45. Oil hit an all time high today so air line prices are going to follow close behind the hike. The best deal I could find was Thai Air by far. Delta had some good specials but they can't be used with Sky miles. I have held on to these and American air miles for years now and I was about to loose the Delta as I fly mostly British. god am I off Topic or what. it's all your fault Col.


September 13th, 2007, 11:56
My Dear Col. I was speaking in jest in reference to Buck's idea that us older guys can't have fun or are senile. I run two NGO's and Several private schools and obviously I do more than one thing at a time. I was actully upset that I was on hold for almost 30 miniutes while I was surfing this forum. Any chance that someone could answer my original qustion about Delta Sky miles was desporation in hopes of finally setting a date to go to Thaialnd. I am so frustrated I am thinking of a gay resort in Key west instead. I had one of the best times in my life there when I was 40. The best time in my life was in LOS at 45. Oil hit an all time high today so air line prices are going to follow close behind the hike. The best deal I could find was Thai Air by far. Delta had some good specials but they can't be used with Sky miles. I have held on to these and American air miles for years now and I was about to loose the Delta as I fly mostly British. god am I off Topic or what. it's all your fault Col.


You tell him Wes!

PS. Please check your e mail when you get chance.

September 13th, 2007, 17:44
My Dear Col. I was speaking in jest in reference to Buck's idea that us older guys can't have fun or are senile.


I never said that. I said I like to go where the Thai guys are and where the fun is (Fun with Thai guys).

I never said people 50 and older are this or that....

September 13th, 2007, 18:18
I like to go where the Thai guys are and where the fun is (Fun with Thai guys).


Ermmm .......... Everywhere and everywhere!