View Full Version : Do you pay for sex in your home country?

September 10th, 2007, 07:50
When you guys are back home in your own countries, do you pay for sex from working guys? You knowтАж Gogo dancers, massage guy, escorts, guys you meet on the internet and on and on?

I am wondering what the average is and it may help me understand the board a little better.

September 10th, 2007, 07:54
When you guys are back home in your own countries, do you pay for sex from working guys? You knowтАж Gogo dancers, massage guy, escorts, guys you meet on the internet and on and on?

I am wondering what the average is and it may help me understand the board a little better.


Why, you won't pay it anyway!

This is my home Country, by the way!

September 10th, 2007, 08:00
I offed a guy a time or two during my time in Thailand. True, I don't get to play with many moneyboys anymore, but it use to be my goal to off at least 2 guys during my holiday in Thailand.

Here in Delaware there are some very sexy guys online operating as moneyboys but there at many more who are just as sexy if not sexier who are giving it away for free. I can appreciate a man who enjoys his work but I would much rather spend my time with a guy that looks at me and desires me. A moneyboy would look at me and see me as a way to make some money...

September 10th, 2007, 08:17
When you guys are back home in your own countries, do you pay for sex from working guys? You knowтАж Gogo dancers, massage guy, escorts, guys you meet on the internet and on and on?

I am wondering what the average is and it may help me understand the board a little better.

If you taking off your shoes , think about what the average is they're want me to take off ! I love to pay my rent much more before i buy a penis . :clown:

September 10th, 2007, 08:20
No! Never have and never will!

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 10th, 2007, 08:36
how quaintly naive !

considering some of the stunners I see in my home country..and for that matter in every other country I've already cashed in my super and spread it like confetti.

If you pay for it in Thailand..why not anywhere else ?

I spent a small fortune on numerous trips to Puerto Rico in it's heyday when it gave Pattaya a run for it's money...when you walk into a bar called the Lions Den to be confronted by a blond Latin lad ( amongst a dozen others), completely naked and wanking one of those monsters they all seem to possess..you too would smash your piggy bank and hand over the cash. ( especially with Peurto Ricans..the randiest people on earth).

A lot of people actually like paying..I do ( and so does that cunt Homitern)..maybe it's the power. What about the numerous bars in Japan full of money boys who service the working girls..the girls work in parlours and get big money and then go to the boy bars and spend it on professional hustlers.
How very me.

September 10th, 2007, 08:38
If they had go-go venues like Thailand's I'd probably be one of the best customers.

However, when I think how much Boyfriend is getting out of me it looks like Thai Boys are a lot more costly per fcuk!

One of the reasons I keep his pic in my avatar is to keep me honest. I just don't have it in me to break his little heart....

September 10th, 2007, 08:49
If they had go-go venues like Thailand's I'd probably be one of the best customers.

However, when I think how much Boyfriend is getting out of me it looks like Thai Boys are a lot more costly per fcuk!

One of the reasons I keep his pic in my avatar is to keep me honest. I just don't have it in me to break his little heart....

that is a boy? I thought you were a lesbian LOL

September 10th, 2007, 09:16
wishing the wide range of gorgeous boys here
were truly "offable" as in TH

September 10th, 2007, 09:16
Same Same as Kevin: This is my home country now :)


September 10th, 2007, 09:24
that is a boy? I thought you were a lesbian LOL

Oh Wesley Dear, you're soooo cute.
I love you too honey.... :wan:

September 10th, 2007, 11:13
... "Are you mad? Of course" option

September 10th, 2007, 12:37
I have actually been paid for sex in the USA (this was around 15 years ago in Boston) . I never solicited it, but often, in the Nineties, older guys would offer, sometimes incessantly and aggressively, and on a few occasions I accepted.

It was a combination of financial need (desire, really) and the fact that it made me feel really hot that they wanted me that much that made me accept.

As far as paying for it myself now, the whores in the town I live in now are grotesquely ugly crack-head inbreds from upstate Maine that I would not touch with someone else's cock, let alone my own, even if they paid me (and believe me, they can't afford it anyway).

BTW- I voted the last option- "never have and never will" someday I might in a place like New York or San Francisco, if I am ever that old and rich, though.

A couple of summers ago I did the lap-dance thing with a go go boy at a bar in Montreal. It did make me come. Does that count? Canada is not my country, technically, so maybe not.

ned kelly-old
September 10th, 2007, 12:37
Interesting survey, but I doubt your'll get the truth.
I know many Aussies and Brits that would never even admit that they would consider paying for sex, let alone actually doing it in their own countries. I suspect it is the same for many Americans.
It's not the money but a culture thing.
The exact opposite for many Latino's and Asians though.

September 10th, 2007, 14:42
Me no shy, admit anything. Yes is the answer. I've had Scots, English, Welsh, Italian, Brazillian, Yanks and an Aussie - and paid for the lot. Aussie was top fucker. Man he was so good.

September 10th, 2007, 15:04
I won't be young and beautiful forever - when the time comes, I don't doubt I'd rather pay for it then go without

September 10th, 2007, 15:56
I wish there was another option on the poll: NEVER HAVE - BUT WISH LIKE HELL I COULD.

If there was a venue here in the U.S. where you could off a boy with the appeal our little honeys in Thailand I wouldn't be flying half-way around the world to find it.

Granted, I don't have a lot of experience with the gay scene on my home turf, although have visited gay bars in various cities during my work travels and have been bitterly disappointed. Of course, being into the younger feminine type guys does reduce my chances a bit. The last gay place I ventured into was in Los Angeles. By the bars name and the description of the venue posted on the internet, it sounded OK. I found myself surrounded by about 20 of the most gruesome looking idiots I've ever laid my eyes on. Most were wearing leather Halloween looking costumes with silver dog leashes wrapped around there fat necks. The first guy who offered to buy my drink looked insane. He had a bald head with a tattoo of some kind of bug on the side of his face. His Groucho Marx mustache and gold capped teeth were equally appealing. What I would have given at that moment to see a young slender Thai boy in his sleek white bikini undies walking across the room. My wallet would have been falling out of my pocket.

mai pen rai

September 10th, 2007, 18:38
Where I live in Saudi there is free sex everywhere for everyone. There is no prostitution as such just plenty of sex. The boys I like however are usually unemployed rough types. I don't like the Saudi perfumed ponces in their BMW's who chase anything in the age bracket from birth to death.

Going back to subject money is never asked for but if I see I have a lad who could use a little help I ALWAYS hand him some money and say this for petrol ( although its only 7 pence a liter) If he doesn't have a car I say take this to top up your mobile and call me in a couple of days.

50 SR note is good = $20. any larger amount and they would be offended as it would seem like prostitution. I have given much larger amounts to special boys in need on public holidays etc. Under a holiday gift.

Some boys have asked to borrow money. If an Arab asks then he really needs. If he is a regular I give him what he asks and say its a gift you don't have to pay me back.

All a bit complicated but once you know the rules You can get fucked from assholes to breakfast time and it doesn't cost a lot of money. Arab boys seem to like older westerners I think is because they dont get a lot of family love.

September 10th, 2007, 18:58
I offed a guy a time or two during my time in Thailand. True, I don't get to play with many moneyboys anymore, but it use to be my goal to off at least 2 guys during my holiday in Thailand.

Here in Delaware there are some very sexy guys online operating as moneyboys but there at many more who are just as sexy if not sexier who are giving it away for free. I can appreciate a man who enjoys his work but I would much rather spend my time with a guy that looks at me and desires me. A moneyboy would look at me and see me as a way to make some money...

And a Thai moneyboy is any different???

September 10th, 2007, 19:45
Here in New Zealand prostitution is legal and that includes homosexual prostitution. In years' past (when it wasn't legal) it was common for the larger cities like Auckland, Wellington, Hamilton, Christchurch to have escort agencies which offered a variety of boys. Some boys, mainly in Auckland, also hustled on Beresford St in the city just down from K Rd, but these were typically Polynesian and Maori boys, street kids, glue sniffers and other assorted 'rough-trade'. You would also find guys selling their male to male 'massage services' in a national newspaper called the Truth. And I was just chatting tonight with a mate of mine who used to work as a tart during his Uni days to pay fas he put it, or his rent and drugs, and he used to sell it from a well known gay bar downtown.

Ironically, now that homosexuality has become legal in New Zealand, and we also have full legal protections in law, and, since prostitution has become legal, there are less male prostitutes! Go figure! Gay escort agencies can barely keep their heads above water, the boys are gone from Beresford St, and the number of boy tarts offering their services in the Truth are at an all time low. I'm not sure why this has happened? Generally speaking young gay men in New Zealand will not touch with a 10ft barge pole anyone over 35, and if you are under 35 and fat, forget it. They wouldn't touch you with a 50ft barge pole! And yet there are still plenty of older gay men around who would presumably provide a ready supply of John's for the moneyboys to service.

One thing I have found very interesting among young queer men in New Zealand is that almost without exception they think that gay prostitution is degrading and unacceptable and something that they simply won't do. This conservatism is deeply shocking to me and I would never have thought that one consequence of homosexual law reform and the normalisation of gays within New Zealand society would be to also normalise their sexual morals and attitudes, but this is what it appears to have happened. The gay ethic has shifted.

I have paid for sex from time to time in NZ. It's easy and I don't have to cook them breakfast. It allows me to be selfish. But typically the men I have paid for sex in NZ are not New Zealanders, but foreigners; Asians, Europeans etc., and most I have found from the Internet. I think the reason it is so much harder to find organised gay prostitution in NZ now is because there is no money in it for the agency/brothel owner. Those who wish to work as moneyboys do so as free lancers and with little effort or cost, they just go on line to turn tricks, they don't need agencies or to hang out on cold dark street corners for that matter. And also we have full employment at the moment. Who need to turn tricks when you have a job!

We don't have anything like gay gogo bars in NZ, or host bars or anything of that nature here, even though they would be perfectly legal if they were here. I don't think we would have enough moneyboys to keep such places going. So in spite of legalising prostitution, it has not resulted in a boom of gay prostitution. On the contrary these seems to be even less of it around!

September 10th, 2007, 19:46
The UK Government is reported today to be considering prosecuting men who pay for sex (rather than, or as well as, the prostitutes)!
The idea seems to be that it will deter men using female prostitutes, especially those flooding into the UK from the new
accession countries to the EC in Eastern Europe.

But in these days of sexual-equality, who knows - it's bound to affect the rent trade as well!!!!!!?

September 10th, 2007, 20:36
The UK Government is reported today to be considering prosecuting men who pay for sex (rather than, or as well as, the prostitutes)!
The idea seems to be that it will deter men using female prostitutes, especially those flooding into the UK from the new
accession countries to the EC in Eastern Europe.

But in these days of sexual-equality, who knows - it's bound to affect the rent trade as well!!!!!!?

Where did you read this!!!!

Well if they don't speak English in the first place, the UK Government won't let them in - they are considering immigrants passing an English test to stay in the UK.

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 10th, 2007, 21:07
Elephantspike was an old scrubber once.

September 10th, 2007, 21:14
Where did you read this!!!!

On-line Daily Telegraph 10 September.

"Men who pay for sex could be prosecuted under new government plans to cut down on prostitution.
Ministers are debating whether to make the purchase of sex illegal instead of the sale of sex as is currently the case.

Individuals caught kerb-crawling would also be named and shamed as part of the proposals currently under discussion.

The government is trying to stop the growing problem of sex trafficking in the UK with increasing numbers immigrants coming here to work as prostitutes. According to the latest statistics, 85 per cent of women in brothels are from overseas.

Senior government figures believe that the only way to reduce these figures is to criminalise clients thereby sending out a message that paying for sex in unacceptable

Under the current laws, it is not illegal to pay for sex even though many of the activities surrounding prostitution are illegal. Men can be prosecuted for using prostitutes in certain circumstances such as kerb-crawling and it is against the law to run a brothel and to solicit or advertise for the purpose of prostitution.

The reforms would follow a law introduced in Sweden eight years ago which made it illegal to pay for sex but legal to sell it. The scheme is said to have reduced the number of brothels and clients in the country as well as cutting-down on the levels of sex trafficking".

September 10th, 2007, 22:44
We don't have anything like gay gogo bars in NZ, or host bars or anything of that nature here, even though they would be perfectly legal if they were here.

We did have a bar open by an escort agency called Adams Cage.

I went in twice and both times the "boys" spent the time playing pool or chatting over drinks at the bar .
I was never approached and would not have paid for the offering on display anyway.
It lasted a few months only.

We could never replicate the Thailand Bar - the boys just don't have the interest in the customers ( or their money ) to make it work.

September 11th, 2007, 07:05
Never have. never will, don't need to pay. Only rarely pay in Thailand. Plenty of horny guys in Thailand giving it up for free.


September 11th, 2007, 07:07
obviously your under 50 give it time.


September 11th, 2007, 17:48
obviously your under 50 give it time.


dude I know a 62 y.o who doesn't pay. But has a huge cock so that might be it.

September 11th, 2007, 22:41
90% of the time I don't pay like money for time spent, but if you have a bf I am not sure which is cheaper. The bf or the prostitute, same way with a wife, You seem to pay no matter what the situation. One is legal and the other is not. I have been fortunate to have had bf's 20 0r now 30 years younger than me and for the most part not freeloaders. but when you go out you foot he bill, go shopping you foot the bill ,all this stuff adds up to more than an off fee and a tip. Hopefully you are the lucky ones who manage to get everything paid for . if so Have a good time.


September 11th, 2007, 23:26
90% of the time I don't pay like money for time spent, but if you have a bf I am not sure which is cheaper. The bf or the prostitute, same way with a wife, You seem to pay no matter what the situation. One is legal and the other is not. I have been fortunate to have had bf's 20 0r now 30 years younger than me and for the most part not freeloaders. but when you go out you foot he bill, go shopping you foot the bill ,all this stuff adds up to more than an off fee and a tip. Hopefully you are the lucky ones who manage to get everything paid for . if so Have a good time.


I don't see Thai guys as being any different than guys here in the USA. Some just want to have sex with a person they are attracted to and are not looking for money but are looking for a good time.

September 12th, 2007, 04:07
UK RBs seem very very rough & all the cute guys seem to stay well away from the business.

Secondly, the government should keep it's nose out of commercial transactions between consenting adults, that have no effect on other parties.

September 12th, 2007, 04:26
I don't see Thai guys as being any different than guys here in the USA. Some just want to have sex with a person they are attracted to and are not looking for money but are looking for a good time.

I agree, I party my ass off with them, dance go to the clubs in which they want to go to, not my choice. I like it all and all kids of music and clubs , I go to straight Clubs gay clubs and anywhere they feel like they will enjoy. I drink beer slowly and never get drunk but allow them to drink and party as much as they like. As a result I have been fortunate to have had two 8 year relationships and evening older now I manage to keep them for 4 or 5 years before they move off into the world to find themselves. So, yes they enjoy being with people who will have fun with them both in public and in the bed room. I am by no means good looking but I weigh 178 and I am 5'11' tall. So I am no fatty and I am not the kind to throw a damper on a good night. I will stay out as long or longer than them. Old not dead is my motto

September 12th, 2007, 05:48
I live in Los Angeles.....and dont have any problem finding beautiful young guys......I am 43 and my BF is 22..he has gorgeous body and great personality and he loves me to death.......I do however pay for most things when we go to clubs , dancing etc.......but not uncommon for him to buy me drinks also.....but no need to pay for sex here. I have not lost my desire for Thailand though.....and still have many friends there. I just cant have BF so far away..in Thailand....so not to get their hopes up...i only send a little money to one boy...ive known for many years. I will drop everything here in Los Angeles to move to Thailand when things are right....and i so much look forward to that day.

September 12th, 2007, 07:03
I live in Los Angeles.....and dont have any problem finding beautiful young guys......I am 43 and my BF is 22..he has gorgeous body and great personality and he loves me to death.......I do however pay for most things when we go to clubs , dancing etc.......but not uncommon for him to buy me drinks also.....but no need to pay for sex here. I have not lost my desire for Thailand though.....and still have many friends there. I just cant have BF so far away..in Thailand....so not to get their hopes up...i only send a little money to one boy...ive known for many years. I will drop everything here in Los Angeles to move to Thailand when things are right....and i so much look forward to that day.

Must be fabulous, I am jealous to death, you handsome devil!

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 12th, 2007, 08:43
"I live in Los Angeles.....and dont have any problem finding beautiful young guys......"

Indeed Calif does have some of the most gorgeous boys in the US-the theory being that so many good looking people moved there over the decades to try to get in the movies and have subsequently bred generations of stunners.

I admit though ..I've paid for sex in LA..and I was only 19 !..but at the same time I also got paid at different times..

you must try everything in this life my dears..what have you got to lose ?

September 12th, 2007, 10:31
"I live in Los Angeles.....and dont have any problem finding beautiful young guys......"

Indeed Calif does have some of the most gorgeous boys in the US-the theory being that so many good looking people moved there over the decades to try to get in the movies and have subsequently bred generations of stunners.

I admit though ..I've paid for sex in LA..and I was only 19 !..but at the same time I also got paid at different times..

you must try everything in this life my dears..what have you got to lose ?


Only thing anyone ever give me is mentioned in a different thread!

September 12th, 2007, 16:09
Where did you read this!!!!

On-line Daily Telegraph 10 September.

"Men who pay for sex could be prosecuted under new government plans to cut down on prostitution.
Ministers are debating whether to make the purchase of sex illegal instead of the sale of sex as is currently the case.

Individuals caught kerb-crawling would also be named and shamed as part of the proposals currently under discussion.

The government is trying to stop the growing problem of sex trafficking in the UK with increasing numbers immigrants coming here to work as prostitutes. According to the latest statistics, 85 per cent of women in brothels are from overseas.

Senior government figures believe that the only way to reduce these figures is to criminalise clients thereby sending out a message that paying for sex in unacceptable

Under the current laws, it is not illegal to pay for sex even though many of the activities surrounding prostitution are illegal. Men can be prosecuted for using prostitutes in certain circumstances such as kerb-crawling and it is against the law to run a brothel and to solicit or advertise for the purpose of prostitution.

The reforms would follow a law introduced in Sweden eight years ago which made it illegal to pay for sex but legal to sell it. The scheme is said to have reduced the number of brothels and clients in the country as well as cutting-down on the levels of sex trafficking".

If this does go ahead, it could have wide implications for when one arrived back in the UK if they have been prosecuted in Thailand for doing the same thing - or could it not!!!

September 12th, 2007, 17:00
Me no shy, admit anything. Yes is the answer. I've had Scots, English, Welsh, Italian, Brazillian, Yanks and an Aussie - and paid for the lot. Aussie was top fucker. Man he was so good.

Go Steve1903. Share the love!

September 13th, 2007, 07:24
"UK RB's seem very very rough" strikes me as very very wrong! You could hardly say this unless you picked them up at a downmarket place like the Quebec pub at Marble Arch. Most of the hundreds of escorts who advertise on Gaydar or on the online sites seem to be very presentable, live in decent accommodation surrounded by all the amenities and gadgets a modern young man feels he has a right to. Many are very sweet and try to do their best, are usually polite and sympathetic, ready to have a laugh, etc. Of course, you can get scammed or find a bad apple, but that goes with the territory anywhere in the world. I have noticed that visitors to the UK often think very highly of the service they get from these guys and compare them very favourably with those available in their own countries.

However, there are some complaints about them that I would go along with -chiefly, that UK RB's are very expensive! You need quite an income or some very solid savings if you want to let seeing UK escorts become a habit.

Rough? Did you have one really bad experience, z909?

Oh, and I'm not a brothel keeper or a pimp, and I haven't got a rent boy BF! Just don't like to read what seems to me a misrepresentation of the facts.

September 13th, 2007, 09:02

Oh, and I'm not a brothel keeper or a pimp, and I haven't got a rent boy BF! Just don't like to read what seems to me a misrepresentation of the facts.

No point wasting your time talking to me then!

September 13th, 2007, 15:54
"UK RB's seem very very rough" strikes me as very very wrong! You could hardly say this unless you picked them up at a downmarket place like the Quebec pub at Marble Arch. Most of the hundreds of escorts who advertise on Gaydar or on the online sites seem to be very presentable, live in decent accommodation surrounded by all the amenities and gadgets a modern young man feels he has a right to. Many are very sweet and try to do their best, are usually polite and sympathetic, ready to have a laugh, etc. Of course, you can get scammed or find a bad apple, but that goes with the territory anywhere in the world....
However, there are some complaints about them that I would go along with -chiefly, that UK RB's are very expensive! You need quite an income or some very solid savings if you want to let seeing UK escorts become a habit.

Agree with all of that. Z909's sweeping statement totally misrepresents the RB scene in the UK. Must admit I have very occasionally paid for sex in London (it's far too expensive to make that a regular habit!!). Never been disappointed yet but have heard tales from friends of some disastrous meetings!
You have to be sensible and selective in where you trawl. If you pick up guys off the street or in back street dives you are more than likely to get scammed by a ne'er-do-well, conman or drug addict. The gay saunas (where you can eye up 'in the flesh' what you are getting) or reputable escort agencies advertising on the net are the place to look.