View Full Version : Australian Dollar

September 6th, 2007, 07:28
One of the problems with cut and paste from commercial sites,is they do not update their ads daily,even weekly

None of the turmoil of the last few weeks is indicated in those rates.

The A$ fell back from around US$.88 to below US$.77 cents from that high in early august that you are quoting

As at 6 Sept it has crept back to

At 7am AEST, the dollar was trading at $US0.8216/22, down from yesterday's close of 0.8221/26.

September 7th, 2007, 20:50
Top five places to spend the Aussie dollar
2007The Australian dollar is riding high at the moment, which is great news for those heading overseas. Here are the five places where the dollar is doing best against the local currency.
Japan: 23.1 percent
Japan is certainly not a cheap destination, but with the yen dropping 23 percent against the Australian dollar, your money will stretch further than before.

Taiwan: 15.8 percent
Maybe not on everyone's list, but it comes in at number two. Australians love to shop on holidays and Taiwan certainly has lots to sell!

Switzerland: 14.5 percent
An expensive destination for a long time and while that hasn't changed, right now you will get more value for your dollar.

South Africa: 14.1 percent
South Africa is a very financially friendly place to visit right now. The hard part will be deciding what to do when you get there тАФ safari, beaches, vineyards? The list is long.

The United States: 14.1 percent
The Australian dollar has gained 14 percent on the greenback, taking it to an 18-year high.

Source: expedia.com.au

A career in commerce would not be your thing WX40......you are such a fuckin' wanker. Give yourself an uppercut and give us all peace for a while!

September 8th, 2007, 05:10
I doubt if any of these places would accept an Aussie Dollar. And to think they call the "pohms" dopes.

September 8th, 2007, 06:34
I doubt if any of these places would accept an Aussie Dollar. And to think they call the "pohms" dopes.You're forgetting Australia's origins as a criminal colony, largely populated by Irishmen

September 8th, 2007, 20:00
Homointern is now an expert on all things Australian as well as everything else in the world....just ask him.....he'll tell you!

September 8th, 2007, 21:15
Homointern is now an expert on all things Australian as well as everything else in the world....just ask him.....he'll tell you!Good heavens dear boy, there's no need to ask, I'll volunteer the information just because ... In this case, just because I know it will annoy and offend a lot of Australians

September 10th, 2007, 15:02
Homointern is now an expert on all things Australian as well as everything else in the world....just ask him.....he'll tell you!Good heavens dear boy, there's no need to ask, I'll volunteer the information just because ... In this case, just because I know it will annoy and offend a lot of Australians

I can assure you Homointern, nothing you might write, say or indicate, would offend/annoy or otherwise as far as I'm concerned. Just keep stroking your huge ego and enjoy the rest of your miserable, control-freak, misguided life. Have a nice day.

September 10th, 2007, 23:18
I can assure you Homointern, nothing you might write, say or indicate, would offend/annoy or otherwise as far as I'm concerned. Just keep stroking your huge ego and enjoy the rest of your miserable, control-freak, misguided life. Have a nice day.The offense you haven't taken is clear for all to see

September 11th, 2007, 21:29
I can assure you Homointern, nothing you might write, say or indicate, would offend/annoy or otherwise as far as I'm concerned. Just keep stroking your huge ego and enjoy the rest of your miserable, control-freak, misguided life. Have a nice day.The offense you haven't taken is clear for all to see

And your deluded sense of self worth and importance is even clearer to most of us. The sooner you wake up to what a useless, insignificant cockhead you you really are, the better off the readers will be on this board. I really don't know what or who you and your wanker mates (WX40, Billy) think you are but, Jesus Christ almighty......you all need to take a good look at yourselves.
If you think you have offended, annoyed, or delivered some ego crushing blow to me, I can only say, keep wanking, enjoy yourself and remember there's safety in numbers especially for imbiciles.

September 11th, 2007, 21:53
The sooner you wake up to what a useless, insignificant cockhead you you really are, the better off the readers will be on this board.
Good heavens, dear boy, do you think I don't know that? But me realising it is one thing, doing something about it so as to make the readers on this board better off is altogether different. Don't they teach Australians anything about logical arguments? Or are you a closet American?

... especially for imbiciles.And clearly Australian schools are deficient in teaching spelling also - http://www.thefreedictionary.com/imbecile

September 12th, 2007, 08:01
The sooner you wake up to what a useless, insignificant cockhead you you really are, the better off the readers will be on this board.
Good heavens, dear boy, do you think I don't know that? But me realising it is one thing, doing something about it so as to make the readers on this board better off is altogether different. Don't they teach Australians anything about logical arguments? Or are you a closet American?

... especially for imbiciles.And clearly Australian schools are deficient in teaching spelling also - http://www.thefreedictionary.com/imbecile

At least you make me laugh!

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 12th, 2007, 09:08
as well as being a cunt..but although I believe Australia was populated mainly by Irishmen they were certainly not criminals but an oppressed class brutally treated by their English masters.

Indeed-it was the English who ran the colony that were completely corrupt..after all they sent that dreadful old rogue Bligh of the Bounty to govern the place !

I believe the colony also had a reputation for it's numerous male bordellos due to the lack of women..and what's more..those beautiful beaches were completely nude until the late 1920's when some highly corrupt local English mayor invented Speedos and passed a council rule that all men and lads had to wear swimsuits.

Bugger the English I say and give Ireland back to the Irish !!

September 12th, 2007, 11:30
..those beautiful beaches were completely nude until the late 1920's when some highly corrupt local English mayor invented Speedos and passed a council rule that all men and lads had to wear swimsuits.

When I was a lad up to the early 60's we still had nude swimming in enclosed areas quaintly known as baths.

The name came from the salt water baths which were extremely popular.

The sea swimming area was segregrated and the male section was costume optional. In those days the old jock

strap not the elastic ones, was the garment of choice. Male swimming costumes before the speedo had a triple

thickness covering the 'privates"

Both the Brighton and St Kilda baths are still there but mixed and no nude. The YMCA also had nude swimming

pool until the mid sixties. AH the good old days.