View Full Version : How much do you pay for short time?vote now

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 2nd, 2007, 15:55
on how happy , the happy ending is.

September 2nd, 2007, 18:02
Look, the fact that you have to warn them you are only paying 500 B pretty much tells you that amount is under the expected rate. If you intend to pay 1000, you don't have to say a word. So I do think 1000 for good service is the standard rate. However, if the service is very bad, I think you can pay somewhat less and not expect much trouble, because the service provider will also know it was a lousy experience.

September 2nd, 2007, 19:07
Billy i can not vote !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is not : "up 1200 bath "! :clown:

September 3rd, 2007, 00:01
So here you are ,you offed/barfined a guy,and now you are going to pay him his tip,usually i negotiate beforehand his 500 baht tip,so he knows how much he will receive so theres no nasty surprises,so how much do you pay for short time and do you negotiate the price with him before you take him?

Billy, I saw you strutting down the Soi toward Day Night with two street boys in tow, actually in a head lock.

From the looks on their faces I think they were in for a "nasty surprise".

September 3rd, 2007, 01:17
Why do you stop at 1200 Baht? I know guys who will pay large sums of money if they find exactly the boy they want and the boy does exactly what they say.

In one case a friend of mine paid 5000 Baht on two occasions that I know of and his short time was under 30 minutes.
Even I was amazed, but I know it happens.
I'll pay 1000 for run of the mill boys.
1500 for something I really like and want.

Obviously what someone can afford to pay to satisfy his desires is also an issue.

I know a guy who has lived here for decades, speaks accent-free fluent Thai and has never paid a boy one red cent and he has large numbers of boys visit him and no long term relationships!

Come to think of it, there are so many variables to this that one can only deal with this statistically.

And you know what Mark Twain said about statistics!

September 3rd, 2007, 02:40
And you know what Mark Twain said about statistics!

I don't know about Mark Twain but Disraeli said....

There are 3 kinds of lies...

Lies... Dam lies .... and statistics.

September 3rd, 2007, 03:42
Reply to Billy "not understanding those of us that voted with I Don't Do Short Time...."

Well in my case, with limited Thai experience, I fell in love almost every night I was in LOS. After the main event and the deed is done, I like to cuddle up and wrap that young boy in my arms for the rest of the night.

I get great pleasure in waking up thru the night and kissing this young boy on the back of his neck, rubbing my hand along his body, and just snuggling up close.

If he rolls his head back and returns the sensual kissing, his tip just jumped up.

I am truly in deep lust by the middle of the night and wouldn't want it any other way.

Then again, by 8:00PM the next night I am looking for another Boy Special to fall madly in love with for another night.

It works for me.

And hey, if it ain't so good..........its the road and short time.
Kinda like My Way or The Highway.
And I pay and don't look back.

Different Strokes for Different Folks.............
and I don't understand how you could send a real Boy Special away after an hour when for only another 500 you can make it a great all nighter...........

September 3rd, 2007, 06:43
[quote="splash4"]Reply to Billy "not understanding those of us that voted with I Don't Do Short Time...."

Well in my case, with limited Thai experience, I fell in love almost every night I was in LOS. After the main event and the deed is done, I like to cuddle up and wrap that young boy in my arms for the rest of the night.

Just what I am after...

September 3rd, 2007, 06:58
I really wonder about you guys who do Long Time.

I like long time...What's wrong with that? I also like *very* long time (non-money boy) even better.

and I don't understand how you could send a real Boy Special away after an hour when for only another 500 you can make it a great all nighter...........

If you're sending him away at all, then he's not a Boy Special.


September 3rd, 2007, 08:34
so about 46% pays a 1000 bath most people I know go around 700 it is like all those people flying business class staying in places like Jomtien long stay a lot of cr....

September 3rd, 2007, 08:36
Where's the choice for "more than 1,200 baht"?

September 3rd, 2007, 10:03
I had a barboy stay with me for several weeks and he refused financial compensation. Sure, we went to eat and movies and picked up
some clothes along the way. It grew very uncomfortable for me as I waited for the other shoe to drop.. I wanted to resume
my butterfly activities and told him to find his own place to live..

Then, after the drama part, we settled and it probably worked out to what I would have tipped him anyway on a daily basis. There are no free lunches
in Pattaya and it is far better to pay as you go and keep your sanity.. Or you can take your chances on the internet but watch out for surprises..

Tipping is a personal thing and each tryst can range from a meager 500B. to 1200B. or more on the rare occassions when I reach
nirvana and find perfection. I never tip less than 1000B. if there is penetration but am not generous with those who say they can and
then they can't.. Good service good tip, poor service poor tip..it seems obvious. :cat:

September 3rd, 2007, 11:55
You guys who pay over 1200 baht wreck it for all of us who pay only 500 baht.Vey soon boys will expect 1200 baht if you keep paying it. !!!!!!!!!!!

I think it is bad for Australians when I constantly hear that they are mean (keeneow) It is your mean spiritedness that causes this terrible reputation to grow.

Now those of us who pay 1000 or more do a great service and our respective races have an excellent reputation of being of good heart 'Jai dee".

Please wx40afp don't make this reputation extend beyond Australians and besmirch the entire white race.

I enjoy huge respect from the prostitutes of Thailand for which I am proud to pay handsomely.

September 3rd, 2007, 12:45
500 baht for short time seems to be about right. 1000 all night. Simple.

September 3rd, 2007, 17:26
I believe what someone else ( or many others) pay for a tryst, does not affect you that much. You pay what you and the lad have agreed upon. simple as that. WX if your afraid it will raise the prices (I think 1000 is too much as you do) I don't think it will. The lads will ask the going rate at the time not more, not less. ITs what we agree on- nothing else.

Furthermore, can we believe what people answer on a poll? Not I. The cheap Charlies might be saying they pay 1200 when its not so. I believe 13.6 percent of what I read on this forum. And that includes my own postings.

September 3rd, 2007, 18:06
In one case a friend of mine paid 5000 Baht on two occasions that I know of and his short time was under 30 minutes.

NO response from Billy so far to that - Someone had better pop round and see if he's had a heart attack !!

September 4th, 2007, 03:06

If many readers paid as much as they say they do then I wonder why I used to get so many complaints from the boys??

Must not have been about anyone on this board then eh!!!

September 4th, 2007, 07:25
You guys who pay over 1200 baht wreck it for all of us who pay only 500 baht.Vey soon boys will expect 1200 baht if you keep paying it. !!!!!!!!!!!

I love to wreck it for all " lurkers " who pay only 500 bath ! Even TUK TUKS are asking 300 bath for a short ride, and they not have to sit in a bar listening to your drunk boring story's all night and swallow your wordless sperm !

Gives them what they want !!! GOOD MONEY . :cheers:

September 4th, 2007, 11:58
Sometimes I am told, I like you so I go with you for 500 B. I never discuss price in a bar as I find it crass. However, these guys are always guys I wouldn't pay 100 baht for. Oh well.

September 4th, 2007, 12:05
You guys who pay over 1200 baht wreck it for all of us who pay only 500 baht.Vey soon boys will expect 1200 baht if you keep paying it. !!!!!!!!!!!

I love to wreck it for all " lurkers " who pay only 500 bath ! Even TUK TUKS are asking 300 bath for a short ride, and they not have to sit in a bar listening to your drunk boring story's all night and swallow your wordless sperm !

Gives them what they want !!! GOOD MONEY . :cheers:

You seem to be paying way over the odds for a tuk tuk as well. You must be rolling in it ... and money too.

September 4th, 2007, 12:23
You guys who pay over 1200 baht wreck it for all of us who pay only 500 baht.Vey soon boys will expect 1200 baht if you keep paying it. !!!!!!!!!!!

I love to wreck it for all " lurkers " who pay only 500 bath ! Even TUK TUKS are asking 300 bath for a short ride, and they not have to sit in a bar listening to your drunk boring story's all night and swallow your wordless sperm !

Gives them what they want !!! GOOD MONEY . :cheers:

You seem to be paying way over the odds for a tuk tuk as well. You must be rolling in it ... and money too.

Off the mark I fear with the Tuk Tuk. I don't pay anywhere near.

September 4th, 2007, 13:06
I know a guy who has lived here for decades, speaks accent-free fluent Thai and has never paid a boy one red cent and he has large numbers of boys visit him and no long term relationships!

I'm glad you said you just know a guy and didn't say "a friend of mine" What a mean cunt. this guy must be.

It makes me sick when I meet or hear of westerners who say that they never pay their boys when cruising in money market like Thailand. And don't anybody say that there are some people in Thailand who don't want money. Even if you are lucky enough to meet a Thai with a good job who is not an outright whore and he is just looking for sex. One should always remember that they are paid shit compared to us and should always be given a helping hand. If not cash at least a good useful gift.

These kind of farang often end up getting beaten up by a boy or even worse, and so they deserve it.

September 4th, 2007, 13:17
I know a guy who has lived here for decades, speaks accent-free fluent Thai and has never paid a boy one red cent and he has large numbers of boys visit him and no long term relationships!

I'm glad you said you just know a guy and didn't say "a friend of mine" What a mean cunt. this guy must be.

It makes me sick when I meet or hear of westerners who say that they never pay their boys when cruising in money market like Thailand. And don't anybody say that there are some people in Thailand who don't want money. Even if you are lucky enough to meet a Thai with a good job who is not an outright whore and he is just looking for sex. One should always remember that they are paid shit compared to us and should always be given a helping hand. If not cash at least a good useful gift.

These kind of farang often end up getting beaten up by a boy or even worse, and so they deserve it.

Dear allieb,

You are correct. Readers will soon learn of another murder, [if they have not already] in Yensabai, I believe. This has come from Erich the Manager of Dom Plaza and apparently the two boys in question are known to Erich.

It basically revolves around a Foreigner who met two boys through the internet and the agreed fee was 500 baht for the short time.

However, the Foreigner then wished the 500baht short time to become a 500 baht long time and there was an altercation resulting him going to Hospital with serious wounds and subsequently dying there as the injuries brought on a Heart attack.

September 4th, 2007, 13:47

If many readers paid as much as they say they do then I wonder why I used to get so many complaints from the boys??

Must not have been about anyone on this board then eh!!!

That's interesting Kevin, although not surprising. Could you perhaps give us some examples? We are always hearing endless complaints on this board about non-performing boys, it would be nice for a change, and to balance things up a bit, to hear the other side of the coin and learn about complaints about non-performing farangs from the boys.

What was a common complaint they made - although I think I can imagine what it would be?

September 4th, 2007, 13:57
This attack at Yensabi happened a week ago and there has been no news of the farang passing away. Could you verify your info?

September 4th, 2007, 15:52
This attack at Yensabi happened a week ago and there has been no news of the farang passing away. Could you verify your info?


I was told this by Eric the manager, I was with him in Dom Plaza as this news came in.

Apparently, the Foreigner was originally hospitalised in a serious condition and then suffered a Heart attack.

Erich told me as they were telling him. I was sat at the bar in the afternoon. I can no longer verify as I am out of Pattaya, but it was straight there and then, [ ask Erich if you are in Pattaya]

If he succumbed later in the Hospital, it may take until this week to hit the papers!

I stated already, it was information from Erich, not evening gossip around Sunnee, this is as the story came in!


Yes, On many occasions I had problems with Foreigners agreeing a figure then saying it was for all night and the boy had not kept his promise.

I even had occasions where Foreigners in an "alleged affair" both took the boy and wanted to pay 500 baht only for both of them.

I don't defend any of it, it should be spelt out clearly on the outset, sometimes it is, and the Foreigner decides to get himself pissed and decides the boy must stay, when the boy has already told him "no overnight"

For every bad Thai story, there is an equally bad farang story.

I even knew of one Foriener locking a boy in a private apartment, as he was so jealous and was determined he was going out but the boy was not, without him.

He lived on a high floor and had deadlock bolts on the outside of the door as he did not live in Pattaya for many months of the year, the boy could not leave the room!

September 4th, 2007, 18:15
Well that would be very sad if it's true. But then it does happen. The elderly often die after these sorts of assaults, they just don't have the reserves to carry them through. When this happens in New Zealand it's not uncommon for the charge to be upgraded to murder. Whether he's dead or not, I'm shocked that he was walking around Pattaya so soon after the attack. That was totally inappropriate for someone of his age after such a serious assault, he should still have been in hospital.

September 5th, 2007, 15:49
As you well know, you can knock off (as in kill) someone in NZ, get life and be out in 10 years. Ain't justice grand?

September 5th, 2007, 15:52
As you well know, you can knock off (as in kill) someone in NZ, get life and be out in 10 years. Ain't justice grand?

Oh OK,

And how much do they pay for short time then????