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August 30th, 2007, 10:02
American forces after a last ditch attempt by Bush to regain his voice and support for the war, made a rash loud speech condemning Iranian involvement in Iraq, arrested ten Iranian electrical power experts, there to help with the much needed expertise to restoring power supplies to the region.

Far from being a success, the militaries action just leaves one wondering if the Americans have ever had any access to any real intelligence at all? Is Iran being used as a scapegoat for a loosing battle, very definitely, even the Iraqis know as much.
At least the prisoners this time were not all immediately shipped off to face years on end enduring an American torture nightmare, there wasn't enough time. Their arrest was discovered very quickly by the Iraqis themselves who made the arrests public and ordered their immediate release.

Makes you wonder what the Americans are still doing there, no one wants them that's for sure. But then that was probably always the case.

August 30th, 2007, 10:04
Is Iran being used as a scapegoat for a loosing battleSomething to do with diarrhea?

August 30th, 2007, 10:33
Something to do with diarrhea?

Not again, if you are reduced to sucking Lunchtime O'booze's arse dry, gargle with toilet duck afters at the very least.

August 30th, 2007, 13:45
Never fear, Cedric, about American intelligence. With a fine young lady like Miss South Carolina we begin to realise that the future of the world is in safe US American hands! Praise the Lord, but not only is she a natural blond, but I just bet you she loves the baby Jesus with all her heart. A fine young lady, I recommend her to you!


August 30th, 2007, 14:18
Never fear, Cedric, about American intelligence. With a fine young lady like Miss South Carolina we begin to realise that the future of the world is in safe US American hands! Praise the Lord, but not only is she a natural blond, but I just bet you she loves the baby Jesus with all her heart. A fine young lady, I recommend her to you!


Good idea miss South Carolina, time to start smuggling maps through the "thick as pig shit curtain", maybe Mexico would be the easiest route in.

August 30th, 2007, 16:47
"American Intelligence"

An fine example to illustrate the definition of oxymoron if ever there was one :cheers:

August 30th, 2007, 22:30
American forces after a last ditch attempt by Bush to regain his voice and support for the war, made a rash loud speech condemning Iranian involvement in Iraq, arrested ten Iranian electrical power experts, there to help with the much needed expertise to restoring power supplies to the region.

Far from being a success, the militaries action just leaves one wondering if the Americans have ever had any access to any real intelligence at all? Is Iran being used as a scapegoat for a loosing battle, very definitely, even the Iraqis know as much.
At least the prisoners this time were not all immediately shipped off to face years on end enduring an American torture nightmare, there wasn't enough time. Their arrest was discovered very quickly by the Iraqis themselves who made the arrests public and ordered their immediate release.

Makes you wonder what the Americans are still doing there, no one wants them that's for sure. But then that was probably always the case.

The US relied on technical intelligence efforts rather than human intelligence and that's turned out to be obviously the wrong move. The problem is that an organization like the CIA has an extremely difficult time hiring anone with foreign language and cultural skills, due to the fact that these skills come from visiting and living in foreign countries. But visiting foreign countries makes you a big security risk, and the CIA would worry that you've already been recruited by a foreign agency. In fact, working in the Peace Corp will disqualify you for work for the CIA. The best CIA candidate would be a white male from Indiana who speaks Arabic, has never been outside the US, has never even had a passport, and could blend in while walking around a street market in the middle-east. That person does not exist. The filtering process required to get into the Defense Language Institute(DLI) is such that the people best suited are ALL filtered out.

Also, most people who have an interest in foreign cultures and language are not the people who would ever want to work with the CIA or the US govt, because the few Americans with foreign language skills are probably educated enough to understand the long-term US goals for the world (which are frightening). Sad thing is, Europeans consider themselves so enlightened but in fact EU is fully cooperating with the US in its goals for world domination.

As for Iran, the US Navy and Marine Corp have been training for an Iran mission since 1979. The only question is the timing of the attack. It was going to happen in March of 2006 but was called off. The focus was shifted to Iran immediately after Iraq started in 2003. Do not be surprised to wake up one morning and see on the news that Iran is in ruins. Then get ready for Syria. This is horrible to me, but this is NOT the US that used to exist. America is long gone. Don't fault Americans for this. We have no control over this government, and our elections are all rigged by the establishment. This stuff about Iran-built IED's is just pretext. US special forces are already operating within Iran, and any attacks by Iran on US forces in Iraq is completely justified. The people in these middle-eastern countries are just horribly unlucky to live on top of oil reserves, have brown skin, speak non-English, and believe non-Christian. And yes, American cluelessness is a big part of the problem. America is very anti-intellectual, and happily unaware of the rest of the planet. But this unawareness is a requirement in order for the real rulers to accomplish their mission. When Bush/Cheney talk about "New World Order" (Bush senior), or "The long war" (I think that was Cheney)...they are not kidding. And this is where the EU plays right into this. A consolidated Europe is a requirement for the next stage of this chess game. So don't just assume you guys are all blameless.


August 31st, 2007, 07:44
Sad thing is, Europeans consider themselves so enlightened but in fact EU is fully cooperating with the US in its goals for world domination.

Yes, American cluelessness is a big part of the problem. America is very anti-intellectual, and happily unaware of the rest of the planet. But this unawareness is a requirement in order for the real rulers to accomplish their mission. When Bush/Cheney talk about "New World Order" (Bush senior), or "The long war" (I think that was Cheney)...they are not kidding. And this is where the EU plays right into this. A consolidated Europe is a requirement for the next stage of this chess game. So don't just assume you guys are all blameless.

Then I am sure they wont think that DBoy, though the idea of a united economic front or "United Europe" seems to rather frighten America, they believe that all foreign competition is unhealthy,and are especially suspicious of the Euro and France and Germany's motives.

There really should be in place though a construct where the congress can throw out a president without having to have two thirds majority of anything, and isn't two terms a long time...... blah blah. I am sure even without a phantom Osama , Bush has long invested in an entire collection of bullet proof body suits for him and for her, as it must have become plainly obvious by now that there is only one other truly viable option left.

I always thought the "big Kahuna" was as clueless as the flock, then again that is probably also a "requirement for world domination". Lets hope it stays that way, as world domination as a concept doesn't seem to be working very well. In fact America, post feral pilgrim settlement of its shores, is more isolated than at any other time in this history, with Christianity in a world-wide decline. They are obviously doing something right?
Talking of world domination bids etc, I just wish that they had not decided to resumed Bush's hormone replacement therapy, its usually the first step to literally shrinking a president, perhaps they are just giving him enough rope etc, a bit of Dutch courage to bear his naked chest, lets hope Laura doesn't follow suit?

August 31st, 2007, 09:34
Dear Cedric

I am not sure why you want to use a gay forum to push your anti-American bashing blog and agenda. God if I didn't know better I would say you hate us all just because we were born here. I think your analysis is wishful thinking. I guess the world problems have to be blamed on someone and I guess Americans make a good scapegoat. I would complain that you are using a gay platform to bash Americans but, for some reason I happen to like you.

I realize we aren't perfect but we relied heavily on British Intelligence before we went into Iraq. The fact that most countries have some forces there in some fashion says we were not the only ones dubbed by British intelligence and poor CIA and FBI collaboration. I am not saying we are good or right or wrong,only that its wrong to blame everything on America when obviously they are not in this alone and never were. I think Americans are sure they don't want their women to have to wear head scarfs in 20 years. EU is already inundated with refugee's from Islam and are in a serious position with Human rights if they try to do anything about it.

Close, the borders and come home is our best bet and let the world fend for itself when the next Hitler comes along. American expansion began when they marched into Europe to push the Germans back to their home. EU owes a hell of a lot to the Russians and Americans. If it were not for the two everyone would be speaking German by now all the way to London. No one thinks about that when they bash America and American intelligence and even go so far as to think we have our head in the sand in all this. We are calling for it to end and it will in another year. Until then we will have to live with this president like him or not. The Democrats are sure to take the house and presidency because of Bush and this war. I my self would vote Decorate for the first time in my life right now. I am not sure I want a woman in the white house who has a grudge against men who run out on their wives but, that may be the best we can do in 2008. If Clinton wins for sure we will be left to a marriage with hormone changes and woman on the rag or even worse going though the change of life while president. God help us. I see no candidate I would vote for. I feel most of America feels the same way. Its a no win election for us this time around.

So, if you want to use this forum for gay rights issues I would say go for it but if its just to bash Americans why not Blog on my space then I can look at it if I like. here I assume that there are some people with an open mind. I am sorry I was wrong.


August 31st, 2007, 14:21
Dear Cedric

I am not sure I want a woman in the white house who has a grudge against men who run out on their wives, If Clinton wins for sure we will be left to a marriage of hormone changes and a woman on the rage or even worse going though the change of life while president.

Wazz I am not sure that you are not a misogynist. But for the record Mrs Clinton is well past the hot flushes stage of life, think of her as your uncle if it helps. And whats wrong with holding grudges against men who run out on their wives? Fucking dirty bastards and their sluts, you would think they could get a fuck or unload their shit without destroying lives in the process. Perhapse she should legalise prostitution if she becomes president.
I dunno, being gay doesn't exclude us from talking about anything other than gay sex, this is the global forum. Yes America is in this alone. I like you too for some reason, perhaps its because your grammar is even worse than mine :cyclopsani:

August 31st, 2007, 14:30
American forces after a last ditch attempt by Bush to regain his voice and support for the war, made a rash loud speech condemning Iranian involvement in Iraq, arrested ten Iranian electrical power experts, there to help with the much needed expertise to restoring power supplies to the region.

Far from being a success, the militaries action just leaves one wondering if the Americans have ever had any access to any real intelligence at all? Is Iran being used as a scapegoat for a loosing battle, very definitely, even the Iraqis know as much.
At least the prisoners this time were not all immediately shipped off to face years on end enduring an American torture nightmare, there wasn't enough time. Their arrest was discovered very quickly by the Iraqis themselves who made the arrests public and ordered their immediate release.

Makes you wonder what the Americans are still doing there, no one wants them that's for sure. But then that was probably always the case.

American Intelligence

... are you referring to FOX news ?

August 31st, 2007, 15:10
... are you referring to FOX news ?

not everyone is taken in by the Faux News propaganda:



August 31st, 2007, 15:22
American Intelligenc
... are you referring to FOX news ?

No, know nothing about "fox news" other than that it exists we dont get it here at the house. I never listen to or watch American news channels when I am travelling if I can help it. This latest show of "Intelligence" was broadcast on the BBC world service.

Something about America TV that is a big turn off, all that ranting, raving, bogus, hype.... blah blah. And the make up is outright scary even on the men. Seems in ga ga land the more insanely artificial a person looks, the more they are believed? Can't figure that one out yet.

August 31st, 2007, 15:41
Wazz I am not sure that you are not a misogynist.

I don't know why, but for some reason, Cedric, I reckon you'd look really hot dressed up as a dominatrix in lots and lots of lovely shinny black vinyl!


August 31st, 2007, 15:51
Close, the borders and come home is our best bet and let the world fend for itself when the next Hitler comes along. Wesley

See, this is the problem. The US CANT leave now, and it would make no strategic sense to leave. It should be obvious why a pullout is not EVER going to happen. Even with a puppet government in place I seriously doubt that the US would simply hand it to them at let them run it. Tribal affiliations are much more important to these people than any govt the US could think up. US will do something that will be SOLD as a pullout (they'll pull like 25-50K troops). But they HAVE to do this anyway since the numbers are simply not there to maintain troop levels as they are now. All of the presidential candidates know the real score, and Hillary even spoke on this point recently. Bottom line is that it makes NO sense to pull out of Iraq because 1) it would revert to some form of theocratic rule (by popular election), 2) training ground for terrorists bent on destroying Israel blah blah blah 3) would turn US strategic plans into poo-poo (the next moves are to deal with Iran and Syria). Iraq provides the perfect staging area for additional operations in the area. This is especially important with the closing of the US military bases in Saudi. The US will not allow Iran to be a regional power, and in my opinion there's nothing that will stop an eventual extensive air attack on Iran, no matter what the IAEA stays about Iran's nuclear program. With ground forces busy right now, it seems to me that a massive air campaign is likely, which will target not just the nuclear facilities, but also infrastructure and political targets; the goal being to create a failed-state that can then be re-shaped by using the Iranian dissidents already in the control of the CIA.

Why on earth would the US pull out of Iraq when it sits in exactly the right place to further project power, not to mention the vast oil reserves (extreme strategic importance). We'd just what? pull out and let Iraq make oil deals with Russia/China and freezing out the West? Don't think so. US can pull all troops back to their massive Iraq bases anytime they want to, and immediately cut further troop losses to about zero, reduce ground troops, and relieve the current stress on the military. At that point we could stay forever. The bases were sited in advance in a chain fashion to follow the expected route of the new oil pipeline. The Green Zone is set up with everything required to run the government. Then you'd have Blackwater (private security) patrol the pipeline route to guard the infrastructure and get oil exports going again. Then if the president happens to be in a good mood that day he might sign into law some budget money for worker training (which will be called "education" in propaganda-speak) so Iraqis can be trained to work in factories making cheap products for export to US and Europe. This would be a fun way to annoy China. When basic infrastructure is in place they could even be trained for other outsourcing jobs. This is much more likely than packing up our toys and going home. This is merely a small part in a very big, and long-range plan. I'm amazed how little people know about American foreign policy. This is The Long War.


August 31st, 2007, 16:50
See, this is the problem. The US CANT leave now, 1) it would revert to some form of theocratic rule (by popular election),

Audhu billahi min ash shaytan ar rajim,

Hasbi Allah

August 31st, 2007, 18:56
Wazz I am not sure that you are not a misogynist.

I don't know why, but for some reason, Cedric, I reckon you'd look really hot dressed up as a dominatrix in lots and lots of lovely shinny black vinyl!

SPANK ME!Cedric,

I was married long enough to know what living with one is like; I donтАЩt hate them I just know what a bitch it is to live with them and their constant hormonal changes. Other than being a real bitch she wasnтАЩt all that bad. I tried to like her and did love her. Her dislike for men was as great as my love for them. So, it was just a deal that did not work for me.

As for my grammar, I guess I could use some help in that area. However, I spend so much time typing in a day I get to the place I donтАЩt really try to be politically correct or grammatically efficient.

I still like you even if you do manage to cast a shadow on American Imperialism. I donтАЩt say youтАЩre not right it I is just after traveling like I do, I get tired of it after a while. I try to retreat here occasionally to this forum to get away from it then only to find it here as well. You have every right to say what you want and I have every right to respond with my distastes of the subject matter.

September 1st, 2007, 10:35
I still like you even if you do manage to cast a shadow on American Imperialism. I donтАЩt say youтАЩre not right it I is just after travelling like I do, I get tired of it after a while. I try to retreat here occasionally to this forum to get away from it then only to find it here as well. You have every right to say what you want and I have every right to respond with my distaste's of the subject matter.

I understand what it must be like, a mere hint of an American accent sends eyebrows soaring in hotel lobbies around the world, guests and employees alike, people scoffing silently behind hands raised to the mouth, some not even pretending to contain themselves.
Even in my local supermarket there is general disdain, if I ask where for example a peach come from I get a hasty, no good, no good, America. And this is in Asia?

Bush's continued mega mouthed crap, is of course not helping, but I suggest by now that there has been an accumulative effect built up over the years, more recently Bush Snr didn't help matters much either.
Its that combination of aggressiveness and lack of intelligence that the civilised world finds so vulgar and primitive. Perhaps diplomacy else where does conceal a certain license, but it is hardly ever assumed.
If only that were the full extent of the matter I am sure hardly anyone would be in the slightest bothered. After all some nations do need their boorish cousins to take all the flack, despite what they might think of their own dear Tony Blairs and Howards of this world.

But then there are of course the glaring hypocrisies and real live tragedies involved, of a nation using violent, mostly deadly and reckless war to try and maintain its gross material satiation, while at every turn throwing out jargon like humanitarianism, democracy, Christianity and even terrorism, like spent toys of an obese child that cannot accept even the basic lessons in life.

The only people, buying into it all this propaganda are the "folks back home". This sadly leaves almost no margin of error as far as world opinion is concerned.
No way around it, it's simply "uncool" to be an American.

September 1st, 2007, 10:53
I understand what it must be like, a mere hint of an American accent sends eyebrows soaring in hotel lobbies around the world, guests and employees alike, people scoffing silently behind hands raised to the mouth, some not even pretending to contain themselves. Even in my local supermarket there is general disdain, if I ask where for example a peach come from I get a hasty, no good, no good, America. And this is in Asia?There are of course those who see what they want to see, and only see what confirms them in their prejudices (or is that bigotry?). I'm often happy to lead the anti-American brigade (vulgar, vulgar, vulgar) but having allies like Cedric in the cause is plain embarrassing. Responses to Cedric are best typified by the following

September 2nd, 2007, 06:58
From what I've seen, it's the *Football* idiots (from the UK I suppose) who are the real cancer on world travel. It was the UK football idiots that scarred my memories of Amsterdam, and for some reason these same idiots make their way to Pattaya drinking establishments. Probably has something to do with the working-class mentality of so many brits. As an American traveler, I've found people from the UK to be the ones I attempt to avoid. Just about everyone else is more than happy to chat with an American traveler. Educated people seem to be able to separate the actions of a government from individual citizens of that country. Of course that depends on some level of consciousness regarding politics.


September 2nd, 2007, 09:25
From what I've seen, it's the *Football* idiots (from the UK I suppose) who are the real cancer on world travel. It was the UK football idiots that scarred my memories of Amsterdam, and for some reason these same idiots make their way to Pattaya drinking establishments. Probably has something to do with the working-class mentality of so many brits. As an American traveler, I've found people from the UK to be the ones I attempt to avoid. Just about everyone else is more than happy to chat with an American traveler. Educated people seem to be able to separate the actions of a government from individual citizens of that country. Of course that depends on some level of consciousness regarding politics.


Bravo, bravo, Encore, Encore.


September 2nd, 2007, 09:56
Educated people seem to be able to separate the actions of a government from individual citizens of that countryEducated people also understand the difference between politics (which is transitory) and culture (which is pervasive)

September 2nd, 2007, 13:04
It is hilarious to see board members denouncing stupid Americans which they post here using computers, software, and the Internet developed by ... those stupid Americans!

September 2nd, 2007, 13:24
My two cents here as a poster and an American, not as an Administrator:

George Bush should hang just for his crimes against the American working class alone. What he has done to Iraqis is far, far worse than what he has done to us.

This is an extremely common sentiment in The U.S.A. right now, Cedric, FYI.

September 2nd, 2007, 14:17

September 2nd, 2007, 16:32
It is hilarious to see board members denouncing stupid Americans which they post here using computers, software, and the Internet developed by ... those stupid Americans!

Yep. Hollywood is really clever to perpetuate the myth that the yanks invented the computer. Why only a couple of years back they laid claim to the achievements of Alan Turing. It'll be Babbagge's mistress Ada next.The biggest joke was when they rediscovered Algol but renamed it Pascal (after a Frenchman?).

They'll be claiming Alexander Graham Bell next.

September 3rd, 2007, 02:57
It is hilarious to see board members denouncing stupid Americans which they post here using computers, software, and the Internet developed by ... those stupid Americans!

Yep. Hollywood is really clever to perpetuate the myth that the yanks invented the computer. Why only a couple of years back they laid claim to the achievements of Alan Turing. It'll be Babbagge's mistress Ada next.The biggest joke was when they rediscovered Algol but renamed it Pascal (after a Frenchman?).

They'll be claiming Alexander Graham Bell next.
And just who are all these irrelevant people you mentioned. I am sure their not British. maybe Indian. Seems I see more Indians in UK than Brits.

Oh, that right they are Brits too, Another one of the colonies that got away.


September 3rd, 2007, 03:09
My two cents here as a poster and an American, not as an Administrator:

George Bush should hang just for his crimes against the American working class alone. What he has done to Iraqis is far, far worse than what he has done to us.

This is an extremely common sentiment in The U.S.A. right now, Cedric, FYI.

Does what he did make all Americans bad people Mr. American? Politics and Culture are two different things as the col. already pointed out. A bad President doesn't make bad people. I know the prevailing sentiment here now and if we had felt that way 4 years ago we would not be complaining now.

The American people had no idea he was going to go into Iraq, although they should have guessed. To blame all Americans for ones mistakes is out of bounds.

I agree things aren't all that great here or anywhere right now, but I really do get tired of hearing it.


September 3rd, 2007, 04:01
And just who are all these irrelevant people you mentioned. I am sure their not BritishAnd you wonder why we think Americans are ignorant. The "irrelevant" people are the ones who invented computing and the original software, all British, and well before the British citizens of Indian ethnicity arrived. I didn't realise until now you are a racist as well; I must tell my good friend Bucky about that

September 3rd, 2007, 05:49
Shall we start with Alexander Graham Bell. He invented a mechanism through which electricity could be modulated by vibrating diaghrams and this could be replicated miles away. This led to the telephone and when he did go to America the Bell Telephone Company was named after him. He had a hearing problem which caused him to enquire into the use of electricity for amplifying sound. The School he attended in Edinburgh was founded before 1132 for the eldest sons of Clan Chiefs (who would be slaughtered if the Clans got difficult to govern - why else do Kings found Schools. Other notable former pupils of this School include all the pre-Stuart Kings of Scotland, Adam Smith, Sir Walter Scott, Lord Roseberry - the Liberal PM, Ian Charlesson and Robin Cook.

Charles Babbage is credited with designing a differencing engine which exhibited many of the notable workings of digital processors. Ada Byron, Countess of Lovelace and daughter of the well-known poet developed programs for this machine an achievement that led the US military to name their attempt to popularise an all purpose programming language after her. You see, not all Americans are ignorant hicks in the sticks.

Alan Turing had an unfortunate habit of meetiing naked young men on Ham Common and kept getting arrested for this. He was usually let off because he cited his Bletchley Park connections. He was sentenced to chemical castration and commited suicide. My artificially intelligent friends tell me that his papers are beautifully clear and a joy to read. His most celebrated work wass laying down the Black Box principle but he is more widely known for the cracking of the German Enigma machine codes. Interestingly, BBC4 is right at this moment reshowing "Breaking the Code" in which he is played by Derek Jacobi who was also in the celebrated "I. Claudius" with the aforementioned Charlesson who died of AIDS related infections in the late 1980s.

I trust this is sufficient elucidation for you Wesley, dear. It must be very difficult out there in the middle of nowhere.

September 3rd, 2007, 06:27
What has he done to the American working class?

Wow, where to start? Is this a serious question? Assuming it is, I will list one...

The Iraq war: US military is mainly working-class Americans. The impact on the families is huge (divorce, home foreclosure, suicide, murder-suicide, mental health issues, physical disability)


September 3rd, 2007, 09:13
Well, you know, war is hell. But the "working class" people over there in Iraq are there because they believe in the President's cause. I mean, it's a voluntary force, so we have to assume that. While loss of life is tragic, these people died in the glorious belief that they gave their lives for their country. Sad, but true. Their families look at them as martyrs, just like the families of suicide bombers do.

September 3rd, 2007, 09:58
I trust this is sufficient elucidation for you Wesley, dear. It must be very difficult out there in the middle of nowhere.

Wow, and to think I could have done a google search too and come up with all this, or do you spend that much time in front of the TV watching the History channel. I am sure it is not because you are well read. And! You have no sense of Humor either, or you would have realized I was being sarcastic about British ingenuity. It is Best to let the Col. do the quick remarks, it takes less reading and serves the same purpose. And where do you live that leaves you so enlightened I wonder. Surely your not part of the New York brats with nothing better to do than look down their nose at someone not from there.

No Col. I actually have no problem with the Indians I was being a bit sarcastic with you as well. Its just that when I was going though London I noticed they have really odd shaped ears. All most... Mickey Mouse. So, a quick jab there was unavoidable. Actually, I don't care what color they are.


September 3rd, 2007, 12:49
Well, you know, war is hell. But the "working class" people over there in Iraq are there because they believe in the President's cause. I mean, it's a voluntary force, so we have to assume that. While loss of life is tragic, these people died in the glorious belief that they gave their lives for their country. Sad, but true. Their families look at them as martyrs, just like the families of suicide bombers do.

Completely agree. Of course the $20,000 bonus doesn't hurt either. $20,000 is considered "big money" to many people. They've also started a "quick ship" program. I could in theory sign the papers today and be in Iraq in November (what a deal!). Anyway my response was on the impact to the working class. What the US is doing in Iraq is a war crime (Nuremberg Trials- Count One: Conspiracy to Wage Aggressive War Count Two: Waging Aggressive War, or "Crimes Against Peace").

...but George Bush did not ask my opinion


September 4th, 2007, 02:37
Seemed he took a promotional trip to Iraq on his way to Oz,

Hope things went well, I heard things are improved in that particular Province since the troop surge, however , they say they can not maintain that kind of a surge indefinitely. So, makes you wonder what is next.


September 4th, 2007, 14:33
could have done a google search too and come up with all this, or do you spend that much time in front of the TV watching the History channel

Wrong on both counts. As to seeking to give an impression of being "well-read", my contact with much of what is written in my posts is more primary.

September 5th, 2007, 03:59
could have done a google search too and come up with all this, or do you spend that much time in front of the TV watching the History channel

Wrong on both counts. As to seeking to give an impression of being "well-read", my contact with much of what is written in my posts is more primary.

Can you use ordinary English to answer this, I seem to be so far out in the sticks I miss your point. Are you saying your Posts are intellectually stimulating. If so I am sure you will understand me when I say that intellectuals who brag about it really never were all that bright. Maybe you don't need turn on a light when you come into the room since you are so bright.


September 5th, 2007, 04:08
I was wondering if things are really so bad as the news here reports, Are they trying to just kill Bush or trying to kill everyone at the Summit.


September 5th, 2007, 04:16
Nowhere do I suggest that my post is other than factual report drawn mostly from near primary sources. The fantasy of intellectual stimulation is entirely yours. That sort of invalidates your personal jibe, doesn't it - or would it be some sort of complex puzzle for you to work out what even this means?

September 5th, 2007, 09:46
I love Puzzles keep on posting
