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View Full Version : Jim, Jimmy, James to reopen Wednesday night August 29th...

August 29th, 2007, 05:52
For you JJJ fans,

The Mamasan at JJJ says ...
they will REOPEN the newly remodeled and expanded club...

Wednesday night August 29th...
that is tonight in Thailand.

May I add...please be sure to ask for and check
the Thai ID cards.

Have a good time..
the newly remodeled club looks great!


August 29th, 2007, 09:56
what is your problem with Jimmy James
you are not getting free refills for you tea bag like before with the old owners from Memmory
what about the french owned pedo gogo bars Keos are the boys all over 18 or are you getting free stuff from them so no bad words about it you should change your name from travellerjim to dramaqueenjim or better assh...jim

August 29th, 2007, 10:27
Another post by a new member and most likely the only post you will see from this member. These posts are only done to degrade someone or cause some problem somewhere. Since I cannot be there I am most thankfull for any info and JJJ is one of my favorite bars. The owner does a fine job with the guys working there and they all seem to like him. It is a well run bar and a happy bar as far as the staff goes. Thanks for the info and some pics would be appreciated.

August 29th, 2007, 10:31
what is your problem with Jimmy James
you are not getting free refills for you tea bag like before with the old owners from Memmory
what about the french owned pedo gogo bars Keos are the boys all over 18 or are you getting free stuff from them so no bad words about it you should change your name from travellerjim to dramaqueenjim or better assh...jim

Good Grief Mike...

Welcome to Sawatdee Forum...your FIRST POSTING ...GEE!
I guess I should feel grateful for being the chosen one of your (attack) comments...
as evidenced by your "eloquence and gracious words" ...

However, Mike...

I have no problem with JJJ ...I do wish them well!

Quite frankly, and to the point...however....

I do not believe an owner of ANY club ... I say again...ANY CLUB
is doing their job when they allow the hiring of underage boys !

This has nothing to do with freebies...
it does concern the rights of the gay community customers...
and the boys themselves...

as I am one customer who does like to visit the clubs on occasion...
I would like to have some "peace of mind" that the owners and Mamasans have done their job
by making sure that all boys at their clubs are 18 years of age and over.

Sadly, however, it is a "buyer beware" ..."caution - underage boys within"
mentality one must recognize and have when visiting some clubs.

Always, I do my due diligence in asking for the boys Thai ID card...
reading it, checking for photo likeness and date of birth.

If the boy says the Thai ID card "is in my room" ...conversation over!

Mike....If the shoe fits...and underage boys are being hired at a club...then, in my opinion,
the club owners licenses should go the same way of the old Amigo Club Bar and K-Boys...and others...
be canceled, be closed and out of business!

Obviously, I have touched a sensitive nerve of yours ...and possibly others who like to
frequent clubs which feature many underage boys...
by cautioning fellow readers to be sure and check the boys ID cards.

and - for the record - checking for a valid Thai ID card that is a good practice regardless of age...

I do wish JJJ a successful reopening...
and I respectfully ask that they and others ...IF THE SHOE FITS...
to carefully consider the issues both you ....and I have raised.


August 29th, 2007, 11:09
travelerjim read your message -- youth 'scramble" in Sunnee 11.00 pm Monday night

boys were running out from Sundance and Keos afther the rumour about police comming

but you are only talking about boys from a bar to be reopen soon ... one thing we do agry all those bars with under aged boys should be closed
so mayby next time do not talk just about one bar but but tell the whole story

August 29th, 2007, 11:27
Again, anyone here for longer than a day knows all this, and that's assuming he's a slow learner too.
I don't doubt the good intentions of the posters who try to warn tourists of the dangers here, but this is becoming a Greek Chorus. I, for one, am sick and tired about hearing about the "underage" monster.
Anyone stupid enough not to check ID must have trouble walking across the street as well, and that can be a pretty dangerous thing as well, but we don't harp on it day in and day out.

August 29th, 2007, 11:43
Maybe I'm getting into the swing of things here now. I just saw that Krazy Dragon is having a "Butt of the Year" contest coming up in September. Maybe we should be falling all over ourselves checking IDs here as well, writing endless warnings for people who are too stupid to cross the street alone, since there was a big media splash over the owner of this bar just a few months ago having to do with, yes... "THE UNDERAGE MONSTER"!
Oh no! Is there anyplace we are safe? Iran maybe? The Vatican? Is it really hopeless?

August 29th, 2007, 12:15
so mayby next time do not talk just about one bar but but tell the whole story

I whole heartedly agree with you mike100, lets tell the whole story. Maybe you would like to start by telling everyone that all forms of prostitution are illegal in Thailand, and therefore all gogo bars are breaking the law. Would you like to endorse that?

While you are at it, lets warn everyone who takes off a "boy" that they are committing an illegal act - the penalty may vary according to age, but it's still illegal. Don't you agree?

August 29th, 2007, 13:49
gwm4asian, please don't go telling the whole story because if you do we will all go to prison!
Thank you very much for making my life totally miserable now that you have raised all these prickly facts!
What? We are all criminals? What shall I do?
I must throw myself off the rooftop of the highest building in Sunee in order to save humanity. First thing in the morning, I must. Mea culpa! Mea culpa! Mea Maxima Culpa!

August 29th, 2007, 13:56
so mayby next time do not talk just about one bar but but tell the whole story

I whole heartedly agree with you mike100, lets tell the whole story. Maybe you would like to start by telling everyone that all forms of prostitution are illegal in Thailand, and therefore all gogo bars are breaking the law. Would you like to endorse that?

While you are at it, lets warn everyone who takes off a "boy" that they are committing an illegal act - the penalty may vary according to age, but it's still illegal. Don't you agree?

.. illegal since 1960 and therefore a criminal offense. Punishment is up to 2000 TBT (for the prostitute).

With inforcing the Entertainment Places Act of 1966 which is still in effect today, makes it possible to render "special services" like massage, etc.

Off fee is charged for "buying time", not for sex. What you are doing with the offed boy or girl is "up to the offed person". This is clearly stiched at the edge, but this is Thai logic.

In 2003 the Thai government was concidering to legalise prostitution but failed.

August 29th, 2007, 14:43

August 29th, 2007, 16:14
will be there to see it and believe it. will carry my automated id checking device on me at all times

August 29th, 2007, 19:22
For those who don't seem to know what the Thai law actually says, here it is ...

Prostitution is illegal for everyone involved EXCEPT THE CUSTOMER.

The only instance where the customer is liable is if the prostitute is under 18.

August 29th, 2007, 20:06
most posters in this thread with less than 10 posts
and they all sound like BG.
why would anyone listen to a
poster in a forum anyway?
he can't be very bright
wasting his time like that.

was there last march and only saw
one nice looking guy there

August 30th, 2007, 21:12
So how was the opening and any pics of the ne interior and boys?

August 30th, 2007, 22:19
So how was the opening and any pics of the ne interior and boys?

Yes please. Would like to get an idea of the new layout. Is it basically twice as wide as it used to be? Center stage or on one side? Would like to see photos. And what the hell, photos of the guys would be nice too:-)


August 31st, 2007, 00:35
yes please, come on, pics please
in & outside preferable

August 31st, 2007, 02:53
Suggesting that customers be sure to check IDs at a newly opened club does seem to imply or hint at illegality of sorts. Everyone who reads this forum is old enough to decide for themselves.
The doorman at JJJ is Em and the Mamsan is Nu same same as in the past.
Oh, don't forget to double check your bin and your change........!!