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View Full Version : A killer lurking across Thailand

August 27th, 2007, 12:34
I have uncovered a startling fact. Peanut-butter is toxic. Almost without exception, and this comes as a huge surprise to me as I have been eating the stuff since childhood, but peanut butter is a certain killer.
We all know or should know that peanuts are high in positively good oils, they contain, as a percentage of total fat, 49 for monounsaturated and 29 polyunsaturated fat, but do you know that peanut manufactures turn that "good" oil into trans-fats to avoid the paste separating from the natural oils in the bottle? So thats a total of 78+ pure trans fat or hydrogenated oil. You are literally eating pure trans-fat smeared across your whole grain, and so is every other kid in the western world and beyond.

I have found only one you will be relieved to know that doesn't have this toxic ingredient, "O organics" peanutbutter, manufactured in Canada, and its very nice, nutty with just that perfect hint of salt, and thats all it is in fact, peanuts and a pinch of salt. You have to mix it up before you use it, as there is a large delicious pool of sweet golden healthy oil floating on top. Get your supplier to start ordering it if you like peanut butter.
All the rest including the common ones like Skippy, Jif etc are packed with this lethal ingredient, that are responsible for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other chronic diseases like inflammation of the immunity system, that literally goes "nuts", attacking the body, because it believes it is one large tub of foreign matter. And it wouldn't be far wrong. Just think of all those obese, diabetic, attention deficit children running around smothered allergies and asthma? These manufacturers are not obliged to tell you this on the jar, only in specific countries and Thailand isn't one.

Just thought I would share in case you live in Thailand and guzzle import peanut butter. Shopping has become quite exciting these days, even coconut and coconut milk and palm oil I discovered has almost twice as much saturated fat as pure lard! So eat those red duck curries in moderation.

August 27th, 2007, 14:34
Thanks a lot for your post Cedric, and have just checked the peanut butter in my fridge and it says partially hydrogenated oils as part of the contents.
I will not have any of it, and will throw it away.

Well done!

August 27th, 2007, 15:38
Glad to have helped. Should you battle to find a properly labelled alternative peanut butter, then look in the bottle to see if there is oil floating on top, if there is, then it is more likely to be a good one, as it will certainly not be partially hydrogenated fat, because trans-fats are not liquid at room temperature.

August 27th, 2007, 16:19
Disgusting, vile tasting sht anyway!

August 27th, 2007, 16:33
I try not to eat fried foods or anything with transfats... Since I thought peanut butter was a good thing on my toast in the morning I found this info helpful (and alarming). I am so glad that New York city is banding restaurants from using tran-fats in their cooking. And to think we were told for many years that margarine was healthier than butter.

August 27th, 2007, 21:13
I have been aware of trans fats and started using I can't believe it's not butter instead of real butter. It used to say on the tub, cholesterol free and no trans fats. However I went to the supermarket near where I live a couple of days ago to get some more and found that no trans fats was not on the tub any more. The information on the side said trans fats. Next to this product was another tub in a slightly different color labeled ( Original I can't believe its not butter) still marked no trans fats.

What are the makers up to? I wonder why they make two different kinds with the same name.

August 27th, 2007, 22:18
Well, at least some commercial brands have no trans fats:

http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/nutty ... ter?page=2 (http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/nutty-about-peanut-butter?page=2)

August 27th, 2007, 22:23
Aside from the fact that all this mass produced coporate garbage is full of chemicals that are not good for you, processed food just doesn't taste as good as the real thing.

There's a big argument going on right now in the US about chocolate. The big companies (like Hershy) want the FDA to allow them to replace the cocoa butter with corn syrup and still be able to call the junk "chocolate".
Geez, the stuff they make already tastes like shit-on-a-stick. :pukeright:

August 27th, 2007, 22:31
I like the natural style peanut butter, just peanuts and salt.

The kind with the oil glob on top isn't sold in Thailand.
The best there is available is the Mission Brand:

no sugar
no cholesterol

97.5 percent peanuts
1.5 percent vegetable oil
1 percent salt

So its hard to tell whether there are trans fats in this product or not.

August 27th, 2007, 22:51
Being an American, I have come to the point where I don't fully trust any US agency... even the FDA. Sometimes they are just looking out for the farmer's interest and will say anything. So if they say peanut butter or corn fed, "hormoned" pumped beef is good for you, I still will have my doubts.

August 27th, 2007, 22:52
Being an American, I have come to the point where I don't fully trust any US agency... even the FDA. Sometimes they are just looking out for the farmer's interest and will say anything. So if they say peanut butter or corn fed, "hormoned" pumped beef is good for you, I still will have my doubts.
Fair enough, but Webmd? They are credible.

August 28th, 2007, 03:07
Disgusting, vile tasting sht anyway!

...and this coming via our friend from the Land of Vegemite.

Now THAT'S some seriously vile-tasting stuff! :cheers:


Just razzing you, aussieal. I can't stand it myself, but know people who do (the poor, cardboard-tongued souls)!

August 28th, 2007, 03:40
I just wrote to the White House in order to gather more information. At the same time I shall inform them about the recent attack on the world's freedom.
Peanuts are no peanuts! All those peanuts around are probably a well disgised terrorist thread against humanity, christianity and the free world. This should be taken indeed seriously, especially while peanuts are camouflaged as butter. There are probably hidden in Crisco too....

I am not sure that Mr. Bush is aware about all this dangers yet. As soon as he knows, he will surely send the army out, extending Guatonamo Camp and have the hom(e)o secutity guards on patrol.

The 39th US-president was never a fan of Mr Bush (choose anyone of them). But he liked peanuts a lot and got rich on them, no just on the Nobel prize.

And all of them (Mr Nobel, Mr Carter and Bush sen) loved Saddam Hossoin; they’ve made him really powerful and supplied all the goodies against hard cash to him. Bush jun is probably still having wet dreams about Mr Hossein and wants his toys back … And Chemical Ali knows all the tricks how to smear butter around the globe. He will hang soon for his profound knowledge of peanuts.

Maybe there is a conspiracy going on, just discovered at Sawatdee Gay Thailand web board. Great.

August 28th, 2007, 07:34
Well done ttom, yes there is and was a conspiracy to render the entire American population diseased and ill, and it worked by and large, and is still working. But no, this particular grand plan came from the American government itself backed by big business and FDA, "your Saddam" might have sat back and laughed, he never had to lift a finger.
It was and still is called the "food pyramid", put out by the USDA (US dept of Agriculture)backed by corporate farming interests, but glaringly not backed by one iota of health research. http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/pyramids.html This pyramid was sent out to be ingrained into every child and adult in the country, through the education system (sic) and beyond.

Back to peanut butter and trans-fats. I agree with kenC avoid eating too many processed foods, just the good kind like well made cheeses and air cured ham, the naturally processed or preserved foods, usually from the Mediterranean areas, in moderation of course, and breads, whole grain, and without animal or hydrogenated oils are better. You do have to read ingredients though. Even whole nuts can be rendered unhealthy snacks in the processing process, just read the ingredients on a bottle of cashew nuts, they use trans-fats to so the nuts don't get that shiny oily look so hated by dieters.
Seed or nut pastes preserved in their own unsaturated oil should be one of those good ones. Tahini is one such product, sesame oil is good for you, but fuck around with it to make it more appealing and look fat free by binding the fat into the solids for the "health conscious", and you are in fact turning a very healthy food into a lethal dose of chemical toxin instead.

Peanut butter alarmed me, like it or not, it is the staple of billions of kids and adults as a quick meal on bread, ironically it is also a potentially very healthy thing to eat. Be suspicious if there are any more ingredients other than peanuts and flavouring, like salt, sugar you get from the "jelly" or honey or whatever is your poison, so is not necessary.
Raksiam, if there is added vegetable oil don't touch, there cannot be any reason on the planet to ever add oil to ground peanuts, this added vegetable oil will most certainly be trans-fat.

August 28th, 2007, 09:32
Cedric, you are probably correct.
Mission Peanut Butter probably does contain trans fats. Probably a very small amount per serving but even small amounts are not good. Their label is tricking claiming no cholesterol. That would lead alot of people to think this means no trans fats. Trans fats are not cholesterol; they cause high cholesterol and heart disease.

I guess to get the natural peanut butter in Thailand, you have to make it yourself.

August 28th, 2007, 10:18
Cedric, you are probably correct.
Mission Peanut Butter probably does contain trans fats. Probably a very small amount per serving but even small amounts are not good. Their label is tricking claiming no cholesterol. That would lead alot of people to think this means no trans fats. Trans fats are not cholesterol; they cause high cholesterol and heart disease.

I guess to get the natural peanut butter in Thailand, you have to make it yourself.

Well I found "O organic" peanut-butter here in Hong Kong, the only one I found that wasn't more or less pure trans-fat, all the imported ones from America where pure poison. Even the ones labelled as healthy and low fat etc. There must be some local Thai one that is good, can't think they are too worried about a bit of good healthy oil floating on top. Yes most definitely yes, "no cholesterol" labelling is miss leading and means nothing.

I went shopping with someone who is taking medication for high cholesterol and it was a real eye opener. We then went into Rubi Tuesday for some lunch and there wasn't a single thing on the menu he could order. Can you believe they even had potato wedges with bacon cheese and sour cream, all of it, on one plate, none of it natural, all processed bacon cheese etc, there was nothing I wanted to eat either, even the salad bar was one big pigs swirl of heart gunk, so we left. This is bad very bad as the place was packed full of local Chinese eating their hearts out, kids having birthday parties. There should a law to stop these unhealthy franchises spreading across Asia. The Chinese diet is pretty low on processed khaka.

August 28th, 2007, 14:48
Especially in third world countries people use all what’s cheap for food. Some even believe advertisements and prefer foreign, believing that’s more expensive, imported and therefore better.

Mass producers don’t care about food quality, there only interests are quantity.

Look at the so called refreshment industry. Ultra sweet lemonades (cola etc.) are just a high amount of worthless industrial sugars (or other chemicals) fattening people at no time.

Or all the fast food, especially pizza, pasta, burgers. Even the Thai are copying “modern styles” with there instant noodles and other.

The amount of chemicals, especially antibiotics, filled into shrimp’s ponds is unbelievable. After ten years of use a pond is naturally death for at least 50 years. Products unfit for exports are sold to local markets. Similar is chicken farming.

In Nan or Chiang Rai they spray highly toxic herbicides, especially Paraguat, which is forbidden in western countries. Using airplanes and mostly foreign labourers since even the hill tribes are refusing to work due the dangers.

This list is endless.

Consumers around the globe are looking for the lowest price possible. They forget all about value for money.

Just look what is best selling “food and dinks” at 7 Eleven, or rolling towards the cashiers at supermarkets. Look like junk it’s peoples favourites. They probably deserve it.

At home, Supervisor is dishing home grown or free range products only. As a good Issan farmer, he knows hat he is doing.

August 28th, 2007, 16:18
Actually, I have been shopping Thai stores for years and I don't think there is any such thing as natural peanut butter with a pool of oil on top available in Thailand. If you know of a source, let me know. I have been using Mission brand but it probably does have a small amount of trans fats from the way they probably treat the oil.

So I looked up some recipes for homemade peanut butter. They all require adding some oil, but just processing this oil in a food processor does not hydrogenate the oil, so no trans fats. Sounds very easy to make if you have a food processor, which I do, so I think I will give it a try:

http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/recipes/r ... utter.html (http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/recipes/recipes/peanut_butter.html)

August 28th, 2007, 22:16
I LIVE on peanut butter here in the USA.

Thanks LOTS for the heads up.
Checked my cheapo brand and it says
0 grams trans fat per serving, but it could have .5 grams
and it could say the same legally.

But can't hydrogenated orient itself in the "cis" configuration
as well as the "trans"? all hydrogenated are not necessarily equal.

August 29th, 2007, 00:11
I LIVE on peanut butter here in the USA.

Great nation ! :clown:



August 29th, 2007, 03:54
I figure a forum for both Rent boys & the Toxicity of Peanut butter could go far......


August 29th, 2007, 16:31
I LIVE on peanut butter here in the USA.

Great nation ! :clown:



Pure trans-fat Baziel, the texture alone, is it Skippy? Just when we thought it was safe to go out.

August 29th, 2007, 22:24
who really believes this?

besides the guy that made it up?

of course we can all check the stereoisomerism of the
contents by picture, this is the internet

Just back from the USA grocery

Skippy 0 grams trans fat
Jif 0 grams trans fat
Peter Pan
0 grams trans fat
Country Delight
0 grams trans fat

another internet debaucle laid to rest

August 30th, 2007, 00:15
Actually, according to the US govt rules, they can say 0 when there is actually small amounts of it. So don't believe everything you read on a label.

August 30th, 2007, 01:03
Actually, according to the US govt rules, they can say 0 when there is actually small amounts of it. So don't believe
everything you read on a label.

less than one gram can be called zero grams
by the rules, but hardly a "KILLER LURKING"

August 30th, 2007, 01:07
Actually, according to the US govt rules, they can say 0 when there is actually small amounts of it. So don't believe
everything you read on a label.

less than one gram can be called zero grams
by the rules, but hardly a "KILLER LURKING"
Even small amounts of trans fats are very bad for you. Trans fats do kill. So killer lurking sounds about right.

August 30th, 2007, 07:33
who really believes this?

besides the guy that made it up?

of course we can all check the stereoisomerism of the
contents by picture, this is the internet

Just back from the USA grocery

Skippy 0 grams trans fat
Jif 0 grams trans fat
Peter Pan
0 grams trans fat
Country Delight
0 grams trans fat

another internet debaucle laid to rest

Thats certainly not what it says on the same bottles on our shelves? Interesting. Perhaps in your state wearing spectacles is considered bad for your health?

August 30th, 2007, 08:03

August 30th, 2007, 10:11
No one falls for that shit here dab69, you have to warm up a new alias properly before anyone bothers taking them seriously.

August 30th, 2007, 10:15