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View Full Version : I probably ought to know this already....but I don't

August 24th, 2007, 02:23
Ok so we all know about having multiple sexual partners and the possibilities that occur from that but is there a recognised gap between sexual partners at which the threat of aids is negated when having unprotected sex?
As I said, it sounds like something I really should know by now, but don't.

August 24th, 2007, 03:08
I probably ought to know this already....but I don't
Ok so we all know about having multiple sexual partners and the possibilities that occur from that but is there a recognised gap between sexual partners at which the threat of aids is negated when having unprotected sex?
As I said, it sounds like something I really should know by now, but don't.

I don't understand the question. But unprotected sex is always high risk...PERIOD

August 24th, 2007, 03:32
check out www.thebody.com (http://www.thebody.com) and www.aidsmeds.com (http://www.aidsmeds.com)

It's not clear what is being asked, but if you get infected during an episode of unprotected sex it can take 3-6 months before before antibodies are detectable. If you are very concerned, you can have a viral load (HIV PCR) test done.

Post Exposure Prophylaxis is recommended for a confirmed exposure within 72 hours of the incident.

August 24th, 2007, 04:38
I thought it was clear however what I am asking is this.
If you have unprotected sex with a partner and neither of you are hiv+ then there is no problem as long as you both remain each others sole sexual partner. If you are having sex with more than one person then you could become hiv+ whether they are hiv+ or not. If you have a sexual partner but then split up and are no longer having sex then how long would you have to wait before it would be safe to have unprotected sex with another person who is hiv- and who is not having sex with anyone else.

Jeez I think that just sounds more complicated but I always did say I'm a simple soul.
All I really know is "when you are sober I can hear what you're saying and when you're drunk I can hear what you're thinking". Beyond that I only get confused.

August 24th, 2007, 04:43
in the circumstance you describe, you should have an HIV antibody test at 3 months and 6 months.

So I guess the answer to your question is 6 months, assuming that you get tested and are negative
at that point and you did not have sex with anyone during that six month interval.

But, why put yourself thru this?

Stay safe, use a condom.

August 24th, 2007, 04:58
If you are having sex with more than one person then you could become hiv+ whether they are hiv+ or not.

Not true, Steve. You can have sex with millions of people and, if none of them have the HIV virus, your chances of getting HIV are zero (if they don't have the virus, they can't pass it to you). You only go blind or grow hair on your hands if you have too much sex..... :albino:

If you have a sexual partner but then split up and are no longer having sex then how long would you have to wait before it would be safe to have unprotected sex with another person who is hiv- and who is not having sex with anyone else.

If you contracted HIV from the first sexual partner, you're not safe no matter how long you wait. I'm guessing (maybe?) you're asking how long does it take for you to know you've contracted it? I understand (maybe not 100% accurate) that
the antibodies produced in your bloodstream after you have been infected don't show up in adequate numbers for testing for at least a month or two after you've contracted the virus? If you've tested negative three months after having the sexual contact, I'd say you're clear. But others here probably know about this better than me (ask your doctor and/or check it out on the net).

As a final comment, probably foolish to think you are safe to engage in unprotected sex with anybody just because they tell you they are HIV-. How do they know? Unless it's somebody you've known for a fairly decent length of time, they've tested negative, and you are certain they haven't had sex for others for 3+ months, having unprotected sex with them is somewhat like playing russian roulette.

August 24th, 2007, 06:55
The first rule of the universe is: ALL MEN ARE PIGS!!!!! To stake your life on the word of another man that he is: 1) negative 2) that he is monogamous with you is the height of ignorance, dancing in the fire, or down right stupidity.

Lunchtime O'Booze
August 24th, 2007, 13:14
that on the side of a bus in Chicago the following graffiti was spotted:


August 24th, 2007, 15:40
Ah, I see the assumption is that I put myself in the situation I described above. Actually I haven't, it was just a question I was curious about. The only way I'd have unprotected sex with anyone would be after I'd seen the results of an hiv test and if I'm 100% sure that the other guy was not going elsewhere for some fun.

August 24th, 2007, 17:29
I hope all goes well for you. I am sure you are not gong to wait 6 months to have sex again, so use a condom for the sake of those you are with if not for yourself. Play safe and have fun.
