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View Full Version : Pattaya people you love to hate!

August 21st, 2007, 19:21
Sorry to bring us back to Pattaya again, but the recent threads on the place made me think about how, in spite of the fact that it's not terribly big, it does seem to attract some of the oddest people that I, for one, have ever seen or heard.

As a frequent visitor, I repeatedly come across people whose overheard conversation (why do people feel the need to speak so loudly on the beach or into their mobile phones?) or other activities imprint themselves on my consciousness and, over time and probably for utterly irrational reasons, make me take an intense dislike to them, even though I don't know them at all and have never actually spoken to them.

Perhaps I can give a couple of examples of such characters. Maybe others would like to add more and we'll see if there are any who we all recognise...

(1) a guy looking like an ageing hippy who, a few years ago, could be found repeatedly driving around the Day-Night area in an open topped four-wheel-drive vehicle with an elaborate sound system and huge freestanding speakers through which he blared music and some sort of personalised fanfare to indicate his arrival at a bar. He would stagger out of the (chauffeur-driven, I seem to recall) vehicle looking rather the worse for wear, go into the bar for a few minutes, come out again (cue for the in-car noise to begin again) and then tootle off - usually in the direction of Sunee Plaza - only to return again 30 minutes later.

(2) a Jomtien Beach regular who frequently seeks (in a very loud and hence involuntarily overheard voice) to impress the more naive and impressionable beach boys by telling them that he is an ex-cop, has killed lots of people in his time and is quite capable of taking out anyone in Thailand who double-crosses (or perhaps merely just crosses?) him.

The vast majority of people I have met in Pattaya over many years - especially the Thais - have been delightful. Maybe the two I have pinpointed are really very nice people too. Maybe, to others, I myself am just as weird in behaviour/conversation.

But Pattaya certainly seems to be a place where you begin to suspect that a surprisingly high proportion of ex-pat residents must be living because of their innate social ineptitude and/or their inability to fit in successfully in the land of their birth.

In which case, maybe they can only feel at home (and in the position they would like to occupy in life) in a country like Thailand where many inhabitants award them "status" merely because of their farang birth and not because of their real human qualities or abilities?

August 21st, 2007, 20:26
I really couldn't agree with you more.....Pattaya, sin city and all it's pathetic ex-pat nonsense.
The comment on this board from some illustrious members are responsible for my choosing Chiang Mai again for vacation. I have been in Thailand many, many times so God knows how a Thailand first timer views the claptrap of some posters here!

Lunchtime O'Booze
August 21st, 2007, 20:48
"a Jomtien Beach regular who frequently seeks (in a very loud and hence involuntarily overheard voice) to impress the more naive and impressionable beach boys by telling them that he is an ex-cop, has killed lots of people in his time and is quite capable of taking out anyone in Thailand who double-crosses (or perhaps merely just crosses?) him. "

so you've met Hedda then ?

August 22nd, 2007, 00:55
One of my favorite saying is: "The only normal people are the ones that you don't know very well." In Pattaya you see people as they are, or wish they were. At a certain point in life one realizes that what others think is pure bull shit, unless, of course, they are the ones paying your bills. I love to see those who have realized that their time in the sun is now, and they take off on their own screwy journey. Enjoy life, it is much much shorter than death.

I, for one, love the spectator sport of people watching. Pattaya and Jomtien are among the best viewing spots on earth. Anytime I'm feeling a little down I just start remembering some of my fondest memories: The huge man iwearing a G string...with so much fat hanging down that you could see nothing but grotesque fat, and the bottom of a hairy crack . The man wearing a wig that for all the world looks like he has a dead cat on his head. The mamasan, with a big smile, trying to explain to a customer that the boy he wanted would not go with him because he was obnoxious, drunk, and smelled like shit.

Compared to most of the locals, I would have to describe Hedda as "normal."

August 22nd, 2007, 03:50
"a Jomtien Beach regular who frequently seeks (in a very loud and hence involuntarily overheard voice) to impress the more naive and impressionable beach boys by telling them that he is an ex-cop, has killed lots of people in his time and is quite capable of taking out anyone in Thailand who double-crosses (or perhaps merely just crosses?) him. "
so you've met Hedda then ?
I was thinking Mr John Botting. How do you think he got to be Top Gun in the Pattaya Jaycees? (Or is it Kiwanis Club? Or the Shriners?)

Cheers ...

August 22nd, 2007, 05:18
so you've met Hedda then ?Surely Hedda infests Sunee during the daytime, reading the newspapers?

August 22nd, 2007, 08:40
Without a doubt all you say is true. I think I saw 5 or 6 that resemble the huge guy you describe so well. On the other hand, Think of the guys playing volleyball in the afternoon. with the sun glistening off their sports induced sweat. Hmmmm slightly moistened shoulders and backs are a sight for sore eyes. The guys themselves donning the swim attire of the young and slim. When I think of the beach I seem to think more of the nice Thai guys at Rits who save my favorite chair for me and then make sure the towel is tucked in place for me, before offering to bring me my adult beverage to start the day off. It is a Tony Soprano type of thing, "You have to make the small things count and be important." I won't even go into the day I was singimg along with my MP3 player, and some very nice gentleman asked me to stop singing. I know I sound good in the shower, but I guess not so hot on the beach. I hope singers are not on your hit list.

August 22nd, 2007, 11:09
I, for one, love the spectator sport of people watching. Pattaya and Jomtien are among the best viewing spots on earth. Anytime I'm feeling a little down I just start remembering some of my fondest memories: The huge man iwearing a G string...with so much fat hanging down that you could see nothing but grotesque fat, and the bottom of a hairy crack .

and .....


August 22nd, 2007, 11:46
Ah, yes - I'd forgotten about the guy on the beach with the ill-fitting wig! But, for me, he's not in the same category - good luck to him, I say, if he thinks (even erroneously) that it improves his appearance. No, he's not impinging on my space/sensibilities like the ones I have described above, so I have no beef with him.

[By the way, Smiles, the "ex-cop" is American (so loud, in fact, that I can even be specific as to the city) while dear Mr John Botting, I seem to recall, is British!!!]

Any more nominees for Pattaya "characters" who provoke a strong reaction even though known only by sight?

August 22nd, 2007, 11:48
I, for one, love the spectator sport of people watching. Pattaya and Jomtien are among the best viewing spots on earth. Anytime I'm feeling a little down I just start remembering some of my fondest memories: The huge man iwearing a G string...with so much fat hanging down that you could see nothing but grotesque fat, and the bottom of a hairy crack .

and .....


I'll be damned...FINALLY - many have asked for it...

The famed paparazzi press photographers
have finally caught "bad boy billy" ...wx40afp et all...
in all (or almost all) his splendor and glory...
at a Jomtien Beach parking lot...
doing what he does best...
with whomever is his fancy for the moment!

I wonder who the pour soul was ...
bad boy billy had for dessert ? ...or was it an early morning breakfast ????

and to think...that cute, thai produce truck driver was only trying ...
to make his early morning deliveries of fresh produce to his customers...
and what does he get?? ....bad boy billy ...wx40afp :-)

Such wonders in this age of digital cameras!


August 23rd, 2007, 02:43
the yanks trying to have a conversation at the beach but feel they have to do this by SHOUTING throughout the whole 2 hr coversation

August 23rd, 2007, 08:41
the yanks trying to have a conversation at the beach but feel they have to do this by SHOUTING throughout the whole 2 hr coversation

Dear Shee,


And some Americans are the nicest, most genuine people it has been my pleasure to meet!

Are we stereotyping here please????

A tosspot is a tosspot, regardless of their Country of origin,and opinions are like arseholes, we've all got one!!

August 23rd, 2007, 11:22
No, I don't think we are stereotyping. Many Americans are great people - and most don't shout on the beach - but I would say that virtually 100% of those that do shout at Jomtien have American accents.

The odd thing is that they shout even when they are in conversation with someone seated next to them!

August 23rd, 2007, 11:46
I, for one, love the spectator sport of people watching. Pattaya and Jomtien are among the best viewing spots on earth. Anytime I'm feeling a little down I just start remembering some of my fondest memories: The huge man iwearing a G string...with so much fat hanging down that you could see nothing but grotesque fat, and the bottom of a hairy crack .

and .....


I'll be damned...FINALLY - many have asked for it...
the photo of bbb in front seat of produce truck...
I wonder if the cute Thai driver survived ???

A friend e-mailed me about this photo of bad boy billy et al:

"Saw UR snap shot of him -- balls and all -- from the
rear. Great photo!

Do you agree that he looks a bit like Michael Moore,
especially when wearing his baseball cap?"

Yep... an apt description of bad boy billy ...
Michael Moore with his baseball cap
with his BIG ass swinging too and fro :-)


August 23rd, 2007, 12:09

August 23rd, 2007, 15:37
I find your stereotyping Americans to be a bit over the edge, but I have been called worse and lately I might add. Have fun, for some one who hates People you seem To have a crock full of it yourself.


August 23rd, 2007, 16:25
Maybe im tone deaf, i cant recall hearing Americans on Jomtien but..........the Germans - well!

August 23rd, 2007, 16:41
Maybe im tone deaf, i cant recall hearing Americans on Jomtien but..........the Germans - well!

This is what I was Always tole that it was a German problem not an American one, if he thinks Americans are loud on the phone he needs to meet some Russians, they yell so loud who needs a phone if you are going to shout.


August 23rd, 2007, 19:56
Nice one wesley ;-)

Oh dear, its seems someone here have such a short fuse & then like's to come up with some amsurd comments which are totally off topic!

some of my best friends are indeed from usa also,

no no, no stereo typing here just a comment that for some reason it always seems to be an american accent at full volume, whilst i'm trying to relax, & even the americans i'm with, try to avoid the person who loves to SHOUT when speaking..................

so i really cant be fairer than this, i'm just pointing out an annoying feature dare i call it that

by the way - who said i'm not american myself dude!!! hahahaha

small mindedness, eeerrrr no thanks!!

August 23rd, 2007, 20:05
You have it the wrong way around, Wesley.

We are not stereotyping all Americans as people who are over-loud on the beach. (Some Americans, presumably, never even go there.)

But we are stereotyping all the people who shout at each other on the beach as (disproportionately often) Americans.

August 25th, 2007, 18:00
ummm looks like i put this one to bed........

we dont want small mindedness here as it just leads to confrontation & makes the thread go off topic, apart from being rude also.
Please vent your frustration elsewhere in future, you know whom i refering too ;-)

August 25th, 2007, 19:12
You have it the wrong way around, Wesley.

We are not stereotyping all Americans as people who are over-loud on the beach. (Some Americans, presumably, never even go there.)

But we are stereotyping all the people who shout at each other on the beach as (disproportionately often) Americans.

I would dare to say after much travel, not just in Pattaya but world wide, that an Americans in general are sloppy Dressers and you can pick one out a mile away, long before you hear the accent. It has been my observation however, they are usually polite and not all that loud excusing the elderly who I think have to shout to be heard by their mate. I tend to be loud if I am upset for any reason other wise I am usually too soft spoken in general. I would imagine that you can find something wrong with every race color and creed if you look for it. I find Brits to be good people and what I have seen of Aussies are good. Germans I have not seen enough of but they seems to be quite talkative and not likely to keep the conversation to themselves, as they seem to assume no one understands their language. I think the best people I have met are by far the Thai, but they tend to gossip quite a bit and secrets are shared openly to friends and fellow laborers. I am not sure if that is a gay problem or just a Thai thing altogether or a Thai trait. however, no matter what the problems, I seem to find some redeeming quality in all I meet. I tend to be an optimist about almost anyone until proved otherwise.