View Full Version : If Truth Be Told Book for Sale: 200 baht

August 12th, 2007, 00:34
Read one time by me. New at Bookazine 400 baht.
This is the new farang/Thai guy relationship story book that everyone is talking about.

The book is located in Jomtien should you wish to buy it.

PM me to make it happen.

Some wows about the book:
http://www.baht-stop.com/forums/index.p ... 6&hl=truth (http://www.baht-stop.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2466&hl=truth)

August 12th, 2007, 00:37
Read one time by me. New at Bookazine 400 baht. This is new farang/Thai guy relationship story book that everyone is talking about. Located in Jomtien.Do they live happily ever after? Is the relationship located in Jomtien, the Bookazine store at which you purchased the book located in Jomtien, or you are located in Jomtien? Or possibly all three? And if everyone is talking about it, why do we need to buy it? (I'd have to say this is the first I've heard of it - obviously I need to go to a better class of dinner party - possibly in Jomtien). And if you've only read it once, does that mean it's not worth reading twice?

August 12th, 2007, 00:39
The book and I are in Jomtien. Otherwise, no comment.

August 12th, 2007, 00:42
The book and I are in Jomtien. Otherwise, no comment.Surely that's completely irrelevant to your recommendation about the book - unless you're offering to lend it out to members?

August 12th, 2007, 00:46
The book and I are in Jomtien. Otherwise, no comment.Surely that's completely irrelevant to your recommendation about the book - unless you're offering to lend it out to members?

I am not recommending it or not recommending it. I am selling it. The book sells itself, like a cute bar boy. They are selling like hotcakes at Bookazine for 400 baht so its your big chance to save 200 baht. Whoppee! I promise I didn't wank to it or read it in the loo ...

August 12th, 2007, 03:11
It sounds like a great page-turner. I can hardly wait to put it down.

August 12th, 2007, 04:13
Great RAKSIAM,some free advertising? Hand over the dollars son.
Take it or leave it or delete it, it hardly matters. For you a special 5 baht discount!

August 12th, 2007, 18:06
Is this sale to be made in order to make up for your deficit from being 'ripped off' at Dick's Cafe??????
(Which I doubt ever happened!)
I think I'd rather buy a new, uncorrupted copy of the book.

August 12th, 2007, 18:44
Is this sale to be made in order to make up for your deficit from being 'ripped off' at Dick's Cafe??????
(Which I doubt ever happened!)
I think I'd rather buy a new, uncorrupted copy of the book.
You sound like a very nasty, hostile person. You don't know me. How would you know one way or another whether I told the truth before? Have you caught me in a lie before? What exactly would my motivation be to lie about that?

This board isn't much of a community with nasty people like this waiting to snipe at people. And bringing up historical grudges at that. Simply amazing. Let me ask me one thing: are you this rude in person?

Also, if you had any reading skills, you would have noted that I was not ripped off at the Cafe, I just caught someone in the act and prevented it, and suggested to others how they could do the same thing.
You are most welcome to buy new books. I read alot so prefer to buy used when I can, but in this case I rushed out to buy a new copy and I am happy I did. However, now someone can save 200 baht. Or not. Up to you. I posted this book because it is now a big seller at Bookazine and appeals to our so called community. If this is some kind of federal offense, the board admin is most welcome to delete it!

BTW, the used book business is surely a worldwide multi-billion dollar business. The book in question is most certainly not "corrupted". It is just like new and what you would call lightly read. I guess there are certain snobby and/or rude people like Madam Aus who never bought a used book because they have some kind of germ phobia. It takes all types!

August 12th, 2007, 21:37
Thank you for your kind words.
The book is still for sale. If someone buys it, I can buy a drink at a go go bar.

August 13th, 2007, 10:02
Better check your bar receipts very carefully! :clown:

Oh! and by the way I did NOT, EVER call you a liar.
A drama queen, maybe.
But I promise not to bring up any more hysterical (sorry historical,) "grudges" again!
Have a nice day! :cat:

August 13th, 2007, 14:18

For God's sake, can someone in Pattaya please buy the book off him

August 13th, 2007, 14:52
May I ask to whom you are reffering?
"give yourself an uppercut, son"??????????

August 13th, 2007, 15:12
with KQUILL......for Gods sake someone buy his bloody book or give him 200bht to throw it away. If he supplies me an address or po box number I will send him 200baht just to end this pathetic thread!

August 13th, 2007, 17:10
A jerk like you giving advice to anyone .....lol.
I've read your crappy, nonsensical posts and replies.
"getting ones hand off it "and gherkins would be no stranger to you I would imagine!
When I ever feel the need for advice on any matter from some tired old queen suffering from "I'm important" syndrom, I will certainly contact you first.
I suggest you take your tiara, your comments and your self important attitude and jam them squarely up your arse, God knows, everything else has probably met it's fate there! :bounce:
I am not a vindictive person and I somehow know that your advice was well intentioned though perhaps misworded (as I'm sure mine might be also.) :bom:
Have a lovely day, keep yourself nice and be happy! :sharm:

August 13th, 2007, 18:43
I just luv ya to death........Oxford street is a long way from my home though, so someone else will have to pleasure your arse...not me....sorry!
If I may correct you on one nthing though...we DO have brain surgeons in Australia, unfortunately they are out of work at the moment. I think we imported them from New Zealand.

August 14th, 2007, 00:27
I agree the book is excellent as Smiles says in his separate thread, and he provided an excellent perspective about it. I had assumed that many people already knew about this book and wanted to read it and only wished in my post to offer it as a discount to someone who would appreciate saving a little money. I wasn't interested in discussing the book (I am a reader but not a book club kind of guy) and I am not in the same position as Smiles to offer that history about it. Clearly, this board isn't a good place to innocently provide trivial offers to the locals without exposing yourself to vicious personal attacks. My mistake. Mea culpa. It won't happen again from me, and let it be a warning to anyone else.

I do have a suggestion though. It might be a good idea for there to be a separate local offers forum (mostly for people in Bangkok and Pattaya) for people to list things of this nature, but with no replies being possible. A simple listing should not need any replies. If you have more questions, you just PM to the poster.

August 14th, 2007, 10:29

August 14th, 2007, 13:54
Nasty queens duly ignored.
Thank you, Sir Botting.

August 14th, 2007, 14:33
I am not local however, I would like to read the book anything in English is good for me. It is so hard to find good books here in English. There are just now showing English cinema. Your offer was a valid one if I were local I would have bought your book. 200 baht is 200 baht that's almost half of a short time offed.


August 14th, 2007, 15:03
It is time for this thread to pass in it's sleep, I have never seen such fuss over a 200bht second hand book. Raksiam, I sincerely hope you do ignore "nasty queens" after all, ignorance is bliss!
P.S. do you still have the book for sale????

August 14th, 2007, 16:42
Inquiries about the book by PM only please. Will post as sold if ever sold. I feel really sorry for folks trying to sell condos these days!

August 15th, 2007, 05:49
Given the selling job isn't going well, how about trotting over to the Thais For Life bookstore in Pattaya and donating the book for a good cause?

August 15th, 2007, 13:19
What a great idea Bob, someone will benefit and someone will get a good read and Raksiam will get a warm and fuzzy feeling for being so generous to a charity. Winners all round!
Great idea.

August 15th, 2007, 14:27
Great suggestions! Already know about the shop but perhaps others didn't.
But I didn't ask for suggestions. Just listed a book for sale. It is still for sale. I was once told I couldn't sell bangers and mash to Englishmen. Seems they were right.

How about this for charity? 100 percent of the proceeds of the sale will be used to tip a needy bar boy!

August 15th, 2007, 19:15
of proceeds, to a needy bar boy, great idea also.
Just goes to show that your not the stingy, user that some people thought you were.
I highly commend your generosity! :alien: