View Full Version : Holiday plans for January

August 9th, 2007, 12:13
Hi new to this forum but appreciate that there is a lot of experience here.

I have been to Thailand 4 times - but kept well in tow by my Thai partner. In January I will bi in Pattaya for a week on my own - my partner will be in bkk with his family.

Any suggestions as to what I should do with a week in paradise.

I have a booking at Howard's.

August 9th, 2007, 16:56
Yeh shipmate firstly get yourself a half decent place to stay. Howards is alright if yor a teen backpacker after cheap room with hard bed. Queenie boys mincing arround you and cars and bikes pissing past the front all night and day.
If you got a week get yourself a nice hotel and surroundings, god!! matey for a week it wont break the bank.
Then i suggest you can chill for a week in the dozen or so nicer bars arround town. I personaly like Rabbit resort on Jompten. After a nice day arround the great pool i can then go chill out in a nice little bar with the girls to keep me company for the night.
Mind you after weeks of sea and sky i like to do about 4 weeks in Thailand for a break.
Bye the way if you go to Bangkok and bump into a great guy called Boyqueenius send him my regards and tell him the rum chasers are on him when im over in November.

August 9th, 2007, 21:54
Howards is good, if u cant sleep with the so called traffic all night? get a room at the back

theres always the beach in the day, but forgoodness sake DONT SIT at the certain colored chairs that most people on here will indicate , & think that the gay section ONLY revolves around these, coz they DONT- & the waiters are dated looking & you have to keep calling them for service.

so PLEASE feel free to try neighbouring chair vendors with much cuter bs waiters & i would say a better service too, they look for your attention when ordering food & drinks etc, you dont have to get thiers - unless you want too ;-) :bounce:

August 17th, 2007, 01:35
Thanks for the advice - I guess its Queenie guys that are my thing but not to the ladyboy stage :pale:

Any bars that i should go to ?

August 17th, 2007, 03:28
Congratulations on the January trip. Nothing like a change of venue. If you are staying at Howards, you have made one good decision at least. It is clean and friendly, and Punya will be happy to give you some tips on what is going on in the city. I have stayed there the last three times I have been to Pattaya and will stay there again. Comments about noise, and types of young men you may or may not meet in the lobby are a bit over the top. I find some to my liking and some I just wave at on my in or out. No one has ever pushed themselves on to me without my wanting it. There is a safe in each room. I did have a complaint about the safe being mounted on the floor. I have to get on hands and knees to get into it. You will have a good time at Howards. It is a short walk up to the Road to catch the baht bus to Jomtien. Most of the guys spend the day at Rit's chairs on the beach and then find all sorts of things to do with the rest of the day and evening.

August 17th, 2007, 06:11
thanks for the info.

I am on of the sad old bastards that reads the posts Bill puts up and do sometimes enjoy them. I find the incites very handy and will certainly be trying the karaoke bar mentioned in his postings.

But to recomend Bamboo Bar after your review. Would that be an Ausie recomendation to a Kiwi??

August 17th, 2007, 06:48
Hi-- We old guys seem to have more fun than some of the Wx variety. Personally just got back from Palm Springs last week, no Thai guys but did meet a couple of Philippino nurses this trip. May have to give Manila another visit. At present I am getting ready for a cruise to southern Caribbean next month. Is it not a puzzlement what a lack of fiber can do to the poor dear. Wx, remember you must have fiber in your diet to keep you happy and regular. We would not want your outlook on life to be slanted to obtuse, nor would we want your verbose expostulations to be abetted by nothing more than the lack of nice bowl of oatmeal. The good news is that Wx's parents are thinking of getting married in a year or two. Enjoy the beach boys. I sure do when in the area.