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View Full Version : Most dangerous holiday desination: Thailand

Sen Yai
August 4th, 2007, 14:06
....according to UK newspaper The Guardian

On the face of it, holidaying in Thailand may seem less dangerous than, say, Iraq or Afghanistan. But according to new Foreign Office figures released this week, Thailand is the place where British tourists are most likely to get into the sort of trouble that requires consular assistance. For a start, more British tourists die there than anywhere else. Some 224 Britons died in Thailand between April 2005 and March last year .......but.........Most of those deaths are of long-term elderly British residents........

The 2nd and 3rd most 'dangerous' destinations are Australia and India according to the UK Foreign Office information quoted by The Grauniad, which true to form, manages to confuse the facts, with Czech Republic 4th.

To get an idea of why the Czech Republic is now the fourth most dangerous holiday destination for Brits, you need only go to www.praguepissup.com (http://www.praguepissup.com/), which offers two nights in Prague for as little as ┬г42.

Read the full story in The Grauniad (http://www.guardian.co.uk/travel/2007/aug/03/1)

August 5th, 2007, 05:01
Interesting,but I wonder whats so dangerous about the land down under.I bought a book called "The most dangerous places" and Thailand was way down on the list.The Philippines was very high on the list,murder and kidnapping(mostly Chinese).For some silly reason I always felt safe in the Philippines,maybe because they are such a christian nation,though shalt not kill and all that.Im surprised Thailand wasnt higher up on this guys list with all the problems there,vehicle accidents,guns,knives,malaria,dengue fever,hiv etc.

August 5th, 2007, 05:34
I always felt safe in the Philippines,maybe because they are such a christian nation

Intended irony?

Perhaps you'd best stay well away from secular Europe.

August 5th, 2007, 05:58
" ... Interesting,but I wonder whats so dangerous about the land down under ... "
Giant poisonous frogs. Apparently they're everywhere.
And then there's scary vacationing Parisians to watch out for. Americans of course will be leaving OZ off the list because of possible metal fatigue in the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Canadians are frightened of everything under the sun ... OZ loses again. (Though Canucks being Canucks, the soaring dollar will justify a holiday in Iraq).

Cheers ...

August 5th, 2007, 15:40
Very safe, peaceful and relaxing.

August 5th, 2007, 19:03
I hope John Botting doesn't mind losing his unique status as the only poster using his full name.
EH even uses his photo as his avatar, unless it is his significant other.
Welcome EH and it should be fun to see how this newbie is received on this forum.

Do you live in BKK? :cat:

August 5th, 2007, 19:34
I have a feeling that Beryl Humpaturd is a reincarnation from last week. Same style sarcastic posts as shhhhh you know who

August 6th, 2007, 11:40
Would be nice to see a breakdown. How many were murders, how many were flying farangs and how many were natural deaths/accidental.