View Full Version : Welcome to Pattaya billy - bbb - wx40afp..et al....

August 2nd, 2007, 10:33
Welcome to Pattaya bbb..."billy" ...wx40afp...
among other aliases ...et al...

Hi Billy,

Hope you are having a good time with that special Thai friend of yours...
he is cute and .....
sure looked like you were having a good time with him at Monty's Show ...
and also as you passed Bondi Hotel a couple of nights ago :-)

Awaiting your reports...
and by the way ???

Do you wear that baseball cap of yours while in the shower with your special friend???
Do you just turn the bill of the cap backwards when wearing it and enjoying "boom-boom" time in bed???

Noted your "portly" size....and was also wondering???

Do you encounter problems with navigating the doors and stairwells
of Thai shophouses getting to the second floor karaokes??
Do all the club doormen touts guide you to the "loading dock" of the clubs back entrance
and Thai boys hoist you up to the upper floors with ropes and cables...a la Amsterdam style ???

Enjoy your stay in Pattaya billy...
do take care...and be sure let us know...
your best picks for street vendor food carts and best budget happy hour drink prices...

Your fans and the boards "inquiring" and budget minded minds in Pattaya will want to know :-)


August 2nd, 2007, 11:02
thanks for the troll alert and the description.
Looks like no more Mr. Nice Guy for TJ and TJ can zing with the best of them, just a little more politely... :cat:

August 2nd, 2007, 11:05
Do you encounter problems with navigating the doors and stairwells
of Thai shophouses getting to the second floor karaokes??

I just thought of a second use for KY jelly!

August 2nd, 2007, 11:14
God help all you reasonably sane living in Pattaya during this trying time. Prayers will be constantly said in your favour.

August 2nd, 2007, 12:19
I haven't met Billy in person yet, but I can tell by reading the many 15 page letters that he has sent me over the years that he is a much nicer person in real life than he sometimes comes accross as on the board.

Have fun in Pattaya, Billy!

August 2nd, 2007, 12:47
I haven't met Billy in person yet, but I can tell by reading the many 15 page letters that he has sent me over the years that he is a much nicer person in real life than he sometimes comes accross as on the board.

Have fun in Pattaya, Billy!

Not really :)

Wait that wasnt nice, Im sorry

August 2nd, 2007, 12:53
Noted your "portly" size....and was also wondering???

And pray tell, Jim, what do you estimate the dear boy's weight and height to actually be???

I would avoid the beach at night if I were you, least you are suddenly accosted by a loud drunken and naked Australian (aren't they all?) chicken dancing among Pattaya's dateless man-sheilas'!

August 2nd, 2007, 14:41

August 2nd, 2007, 16:21
And was the boy a fem/ladyboy type? That is who I saw him with the last time I saw him here.

Where are the Paparazzi when you needed them ? Any pictures ?

Pictures ? hmmmmmmmmmm... Wait little bit I'm on breakfast ! :clown: :flower:

August 2nd, 2007, 18:32
I thought Billy wasn't going back for 15 years. I saw him once at Monty's. He is short heavy set very bald on top with long stringy grey hair on the sides. He sure didn't match the image I had of him. All thai boys be ware of his barebacking preferences.

August 3rd, 2007, 00:54
I think I've seen the man described:


and when in a gogo bar, has been heard to say " I want that one! "

August 3rd, 2007, 01:31
Well spotted Dick

maybe a spotted dick too :)

August 3rd, 2007, 03:04
I'll advise when our dear billyboy is next doing the chicken dance at Dongtan Beach (I have my seismograph up and running).

TJ! That's the unkindest thing you've ever said on any board - and I'm glad you've elected to lower yourself to us normal mortals and, for a moment, let a zinger fly. I'll bet you'll wash your mouth out with soap at the temple for that one...hehe.

August 3rd, 2007, 07:00
Good for you, Jim. Whale spotting are always of interest and worthy of reporting. Let's hope the seismic vibrations on Jomtien Beach bring a great white shark up from the depths to snatch the old bitch off of the beach. (<:))))) That would be such perfect Karma.

August 3rd, 2007, 07:15
Well I hope, if he goes to the beach during the day, that people don't get confused and try and put him back in the water!

August 4th, 2007, 14:10
Walking through Jomtien Complex Friday night...
after enjoying the music and singing at The BONDI...

To my surprise...there he was again!

bbb, bad boy billy, among his many aliases...
leaving Monty's and crossing over to the

NO boy in tow...???
I wondered what had happened to the cute Thai boy
bbb was with several nights ago...???

But, bbb had his infamous baseball cap on...
all of his tall 6'3" in height...
and his portly (politely saying) 125 to 140 kilos (275 -300 pounds)...maybe more...
scruffy looking - probably has not shaved for several days....
(maybe that is his "manly look")
heading directly into the inner sanctum...

The waiting ROCK HARD BOYS opened the sliding door WIDE...
and thankfully for bbb .... the chairs inside are wide-bodied leather styled seats...

My curiosity was great to follow him in...
but as I had a friend with me...I let the opportunity pass.

I sure hope bbb had the courtesy to have showered and put on deodorant...
as an "act of kindness" for the boys (and others) inside ROCK HARD BOYS BAR!

And this was all happening in a flash...and NO camera with me...Shucks!

Better luck next time...
I really would like to stop bbb and ask him how his trip to Pattaya is going...

And if he had any recommendations about hotel mattresses...
as I am sure "inquiring minds" will want to know...
where a good strong mattress can be found and where???
which can withstand the pounding
of 140 kilos or 300 pounds - time after time - night after night ???

Have a happy landing tonight billy ...wherever you are ...and whoever you are with...
and please be kind and safe with any of the Thais you meet up with...
Pretty Please billy ??? They all are so precious!


August 4th, 2007, 14:32
Walking through Jomtien Complex Friday night...
after enjoying the music and singing at The BONDI...

To my surprise...there he was again!

bbb, bad boy billy, among his many aliases...
leaving Monty's and crossing over to the

But, bbb had his infamous baseball cap on...
all of his tall 6'3" in height...


Are you sure that's him? 6'3" is quite tall. I thought he ws suppose to be a cunt, I mean a runt??

August 4th, 2007, 14:41
Walking through Jomtien Complex Friday night...
after enjoying the music and singing at The BONDI...

To my surprise...there he was again!

bbb, bad boy billy, among his many aliases...
leaving Monty's and crossing over to the

But, bbb had his infamous baseball cap on...
all of his tall 6'3" in height...


Are you sure that's him? 6'3" is quite tall. I thought he ws suppose to be a cunt, I mean a runt??

I have also seen BBB. The description is very accurate... about 6'2 to 6'3 and looks like he is every bit of 300 pounds. Would also have to say that he is in his middle 30s. I had the pleasure of running into him at his last visit to the then Montys B&B...


August 4th, 2007, 14:54
Oh, so why do we all think he's short-arse???

300lbs (140kgs) eh? Well as they say, the bigger the cushion the better the pushin. Actually I know a Chinese guy who's into Chubs. His idea of heaven is to balance on thier massive bellys and jack-off!

August 4th, 2007, 15:33
Oh, so why do we all think he's short-arse???

300lbs (140kgs) eh? Well as they say, the bigger the cushion the better the pushin. Actually I know a Chinese guy who's into Chubs. His idea of heaven is to balance on thier massive bellys and jack-off!

In that case, I think an introduction should be in order :)


August 4th, 2007, 17:15
Wasn't wearing red braces was he by any chance?

August 4th, 2007, 17:15
Warning to TJ:

It is called stalking when you keep track of people, where they go, who they go with, how they look..Do you really think anyone is interested
in troll tracking.?
Much better things to do and look at in Jomtien Complex... :cat:

August 4th, 2007, 19:01
Oh Cat get a life. He said he just happened to see him again in Jomtiem Complex. He did not go out of his way to search for him. Ease up.

August 4th, 2007, 22:24
Over to Rock Hard? How very dare he! Those sofas will never be the same again!

August 5th, 2007, 00:46
I am just having a little fun with a troll and his observer. TJ spotted BBB again tonite in Sunee and
apparently he is tall and over 6 ft. tall. Troll spotting is kinda like spotted dick and I have no problem
with TJ and his keeping track of his movements.
I have been known to do a bit of stalking myself and keep track of the scumlord and his minions.. :cat:

August 5th, 2007, 02:12

August 5th, 2007, 12:49
[quote="catawampuscat"]I am just having a little fun with a troll and his observer.

"""TJ spotted BBB again tonite in Sunee""" and...


So you say TJ spotted BBB again tonite in Sunee....
(which would have been Saturday night in Sunee Plaza)

Pray tell...please show me where I have said this or made
such a statement in this posting thread???

Hmmm... ???


ps...in all fairness to fellow forum members,
I was in Sunee Plaza Saturday night for a couple of hours...
helping an American farang friend and his Thai wife celebrate his 60th Happy Birthday Dinner...
then I enjoyed a good cup of hot coffee at the Corner Bar with..
a fellow gay farang friend from America ...

Yet, since he was the "only person I was with at the Corner Bar...
when bbb did in fact pass by"...wandering about aimlessly...

My Jesuit logic class training at the university of many, many years ago...
leads me to believe that in fact that gay American expat farang friend of mine...
who denies having posting access to this Sawatdee Forum...
is in fact none other than you Cat!

Surprise, surprise...
but Cat - you are still a friend of mine...
and TIT :-)


August 5th, 2007, 15:10
Oooohhh Catty, it sounds like you've slipped up mate and outed yourself! So is it true you wear a rug on your head? Travelerjim? :cheers:

August 5th, 2007, 15:44
sorry, but I was not in Corner Bar with TJ, but the walls have ears.

I am used to being spotted and described by one scumbag and have no reason
to stay unknown except, for a sociopath, who has threatened me and others and
I believe is capable of inflicting harm and being malicious.

For reasons of personal safety, I keep my identity private as is the right of all posters
who dwell in these environs.

P.S. I didn't know about TJ's Jesuit background but it fits like a glove. Keep on doing your thing
TJ and don't mind the occasional jibes and accusations. It is all part of being an active
poster and authoring threads. Sometimes, I can't resist but I am aware you are a good guy
and not a self serving crackpot out to bilk and defraud unwary souls like someone I keep an eye on... :cat: