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View Full Version : view talay thread now has over 12000 views

August 1st, 2007, 20:05
I have not seen any thread that attracts more than around 3000 views

The view taly thread must be a record for sawatdee

August 3rd, 2007, 23:45
well, it is locked now.... :cat:

Lunchtime O'Booze
August 4th, 2007, 09:59
into the fray..I missed her so much..is Wowpow beta an off-spring ? ..or something.

And I'm delighted to see that all those who use real names will be protected..which means me, John Botting and I believe Lonelywombat- you are the only other..yes ?

I'm sure I was introduced to you as Trevor Lonelywombat at the Corner Bar..(or was it Bruce ?)

August 4th, 2007, 10:09

August 4th, 2007, 10:46
[quote="Lunchtime O'Booze":1dyax2jr]into the fray..I missed her so much..is Wowpow beta an off-spring ? ..or something.

And I'm delighted to see that all those who use real names will be protected..which means me, John Botting and I believe Lonelywombat- you are the only other..yes ?

I'm sure I was introduced to you as Trevor Lonelywombat at the Corner Bar..(or was it Bruce ?)[/quote:1dyax2jr]

It cannot be me . I have never had a drink at the Corner Bar

August 4th, 2007, 10:51
Yes I was wondering how long it would take before BG's demise would draw comment. I'm surprised it's taken so long! But there you have it. The dear boy's arse has been resolutely kicked to the kerb and he is, no more, to inhabit these boards. People's thoughts? Well there be celebrations or wakes among our number one asks? And why just stop at him? I'm sure there are numerous others we could name whose odious contributions are also worthy of a mighty kick up the arse, and who should be flung, without hesitation, out the gogo bar's doors!

Evidently I'm not VIP enough either, as a certain member has been allowed to misappropriate my membership name and fraudulently use it on one of his blogs' (thereby making it appear it was my blog) without so much as a quibble from the moderators! That is why I will never give any money in support of this board. Fair and equitable rules for all round here???

August 4th, 2007, 11:35
It is difficult to get banned from this forum, as my continued presense proves.

I agree bg went overboard and lately had been out of control especially towards several posters.
I, for one, will miss him and was usually amused and sometimes informed by bg. Never bored.

If this was a democracy, I would vote for his ban to be lifted and for him to return, but it ain't.
I believe even John Botting will eventually miss bg, as I am sure he looked at bg's responses with
bated breath and knew he was battling an equal and not some dim witted ignorant troll.

Bg was very opinionated by somehow he never irritated me like hedda did and still does on his psuedo- gaythailand forum
which he pretends not to control but that is another story for another day. It is a cure for insomnia.
I find it interesting that one nightmare has totally disappeared from this forum and only has a home on another
gaythailand forum, when his protector and psychic twin presses his remaining moderator not to interfere.. :cat:

August 4th, 2007, 12:01

August 4th, 2007, 23:03
I have received privately some information about BG, and he is not all he pretends to be. I know his location for example and it isn't a resident expat living in Bangkok for one.

OK, this I gotta hear. Exactly where am I, Inspector Clouseau?

Looks like it's time to put your money where your mouth is JB!!

August 4th, 2007, 23:14
Welcome back, boygeenyus (or thonglor55 as you are known to your friends here in Bangkok). I have now put you on {Ignore}

August 5th, 2007, 00:38
sorry Johnny, sound likes a crock of bullshit and who really cares if bg lives in BKK or not.
How can anyone dislike a man who treats the colonel like a cesspool.? I guess the smell of
fresh meat brings out the scavengers.

For a chuckle at a pathetic man who has lost what little was left of his mind, check out his
vicious thread at another gaythailand.com website where his venom and hatred spew forth
and his alter ego patron continues his demented defense of the dark side. bad bad karma
and hopefully this know-it-all is not the source of Johnny's proof on where bg resides.

Lordy, this is all getting a bit silly, but let me tell you, you cannot abide evil men with selfish
agendas and the light of truth needs to illuminate the scum in his tracks. Flashlites ready ...... :cat:

August 5th, 2007, 00:50
I guess the smell of fresh meat brings out the scavengers.Speaking of fresh meat, there is still a trickle of new boys on the go-go scene here in Bangkok

August 5th, 2007, 16:32

August 5th, 2007, 19:17
More news:

Pattaya Daily:

www.pattayadailynews.com/shownews.php?IDNEWS=0000003577 (http://www.pattayadailynews.com/shownews.php?IDNEWS=0000003577)

August 5th, 2007, 19:44
Welcome back, boygeenyus (or thonglor55 as you are known to your friends here in Bangkok). I have now put you on {Ignore}

You can ignore something, but it often does not go away. Dear.

Is that a bald fat old cunt I spy? LMFAO!!!!! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

August 5th, 2007, 19:52
it is all very well to allude to BG posting to another forum as thonglor55, but share with us which forum please.

August 6th, 2007, 01:41
I still waiting on that really good deal from Rob A. was there too much wine that night .


August 6th, 2007, 01:51
it is all very well to allude to BG posting to another forum as thonglor55, but share with us which forum please.
Mr Wombat, I believe the handle 'Thonglor55' was last used on the PattayaGay Board (now buried in a deep grave). I have no idea whether that handle ever belonged to Boygeenyus or not. Herr Homintern seems to think so, but frankly, I don't think he knows for sure either.

I wish Boygeenyus had even a semblence of human decency when posting, but apparently that was too much to ask.

Having said that ... banning a Member is a major deal in my opinion, and a proscription not to be used lightly. Boygeenyus may be almost 100% dislikeable, and he certainly did violate a specific Board Guideline (i.e. the one regarding naming of real names without that person's permission) . . . but I wish another method had been used other than being banned from the Board.

IMHO only.

Cheers ...

August 6th, 2007, 02:21
Mr Wombat, I believe the handle 'Thonglor55' was last used on the PattayaGay Board (now buried in a deep grave). I have no idea whether that handle ever belonged to Boygeenyus or not. Herr Homintern seems to think so, but frankly, I don't think he knows for sure either.Oh, I know - why do you think there's been such an over the top reaction from boygeenyus (see next point)

I wish Boygeenyus had even a semblence of human decency when posting, but apparently that was too much to ask. Having said that ... banning a Member is a major deal in my opinion, and a proscription not to be used lightly. Boygeenyus may be almost 100% dislikeable, and he certainly did violate a specific Board Guideline (i.e. the one regarding naming of real names without that person's permission) . . . but I wish another method had been used other than being banned from the Board.I agree. I have never sought to have a member banned, no matter how obnoxious. I find the {Ignore} function quite satisfactory. Having said that, the person whose photograph boygeenyus has used as an avatar in his latest incarnation happens to be a friend of mine - but is not me. The confusion arises, so it seems (and I've made this point before in a post) that the word "homintern" is widely used (just do a Google search) to denote the homosexual conspiracy that rules the world. It was used by my friend (who doesn't even live in Bangkok for most of the year) in a Gaydar profile; when he realised I had used it in this Forum he immediately changed his profile name. Unfortunately the logic of Our Resident Hypocrite is incapable of dealing with such subtleties as evidenced by (as we know) his incapacity to understand what a hypocrite he is

I'm not sure if using a photograph of one individual as if to suppose it is quite another person altogether infringes Forum policies; we shall have to see what the Moderators do about it. I have no time for jinks as a Moderator but I suppose Elephantspike might happen along and take some action (or not, as the case might be). In the meantime, I've turned the latest boygeenyus incarnation to {Ignore} and shall continue to post as usual