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View Full Version : Rules (and limits?) for playing with a boy in the bar

July 31st, 2007, 05:13
It can be quite interesting just to watch farangs who sit with a lad next to them in a go go bar. While some farangs only talk to the boy of their interest, others explore the lad┬┤s body right away in the bar - in front of all the other boys and customers - in a more or less blatant manner.

I have once witnessed a farang giving a blowjob to a boy who was with him, sitting on the sofa next to the stage in a well known bar in Pattaya. Of course, the whole bar watched, especially the ladz┬┤ friends on stage. Lots of screaming and fun! The boy receiving the bj seemed to like it, at least there were no apparent signs of any discomfort. I enjoyed this unexpected event because the farang was fairly young himself and not an old fart and, most importantly, the lad seemed fine with it.

I wonder what you guys think: are there any "rules" or "limits" other than common sense to be applied in a scenario as described?

July 31st, 2007, 07:11
Common sense among drunken Farang is not a common thing. The limit is "Up to you" unless the door man, the boy or the mamasan objects...and they rarely object to anything as long as you are spending money.

Lunchtime O'Booze
July 31st, 2007, 08:54
"I have once witnessed a farang giving a blow-job to a boy who was with him.."..I love to meet new farang friends.

"correct" behavior is only limited by your imagination. :thumbleft:

July 31st, 2007, 10:25
I remember this really fat guy in Kaos who would examine boy after boys genitals and stuff a baht note in their shorts.Never saw any sex in a bar,but did experience a boy going down on me in a beer bar,only remember a ladyboy watching from behind the bar with a jealous look on her face.

July 31st, 2007, 10:50
I remember this really fat guy in Kaos who would examine boy after boys genitals and stuff a baht note in their shorts.Never saw any sex in a bar,but did experience a boy going down on me in a beer bar,only remember a ladyboy watching from behind the bar with a jealous look on her face.

She wanted the boy to go down on her before the op?

July 31st, 2007, 16:16

I shudder to think how some of you guys think this kind of behaviour could possibly be acceptable in public places whilst staff and customers are watching.

That's why there are Hotel rooms.

Would you do it in your home country? or do you think anything goes because its Thailand??

The mind boggles!

Thank God I don't go to restaurants or anywhere with some of the above poster!

July 31st, 2007, 17:46
Kevin you are so right. I find the behaviour bloody disgusting. The last thing i want to see is this when i go to a bar, in fact if i saw some geezer doing this in a bar i would proberly floor the dirty bastard. Im glad i havnt been to a bar that this is happening in. Filthy bloody perverts

July 31st, 2007, 17:52
I think Kquill was very restrained in his comments. I am told this sort of behaviour is common in areas outside Boyztown, and I suspect these farang do not take a boy back to their hotel either because the boy is too young or because it's cheaper to get your jollies in the bar for a 100 baht than pay an off fee and a proper tip. To expect these farang to respect the boys is asking too much when the farangs don't have any self-respect.

July 31st, 2007, 18:09
I remember this really fat guy in Kaos who would examine boy after boys genitals and stuff a baht note in their shorts.Never saw any sex in a bar,but did experience a boy going down on me in a beer bar,only remember a ladyboy watching from behind the bar with a jealous look on her face.

She wanted the boy to go down on her before the op?

Yes , she was jealous, because she wants to have the money :clown:

July 31st, 2007, 23:36
I have had the misfortune of witnessing similar goings on, where the boy was clearly uncomfortable and embarrassed. I certainly have no desire to be subjected to the vile spectacle of a repulsive drunk attempting to perform sexual acts. Get a room! Like pink silom, I also suspect theyтАЩre just trying to avoid the off and other fees.

Lunchtime O'Booze
August 1st, 2007, 00:44
pretty much the same..got a blow-job in The Boltons once and gave one there..saw a guy shagging another one in The Colherne. Saw a well know singer screwing a guy over the downstairs pool table at the Earls Court pub.

Visited the Mineshaft in New York City lots and watched dozens of blokes screwing each other on the dance floor ..same same San Francisco ( but couldn't watch the fisting)

Had it off with a hugely famous British punk rock star in the gigantic men's room of Studio 54. in front about 140 people but they were all off their faces on drugs so didn't notice.

Watched as famous female movie star got screwed by a friend of mine at Tramps in London.

Watched Jean Claude Van Damme get a B/J in a popular Sydney nightclub ( he's cut by the way) by some hooker-and then he stuck his head her skirt and I guess did likewise.

Oh don't mention the infamous New York steam baths...they were hot hot hot..the number of out of town college boys randy to get their rocks off was mind boggling...and a very big audience didn't seem to faze them.

Had sex in a back room ( well more a side room ) in the infamous Lions Den in Peurto Rico.

Know a friend who got screwed by a dozen blokes in a Croydon loo and got busted and written up in local press as Cottage Spice.

Got picked up by a gorgeous young Italian hustler while strolling on a packed Villa Borghese in Rome on Sunday afternoon...he took me to some nearby convenient bushes to earn his handful of Lira...

got a handjob from a lovely French rent-boy in Club Sept in a corridor.

Sex on a beach in Muscat with a young Omani cadet...sex in the steam baths in Tangier with a hunky Moroccan..same same in some trash dump in Marrakesh...sex on packed beach in Mykonos..sex on remote beach in Australia.....just a few I can remember off the top of my head for now.....

I don't know..just what are the rules in "your home country "

( it takes two to tango ! :ura: )

August 1st, 2007, 08:55
Kevin you are so right. I find the behaviour bloody disgusting. The last thing i want to see is this when i go to a bar, in fact if i saw some geezer doing this in a bar i would proberly floor the dirty bastard. Im glad i havnt been to a bar that this is happening in. Filthy bloody perverts

midgets get so brave
hiding behind a keyboard

August 1st, 2007, 08:57
The rule is to not do your business in view of anyone who might not want to see.

August 1st, 2007, 09:14
God was that loaded , a whole spectrum of toughts just crossed my mind.

August 1st, 2007, 09:17
Smiles you were not in my spectrum of thoughts but popped shortly thereafter as if some job was sniffing g my trial/

August 1st, 2007, 23:14
The other night at Monty's a rather large farang (Aussie, I think) arrived on moto-sai taxi. The moto-sai driver was apparently his date for the evening.

The Large One was quite obviously not sober. He sat fiddling with his taxi driver's nipples quite to the discomfort of other bar patrons. (Others told later me they thought it was disgusting. I just thought it was in bad taste and inappropriate to do at a bar.)

He also grabbed his date's wrists and waved his hands in the air, mocking the Thai traditional dancing being done on stage. All in all rather boorish behavior. The taxi driver date seemed to show no enthusiasm nor appreciation for his sponsor's activities. I even wondered if the taxi driver date were gay, but I guess a straight one would not have put up with the shenanigans?

August 1st, 2007, 23:18
I even wondered if the taxi driver date were gay, but I guess a straight one would not have put up with the shenanigans?

Hahaha. Don't know much about Thailand, do you dear?

August 1st, 2007, 23:35
Well until Bkkgwm's post, this thread was beginning to quieten off a bit, but his post does raise an interesting point. What is/are the most disgusting/inappropriate things people have seen in the bars al la punters fondling the boys? Was anything done or said about it by other patrons or the boys themselves?

August 1st, 2007, 23:38
What is/are the most disgusting/inappropriate things people have seen in the bars

Looking to get your yaya's, eh Aunty? Do we really need to relive disgusting moments?

August 1st, 2007, 23:52
Why not? It's a topic that hasn't being much discussed around here before. Let the men fire away.

August 2nd, 2007, 05:12
Thank God I don't go to restaurants or anywhere with some of the above poster!

I think you might be confused with what happened to me in the bar.The boy took me into an empty room,no patrons there except the ladyboy behind the bar.He insisted on felating me right there.I let him have his way with me very briefly and after buying a drink I paid his off fee,and away we went.No fuss,no muss.

Lunchtime O'Booze
August 4th, 2007, 09:54
all sorts of terrible fiddlings and sexual type intrusions have happened upon my body in public places and bars..but never initiated by me unless they mis-read my permanently glazed look as a come on... the trouble is-Im just a gal who can't say no..as the song goes.

But I would never do it an restaurant..I draw the line there. Not even Montys.

August 4th, 2007, 10:02
I think you might be confused with what happened to me in the bar.The boy took me into an empty room,no patrons there except the ladyboy behind the bar.He insisted on felating me right there.I let him have his way with me very briefly and after buying a drink I paid his off fee,and away we went.No fuss,no muss.
LESSON IN LIFE (#43): Always be wary of a man who uses the word "felating", when so many others will suffice.
Same same for the phrase " ... he insisted on ... "

Cheers ...

August 4th, 2007, 10:57
But I would never do it an restaurant..I draw the line there. Not even Montys.

Believe me when I tell you that there are thousands who firmly appreciate your act of thoughtful kindness!

August 5th, 2007, 04:02
There was the time I was in Nature Boy in BKK.
Only me and one other farang!!

But that is a story for another Web Site!!!
