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View Full Version : Ban on visiting Thailand

July 30th, 2007, 22:39
It has been in the National Saudi newspapers today that any Saudi wishing to visit Thailand should
1 Own a company.
2 Have a current running contract with a Thai company for import or export.
3 Get a permission to visit Thailand letter from the Saudi chamber of commerce

Any Saudi who doesn't meet the 3 requirements and visits Thailand for pleasure will have his passport revoked for 2 years upon the Saudi authorities discovering a Thailand entry stamp in his passport.

I know that some people will say good as Saudis are not the most popular people but no reason has been given for this action either political or otherwise. Comments please guys.

July 30th, 2007, 22:48
You live in that fucking hell-hole...YOU give us some comments!

July 30th, 2007, 23:00
Yes BG you may consider it a hell hole. I'm paid a lot of money to live here just as Thai boys are paid a lot of money to to enter a farangs hell hole. My only comment is that rumors are going around that so many Saudis are coming back sick I have no evidence of that only rumors.

July 30th, 2007, 23:03
So, you live in a hell-hole only because the money's good. That makes you pretty much a whore, doesn't it?

And what's the big rumor? That people in Thailand are poisoning Saudis?

July 30th, 2007, 23:25
You said it was a hell hole I didn't.I just said I get a lot of money. I happen to like it here and have a lot of good local friends. You are being an asshole as usual And the rumor is that they are comming back with STDs as if you didn't know

July 31st, 2007, 00:07
My guess is that the vast majority of Saudis come to fuck women and not boys. It is rare to see Arabs in the
go go bars/beer bars or at the gay beach in Jomtien.
boygeenys must have picked up a STD or maybe he is turning bitter as he gets clobbered on this forum and I
must be one of his fans left and even I think he goes over the bitchiness line sometimes.
" a word to the wise " and all that jazz bg...

allieb is one of the most interesting posters on this forum and should not be subjected to such an attitude because he
lives in Saudi. I know he is also dealing with a serious ailment which he shared here openly and one should not mug someone
like allieb as this tends to turn away posters to other forums.

As boygeenyus knows, anyone who works for anyone is a whore in a way as you do something you don't want to do to survive.
Of course, this is a gross generalization but we are all whores at times and there is nothing wrong with doing what you have
to in this life. Some of my friends are whores and the rest are dirty old men who love the game and spread the wealth.

One weakness of this board and forum is that when a poster is attacked, most sit back and wait to see what others will write.
Sometimes, to be a man, you have to stand up and express yourself, even if it is to tell catawampuscat to fuck off. Are we
mice or men? Without boygeenyus and allieb, this forum would be a much poorer place and I enjoy reading both of them.... :cat:

July 31st, 2007, 00:59
Just a thought,

Maybe its nothing to do with that as no explanation has been given.

Maybe, its back to the Saudi jewels affair and they don't think Thailand has apologized correctly to warrant their citizens spending money in Thailand???

Well, its no sillier than saying its because of STDs!

Either one would be an infringement on Human rights, not that the Saudi's care.

Also, as we all know, one of the best precautions against STDs although not foolproof is protection not banning them from travelling here.

July 31st, 2007, 01:08
Catawampuscat, i too, am along with you a great fan and supporter of BG. He seems to have lost a lot of his forum fan base over the last year but myself and Jacktar have stuck with him.
Thou im still waiting for my signed photo and house invite.
God bless you BG

July 31st, 2007, 01:12
This all goes back to a jewellry heist in the very early 90's by a Thai domestic worker which was followed by the murder of 3 Saudi embassy staff in Bangkok. Up to that time Saudi Arabia had employed thousands and thousands of Thais but virtually all were let go. And from that time Saudis were banned from travelling to Thailand. Recently many had started to go back but it seems the Passport and Immigration Office have decided enforce it once again. There were a couple of articles in the Saudi Gazette the last couple of days, one of which gives a rather good history of the whole thing.

If youy do a search of the Saudi Gazette you will find a couple of articles about it.

Anyway, it has nothing at all to do with disease and is really more of a pissing contest between the 2 governments. Things had started to thaw but since the coup in Thailand it seems there has been freeze again. There was talk a year ago of opening direct air links again but a friend of mine who works for Saudia says it's all on hold again.

July 31st, 2007, 01:50
My God,

If once in a while's info is correct, I got it right.

Stand back and pack your bags Sherlock Holmes!

July 31st, 2007, 02:29
This all goes back to a jewellry heist in the very early 90's by a Thai domestic worker which was followed by the murder of 3 Saudi embassy staff in Bangkok. Up to that time Saudi Arabia had employed thousands and thousands of Thais but virtually all were let go. And from that time Saudis were banned from travelling to Thailand. Recently many had started to go back but it seems the Passport and Immigration Office have decided enforce it once again. There were a couple of articles in the Saudi Gazette the last couple of days, one of which gives a rather good history of the whole thing.

If youy do a search of the Saudi Gazette you will find a couple of articles about it.

Anyway, it has nothing at all to do with disease and is really more of a pissing contest between the 2 governments. Things had started to thaw but since the coup in Thailand it seems there has been freeze again. There was talk a year ago of opening direct air links again but a friend of mine who works for Saudia says it's all on hold again.

Having worked and enjoyed my time in Saudi and knowing how strict the Saudi authorities can be for enforcing things in general in their own country... maybe one of the ministers was overcharged for a cappuccino in BKK on one of his visits and decided to get his own back (joking).

After seeing the various comments on this thread I would tend to agree with Once In Awhile reply for the current problems between the two countries.

I wonder if the Saudis are stopping Thai Muslims visiting Mecca (no I am not talking about the bingo club).

Oh just before I go... I would never class Thailand as a hell hole.

Thai_Faen :bounce:

July 31st, 2007, 03:54
One of the things that I have always found fascinating is how around Sunee the Gay and Arab communities' establishments come together and even mix on Soi VC. There has always been a live and let live atmosphere...Hookah Bars and Boy Go Go bars in very close proximity. I have always felt very safe walking out of Sunee past all of the Arab bars with a boy even late at night. Arabs are every bit the horny pigs that the Gay guys are, but they have developed a behind the scene way of hooking up with both girls and boys. I'm feeling very sorry for all of those poor Saudi men who are now put in the position of chuck wow in the closet back in Saudi. Poor Arab guys are not even allowed to see a women's foot at home, and if they have sex with a guy....OFF WITH THE HEAD!!!!

July 31st, 2007, 04:01
Yes Once in a whileis right this has just appeared in the english language Saudi Newspaper. I originally got the strory from the Arabic version which was completely different. This often happens in this part of the world the Arabic reports and the English can be worlds apart. If this story is true then Thailand seems to be more corrupt than I imagined.

Monday, 30 July 2007The Saudi Gazette R500 Fine for Saudis Who Travel to Thailand

THE Passports and Immigration Department has revealed that Saudis traveling to Thailand will be fined SR500, and banned from traveling outside the Kingdom for six months upon their return.

This travel ban is not a recent ban, but one that was put into effect in 1991.
According to officials at the Passports and Immigration Department, the travel ban had never been lifted.

"I remember for a period during the 1990s, my passport had a line in it that said the passport was valid for travel to all countries except Thailand," Hashem Talal, 35, a Saudi businessman told the Saudi Gazette.

"To me, this was a clear indication that I couldn't go there, but when I renewed my passport in 2000, the passport was marked valid for all countries."

Many Saudis, including Talal assumed the travel ban had been lifted. The fact that the Thai Embassy in Riyadh is issuing tourist visas to Saudis nationals further confused the issue, as did the summer packages offered to Saudi vacationers by travel agencies across the Kingdom.

"I have never had a desire to go to Thailand because of what I hear about the sex industry there, and quite honestly, I assumed it was because of that that Saudis were banned from traveling there," 23-year-old Saudi student Mohanad Al-Zahrani told Saudi Gazette.

With the Thai embassy in Riyadh issuing visas to Saudi nationals, and with travel agencies advertising summer packages to Bangkok and Phuket all over the Kingdom, the renewed warning issued by the Passports and Immigration Department has left many surprised and curious as to why?

According to a report published in the Times of London, the Saudi-Thai ties soured in 1990, following the theft of $20 million worth of gems from a home in Riyadh.

Suspected in the theft was a Thai domestic worker who had managed to send through a courier company the 90 kilograms worth of jewels to his family in Bangkok over a period of three months.

When the domestic worker returned to Thailand, he buried some of his loot and started selling items individually for $30 apiece.

He was arrested and the police seized the remaining jewelry. It was then that most of it disappeared.

The lead police investigator on the case allegedly, put the items on display in Bangkok announcing a police department triumph. He was even given a medal by the Saudi Government.

The main items, however, were missing and others were later found to be faked copies. One of the pieces of jewelry was spotted on a high-society woman at a Red Cross dinner in Bangkok.

Santi Sritanakhan, a jeweler who was fencing the gems, was kidnapped and tortured allegedly on the orders of police. A week later his wife, Darawadee, and son, Seri, were found murdered in a Mercedes-Benz, the newspaper reported. Thai police forensic officers put the death down to a road accident.

Later four men admitted committing the murders on police orders. They had demanded a ransom of $2.5 million from the jeweler.

When Saudi Arabia began investigating the disappearance of the gems in Thailand, a spate of assassinations shook Bangkok.

In one day in 1991, three Saudi diplomats, A. Z. Al-Basri, the Consul General, Fahad Al-Bahli, an attach├й, and Ahmed Al-Saif, a telex operator, were murdered outside their homes. Two weeks later a Saudi businessman, Mohammed Al-Ruwaili, disappeared.

In a highly publicized case, the corrupt officials received sentences ranging from seven years to the death sentence. It still remains unclear where the gems are today.

Most recently, in an unrelated case, perhaps the case that re-energized the travel ban to Thailand, a 29-year-old Saudi schoolteacher drowned while swimming off a Thai beach last week.

July 31st, 2007, 06:42
Lets be honest, i will give 3 cheers to see all the clothe heads get kicked out and go back to killing each other in the desertsl
So who really gives a toss why? who and where!!!

July 31st, 2007, 07:33
for a country to put restrictions on people visiting a country. Israel must have quite a few enemies in that respect. For example, Malaysian passport holders cannot visit or go through Israel. There are obviously issues which they have between each other (Saudi and Thailand), and I bet they have taken other factors into consideration, such as the sex industry. We must remember there is probably no sex education in Saudi, and therefore a lot of ignorance in that department. Also, if a Saudi citizen really wants to go to Thailand he will find a way around it.

July 31st, 2007, 08:09
Often Bg is right in in his posts ocassioanlly he is worng and when he is, I say so. None is right 100% of the time and Bg could with a few less explsetives and a few more of some of his genious in this one

Lunchtime O'Booze
July 31st, 2007, 08:47
I've worked myself (..yes actually worked once) in the ME and you are correct-the money is always fantastic..apart from Arab people who I am very fond of.

A directive like this went out to Saudis in the late 1970's when London was awash with Saudi nationals spending money like crazy..and didn't we love it all ?

I had a very close friend..a member of the Saudi Royal Family who became very depressed at being ordered back to Riyadh to take on a government job. Sadly the poor chap died of a heart attack..but the reasons given at the time were the many scandals involving Saudis shoplifting at Harrods etc ( although one could be forgiven for "liberating" gods from the appalling Fayed these days ) and similar type tabloid tales.

The ban didn't last long..about 5 years but in the meantime the Saudis discovered the rest of Europe was possibly more fun...they never returned en-masse to the UK as in it's heyday and thousands of working lads and ladies were somewhat poorer because of it.

July 31st, 2007, 14:44
If Saudi's catching STD's n Thailand is the basis for keeping them in Saudi Arabia I am totally bewildered!
Are there no STD's in Saudi?
Is not the Saudi responsible for his own precautions if having sex in another country?
We have many Saudi visitors here in Australia, maybe they don't fuck over here (they're not really flavour of the month/year anyway.
I suspect this whole subject is political crap.

July 31st, 2007, 14:59
I suspect this whole subject is political crap.

Oh, really now? What was your first clue, Sherlock?

July 31st, 2007, 16:33
Certainly nothing said by shallow little you boygeenyus!
If your empty head can think of no better comments, I suggest you leave the keyboard alone!

Lunchtime O'Booze
August 1st, 2007, 00:53
..."maybe they don't fuck over here"..that's not what I heard from a friend in Surfer's Paradise..hookers bused in by the dozen.

August 1st, 2007, 02:02
Why on earth do they need to go to Thailand?, wherever they are, especially members of the rf, the whores are standing in line. They are good into orgies when they are abroad, and they pay very well. And by they way.....I understand why they are doing it. oh I should not have been writing this, I am sure Been Laden is reading this board and now we will all be :bom: or bombed

August 1st, 2007, 02:23
Why on earth do they need to go to Thailand?, wherever they are, especially members of the rf, the whores are standing in line. They are good into orgies when they are abroad, and they pay very well. And by they way.....I understand why they are doing it. oh I should not have been writing this, I am sure Been Laden is reading this board and now we will all be :bom: or bombed

He's probably been to Thailand also to "have" a good time.

August 1st, 2007, 02:34
If Saudi's catching STD's n Thailand is the basis for keeping them in Saudi Arabia I am totally bewildered!
Are there no STD's in Saudi?
Is not the Saudi responsible for his own precautions if having sex in another country? etc etc etc .

From my experience, Saudi was not (probably a bit better now though) very forward thinking, knowledgable or even experienced in STDs - no sex education, taboo subject etc. However, they are treated (and I bet in certain circumstances reported to certain individuals), but I suspect no official records kept. Also, at one time, you did not require a prescription to obtain medication. However, I would put money on it that a certain amount of them would get treatment overseas or even ignore the situation and not get tested. They would be highly embarrassed to be treated "in country". At one time (I'm not sure the current status, but I would also put money on it that it has not changed), you were in deep trouble if you had a serious STD.

August 6th, 2007, 10:52
I worked in Saudi back in the 90's and the "stolen jewel" episode ended not allowing Thai workers into the country and and end to Thai Airlines flying into the country. I am sure this is what the new ruling is about. Unfortunately many (not all) Saudi men that I ran into would go to the Western cities around the world to have "girl friends". They don't know what it is like to have a real relationship with a woman; for their girlfriends would be prostitutes. I'll never forget one Saudi I talked to telling me how the world outside of Arabia was a "cess pool" -- yet he would fly to the US and Europe to do his sinning. In the long run, Thailand is lucky not to have such visitors.

August 7th, 2007, 10:26
No one wants Towel Heads in their country. BG is correct this time.

August 7th, 2007, 18:19
No one wants Towel Heads in their country. BG is correct this time.

So what did BG say then? Your post implies that BG said he also said the towel head remark!

August 7th, 2007, 21:07

August 7th, 2007, 22:02
No one wants Towel Heads in their country. BG is correct this time.

Then I suspect you and BG are racists!

BG never said such a ridiculous thing. Quotation, please.

Seems like now that he's not around to defend himself, he's getting accused of such things as racism and threatening little old ladies. Funny, since false accusations are what he supposedly got banned for...

jeffreyj - your post is very clear indeed and you are right in the whole thread BG did not make such a statement. So why are saying he is "correct this time"?

September 10th, 2007, 08:24
saudi can go any time to LOS.... :faroah: :faroah: