View Full Version : Only in America Part 3; man ordered to wear chicken suit

July 29th, 2007, 01:47
http://www.cleveland.com/news/plaindeal ... xml&coll=2 (http://www.cleveland.com/news/plaindealer/index.ssf?/base/lake/1185438652128710.xml&coll=2)

watch out Billy..don;t go to cleveland

July 29th, 2007, 07:02
Those wacky koocks, cooks, kooks.... cocks? :duckie: Duckies?

How about the rival channel helicopter mid-air crash while they where jostling to chase and film a ground police car chase? Talk about innocent until proven otherwise, in ga ga land its guilty until you have satisfied the "media". Just deserts and all that, just luckily there were no decent "folks" taking a picnic in the park yesterday when they fell like a couple of tin can petrol bombs. What larks, sometimes "in the news and serious stuff" can be extremely entertaining.

A rather too flattering portrait of the great leader of ga ga land, but i feel it captures the runt aspects quite accurately.


July 29th, 2007, 09:46
Oh I love it!

If only we had a judge like that here in San Francisco!

At least his sentences don't reqire people to spend the night in a jail with no doors so they can't jack-off in privacy. :geek:

Just out of curiosity Cedric, is there ANY country on Planet Earth you admire?
Currently that is. No fair going back to ancient Athens or Timbuctu or somesuch.

July 29th, 2007, 13:36
Ceddie's mad at the whole world, apparently because he feels shortchanged.

July 30th, 2007, 16:17
Ceddie's mad at the whole world, apparently because he feels shortchanged.

On the contrary I am in love with the world :love1: , but if you see the axis of evil as being the world, that is, America Australia and the UK then you are either living in Ga ga land itself and your geography is predictably limited, or you are just plain sad mad and narrow minded, perhaps like Manhole above, but then he has special needs, and I am having a rampant affair with him.
Love is blind (very), all I can find is a raisin nestled in some thinning grey short and curlies, like a dead tick on a mangy dog. But i "heart" him to the end :love8:, he is just tanned in this shot, usually he is spook white, that is, his feet are, when he removes his socks and sandals for the annual fresh airing festival in Putti Yahha, where he always shines through.
I just wish, well nobody is perfect, all I want to say is those child bearing hips, well they can be a bit of a distraction. Wide denim skirts seem to help but he still has to walk through doorways sideways, not easy when you have thighs that size, its allways a bit of a push and shove. But i love, right up to his little bald skittle shaped head, besides its not what you look like is it? Its a meeting of minds, like a train smash, it keeps us so happy, happily in love.

July 30th, 2007, 18:02
the axis of evil as being the world, that is, America Australia and the UKAs opposed to Cedric's heritage - either the Third Reich or the IRA seem the most likely