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Lunchtime O'Booze
July 27th, 2007, 20:27
Well-wishers aid Oshkosh boy whose lemonade stand was robbed
By Doug Zellmer
Gannett Wisconsin Newspapers

OSHKOSH тАФ An Oshkosh boy who was robbed of his lemonade stand money on Tuesday has seen an outpouring of support from people who have sent him cards and money.
Austin Cundy, 11, said he appreciates those in the community who thought enough to help him through his ordeal.

"I think it's very nice that people care," Cundy said Thursday.
Cundy was robbed by two teenagers of a plastic container containing $20 that he had collected by selling cold drinks from a stand in the 800 block of Knapp Street.
Oshkosh police on Wednesday evening took a 17-year-old boy into custody in connection with the robbery at Cundy's lemonade stand.
Sgt. Steve Sagmeister said officers went to the boy's residence after receiving information by way of a citizen tip. Sagmeister said officers arrested the boy at 9:35 p.m. and recovered a plastic container, but no money. The boy was booked into the Winnebago County Jail on suspicion of robbery and physical abuse to a child, Sagmeister said.


What a very weird country it is ...not the robbery of course..that's just an everyday event..but a town called Oshkosh ????
and a county called Winnebago ???
and kids still seling lemonade on a corner ???


July 28th, 2007, 01:57
What a very weird country it is ...not the robbery of course..that's just an everyday event..but a town called Oshkosh ???? and a county called Winnebago ???
and kids still seling lemonade on a corner ???

Just called everyday life in most of the United States. Oshkosh is a medium-small town of about 64,000 people and, like most of the US, quite safe and secure. My city is about one-fourth that size and, yes, you see the occasional lemonade stand on a corner residential street set up by the kids.
Most non-US residents only know a big city or two and think that's what the US is about (along with Bushie and cronies). That is what gets the headlines but that is not what the US is all about (anymore than Thailand is mainly Bangkok or Pattaya). Many of us don't lock our homes (hell, I don't even know where the key is) and that's not the world's view as to how we live.

July 28th, 2007, 04:51
"A county called Winnebago"?

Guess where all those Winnebago RVs come from? A very popular RV in North America. More about Oshkosh on Google.

Both names, Oshkosh and Winnebago are of Native American origin as are many place names in the US and Canada.

C'est elementaire!

Lunchtime O'Booze
July 28th, 2007, 10:17
I love the USA-I have to make an occasional visit to New York City to get my "enthusiasm " fix. There is no place on earth like it that revs me up so.

So kids still sell lemonade on the street ?..amazing..it beats sitting inside all day playing computer games....and it's so Norman Rockwell...I used to read the Saturday Evening Post as a kid and loved his paintings of US life-they turned me on to the place.