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View Full Version : Sunee PLaza reopenings.......

July 20th, 2007, 00:07
The two months are finished and at least two Sunee Plaza bars will re-open tomorrow 20 July.
Memories reopens with new owners and some changes and is offering a free drink and a show. It looked
like some of the guys that worked there before have returned and they are offering a/c inside.
Duc's reopens tomorrow as well and I assume things will be the same. Good coffee and viewing spot if
you enjoy checking out the boys arriving at Kaos.
Three Zone Bar maybe officially reopening tomorrow as well as I believe they were caught up in the same
two month closing by the police but since they have been sort of open it might have only had a one month downtime.

Where oh where is our Sunee Plaza Ace reporter when we need him. After missing the sale of Crazy Pub and missing this
scoop, I am afraid he will be demoted to cub reporter and put on the Day-Nite beat to keep track of Office Boy. :cat: