View Full Version : Should troops be pulled out of Iraq?

July 18th, 2007, 22:56
I am neutral in this but I know a lot of you are not and tend to either really wish the hell we were out or believe it would be a catastrophe to leave the job unfinished no matter the cost. What is your opinion?

July 19th, 2007, 04:53
Not sure why I'm taking the bait here (sorry, not a topic likely to be either friendly or enlightening on this board) but:

Option A. Pull out now. Result=Disaster.

Option B. Pull out later. Result = Disaster.

The US (my country) should never have gone into Iraq in the first place but that's another question. Now that we're there, it could reasonably be argued that a quick withdrawal will cause more deaths than if we stay for a while. I don't know if I buy that and, as pulling out now will at least save deaths and injuries to US forces, I say we "surge" our butts out of their now. Will the world hate us for that? Sure but so what - Bushie's made that the situation for decades to come.

July 19th, 2007, 14:02
If we forget that it was a full blown fuck up to go in, WMD's or not, has no real significance. We know now it was just an excuse to Fuck Saddam, we all know that. If it becomes another Afghanistan and treat like the Soviets did when they left there and terrorist are allowed to train and breed like in Afghanistan, then we like the Soviets have we created a cradle of terrorism that is If we leave the job unfinished? Or, do we just accept the fact that they, like rabbits will breed no matter where or what conditions there are for them to work? Then it makes sense to pull out. Pakistan is the current breeding ground. Of course, there is Iran but, things are a bit more controlled and government endorsed there. If there is no restraints at all, where will we be 20 years from now if we let it go now?

July 19th, 2007, 14:10
I am neutral in this but I know a lot of you are not and tend to either really wish the hell we were out or believe it would be a catastrophe to leave the job unfinished no matter the cost. What is your opinion?

Opinion one: "Damned if you do - and damned if you don't."
Opinion two: Pottery Barn Rule - "You broke it - you own it," meaning pay for the damage down one way or the other.

July 19th, 2007, 22:20
you broke it you own it theory, how much will is cost is the next question you as the salesman?
