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July 18th, 2007, 09:15
For those who want a handle on anti-Americanism, I recommend ch.8 of Chris Patten's Not quite the diplomat. Patten is a pro-American English Tory politician and last governor of Hong Kong (who reminds us all that we have a perfectly good way of pronouncing the name of China's capital city - it is Peking, just as English speakers do not refer to the capital city of Italy as "Roma" nor (unless exceedingly pretentious and ignorant at the same time) the capital city of Thailand as "Krung Theb"). Patten's analysis of how Americans behave towards others as one of the root causes of anti-Americanism is worth the money for the book

July 18th, 2007, 11:59
For those who want a handle on anti-Americanism, I recommend ch.8 of Chris Patten's Not quite the diplomat. Patten is a pro-American English Tory politician and last governor of Hong Kong (who reminds us all that we have a perfectly good way of pronouncing the name of China's capital city - it is Peking, just as English speakers do not refer to the capital city of Italy as "Roma" nor (unless exceedingly pretentious and ignorant at the same time) the capital city of Thailand as "Krung Theb"). Patten's analysis of how Americans behave towards others as one of the root causes of anti-Americanism is worth the money for the book

Does he have anything to say about anti-pompous, fat, bald, old cunt-ism?

July 18th, 2007, 12:56
Does he have anything to say about anti-pompous, fat, bald, old cunt-ism?

Bwhahahahahahahahahahaha :cheers:

Presumably he's never met Hovel.

July 18th, 2007, 14:59
Its very interesting, did you draw any conclusions from it other than our inability to pronounce certain names. I am in a place that is unlikely to have a place to sells it all though they have plenty of anti Americanism. If I try Amazon there is a good chance I will never get it either. Can you give us a short synopsis

July 18th, 2007, 17:22
What is seriously interesting about Chris Patten is how deeply unpopular he made himself in his constituency, Bath (pronounced Bauth - perhaps he prounced it Beth or Bith) before his friend John Major parachuted him into HK where he became very popular with "the masses" as "Fat Pang".

His predecessor, now known as Lord Tilllyorn, made himself unpopular with everybody but especially the PRC by spending as much as he could of HK people's money on the infrastructure projects that would be of lasting benefit to the HK people i.e. cross-harbour tunnels, reclaimed land, an airport that isn't a national disgrace, several superhighways. What plans the PRC had for the treasure are unclear.

Patten would fit right into the left-wing sow's ear Tory party Cameron is trying to create but alas the silk purse is in revolt. Rightist Thatcherite Noo Labour seem to be standing in the wrong place. Anyhoo, Patten has moved onto other things. He added Homosexual Law Reform to Hong Kong's Basic Law, bless him.

I've no idea where the Americans come in all this. Their navy lost a port for R&R in 1997 but they seem to continue to do as much business out of the SAR as ever.

July 20th, 2007, 02:42
Can you give us a short synopsisI can, but I won't

July 20th, 2007, 03:16
I don't have time to read this kind of writing, however, many of my HK retired friends read it when it first came out. They didn't mention the anti-Americanism. What they did talk about, and many had a positions on, having been involved one way or another, was the row going on between the Foreign Office led by the former British Ambassador in Beijing, and Patten who choose to play the moral high ground by championing ordinary Hong Kong people's interest, seeking safeguards as far as could be obtained.

Patten was scurrilously maligned by the PRC "negotiators" which to his credit he rose above. Though I don't naturally support his party I thought he made a good fist of a rotten hand and hope we see more of his abilities utilised in the future.

July 20th, 2007, 07:54
I don't have time to read this kind of writing, however, many of my HK retired friends read it when it first came out.I suspect you are referring to book Patten wrote (and soft-core pornographer Rupert Murdoch refused to publish) about his time as Governor of HK. This is a later book

July 20th, 2007, 17:14
I suspect you are referring to book Patten wrote (and soft-core pornographer Rupert Murdoch refused to publish) about his time as Governor of HK.

I was indeed. My mistake. I imagine a period as European Commissioner for Foreign Relations would make anyone exasperated with America. They seem to take the EU as a personal affront.

July 21st, 2007, 16:35
Patten is an arsehole (short hand for dick head) he did very little for Hong-kong, in fact the British as a job lot did very little for Hong-kong. The thing the people of Hong-kong needed least was Pattens brand of patronising and paternal governance. What they rather wanted but never got was modern and revised laws and a proper gate-way to democracy put in place before the hand over, the things the British have in fact never left their ex-colonies. Patten certainly was no exception.
And yet the British, and even more nauseating, the last governor, Patten, still mistakenly wish to believe they and he are Hong-Kong's best friend. It goes without saying that the British feel this way about all of their ex-colonies. However the people of Hong-Kong are not as dim witted as the British and of course prefer Beijing even with all its flaws. Its pure economics.

This is always so painfully obvious every time the sweaty red face Patten makes his little visits here, he rambles on about how much he enjoyed his time here and then spews some belated shit about democracy and human rights and gives us some incredibly stupid advice about tax reforms and the economy. All causing yet more polite mirth, with which he is respectfully sent packing. Unbelievably still believing the "people" of Hong Kong give a shit for any single one of his hollow edicts.

Patten was, and still is a fat swine that ate too many custard tarts, a man with an overly inflated opinion of himself that even manages to challeng this lard laden presence. Beneath the often mirthful but always respectful exterior appearances towards Patten, the citizens of this city have never much liked the man nor indeed been in any need of any of his advice.

July 21st, 2007, 18:05
Oh yes, honey, you lash that bitch!

July 21st, 2007, 20:54
Patten is an arsehole (short hand for dick head) he did very little for Hong-kong, in fact the British as a job lot did very little for Hong-kong.

apart from creating the world's fifth largest economy by the time of the hand-over

The thing the people of Hong-kong needed least was Pattens brand of patronising and paternal governance. What they rather wanted but never got was modern and revised laws and a proper gate-way to democracy put in place before the hand over,

The British would have gladly left a path to democracy in place - they did everywhere else. There was another player in the way. Get real.

July 22nd, 2007, 00:43
Get real.You are forgetting Cedric's anti-Britishism - it comes from that below-stairs' upbringing of his - http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... .php?e=281 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/weblog_entry.php?e=281)

Interestingly he and Aunty often see eye-to-eye, and Aunty's origins are also below stairs - father was an under-footman who ran off with my half-sister to Nw Zlnd :cyclopsani:

July 22nd, 2007, 01:31

July 22nd, 2007, 01:31
One mustn't be too harsh on underfootpersons. One gathers that Mrs. Simpson's finest asset was a foot.

July 22nd, 2007, 09:04
The comments on my post are so banal as not to even warrant much of a read net alone a response.
However for the half wits, the people of Hong-kong made the economy into what it is not the British, the very idea that Patten makes or made sense as an economist is a laughing matter to the people of Hong Kong and to anyone bored enough to have to listen.

Secondly no, the British did not leave democracy where ever they plundered, they left mostly brutal and bloody revolution, from which they had to run time and time again. Bad move considering all the hefty deposits of mineral wealth that keep popping into light all over these territories. And no surprise as to where these minerals are going now, but to China of course, the land-lord to whom the British fawned over for so long, despite China's communism. The British have always been short sighted and greedy, as a result they have lost out.

In Hong-Kong, 150 years more or less, might have seemed long enough to most people with even half a brain to have left even a semblance of a democratic foundation in place, even if it was only just as a small reward to the people of Hong-Kong for the long term service of this still very healthy and vibrant ex cash cow.

As for Hominterns continuous chip on the shoulder about his working class background, perhaps he should move to France and find succour amongst the peasants there, they don't have his particular little problem anymore. But then he is hardly likely to do this as he and his kind are usually die hard royalist, like their Mr Tony Blobby. If only the monarchy thought the same about them it wouldn't come across as quite so pathetic.

July 22nd, 2007, 15:20
chip on the shoulderYou do know why Nw Zlndrs are so evenly balanced, don't you? They have a chip on both shoulders

July 22nd, 2007, 15:34
chip on the shoulderYou do know why Nw Zlndrs are so evenly balanced, don't you? They have a chip on both shoulders

Must be because they inherited it from disgraced Englishmen just like you, Beryl.

July 25th, 2007, 00:22
chip on the shoulderYou do know why Nw Zlndrs are so evenly balanced, don't you? They have a chip on both shoulders

Must be because they inherited it from disgraced Englishmen just like you, Beryl.

Doesn't Aunty claim to be from New Zealand?

Strange to refer to one's own people as "they". Most would use "we".

July 25th, 2007, 00:47
Strange to refer to one's own people as "they". Most would use "we".I believe alienation is a symptom of Tourette Syndrome