View Full Version : Jim Jimmy James

July 17th, 2007, 08:08
Can any one tell me if the remodeling of the bar is complete
This is my favorite bar
The owner is a nice guy lots of handsome guys there
They were just starting the remodel when i was there last in May
I hope it will be up and running when i return in August

July 17th, 2007, 09:58
They are still renovating. In the interim, they've set up a beer bar out front with some of the boys working there.

July 17th, 2007, 11:36
Jim has an opening date later this month. Right now JJJ is offering 1/2 price drinks and 1/2 priced "off" fees.
It should be the showplace on the soi. There is some talk of Euro boys reopening but this could still be months away..

July 17th, 2007, 12:00
There is some talk of Euro boys reopening but this could still be months away..

Indeed. They are reportedly waiting until all their staff are potty-trained before throwing their doors open to the waiting throngs or mature "gentlemen".

July 17th, 2007, 12:22
Hi Skeet,

This is one of my favorite bars as well. I talked with Jimmy a couple of night ago, and he projects the bar to re-open on 23 July, so even allowing for some slippage, the bar should be up and running (as will the boys, no doubt) by the time you arrive in August.

July 17th, 2007, 15:19
Hi Skeet,

This is one of my favorite bars as well. I talked with Jimmy a couple of night ago, and he projects the bar to re-open on 23 July, so even allowing for some slippage, the bar should be up and running (as will the boys, no doubt) by the time you arrive in August.

Hope they open very soon, because the noise of the construction going on my nerves! :bounce:

Lunchtime O'Booze
July 17th, 2007, 15:27
"They are reportedly waiting until all their staff are potty-trained "...JJJ always has rather hunky and tough looking older lads...just what an old duffer like me prefers. :booty:

July 17th, 2007, 15:34
"They are reportedly waiting until all their staff are potty-trained "...JJJ always has rather hunky and tough looking older lads...just what an old duffer like me prefers. :booty:

Look again, Einstein. I was referring to Euro Boys.

July 17th, 2007, 19:37
Only the naive believe that the go go boys in the Sunee Plaza boy bars are 18 y.o. and older. The only go-gos that
I would be certain of legal age status are Krazy Dragon (not Crazy Pub) and Top Man.

Euro was known to be largely underage and when the police are coming tonite rumours started, only 3 or 4 of the
lady boys stayed on as they were working legally.

Those who miss the old Amigo/Diamond Pub scene can find it now at Good Boys. They shifted away from the
lady-boys and feature some boys who worked in Diamond Pub and others who look like they are still more than a
few months shy of legal age.

I can't advise on Kaos as I haven't checked it out in a long time and wouldn't be caught dead at the 10PM show, in spite
of those who swear I am a regular.

JJJ is the most fun go go of the group but some of the boys will be 18 this year, give or take a few months.. One of the
hottest turns 18 in a couple of weeks and most seem to be on the line. Check the boys IDs to be sure...

Lunchtime O'Booze
July 17th, 2007, 21:12
"Look again, Einstein. I was referring to Euro Boys."

where I said I was suffering from partial dementia.

Are you always this cruel to the mentally impaired ? :drunken:

July 18th, 2007, 12:10
Euroboys was my favorite bar.I hope my beautiful Isaan boy is doing ok now that its closed.He was tall,handsome,well endowed and had the nicest haircut. Maybe by some he would be considered a fem boy,but not a ladyboy.Ive decided thats my type,femboys. We had some great shorttimes together but the longtimes were not so much fun,he seemed so anxious to be on his way.I need to learn some more Thai,me thinks.

July 18th, 2007, 12:56
We had some great shorttimes together but the longtimes were not so much fun,he seemed so anxious to be on his way.I need to learn some more Thai,me thinks.

I doubt it was your lack of Thai that made him eager to go on his way, more likely the anticipation of moving onto his next 'off'.

July 18th, 2007, 22:06
Sunee ago go bars except for the 2 already mentioned, Topman and Krazy are all packed with boys under 18. If i had my way they should all be 21 to work in these type of bars.
I must agree with BG for once that Sunee is a den of little boys and old pedos trying to make excusses for the place. I know he never said those words but BG has always said Sunee was a bad place. I know i will not go back after the last time back in Januarys trip. I walked into Kaos and couldnt believe how young 3 or 4 of the kids on the stage were, and with there young peckers out. Bloody revolting!!!
In fact i reported the incident to the Tourist police down on Walking Street i was so bloody disgusted.
Any of you guys who are always saying how good this bar is and the great show should also be locked up then deported back to your own countries prisons and let all the other inmates know your a pedo from Thailand.... see how long you keep your face then. :colors: I will now stay with the BBB group and the few beer bars in B..Town i enjoy.

July 18th, 2007, 22:08
Careful, Jack. Our host here doesn't like the truth mentioned when it comes to this topic.

July 18th, 2007, 23:05
Careful, Jack. Our host here doesn't like the truth mentioned when it comes to this topic.

Jim Jimmy James

I have been there and up 20 boy's

I ask mama sang how many where up age 18 !

2 where ! Named Jae and Pele !

If you are Pedo ....

Enjoy ! :flower:

July 18th, 2007, 23:40
The boys I met were I want and gimme.

July 19th, 2007, 00:23
jinks, I met the same two and I gave and I gave.
Eventually, all will cross the 18 y.o. line and many are just on the edge.
Some are on one side and some on the other.

Is it pedo, if the boy is a few days short of 18 y.o. and not pedo if he is a few days over 18 y.o.
Of course it isn't pedo but legally still a big no no.

Jimmi is reputable and does not run a pedo bar. I am sure, when the rumours of a police raid go out, the boys
flee from almost all the bars in Sunee. Some are too young, some don't have IDs, some known they won't pass
the piss test.. Be smart and always check the ID cards! Only fools listen to the mamasans and don't request ID.......

July 19th, 2007, 03:52
This is the first post of yours that i agree with.
I think you said it well as far as the pedo thing is concern.
I like the guys here because it is not such a pushy place as some.
It is like you say i am sure there are some there that are shy of the magic number 18 but by days or maybe a few months , but not like some places that are 2 or 3 years
away from that number.
To be on the safe side always check for your self with the ID.

July 20th, 2007, 00:15
so glad we finally agree on something.

Even a broken clock is correct twice a day...

July 20th, 2007, 17:21
I visited Jim Jimmy James many times during my last holiday and found it to be one of the best Gogo Bars in PTY, which includes Boyztown.

There's a good mix of great looking boys, comfortable atmosphere, friendly mamasans, good drinks, and an owner who who couldn't be friendlier.

I must have visited JJJ's 15-20 times during my last 2 month holiday and never once saw an underaged kid in the place.

Some of you old farts should have your glasses checked.

Maybe the boys should start checking your I.D.'s. Some of you old bimbos are so concerned about a boy who may be a few months under the 18 mark working in a bar, when you're sitting there on your 70 Y/O wrinkled ass waiting to be serviced. Every time you get on your bandwagons about the age of the working boys, you should look at yourselves in the mirror and try to imagine how much fun it is for a boy who is 50 years younger than you to have to crawl in your bed. Some of you seem to think the vision of an underaged boy in a bar is a disgusting sight. Well, I've sat back and watched a few of you distorted looking old fucks hobble through the doorways, and just can't imagine how the boys handle it. And always with a smile and a willingness to please YOU.

Or maybe they should just create a new law for controlling the age gap. Let's say a 30 year gap maximum. So it really doesn't matter how old the boy is, as long as you're not more than 30 years his senior. Would that work for you?

Get a fucking life.

July 20th, 2007, 19:16
Does it apply to fat middleaged wooly moofs too?

Are you trying to tell us something Billy?

I remember the first time I went to Dreamboys in BKK. Sitting up front and centre were two ancient hags their fresh bright shirts jarring horribly with their brazenly tinted thinning hair, tinted mustache eyebrows, their thin stained yellow skin, atrophied arms and sagging jowls. Crowned with age spots on their temples they devoured ravenously all the boys on stage. I'm sure their tongues flicked in and out like snakes, air tasting the youth of every new crop of boys that came to take their turn to sell themselves on stage. Who shall we feast on tonight?

And then one guy appeared, not that young really I suppose, mid twenties, good looking, smooth warm butterscotch skin, confident, experienced, maybe even reckless, who cruised the old crows shamelessly. I sensed a need for self abuse and self destruction. He wanted them. He knew they were in the market for fresh young meat. Their slithering tongues told him that. He fixed them with an unwavering stare. There was no-one else in the club. He cruised them. He worked them. He pouted. He dared them, both cocky and arrogant. He knew what they wanted. He feasted on their coveting glances, bathed in the attention they gave to his smooth almost naked body, got off on their devouring of him. He wanted them to take him, he worked them, he flouted his sexual availability right in their face. And he got what he wanted. The old crows soon left with a young man between them. It was both absorbing to watch and thoroughly repellent at the same time, and it was such a contrast to the next group of boys, one of whom had nothing short of sheer terror on his face. Fear that someone would choose him, fear that someone would expect sex from him. Although he knew what he was there for, he knew that wasn't him, and he was scared and anxious. What if he was chosen by some fat farang, or someone old enough to be his grandfather let alone his father? Someone nasty. The anxiety of knowing and not knowing was palpable with him. He seemed almost to be hiding within himself.

I have a lot of sympathy for what Dodger wrote if not quite the way he wrote it. But we do tend to forget that these Thai boys/men who are selling themselves are not doing so because they want to or because they find us attractive, but because, in the vast majority of cases, they have to. Having sex with ugly fat and/or old men must be nothing short of a nightmare. They do what I could never do and what I suspect most of us could never do either. If for nothing else, they have earnt our respect for that.

July 20th, 2007, 19:53
Maybe the boys should start checking your I.D.'s. Some of you old bimbos are so concerned about a boy who may be a few months under the 18 mark working in a bar, when you're sitting there on your 70 Y/O wrinkled ass waiting to be serviced. Every time you get on your bandwagons about the age of the working boys, you should look at yourselves in the mirror and try to imagine how much fun it is for a boy who is 50 years younger than you to have to crawl in your bed. Some of you seem to think the vision of an underaged boy in a bar is a disgusting sight. Well, I've sat back and watched a few of you distorted looking old fucks hobble through the doorways, and just can't imagine how the boys handle it. And always with a smile and a willingness to please YOU.

Oh so true

July 20th, 2007, 21:18
Telling it like it is at Sawatdee :cheers: :

FROM DODGER ( Who just came back to the Board, trying desperately to re-make friends. Welcome back, Darrrr - link ):

" ... Maybe the boys should start checking your I.D.'s. Some of you old bimbos are so concerned about a boy who may be a few months under the 18 mark working in a bar, when you're sitting there on your 70 Y/O wrinkled ass waiting to be serviced. Every time you get on your bandwagons about the age of the working boys, you should look at yourselves in the mirror and try to imagine how much fun it is for a boy who is 50 years younger than you to have to crawl in your bed. Some of you seem to think the vision of an underaged boy in a bar is a disgusting sight. Well, I've sat back and watched a few of you distorted looking old fucks hobble through the doorways, and just can't imagine how the boys handle it.... "

FROM AUNTY ( Repelled by 'his-own-kind' ~ and who can blame him? Noticing WD-40 drooling in the bleachers would put anyone off)

" ... Sitting up front and centre were two ancient hags their fresh bright shirts jarring horribly with their brazenly tinted thinning hair, tinted mustache eyebrows, their thin stained yellow skin, atrophied arms and sagging jowls. Crowned with age spots on their temples they devoured ravenously all the boys on stage. I'm sure their tongues flicked in and out like snakes, air tasting the youth of every new crop of boys that came to take their turn to sell themselves on stage. Who shall we feast on tonight? ... "

Cheers ...

July 20th, 2007, 23:46
Or maybe they should just create a new law for controlling the age gap. Let's say a 30 year gap maximum. So it really doesn't matter how old the boy is, as long as you're not more than 30 years his senior. Would that work for you?

Why is 30 the magic number; because it covers you? 18 would make more sense because anyone who is 18 years older than you is theoretically old enough to be your father (on the basis that 18 is the age of majority in most countries). So, if you're 54, an 18-year-old could, in theory at least, be your grandchild. And in reality, many poor Isaan boys have grandparents in their early fifties as they get married much younger down there. Ain't it disgusting to be sleeping with your grandkid? Try looking at yourself the next time you off a teenager young enough to be your grandchild before getting all self-righteous over the 70-year-olds.

July 21st, 2007, 07:08
The above posts ! Did i start this ? :clown:

My trolls ! Working ! :cheers:

July 21st, 2007, 08:04
well,kudos to me then.My first trip to boystown,I spent the whole week with a thirty-two year old waiter.He seduced me while serving me a diet coke. I was flattered that a man this young would want to have sex with me. Oh my,he was young enough to be my son!What young guys they have at Boystown I was thinking to myself. To make a long story short(ill leave the storytelling to Dodger and Aunty (who must have copied a few lines from a porno paperback),I discovered Sunee plaza,and never looked back(to boystown anyway) and much to my surprise found boys young enough to be my grandson eager to have sex with me.I dont have a son,or a grandson so I dont feel guilty about it. :blackeye:

Lunchtime O'Booze
July 21st, 2007, 10:26
"Sitting up front and centre were two ancient hags "

...say what you want about me but leave Mrs O'Booze out of your insults !! :hmph:

July 21st, 2007, 11:11
Well I went to Sunee last night and I can promise you that Crazy Dragon only have boys over 18. Most of them around 20.

I also took a short visit to another place, dont remember the name and well I think 2 of the boys there must have been under 18.... also in the streets plenty of underage boys you dont want to get in trouble with!

July 21st, 2007, 20:01
What, Yedo, underage lads seen in some bars and in the streets of Sunee--blasphemy--could't possibly be true that in Cafe Sunee such sights can be seen??!!

If you listen to Dodger, because some old, out-of-shape farts are to be seen (where might that be but in Sunee as that seems to be the only place he goes) taking legal age lads that this somehow justifies the fact that bars offer up underaged lads---very strange logic indeed. Also, you have not heard many complaining about those lad very near the age of 18, but those much younger that some bars and the streets of Sunee offer up on a regular basis.

Also, AUNTY, please enough of this malarky:

"But we do tend to forget that these Thai boys/men who are selling themselves are not doing so because they want to or because they find us attractive, but because, in the vast majority of cases, they have to. Having sex with ugly fat and/or old men must be nothing short of a nightmare. They do what I could never do and what I suspect most of us could never do either. If for nothing else, they have earnt our respect for that. "

Where did you learn that myth? The incredibly vast number of the poor youth (men and women) of Thailand and other similarly poor countries manage to support themelves without resorting to selling their bodies. There are many other jobs, yes, much poorer paying--near the 3-5000 baht range of the avg monthly stipend that millions of Thai families manage to live on. Tricky Rich who used to write on Gaybutton and here used to answer this myth regularly and answer it quite well--the lads working in the bar CHOOSE to be there--no one forces them--they want easy money for a hour or so on their backs rather than long hours each day out in the sun working construction, etc--I knew a lad recently who had worked at Wild West Boys--he left there, and even with the promise of a farang's monthly help of 10,000 baht, went to work at Tesco Lotus--inside, air con, but he had to work six days a week, for 12 hours each day and got the paltry sum of 166 baht per day--terrible wages, but not terribly difficult work compared to working outside for 12 hours a day--but evven with the farang's help of 10,000 a month, the lad soon left the Lotus job as he missed the bar and his friends, and the disco, and the easy money for an hour's work--and where does most of the money go that most lads earn--to drinking, gambling, disco, new mobiles, gold, etc--if they needed that money so badly, why do they spend it that way and leave the bar, often, after years, with less than they came in with. yes, show the lads some respect and common decency, which, unfortunately, not all farang/customers do (but if you ask the lads they often get treated the worst by the Thai customers who take them, not the farang), but let's not make matyrs out of them, but they are in the business for an easy baht, and certainly not because they "have to"---also, the very fact that you would or wouldn't do really has nothing to do with it.

July 21st, 2007, 20:50

Most working of the boys send the money they earn directly to their impoverished families which is the primary reason they do this kind of work to begin with. The cell phones and gold chains are simply tokens they receive from people like us, and even these material objects get traded-in (sooner or later) for cash which makes it's way back to the family. There's no doubt that the boys see this as easy cash, especially when you compare it to working in the rice fields all day under the scorching heat for as few satang. But you seem to have the notion that this is a viable option. Are you saying that this justifies our actions. Are you saying that because the boys have the option of working the fields and joining their families in a life of poverty, that they are doing this just for the fun of it. If so, you are totally blind to reality.

I do agree although, with the fact that once a boy works in the dazzling lights, surrounded by friends with common interests, and having the opportunity to experience places like the discos and karaokes, it's a breath of fresh life, because of course it is, but that doesn't mean they enjoy the part of their work that involves the servicing the farang's sexual desires, because they don't.

Most boys, if they're lucky enough to hit the jackpot leave the scene and live their lives doing what they really want to do - and that's being able to live with their families.

No, my intentions weren't to justify the existence of underaged boys in the bars. My intentions, bluntly stated, were aimed at those farang who seem to think that their wealth and stature as a Westerner some how gives them the right to be arrogant and self-centered as so many seem to be.

If making pretend that the boys actually enjoy the work their doing makes you feel better - than so be it. They could really care less what your opinion is, as long as you keep providing them (and their families) with your cash.

mai pen rai

July 22nd, 2007, 01:03
Dodger---"Most working of the boys send the money they earn directly to their impoverished families which is the primary reason they do this kind of work to begin with."

If you'd said, SOME working boys..., I'd have agreed with you, but I think you believe too quickly their stories that they need the money to send to sick mama, or the water buffalo has died, etc. Also, the choices for employment are not limited to the extremes of working in the fields for a few satang or selling your body in a go go bar. There are plenty of other very honorable otptions for employment--what do you think the vast majority of the other millions do in this country--many poor work several jobs, bell hop, cleaning rooms/swimming pools, delivering water/ice, waiting tables and tons of other tourist-related service jobs that have nothing to do with toiling in the sun or working as a prostitute.

And you actually believe the material things actually get traded in so the lads can then send the money back to their homes--they get traded in to pay off gambling debts or to pay off other loans, or to finance a trip to the disco or to buy that motorbike or new mobile phone they have had their eye on and could never afford until some farang bought them the easily pawnable Thai gold chain.

You also think that most of these lads think they have hit the jackpot so they can go back to that sleepy little village and live with mama/papa (many may only have one parent, or one of the parents may have been a bar worker themselves or have a drinking problem (very high rate of alcoholism in Thailand). AFter party central with their friends and freedom and no family to tell them what to do and to always be after them to given whatever money they have to mama/papa (oh, yes, I do believe that mama and papa will certainly ask, demand, beg for money from their sons and daughters working) many boys do go back out of a sense of obligation to help plant the rice, repair the house/room, etc, but most do not certainly view that as :hitting the jackpot."

You certainly did not see me write that I am pretending anything--I am certain that it must be a struggle and while I do know of some farang who have a reasonable relationship with a Thai lad, the successful or long lasting ones are very few--the farang usually does exactly what you claimed you did (though, most wait until after the wedding or commitment) or the Thai lad gets fed up with the farang trying to make him "better" and improve his life and decides that no amount of money is worth the hassle of the farang. Most boys and farang take the best they can out of a situation and move on. I am always telling those farang who think that some 19 yr old, uneducated Thail barboy will mesh with their lives/emands and "rockhard bodies"--most try to justify that these boys have such respect for the elderly (which most do, but that respect does not mean necessarily they love sucking the cock or getting all felft up or slobbered over by some 60-70 yr old creepy farang who thinks it's love at first sight. No, never pretend they like it but they CHOOSE to do it because it is EASIER and pays better than doing what the majority of the other working population do.

One last thing--this life of poverty you claim most of their families live sounds like another myth--yes, they are poor--Thailand is much better off than many third world countries--I have many Thai friends having been in Thailand for 4-6 months of the year for almost 20 years--most are from Pak Issan--which is considered, probably the poorest region in the entire nation. Most (not all) of the families I know manage quite well and would be insulted that you think they live a life of poverty. They provide for their familes, send the children to school, provide clean (perhaps worn) clothes, feed everyone--could they all put to good use more money, of course, who among us couldn't, but they manage just fine I think it is you need who needs to see the reality.

July 22nd, 2007, 02:40

I respect your opinions, although the picture you've just painted does not match the reality of Thailand...as I've seen it. The poor are only insulted by those who refuse to see them. I've lived with them.

mai pen rai

July 22nd, 2007, 02:41
I've lived with them.He IS one of them :bounce:

July 22nd, 2007, 05:39
Yes...I have spoken.

July 22nd, 2007, 06:50
Well spoken Dodger. Sammy, you need to take the blinkers off mate!

How come one rarely sees gogo boys with University degrees, or boys from well off families working in the bars, if prostitution was just a simple matter of another employment choice open to everyone? Let me give you an insight into what young gay Thai men are really like when they are not poor and have choices. I have meet a lot of young gay Thai students in my home town studying at the university here. I also meet them when I lived in Boston. Mostly they come from well off families, but by no means all do. And this is what they tell me and what I have experienced myself on the odd occasion. Any attempt by an older (35+) farang men to try and chat them up is typically met with revulsion and the silent treatment, or if that fails a few choice cutting remarks about your age and their youth. If money is offered don't be surprised if they spit on you so strong is their outrage, as to offer money is considered by them to be profoundly insulting as you are insinuating that they are a money-boy (prostitute), in their eyes the lowest of the low and an egregious stain on their character. If those boys you cuddle up to at night and who never say no and who make the big eyes at you while telling you how much they love you weren't poor, then that is the reaction you would be getting from them.

Poverty and addiction drives prostitution in Thailand my dear, just as it does everywhere else. WAKE UP! you are exploiting the poor!

July 22nd, 2007, 07:17
I also agree with Dodger on this one.

July 22nd, 2007, 11:06
Aunty, I am not sure what world you are living in, but you never read anywhere that I think the boys who cuddle up to me love me so dearly--they provide a service for a fee--of course, most university students are from better off families--what a surprise that is and of course, many of those that you might meet at DJ or other places don't want to be considered prostitutes--few do, whether it be in Thailand, the US or UK, etc--no great revelation there. But it appears you are saying that since these lads who work in the bars come from poor families must only turn to prostitution or slave in the fields (farming is still a well thought of life)--there are other options and I have known bar lads, the exceptions, unfortunately, who have saved their money, not to hit the "jackpot" and go back to the small village they came from, but they paid for an education or opened a small business of some kind and made a better life--but to believe there are no other choices for these poor lads in the bar is doing a disservice to all the other millions of families who face the challenges of every day life in Thailand without dancing half naked in a bar and selling their bodies. If prostitution was the only option, I wonder why the many other millions of poor in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, (the latter three far worse off than Thailand) are all not working in prostitution.

Poverty and addiction do drive many vices, but they are two very different things--not every poor working person is an addict and not every addict is poor--and, again, there are many other options for working one's way out of being poor--those lads you said you knew that were university students who did not come from well off families--did they sell their bodies to put themselves thru university--some may have, but most, probably not. If taking a go go boy is exploiting the poor, I guess buying anything at Tesco Lotus or having a burger at McDonad's or staying at any hotel here is exploiting the poor as the wages they pay ther workers for their efforts work out to be incredibly less than what a successful go go boy might make in far less time with far less effort--so when Lotus pays its workers 160 baht for a 12 hour day but charges western prices for most of its products and the maid who cleans your room at the hotel you stay in gets but 3-5000 baht for the entire month then this must also be exploiting the poor. But you do not see very maid in Thailand turn to prostitution--no, you see some lads/lasses do so as they do not want to work 12 hours a day, 6-7 days a week for that amount of money (an amount, most Thai familes, especially living in rural communities survice quite well on), they want easy money for what they consider easy work. Don't ever travel or buy anything in any thrid world countty if you are caught up in worry about exploiting the poor.

Dodger, I think certainly your heart is in the right place, but I am not sure you mean the poor are insulted by those who refuse to see them--most familes I know living in areas outside of tourist resorts like pattaya are basically happy--certainly, they would want more for them and their families, but work hard every day outside of prostitution or the farm to make lives for the families--most live as their parents did before them on the same land, and if you know Thais and Thai culture, do not really spend a great deal of time worrying about tomorrow or next week or next month--they are happy to live today and take care of their families today. They don't see themselves as in "poverty", perhaps poor, but there are millions of poor, unfortunately, all over the world who still have meaningful lives.

July 22nd, 2007, 17:50
SO many wise words here.

I have been here just a few days (sunee plaza) and starting to know a few of the boys better, so my experience so far is like this.

I tried to stay with the boys after the bar close around 2 , and I give them free drinks and we go to the disco that stays up all night.
Just to get to know them better. And its so strange for a farang like me to discover all the different reasons why the boys work here. They come from all over Thailand, some of them only been here a few weeks, at least thats what they tell me.

Most of them, if not all of them have no education at all , no support from their families. Some of them had jobs at department stores before but chooses to work at the bar because of the easy money. But I think that most of the boys really have no other alternatives, and many of them have a dream to start a long relationship with a farang so they can stop having sex with strangers every day. Because most of them really just want to have fun, and they hope that they will not have sex tonight (especially with fat old farangs, sorry guys) So I think they all appreciated the free fun together, party is more fun than farangsex I think.

ANd finally boys are not the same, they all are different . Also when it comes to sex, I met this wonderful thai/chinese boy, he was really sweet but had no interest in sex with farangs, still he was so cute that he got the barjob. I think he must have had a bad experience in his short young life.

Another great lookin Isan boy was so horny (sex sex sex) and a sweetheart , romantic you could not stop him, but he really wanted a relationship with me for sure. (he told me he waited for me a long time) , well I choose to believe that.....
I will never forget him so I will have my eyes on him , I hope his future will be better. Maybe I'll make sure of that.

July 22nd, 2007, 18:14
Fake ID cards are a dime a dozen. Not reliable at all. If you see the photo is a big smudged, that's a sure sign that boy is not for you. Its not HIS card.
As for me, I look for at least an inch worth of beard, that way I'm almost sure he is of age.

July 22nd, 2007, 20:04
Aunty, I am not sure what world you are living in.........The same world as you.

but you never read anywhere that I think the boys who cuddle up to me love me so dearly.........I wasn't meaning you specifically, more 'you' as in the gay farang sex tourist/expat reader.

But it appears you are saying that since these lads who work in the bars come from poor families must only turn to prostitution or slave in the fields .................Rather than saying slave in the fields, I think it would be more informative to say slave for minimum and below minimum wage. Remember this is Thailand. Labour laws are weak, and there is no social security net. The choices available to the poor, who are typically also undereductaed, are limited and typically involve working in low paid jobs with little chance of improvement. They don't call it a poverty cycle (trap) for nothing you know!

But to believe there are no other choices for these poor lads in the bar is doing a disservice to all the other millions of families who face the challenges of every day life in Thailand without dancing half naked in a bar and selling their bodies.....exactly, they are not doing that. Why, because most don't want to work as prostitutes, and most are too old to work as prostitutes. But they are still poor, and have limited chance to escape their lot, or their background. Thai society (and Asian society in general) is not so open and accommodating that a poor farmer from the provinces can become Prime Minister or the chairman of the board you know. Thailand is a kingdom, not a federal democracy.

If prostitution was the only option.................it is the American myth that one is only limited by the scope of ones own dreams, that we can all prosper through the application of hard work and our own labour, that the ability to move out of our own social class/ birth order, strata in society is but a matter of exercising a simple choice. Try telling that to the victims of Hurricane Katrina !

I wonder why the many other millions of poor in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, (the latter three far worse off than Thailand) are all not working in prostitution.....because they are all either ex-communist states or still communist states where prostitution was seen as a crime of exploitation of the working class by the stinking bourgeois, therefore it's illegal and no doubt still carries a heavy social sanction. Moreover the authorities of those countries may not be so prepared to turn a blind eye to orgainsed prostitution as are the Thai.

Poverty and addiction do drive many vices, but they are two very different things.............but both cause tremendous suffering and both are major causes for work as a prostitute as an apparently simple way out or poverty, or means to pay for a habit.

not every poor working person is an addict and not every addict is poor.............well obviously

I could go on and on, but quite frankly I can't be bothered.

July 23rd, 2007, 02:34
---"Most working of the boys send the money they earn directly to their impoverished families which is the primary reason they do this kind of work to begin with."

Most boy's and grills using Jaba and gambling ! And they not send money to there improvised families ! Send money to fam. ? That time is gone ! :flower:

July 23rd, 2007, 06:32
Rocket and Homintine
What do your post have to do with JJJ
If you want to start your own thread about food
Please stick to the subject here

July 24th, 2007, 11:39
What does any of this have to do with JJJ? Another thread hijacked by inconsiderate posters. Start your own thread if you must post unrelated items.

July 25th, 2007, 00:22

Is this a haiku? Doubtless Herr Jinks will be along any moment now and split this out into a separate thread

It took me a whole day to react - faster next time - jinks

July 31st, 2007, 08:35
Has the bar opened back up
I heard it was almost finished
