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View Full Version : Worldwide Ages of Consent

July 16th, 2007, 20:48
This may be better off in the "Resources".

I personally can't understand the attraction to males at or just over the age of consent, myself (even "eye candy" needs to be 20 or so to be attractive to me) but a quick Google did turn up a link that may be of use to those who choose to flit around a dangerous flame:


July 16th, 2007, 21:56
However, my Internet connection times out and I lost the post then could not find the question again.

For Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan the age of consent is 16. Be it far from me to touch a lad that young. I in fact brought a guy home who was 20 but looked 16, I sent him home with a peck on he cheek. I knew if I got him in bed the utilities would never work with a kid who looked this young no matter how old he really was in fact.


July 16th, 2007, 22:20
Thanks for the road map showing the pedo crowd find the youngest legal victims possible.

July 16th, 2007, 22:28
He Smiles why is Canada so complicated ?

Note 2 "In Canada, consensual activity with those over 12 may not be an offence if the accused is under 16 and less than two years older than the complainant. The exception is anal intercourse, to which unmarried persons under 18 cannot legally consent according to national law, although provincial laws may vary."

July 16th, 2007, 22:33
alright for ambiguity, looks like I wrote the legislation.


July 16th, 2007, 22:37
Just because something is not illegal does NOT make it right. Why do I get the feeling that if there were no law otherwise, some of the people here would be sticking their penises into ten year-old boys and ho-ho-ho'ing about it?

July 16th, 2007, 22:55
Just because something is not illegal does NOT make it right. Why do I get the feeling that if there were no law otherwise, some of the people here would be sticking their penises into ten year-old boys and ho-ho-ho'ing about it?

Just because you think something is wrong does not make it wrong either. Most of us are old enough that we don't need a moral genius or moral guardian following every post. If they play and its illegal they will pay.If it is legal then leave it to their own moral predisposition. I see no need to haunt every post with this. It would be different if everyone did not already know how you feel about it but, there comes a point when you have made your point and then, NUff said!

July 17th, 2007, 01:03
Just because something is not illegal does NOT make it right. Why do I get the feeling that if there were no law otherwise, some of the people here would be sticking their penises into ten year-old boys and ho-ho-ho'ing about it?

Because you appear to be a deeply disturbed individual with some serious issues about what we can only assume to be your own personal problems. A childhood molestation, a deep fundamentalist religious belief, a nasty blow to the head, I don't know... get some help, though!

Only a very small percentage of gay men are pedophiles; indeed, most studies seem to show that more heterosexuals are guilty than homosexuals are.

If you truly are offended by the posts here, stop reading them. It would be a sincere delight if you stopped lifting your leg on 90% of them, anyway.

I in NO way approve of pedophilia, and anyone who does richly deserves the contempt you so generously slather around here, but for crying out loud...

shut up about it!!

...and before I get slapped around again by other members: my apologies for feeding the Troll Supreme

July 17th, 2007, 05:59
Just because something is not illegal does NOT make it right.

BG, I happen to agree with that statement. But calling somebody else a pervert or a pedo or whatever because that somebody is doing something legal is not a logical connection. You may not like it or you may not think it's "right" for you but that's why we have laws that set the standard (and, last I looked, I don't recall the law had any reference to "check with BG to see if this or that activity is 'right'").

Plus, given your history on this board (you're obviously a Dale Carnegie graduate?), it amazes me that you somehow think that there's somebody else here that cares what you think is "right" or "not right." Your not much different here than pathetic Billyboy except you're obviously much more intelligent....and that just makes it all the more puzzling and sadder.

July 17th, 2007, 06:17
He Smiles why is Canada so complicated ?

Note 2 "In Canada, consensual activity with those over 12 may not be an offence if the accused is under 16 and less than two years older than the complainant. The exception is anal intercourse, to which unmarried persons under 18 cannot legally consent according to national law, although provincial laws may vary."

This old post of mine in a thread locked by spike may explain Canada's very sensible laws. Young boys/girls need to be able to experiment without being hauled off to jail, having their entire future put in jeopardy because they are human. Once again Canada is streaks ahead of its neighbour.

I can't say I have ever noticed "underage stuff" anywhere in Thailand, now or in the past. Obviously I find myself in a somewhat different milieu to Trongpai when in Thailand.
However, for example at boarding school it was common for an older boy with body hair, facial hair was the ultimate, to get a junior to suck him off after lights out or just anyone with a shorter shaft, these were my first encounters, I wonder how legal that is. I have yet to see a sixteen year old being arrested for getting a 14 year old to wank him off in the showers, maybe still to come?


Don't you think those shoes look suspicious, that or the artist decorating the vase had a sudden flash into where sandals where going to end up?


July 17th, 2007, 06:43
A pedophile is someone who is attracted to prepubescent or early pubertal children. 16-18 year olds are not prepubescent or early pubertal children which is why many (most?) jurisdictions around the world set the age of consent at 16. While whether an adult man or women should be having sex with someone who is 16-18 is rightly a matter of ethics, it is not an act of pedophilia or the actions of a pedophile.

July 17th, 2007, 07:47
That website has some incomplete and misleading (perhaps outdated) information. For instance, for my state it lists the age of consent as 16. In reality, that age only applies to those who are under 21 themselves. This is so, for example, an 18 year old cannot be prosecuted for having sex with his/her 16 year old girlfriend/boyfriend. The age of consent for those over 21 is 18.

July 17th, 2007, 07:51
Quite right Aunty,we need to learn the perils of predatory old-men with proper sexual education in schools before we go out into the wide world, so the sooner and earlier this starts the better for everyone. In your state Spikes is the age of consent the same for homo as for hetero? I remember the outcry in the Uk when the Dutch lowered the age of consent for everyone to 14 I think it was, is. That site is out of date. Though it seems Most American states have the same laws as the middle East, this includes the death penalty.

Also interesting to see how many of the ex-British colonies have been lumped with their archaic laws.


July 17th, 2007, 11:02
Yes it's interesting, Cedric, isn't it that out of the English speaking democracies that the UK and the US have the most prurient, restrictive and anal laws on sex and sexuality. The UK has only within the last few years finally come into the 20th century, let along the 21st (and only because it's had Europe's boot shoved firmly up its arse). As for the US....................................

It kind of makes me wonder what happens to those who grow up in a society of such hostility towards such a fundamental part of our relational nature, ourselves as sexual beings, and what does this do to our ability to relate to another on a sexual level and as a sexual being? Put another way, why is this forum dominated by Americans and British? (Given its area of interest) Is this just a weight of numbers thing, or is it in fact actually due to the anti-sex/antigay society these men grew up in? Does Thailand set these men free in a way they could never experience at home?

July 17th, 2007, 11:45
why is this forum dominated by Americans and British?

'cos it's in English?

Occam's Rule: If there a several candidate explanations for a phenomenon the simplest is likely to be the true explanation.

July 17th, 2007, 12:33
In your state Spikes is the age of consent the same for homo as for hetero?

Yes. I live in Maine right now, and the age of consent does not vary according to gender or orientation. I'm not sure, but I think that is the case in most states in the U.S.A.

Interestingly, they list on that site the age of consent to be 16 in all six New England states. I'm not sure how many have the "if you are under 21" clause attached to that, though. I'm pretty sure Massachusetts does, but I don't know about the other four.

As a side note, Vermont and Massachusetts both have legalized gay marriage of sorts, and both are New England states, and as far as I know, are the only states in the U.S.A. to have this.

Most American states have the same laws as the middle East, this includes the death penalty.

That's quite an exaggeration, Cedric. As far as I know, no state ever had the death penalty for sodomy, but the outrageous thing is that many did have (although mostly unenforced) sodomy laws making homosexual acts a crime on the books all the way up to 2003 (when those state laws were ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court).

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodomy_law ... ted_States (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodomy_laws_in_the_United_States)

Prior to 1962, sodomy was a felony in every state, punishable by a lengthy term of imprisonment. Over the years, many of the states that did not repeal their sodomy laws had enacted legislation reducing the penalty. Immediately prior to the Lawrence decision in 2003, the penalty for violating a sodomy law varied very widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction among those states retaining their sodomy laws. The most harsh penalties were in the state of Idaho, where sodomy could theoretically earn a life sentence. Michigan followed, with a maximum penalty of 15 years' imprisonment (Repeat offenders got life).

In most US states the laws were no longer enforced, or were very selectively enforced. The continued presence of these rarely enforced laws on the statute books, however, was often cited as justification for discrimination against gay men and lesbians.

Also, an interesting map from that page on Wikipedia:


Illinois was the first state to repeal their sodomy laws, Go Illinois!

July 17th, 2007, 12:59
why is this forum dominated by Americans and British?

'cos it's in English?

Occam's Rule: If there a several candidate explanations for a phenomenon the simplest is likely to be the true explanation.

You're thick.

July 17th, 2007, 13:27
why is this forum dominated by Americans and British?

'cos it's in English?

Occam's Rule: If there a several candidate explanations for a phenomenon the simplest is likely to be the true explanation.

You're thick.

There's lots of Aussies, too, but, yeah, it's English language, so, NSS!

July 17th, 2007, 13:29
Who did he expect the board to be dominated by? Marquesa Islanders? Inuits from Greenland? Basques?

July 17th, 2007, 17:04
Who did he expect the board to be dominated by? Marquesa Islanders? Inuits from Greenland? Basques?

Getting quite close manhole, though I never have dominated anything its not in my nature.

La Gomera, left at second row of bananas
Just ask at the post office for the tall bare footed one, with paint in his hair.

Eduardo brushteeth

July 17th, 2007, 21:50
A pedophile is someone who is attracted to prepubescent or early pubertal children. .

Which is exactly what the majority of the Sunee crowd is.

I guess if Sunee bars ever really crack down on selling children then all the tourists can fly off to Burkina Faso.

July 17th, 2007, 23:37
A pedophile is someone who is attracted to prepubescent or early pubertal children. .

Which is exactly what the majority of the Sunee crowd is.

I guess if Sunee bars ever really crack down on selling children then all the tourists can fly off to Burkina Faso.

Burkina Faso is a landlocked nation in West Africa. It is surrounded by six countries: Mali to the north, Niger to the east, Benin to the south east, Togo and Ghana to the south, and C├┤te d'Ivoire to the south west. Formerly called the Republic of Upper Volta, it was renamed on August 4, 1984 by President Thomas Sankara to mean "the land of upright people" in Mor├й and Dioula, the major native languages of the country. Literally, "Burkina" may be translated, "men of integrity," from the Mor├й language, and "Faso" means "father's house" in Dioula. Independence from France came in 1960. Governmental instability during the 1970s and 1980s was followed by multiparty elections in the early 1990s. Several hundred thousand farm workers migrate south every year to C├┤te d'Ivoire and Ghana in search of paid labour. The inhabitants of Burkina Faso are known as Burkinab├й (pronounced [burkiːnəˈbeː]).

July 22nd, 2007, 15:34
... grown their own welcome mat?
... put it out?

If yes, they're consenting. I was sexually active at thirteen, with males of all ages. Some of you guys were either late starters or have selective memories. Eveyn Waugh used to take luncheon guests to the middle of crowded restaurants and ask, in a very loud voice, "Was there much sodomy at your school?" Thankfully there was at mine, but I had to find something to fill in the time during the holidays. It was the local "cottages"

There's an absolutely pathetic story in the latest US Advocate comic (a friend scanned me a copy) on "the rules of virginity for gay people". Apparently having an orgasm doesn't count; just like Bill Clitoris and Monica Lewinsky, "as far back as 60% of university students polled in 29 states didn't think" oral sex is real sex. I was heartened to read, however, that over half of 15- to 19-year-olds have given or received oral sex - and presumably 60% of them remained virgins at the same time. That explains a lot about boygeenyus :idea:

August 2nd, 2007, 19:44
Eveyn Waugh used to take luncheon guests to the middle of crowded restaurants and ask, in a very loud voice, "Was there much sodomy at your school?"

Totally irrelevant, but the above reminds me of the story of Evelyn Waugh when on a cruise ship one time. He, of course, was travelling first-class, but he met someone he knew who had accommodation on one of the lower decks. Out of curiosity he accepted an invitation to visit the fellow there. Surrounded by passengers and bunk beds, he looked around disdainfully, inhaled deeply and turned to his unfortunate companion to say in a very loud voice, 'Hmm, you can just SMELL the poverty, can't you?' Amazing really that he lived into old age and died a natural death.

Lunchtime O'Booze
August 4th, 2007, 10:58
Burkina Faso ?????

Wasn't it Bernard Shaw who said to his dinner hostess late in the evening.." I must go if I'm to keep my youth"

and she replied.."next time bring him with you.."