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View Full Version : Cafe Society... Sunee style

July 12th, 2007, 12:07
Recent threads concerning the gentrification of Sunee Plaza have been the usual things are getting better postings or
things are still the same. Well things have changed and for someone who hasn't been to Sunee for a couple of years,
it bears a another look.

The beauty of Sunee are the beer bars which sprawl out into the soi and offer a gentler more social atmosphere
for many of us. You know you are in the tropics as they are open air albeit with fans and the street show is rarely
boring with the usual gang of Thais and farangs doing the Sunee Shuffle. It offers a perch for the chicken hawks to
observe their prey as well as a cafe to observe, nod to, gossip about, ignore, and befriend farangs of most European
countries as well as the ex-colonies of the ex-British empire.

One favorite is due to reopen soon with new management and it is badly needed to shore up that dark soi. Memories
will not be the same without Oud and his two husbands but that end of the soi is dark and now Sky Boys is offering
ladies and can't seem to make up its mind to be a boys bar or a girlie bar. Some lighting would help as it can be difficult
to tell if it is open or closed, it is so dark. Christmas tree lites are not lighting.

I have noticed Violet Bar and its sister bar (or maybe it is just one long bar) seem busy most nites and the rows of little boys
on stools facing the bar seems to have vanished. Again, this bar is so dark, and usually pedo central, I don't bother with it.
Minou seems to be attracting the young set, at least on its fringes. Clubber and Corner Bar have to be vigilant to keep the
baby boys from congregating on their dark borders and seems to be effective lately. The motorbikes parking areas seem one
of the last refuges for the legal age challenged boys and even some girls.

A very different Cafe Society than the ones you will find in the tabloids........ :cat:

July 12th, 2007, 12:09
This is the first time I've ever seen the words "beauty" and "Sunee Plaza" used in the same sentence.

July 12th, 2007, 12:26
it may be a nice romantic thought "cafe sunee"--you almost make it sound like Rick's Place of Casablanca, but there they had the nazis--Sunee has the pedos--even in trying to stir up nicer images do you note the terms you used:

a particular bar "attracts the young set"

another bar is known to be "pedo central" as is to be avoided

other bars have to be vigilant about the "baby boys" congregating nearby

the motorbike parking area is where the "legal age challenged boys and girls" gather

then you conclude by stating "A very different Cafe Society than the ones you will find in the tabloids........ "

hardly seems accurate even by the admissions of your own posting--sunee is exactly as the newspapers calim it is (what tabloids mention Sunee???--just another expression to try to discredit any paper that might mention underage kids in Sunee??) Actually, i think if more knew what really happened in all those finges and dark corners you mentioned, they'd be shocked!

July 12th, 2007, 15:22
Interesting not all "pedos" are dirty old men who hang out on Sunee plaza, a handsome 23 yrold Chinese man from Hong Kong was arrested with vast volumes of kiddie porn on his lap top, right here in Bangkok.

July 12th, 2007, 16:38
Very true -- obviously, those who have pedo feelings/instincts/etc have had them all their lives (from what much research says), but you usually do not hear of the younger set being caught here in Pattaya--though, there was a story in the Thai and English language newspapers here recently about a Thai man, I think who was in his late 20's, seen beating a 14 yr old boy, and the police intervened and the boy told police, according to the newspaper story that the man had been sexually abusing him as well.

I just find all the attempts to somehow romanticize the sleazy image of sunee as some sort of "cafe scene" silly--also the use of the term "legal age challenged boys" is a new one--quite clever, but amounts to the same thing--no matter how you package it, sunee is still the pedo paradise of pattaya.

Lunchtime O'Booze
July 12th, 2007, 17:36
it's still not illegal to sit and fantasize.

It's difficult to know what the anti-Sunnee Plaza set really want.

Do they want everyone to pack up and just go away ?..do they really believe that patrons of Sunnee are the cause of "pedo" activity or is it more likely that kids congregate there as they always will when they are bright lights . Have they been to one of the games arcades in Pattaya..far more kiddies are hanging out there.

You could put the shutters up all over Pattaya or Thailand ( boygenyuus will help !) but how is that going to change the fact that lot of young people are desperately poor and creepy folk will be seeking them out ?.

In which closet have these people been hiding whereby they don't understand that Pattaya or indeed-the whole of Thailand is a playground for pedos ?. Surely kiddie fiddlers prefer to operate in private and secret..why would they flock to Sunnee with it's cameras on every corner to record their antics ?

I think there is a lot of Freudian stuff going here...People often voice what they are most scared off..actually going to a place and being titillated by it...

then again, I'm bonkers. :fucyc:

July 12th, 2007, 17:42
Children mixed with adult entertainment is a recipe for trouble.

July 12th, 2007, 18:19
Its Bangkok not sunnee Plaza and I am on my first trip to Thailand. I like most who go there for the first time made some mistakes. A bar owner seeing likely I did not know what the hell I was doing offered a special boy and room if I wanted to take it. He led me there I paid him really well and it all looked and seemed normal. When I went into the room there was a 5 year old and a 7 or 8 year old waiting for me.
I ask for my money back and got a no reply. I told him I was not interested in children and why did he bring me here. He said you were looking at the younger boys so I thought that was what you wanted. I lost a few bucks and left, afraid to tell the police for fear if being implicated in any such thing.

I donтАЩt remember the bar now or the owner, my 19 year old bf came from there and I set him up in business so he would not have to go back. I stopped going to Bangkok and began my trips to Pattaya instead. There I stayed at a reputable hotel that checked my boys for age if I didn't and made sure everything was legal.

I still am more than cautious when I go to Bangkok any more. The thought of the kids the mother who came and picked them up and took the money for it all from the bar owner. The bar owner ask me to pay him as well, scared to death it was some entrapment, I paid him off and left the hotel. So, not only are their kids out there looking for a buck but bar owners who make all their side money from this and mothers who I guess survive off their kids.

ItтАЩs Thailand my friend and its not just Sunee plaza. Its everywhere you go. If you look at he freelancers on the street it easy to see they are well under the legal age and I stay away from them too for fear I will end up with my throat cut for a laptop or my pocket money.

I had a guy here who had a knife at my throat just so he would walk out with my laptop and steal what money I keep on me which is very little. I only take out of the bank just what I need for that day and everyone knows it that knows me. He was Russian and about 6.3. I slumped my shoulders and held my hand out and told him every one at the bar knows you came home with me, if I am found dead in the morning their will be no where you can hide.
I held out my hand and he gave me the knife I gave him taxi fare and he went home . I have never seen him since but he bar owner told me if you go home with him lock your doors from the inside and hide the key. I did.

Dark places and evil men lurk not just in Sunnee and those of you who think all that is evil is there and ever where else is okay are sadly mistaken.

Give Sunnee a break; I never took a guy home from there because of what I read on this board. I think now I realize it is a part of human nature to survive and people will do a lot of strange things to their children to you and to the kids to make a buck off the pedophile.

So, if you are going to cry about injustice and blame it all on one place in Thailand you are sadly mistaken.

July 12th, 2007, 19:36
I absoutely agree that the pedo world exists outside of Sunee in Bkk and in all of Thailand and in the US and UK as well--of course it does and it thrives from customers of all races and all ages--however, places like Sunee (and they exist in other places as well) help make it much easier for the pedo world.

Some asked about what the anti-Sunee people want--first I am not anti-Sunee--I think that bars like Topman and from what I have seen Krazy Dragon and I am sure others stay well within the law--but from a 20 yr visitor to Thailand who is here 6 months of each year and many of them in Pattaya, I have seen since Sunee first got its reputation, the troubles there--farang arrested after being set up (yes their pedo leanings got them into the jam) and the police only too happy to arrest them and make big newspaper stories about it--and the Thai or farang bar owners back in business shortly thereafter, sometimes under a new name but selling the same posion.

The pro-Sunee crowd hurts their case when they argue that things are remarkably better when using in the same email, baby boys, legal age challenged, etc--when members speak highly of bars such as Kaos which has catered to a pedo crowd for years (that doesn't mean that all who go there want that or that all boys there are underage) but it is readily apparent that some or many are--certainly the bar knows that--they do not have appropriate ID's (perhaps fakes or copies) for the boys--then some farang takes off a lad and gets arrested--and when the underage are on offer, it will attract the sleazy clientele that gives Sunee its bad reputation--so clean up the placee, don't go to bars who obviously have underage boys, report incidients to the police if you love Sunee so much--I could care less and won't go there not wanting to be tainted by the reputation or caught in some surprise raid. Most of us would already be thought of as sleazy by friends at home for just attending and offing legal age lads from go go bars, if you are going to add the element of underage kids then it hurts you who want to enjoy Sunee and all of us.

Lunchtime O'Booze
July 12th, 2007, 19:49
:love1: "He was Russian and about 6.3." :love1:
:blob8: :bounce: :bounce: :cyclopsani: :hello1: :hello1: :happy3: :glasses7: :laughing1: :laughing9: :laughing3: :hello1: :hello1:
:blob7: :blob6: :blob7: :blob8: :blob7: :blob6: :blob7: :blob8: :blob7: :blob6: :blob7: :blob8:


July 12th, 2007, 20:08
Wesley: That story about a bar in Bangkok sounds a little dated, When was that? Not that I go looking, but I don't see a lot of underage stuff in Bangkok anymore. Ten years ago, it was hard not to notice, but not so now.

July 12th, 2007, 20:37
It is a bit far back, The Russian is in Bishkek and I assure you he will gladly cut your throat. My Visit was in 2001 so it was a while back, seems like yesterday though to me. I think I will never forget it. Of course, it was PG's board that Brought me to Thailand in the first place. I actually had no idea a world like that existed. I was old and stupid (I'm sure smiles would agree with that) on both occasions. I should have never taken the Russian home either but I had been with him when he was younger and there was no problem. Of course I have been around town for a while. So, What I got I deserved. Now Bkk was different I was totally caught off guard with that situation. I learned a great deal from it though. I cleaned up my act and if all of us would, Sunee and other places like it in the world would have to close.

July 13th, 2007, 08:51
I can't say I have ever noticed "underage stuff" anywhere in Thailand, now or in the past. Obviously I find myself in a somewhat different milieu to Trongpai when in Thailand.
However, for example at boarding school it was common for an older boy to get a junior to suck him off after lights out or just anyone with a shorter shaft, these were my first encounters, I wonder how legal that is. I have yet to see a sixteen year old being arrested for getting a 14 year old to wank him off in the showers, maybe still to come?


Don't you think those shoes look suspicious, that or the artist decorating the vase had a sudden flash into where sandals where going to end up?

July 13th, 2007, 14:15
I have noticed whenever I author a thread or sometimes just post on an existing thread, the same gang of stalkers
leap up and post some nastiness, some absurd statements about my working experience, social life, places I go, people
I know and what I think and what I do. Then they argue with me when I say they are wrong and they know better because
someone told them something about someone who they think is someone.
What a waste of time and energy and what pure garbage!

I have nothing against men who sell stilettos or work in any business but for reasons unknown it seems like working
is a curse word for some and to cast aspersions that one works in a business is the same as if they were a member of the
Nazi party or a pedo child molester. I don't get it and to deny absurdities only plays into the hands of those with corrupt
souls and enjoy ranting and raving in an insane manner with the mental and writing ability of an average 8 year old street
urchin. :cat:

Wommie doesn't miss a chance to hurl his hateful missives and will never forget my refusal to have a drink with him and
writing about his pitiful plea, in a pm, to change an ancient posting because someone might think it had something to do with him. I hope
the wommie is the next victim of the scoundrel and confidence man. They deserve each other.

Even Cafe Society has it's low class elements that aspire to raise themselves out of the sewer of Sunee but the smell never quite disappears.

July 13th, 2007, 14:17