View Full Version : Supporting guys in your own country?

July 11th, 2007, 06:12
I often read how many of you guys support guys in Thailand with a monthly income, education, medical expenses and shopping trips for phones, gold or even a motorbike.

I am wondering if anyone has a relationship like this with guys in their own country or if this is only a Thailand/Thaiguy deal.

Keep in mind that when you answer, you may have to suffer from comments from the board troll.

July 11th, 2007, 10:49

July 11th, 2007, 11:16

I bet you say that to all your boys.

July 11th, 2007, 20:49
I generally support one though college here then then usually they leave the country with a good education, find a good Job in Germany or Sweden and find their own boy to support. Then the cycle starts again. This one plans to be a doctor so he is good for 8 years.

When at home in USA I don't bother with it. All my old hangouts are long gone or no one knows me. So, when there I travel from one end of the USA to another and occasionally run up with a nice guy in a bookstore or adult video place that seems to pop up in every metropolitan place in America.

Seems almost ever community has its on troll store. So I stroll right on in right at home with the rest of the trolls.

What do you guys in the states or Canada do for a guy back home?

July 12th, 2007, 06:10
Yes , I live here in Los Angeles........and the Guys are not that much different.......especially the cell phone thing seems to be Universal ...not just in Thailand.....I have bought many cell phones....and also helped to pay a few cell phone bills.......and when we go out...I usually pay for everything drink dinner etc.....ocassionally they will pay for me also........I am 42 and most of the guys i have had as BF are in their mid to late 20s.......a few wanted me to buy them cars...etc.....but i draw the line. I also still send my ex BF in Pattaya a little bit every once in a while........? Its not a bad thing to help someone else who needs a little help.....just dont know where they all were when i was younger and needed help.

July 12th, 2007, 15:46
No need to in New Zealand with our comprehensive cradle to the grave social welfare system. That's not to say that a small number of struggling kiwi boys don't turn the odd trick (perfectly legal here) to earn a bit of extra cash to get them through the week. Those with a full on sugar daddy relationship are few and far between. A cell phone and a trip up country won't wash here. Try a house, a car and $500 in the bank every week! Any takers????

In most countries of the West, Bucky, (other the the US) the Govt. really does support its people.