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July 9th, 2007, 10:35
on my way back to my bunker in farangland ,i watched on the aeroplane a movie which starred Jack Nicholson and a few other top names i forget.
The movie was about a young police recruit joining the academy and his family were mobsters.

The police hiercharcy found out and question him and i will never forget the statement,

"and where is your uncle now,i heard he is living on the beach in thailand married to a 11 year old boy"

What is the name of this movie,must be about 2 years old?

The Departed. Fantastic film.

July 9th, 2007, 12:32
It's a remake of the Asian original that was even better: "Infernal Affairs".

Infernal Affairs was followed by the equally gripping Infernal Affairs II and Infernal Affairs III.

The Jack Nicholson film, The Departed, telescopes all three originals into a single movie (and, yes - it was excellent too!)

July 9th, 2007, 12:38
Wow. I didn't know it was a remake. Was the original from Hong Kong?

I loved The Departed. In addition to Jack Nicholson, it had Leo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Mark Wahlberg, and Martin Sheen. It takes place in Boston, and both Wahlberg and Damon are locals in real life.

I think Matt Damon's apartment in the film was shot in a building a friend of mine used to live in on Beacon Hill.

July 9th, 2007, 13:34
Was the original from Hong Kong?


July 9th, 2007, 13:43
How old is this movie? I will have to try and find it in Russian if I get t see it at all. who was it put out by and what was the story line. If its old its gonna be hard for me to find, that is the reason I am asking all the questions. If it was good enough to pirate it in Russian I might be able to find it.


July 9th, 2007, 14:09
Mou gaan dou 2002,( I could've sworn it was later) director Wai keung lau, brilliant movie well worth watching, especially if you have only seen the rehashes.

I can't stand remakes, they always turns out flat and vacant and missing the point, you have had to watch the original to know that of course, but oddly enough the remakes still manage to take the credit and a whole bucket load of cash from them. I have just watched a Japanese version, not very good but better than "the departed", the lead was very good looking.

What is it in fact about English sub-titles that Americans dislike so much, and why do they need to "Americanise" excellent films from other countries? No one does that to their films. Maybe I just answered a bit of my own question there.

July 9th, 2007, 16:27
Personally, I think have seen every Russian Film put out worth watching, even they show the American movies now with Russian subtitles Dubbed over in Russian. What is wrong with Americanizing anything if that is what I like. I have been here 10 years anything in English, even bad English sounds good to me. I have found you get more bang for the buck with American movies. Of course it depends on the story. if its a slow drama then Russian is fine but if you like action movies and I do, you are better off at the Bolshoi.


July 9th, 2007, 17:37
I think Matt Damon's apartment in the film was shot in a building a friend of mine used to live in on Beacon Hill.

Ooohhhh Beacon Hill!!! Someone's got some money!

July 9th, 2007, 19:13
The Departed plot was quite interesting, not always easy to follow.

A lot of the The Departed's "background" talk was quite demeaning to homosexuals and others like Irish, straight and gay, women, etc. In addition to the disrectful reference of a relative of one of the characters sucking 10 year old boy penis on a beach in Thailand there was an encounter in a restaurant between Nicholson and and two obvious pedophile homosexual Boston priests who molest altar boys. To pull in the 10-12-year American boy market the dialog was FILLED with dirty cuss words that often mentioned fagotry and other such stuff. Completely childish is my opinion and underscores Hollywood feeling, I guess, that they have to balance their in best pictures of a respectful movie like Brokeback Mountain with a continued attack on the gay community. It was just another disgusting rendition of low life American culture. Should have been banned for its defamation of minority groups in general as well as homophobia. If you have already missed this movie please continue to do so.

July 9th, 2007, 20:01
Completely childish is my opinion

Completely realistic in my opinion.

July 9th, 2007, 20:33
even they show the American movies now with Russian subtitles Dubbed over in Russian.

Not sure what you are saying there Wes? Are the Russian movies dubbed into English or American ones subtitled in Russian? They do a lot of dubbing into German in Germany for TV, its pretty dull, you begin to recognise the various voices, so all the movies sound much the same, but it is mildly entertaining seeing Americans speak a second language.

While this thread is talking movie, I saw at last, from a recommendation of Aunty's "letters from Iow Jima" "another masterpiece from Clint Eastwood". To be honest I am beginning to think old Clint is not quite all that he is made out to be. I know one can easily disregard 4 Oscar nominations as being at all indicative of a good movie, but hype aside I was in fact suitably disappointed purely from a "directors" point of view. I would say that a remake by a British director (any except Guy Richie) would be a very exciting prospect.

The script had huge potential but was not well realised. The sound was abysmal, the directing none existent, nothing engaging the senses no build up no foreplay, just stand there say your lines and shoot, could be Eastwood is getting old. As far as sensible nominations go maybe one for screenplay or script. The lead Japanese "Private" carried the entire film, or rather rose to the occasion while the rest of the film sank all around him, he was a joy to watch. Sadly he wasn't given the opportunity to do much with his character or lines, but I will be looking out for him in the future, a real blessing to the industry I am sure.

Certainly all kudos to Estwood attempting to bring this story especially to the American publics attention, perhaps Hollywood's should introduce a new nomination category; best intentions. I get your point Aunty, brainless barbarians flash to mind, but I think most of us had that as a sneaking suspicion all along.

July 9th, 2007, 21:10
Now, Cedrik, be a good boy, I went out and found the movie, The story line was great but I have to agree all the anti-gay bullshit was a bit much.
The Acting was great, even if they suck which I think at least one of the characters does.
So, now you are saying Clint is a pussy after watching dirty Harry movies half your life, God I remember him from the hit Cowboy series Rawhide, So, I guess I need to go out tomorrow and find another movie that should have had a British director or did it have a British director, I am not sure you were clear in that point. Every thing here is dubbed over with Russian and yes they look mildly intelligent when the lips donтАЩt fit the words you hear. Not sure how they do that and make it look so good. What really sucks is when you get one which is supposed to be in English and itтАЩs in Russian and with Russian subtitles. Now, Russian I understand but I can't read it very fast. So, therein is the paradox, Russian with Russian subtitles. It happens every day here. It does help my reading though. Now, I can get to a street in Russian and read the street sign in time to turn right.


July 9th, 2007, 21:20
Ceddie obviously expects hard-core mafiosi and hard-boiled Boston street cops to speak in G-rated PC-language, free of profanity and sexist barbs. What else could you expect from a tree-hugging orangutan-fucker?

July 9th, 2007, 21:36
Don't even mention my driver, occasionally I like to take the car for a Sunday afternoon drive. This is the only place I have ever been that is as crazy as Thailand traffic. there are no rules.... well one Rule. ever who has the biggest car has right of way!

July 9th, 2007, 21:38
Don't even mention my driver, occasionally I like to take the car for a Sunday afternoon drive. This is the only place I have ever been that is as crazy as Thailand traffic. there are no rules.... well one Rule. ever who has the biggest car has right of way!

Similar to Thailand, except that here whoever has the more expensive car has the right of way.

July 9th, 2007, 21:41
Ceddie obviously expects hard-core mafiosi and hard-boiled Boston street cops

I hardly expect anything from hollywood clich├йs quite as boring as Boston street cops.

July 9th, 2007, 22:19
I will admit understanding the Boston accent was a bit much at the beginning, but no matter we all know the reason we watched the movie and it wasn't for the story line. In fact one person here uses his picture in his avatar.


July 12th, 2007, 06:02
the reason we watched the movie and it wasn't for the story line

some pretty stunning half-naked sixers shots in a prison?

July 12th, 2007, 06:09
" ... Not sure what you are saying there Wes? ... "
Ah ha!!! Now I recall what I must have intimated about Wes: stupifying incomprehensibility.
I also remember not being the only one :blackeye: :blackeye:

Cheers ...

July 12th, 2007, 11:52
" ... Not sure what you are saying there Wes? ... "
Ah ha!!! Now I recall what I must have intimated about Wes: stupifying incomprehensibility.
I also remember not being the only one :blackeye: :blackeye:

Cheers ...

Finally you get it right, I was worried about you there for a while.


July 12th, 2007, 15:27
There were a whole host of people that followed you to another board, I guess the left over of it is this one. All wanted to have a free open discussion with no rules. You set them all free. Hedda among them she being the chief of all that hate anyone who is not exactly like themselves, they became backbiters haters of men and any idea that was foreign to their own way of thought. Then they could malign people things ideas and PG with out impunity. The monster you created became this board after you got tired of the delete and edit button too.Then Spike and Jinks come along with rules regulations and structure.Now you complain about those that salvaged the board, kept it going despite the fact that you constantly bitch still for more freedom more open discussion while leaving it all to someone else. The truth is you just wanted to Bitch about it to another moderator since PG was gone, then you left this to Jinks and Spike. You return to your old self to complain and bitch about freedom of the board. Why not start another one and stick with it this time. Now, I wonder was that clear enough or do I need to explain my ranting further. :blackeye: :blackeye: :blackeye:

July 12th, 2007, 15:33

July 12th, 2007, 23:33
" ... Now, I wonder was that clear enough or do I need to explain my ranting further ... "
Please do.
Suffice to say, your rant shirley could do with a little tweaking here and there (it's that 'incomprehensibility' factor referred to above).

As The B_Genius alludes to ... and whom I'll join in the cheap seats :happy1:

Cheers ...

July 12th, 2007, 23:48
Well I felt better anyway, even if you didn't quite think it was up to your standard...Shirley
BG at least has a way of dong it with out bitching. You mange to rant about poor Doger and ,everything else only to find out it was just a computer glitch or at best someone felt sorry for him after all your tweaking. I hope I did remember it all in the correct order though. Although I was a minor thought to you. I did make the Pattaya paper with the Wonderful Vase I won. I still have that in my office here. When are you planning to re-locate to Pattaya Land? I am sure some time with your good looking bf will settle you down a bit. Just look at how nice X has become. I hardly know him any more.

July 13th, 2007, 01:28
I doubt he will change at all once an ass always an ass
He should at least change his name to rag or mad at the world or sad or maybe pissed off old queen

July 13th, 2007, 02:39
The sad part is he used not to be that way, I personally liked him although we did not always get along he always tried to make light of my writing as if his were Hemingway but, for the most he was an okay guy until he opened the board and let Hedda loose on the world, then all hell broke loose, I dropped off the board for almost two years, mostly because of her. It really wasn't Smiles it was that he let her out of the bottomless pit.
Wes :bom:

July 13th, 2007, 03:55
Yes. It's sad the effect a bitter old queen with an ego the size of a planet can have on otherwise decent people, isn't it.

July 13th, 2007, 09:40
There were a whole host of people that followed you to another board, I guess the left over of it is this one. All wanted to have a free open discussion with no rules. You set them all free. Hedda among them she being the chief of all that hate anyone who is not exactly like themselves, they became backbiters haters of men and any idea that was foreign to their own way of thought. Then they could malign people things ideas and PG with out impunity. The monster you created became this board after you got tired of the delete and edit button too.Then Spike and Jinks come along with rules regulations and structure.Now you complain about those that salvaged the board, kept it going despite the fact that you constantly bitch still for more freedom more open discussion while leaving it all to someone else. The truth is you just wanted to Bitch about it to another moderator since PG was gone, then you left this to Jinks and Spike. You return to your old self to complain and bitch about freedom of the board. Why not start another one and stick with it this time. Now, I wonder was that clear enough or do I need to explain my ranting further. :blackeye: :blackeye: :blackeye:

Spot on Wazz, good for you for putting Smiles into some sort of context, where there was none. Nice to know you still care. I was beginning to wonder if it had a brain left in there. It stopped writing posts awhile ago, all it seems to do is spend its time stalking the moderators.

Obviously it still has aspirations to be a moderator itself, though why I don't exactly know, it is very often a thankless task and all you get for your troubles is abuse form demented old men, then again perhaps that is exactly what turns it on. Face to face with what he has
become, the Dorian Grey of moderator wannabe's.

May we know more about your wonderful vase?

July 13th, 2007, 15:50
PG and PattayaGay board was the shinning light of Pattaya, not Sawatdee Gay, Hedda and a lot of Bitchers like her wanted a more open Board GP was not willing for people and Locals especially to be slandered on the board since the board was a .local board law suits could be brought for slander. He really deleted and edited a lot of stuff to keep the board alive. Then to gain access out side of the courts a board based outside of Pattaya could run and not be, held accountable for the courts. At first a lot of people moved over to this board some followed and the ones that wanted to be a part but not be known used alias names I was one of them. I was not well likes by Hedda or smiles although smiles put up with me. He easily could have blocked my ISP ID had he wanted to, but I think in someway they enjoyed the abuse. He gave me. Not long after that PG got tired of the board altogether, if I remembered right he found a bf and had no more time for moderating the board, but wanted to spend his free time not at a computer but with his Bf. The board closed and people that wanted to remain a part of the forum in Pattaya moved over and it became the main forum. I am not sure when Smiles stopped Moderating but I remember he ask for help and Jinks and Spike were willing to help, after that it became Spikes board I am not sure all of it since by then the board was a troll board and I stopped writing and had found a bf of my own to keep me busy, In fact my bf is on vacation for 2 months and after I get busy with him again you may see less of me, in which I am sure will thrill smiles.

I went to Pattaya met PG Jinks and some others that were regular forum writers, Geezer was there and I remember most of them. I was there for a month and they had a raffle for a really nice and expensive Vase. It was make in all the kings colors and to a fellow like me priceless. I had no idea I would win I think it was for an AIDS befit at Christmas... I have never won anything I didn'tтАЩt expect to win this in fact they had to drag me out of bed with a guy to take my picture on the really bright weekend day. I was in the paper with the wonderful Vase with the taste of Young man still on my breath and a Hangover from hell. Nevertheless it was printed and I caught a lot of slack on the board because of it and Jinks actually put an Avatar on my name with the vase in which it said I believe in Miracles. I think I still have on a CD the avatar. I remember seeing it the other day when I was looking for something else. So that is the story. I came home after a month and stayed on the board until Hedda really got so bad it just wasn'tтАЩt worth it any more an I had found really nice bf in which I had fallen in love with , he is now in Germany after graduating here he won a scholarship to the university of Berlin. By then I was immersed in my work and looking for a new bf. I was lucky enough to fine one and he is now becoming a doctor here. So I soon go to America for Business for a few months then back to CA. and my bf. I like the board now it has structure but is not nearly as exciting as when there were two and you never knew who was who they changed names so often. They would even change their writing styles to be another person; I think there were some that had two or three names. So it was like a puzzle. Now everyone seems to be the same every time I post and smiles I guess is bored with it all and needs to set him up a more lively set of characters to play with.

Wesley :cheers:

July 13th, 2007, 16:28
Have you ever being to the Fergana Valley, Wesley? I have always wanted to go there, even as a child. If I were Buddhist I would be convinced that I had lived there in a former life, or perhaps nearby, in the Pamirs, or Xinjiang, Western Mongolia or maybe Kyrgyzstan?? Even though I have never been there, whenever my consciousness becomes aware of Central Asia I am flooded with a sense of grapes and green vines and desert in equal measure, of sunlight and warm days touched with sandstone, earthen brown and warm reds.

July 13th, 2007, 17:20
Is that a better place than Oxford Street AUNTY,I thought i saw you there last night standing on the corner with ya walking stick and blonde wig.

So that was you who was giving me the come hither eye, ya dirty bugger!

July 13th, 2007, 20:13
Have you ever being to the Fergana Valley, Wesley? I have always wanted to go there, even as a child. If I were Buddhist I would be convinced that I had lived there in a former life, or perhaps nearby, in the Pamirs, or Xinjiang, Western Mongolia or maybe Kyrgyzstan?? Even though I have never been there, whenever my consciousness becomes aware of Central Asia I am flooded with a sense of grapes and green vines and desert in equal measure, of sunlight and warm days touched with sandstone, earthen brown and warm reds.
I live and work in Chui Valley, although often my work does take me as far south as the Fergiana Valley and the Bakten region, The Government has been asking me to go to the Bakten region for years but I like both my heads to stay where they are so I stay out but, occasionally drift down there to savor the fruit of the vine. You are right it is the land of promise full of grapes and melons and Fruit of all kinds.

The boys are Mongolian mixed with the former more Euro style Kyrgyz originals. The Mongolians were here the 11th and 13th century since then it has become a mix of Russian Mongolian and Kyrgyz. The men although Asian are much larger and made of Bigger stock than the Thai but there appendage is about the same and they tend to be rabbits in bed. If you find one that is really fun he is usually of the old Euro looking Kyrgyz. It is said that saint and Apostle Matthew was Buried in this region around Lake Issikul and you find much evidence of 3rd century Christianity here.

With the second largest Fresh water lake in the world and its run off from melting snow off the mountains it remains cool there all summer while here as warm as 105 F and of a dry humidity. The sandstone remark almost makes me think you have been here. We have 4 gay bars and 2 are quite popular especially with the Russians with the more modest Kyrgyz likely to sit on the upper story and watch. One bar is members only and the police are not allowed in for any reason. There you can remain anonymous if needed and sip your beer with out a lot of problems. A third bar is underground and is mostly bi-sexual, and lesbians. The other used to be named after BBB in Pattaya and the owner a great fan of Boyz Boyz Boyz named his bar the same. It is in a much too public place for most Kyrgyz taste near the mayorтАЩs office and few people go. It is nicer than the others but the high cover charge runs all the poor Kyrgyz to Spider Blue and the word for Gay here is Gullaboy or Blue boy.

July 14th, 2007, 09:20
PG and PattayaGay board was the shinning light of Pattaya, not Sawatdee Gay, Hedda and a lot of Bitchers............yes yes

IC :web:

yes the BF will change all that, but it is taking a long time, it's a pity because I liked reading his stuff, he just doesn't write anything anymore....... mere shadow moderator.

Cake? :occasion6: Earl Grey or Jasmine?

Anyway I would love, I am sure we would all love, to see your vase Wazz, especially if it is priceless to you.
I remember winning Victor Ludorum at the local pony club Gymkhana when I was about 11, and was presented with this fabulous trophy in gold and silver, I still have the small copy of the original, the latter I only got keep for the year. I treasure it, though some thought it is a bit tacky, "what else can you expect from the Saudi's" etc, but I hold it very dear to my heart. My Dad made a special effort to fly across and be there. Some things in life are indeed priceless.