View Full Version : The Bright Side of Lax Law Enforcement

July 7th, 2007, 13:10
This writer has read my mind. Something to consider next time you find yourself complaining about corruption, lax law enforcement, and worthless cops in Thailand.

The bright side of lax law-enforcement
For the umpteenth time in the space of just a few years, it has been declared that there is to be a complete revamp of the Thai police force.

Well, maybe it really is needed, as every week in the media and on the Internet we are bombarded with opinions condemning the cops as completely inept at enforcing any kind of proper law and order.

What most folks fail to realise though is that if the boys in brown were to seriously enforce each and every law, it could result in the end of Thailand as we know it.

Let's start with your morning coffee at Starbucks. Happily sipping away on your cappuccino while reading The Nation, you find yourself at the stroke of 8am completely startled at the sight of a bunch of pot-bellied bobbies hammering on the window ordering you to stand up and show some respect for the national anthem.

Then later that day, while doing a spot of sunbathing in Pattaya, you are hauled off and fined by another platoon of police for not wearing a shirt in public. Dismayed at such medieval laws, you next decide to vent your frustrations to the welcoming ear of some good-looking hostess at a nearby bar - that is, however, until she lets you know that she can't serve you because it isn't quite 5pm. Just imagine it, if the police were to seriously enforce every law on the books it might be the end of the tourist industry.

While members of the public often gripe at police for taking back-handers, they more often than not forget how those palms get to be greased. Now, just how many of us have used the speedy-service method of payment after being pulled over for not stopping at a red light? Of course, it is the general public who pays out this so-called dirty money; it just doesn't fall from trees.

Much of the social decadence and the lack of laws being enforced actually has to do with Thai ways and customs. Even if Mr and Mrs Jaidee spend half their nights brawling and smacking their kids, the neighbours just turn a blind eye, such behaviour being seen as a "personal family matter" and not the business of the local constabulary.

Research the age of sexual consent in Thailand and you will be utterly dumbfounded by how unclear the actual law is. Let me recount a first-hand example of this that occurred here a couple of months ago - a case at which the locals did not bat an eyelid. It is the true story of a nice young girl, and I mean young - just 13 - who gave birth to a pair of twins. As for the intrepid father, a song thaew driver, well he already had a common-law wife and two grown-up kids. You don't need to get out a calculator to conclude that perhaps the father had been messing around with a 12-year-old and had thus committed statutory rape. "Never mind, the girl's parents have consented," was what I heard when I asked whether any criminal charges were going to be filed.

A few weeks back, after reading for the hundredth time about another proposed clampdown on mahouts walking the streets with their elephants, I decided to confront a lawman acquaintance of mine about our town's non-existent law enforcement in this regard. He said "Steve, you must be off your head if you think I am gonna arrest an elephant. First, my boss would think I had gone insane and second, what the heck would we do with the elephant, throw it in the slammer and feed it red rice?"

Not one to side with the police all the time, I will admit that there are innumerable areas where your normal police guy is pretty incapable of doing even the most straightforward of jobs. Thais and foreigners alike, especially in tourist areas, have been altogether bewildered at times as to why their local station sometimes does absolutely nothing when a crime like burglary or even robbery has been reported. "You must understand, we are very busy and understaffed," is often the reply, before the officer sits back, pours another coffee and picks up the newspaper. Another classic excuse for such downright inactivity is the low salary they receive. Sorry, but personally I just can't accept that kind of flimsy alibi these days - besides just a basic salary the police get the likes of relocation pay, rank pay, free accommodation and of course "commissions".

Of course, the cops need to set some decent moral examples too and stop breaking laws and regulations themselves. Let's have a look at the daily routine of "Sgt Supharp" (not his real name) a splendid crime-buster I know whose job it is to zoom around town at night cleaning the streets of teenage scumbags. For a few hours before work, our sergeant friend loves nothing more than visiting a karaoke bar with the intention of swigging a few bottles of amber nectar and singing his favourite country songs. At the stroke of midnight, Sarge can be witnessed jumping on his motorbike half-plastered before almost driving it into a telephone box. After finally arriving at the station to sign his name he suddenly decides, because it is slightly raining and he doesn't need to catch a cold, to simply return to the cosy warmth of the karaoke. Not a bad job indeed.

Undeniably, Thailand's police force needs a total revamp, and like every other tainted organisation, that has to start at the very top. The public too, however, instead of just continually deploring law enforcement, needs to realise that there are some shady areas of society, which also need a thorough reform. And finally, since the country is home to a myriad of nonsensical laws, we can be quite glad that very often the constabulary just turn their heads. Enact total law-enforcement and the country would be in a shambles.

Stephen Cleary

The Nation

Suphan Buri

Stephen Cleary is the co-founder of www.thai-blogs.com (http://www.thai-blogs.com).

Original Article (http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2007/07/07/opinion/opinion_30039717.php)

July 7th, 2007, 14:31
I would think that most countries have silly outdated laws going back centuries, I know the UK does. eg. there are areas here where it is technically illegal to chew gum in public. Of course these laws are ignored as some laws should always be ignored in Thailand also. Still can't be denied that the police there are often a waste of space nor should anyone be discouraged to attempt to improve the situation.