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View Full Version : What is the new scam?

July 6th, 2007, 04:58
Can any of you guys tell us guys who are about to arrive in Thailand what the new scams are so that we can be informed and prepared? Last time you guys warned me about the New Airport Taxi/Limo scam and I was able to dodge their scam knowing full well that they were not the "Real" taxi service.

You guys also warned me about the change trick. I was fully prepared when my check came and it was 120B, I gave 1000B note and the folder came back with 700 baht in notes and the rest in coins. They expected me to let them keep the coins but I dumped all the coins into my hand, put 20b back in the sleeve and handed it back to them as they looked shocked... AND that happened to me several times during my visit!

You guys also warned me about guys pushing their check off on unsuspecting guys. This almost happened to me several times. Once in Pattaya and a few times in Bangkok. But I was helpful enough to remind the guy that the bill in the cup was his and he should not forget to pay it :)

You guys also told me about the Farang who has been panhandling for money to buy a air-ticket back home. Months after you guys posted it, I too saw him and gave him nothing... I hear he is still at it but moved onto greener pastures in Thailand.

July 6th, 2007, 14:49
The Soi Twilight door touts will say 160TB or less for a drink to get you in the door then you order a drink and the waiter knows nothing about the 160TB price and suddenly can't not speak English or Thai. A variation of that is you order a beer, but the 160TB was only for a soft drink. Another variation is your get the drink for 160TB but for the pushy mamasan and/or the boy drink full price plus more to make up for the difference. Yet another variation is the first drink is 160 and second full price plus more to make up the difference.

SHOW NOW, SHOW NOW: maybe, maybe not. Especially in low season.

Taxi, same old tricks but recently in my experience they are more frequent, maybe low season. The ol' no have change routine and not turning on the meter. Have the correct change and watch that the meter goes on.

Don't take any taxis from the ground floor taxi stand at either MBK or Big C Ratchadamri.

The moto-cy taxis that are outside of Babylon must pay a lot to be there, they charge double the going the rate.

July 6th, 2007, 15:00
The moto-cy taxis that are outside of Babylon must pay a lot to be there, they charge double the going the rate.

All of five baht to the parking lot...what's the normal price, 2.5 baht?

July 6th, 2007, 18:32
bucknaway, couldn't most of things you mentioned you were warned about previously been avoided by just using a bit of common sense? Would you normally believe some guy on the street asking for airline fare--that wouldn't raise any suspicion?

July 6th, 2007, 18:47
bucknaway, couldn't most of things you mentioned you were warned about previously been avoided by just using a bit of common sense? Would you normally believe some guy on the street asking for airline fare--that wouldn't raise any suspicion?

Don't forget, Sammy, that bucknaway is a supporter of George W. Bush and his party of thieves. That should give you a clue right away.

July 6th, 2007, 21:57
Yes, I had forgotten that--it does explain a great deal--a black man who supports Bush and the Republican Party, makes about as much sense as most of his questions!

July 7th, 2007, 04:24
I let myself get taken-in once by the Silom Bar Touts and it was a total mistake on my part. I went into it knowing it was a scam, but I felt I would have some control and would look at it as a lifes experience, but it only pissed me off and came close to putting me in a nasty mood for the remainder of my holiday in Thailand....

When you let a Tout talk you into a bar in Silom, you are going to pay for it and the bar wants to clear up his payment as soon as you sit down. Then came the EXPENSIVE drinks and the 3rd demand for a tip for the performers.... Then when I paid my check, both the hostess and I were in a mad race to get my cash.

When I left, I felt that I may have to end up throwing a punch or two, but they backed out of my way and I walked out with a angry look on my face! http://i18.tinypic.com/4vqtkyq.jpg (That is the only pic I could find with a mean expression... but you get the idea).

July 7th, 2007, 04:42
Good for you Bucky!
And also ignore those touts who reside on this Board!!
Have a great trip!!!

July 7th, 2007, 23:42
Last time you guys warned me about the New Airport Taxi/Limo scam and I was able to dodge their scam knowing full well that they were not the "Real" taxi service.

Guess I fell for this "scam". Nice opportunity though to help out a nice man with wife and infant riding along, although at screaming lightspeed in town.

Gave them a nice tip also. Just glad to be in town and on vacation.

July 8th, 2007, 00:05
It is only a scam if you "FEEL" and "KNOW" you were taken advantage of and did not receive a fair deal due to deception.

If your happy with the transaction then there was no scam :)

July 8th, 2007, 03:22
So what is the new airport taxi scam, please?

July 8th, 2007, 13:39
There are some farangs who are just scoundrels and con men and make their living off of newbies.
They spot a lonely man sitting in a beer bar and make some comment. If the seated fa rang responds
they ask if they can join him. The conversation quickly gets around to how much experience the newbie
has in Thailand and then the trap is set. A dinner invitation is made and why not bar hop after wards and
the newbie rather than face another solo dinner, accepts the invite from his new friend.

If the newbie looks promising, a dinner is suggested at one of the more expensive restaurants and after wards,
when the check bin arrives, the new friend goes to the toilet or sometimes just leaves and walks away.
If the check is unpaid when he returns, he goes thru the motions of looking for his billfold and somehow he
left it in his room or was his pocket was pick or some variation. The newbie, of course, pays the whole bill and
if the newbie is still game, it is off to the bars and then as the evening draws to a close, a request for a loan is
made by the new best friend and several thousand baht change hands.

Sometimes, the lost passport game is used if the newbie looks really naive, or my condo settlement check is
clearing and I need a short time loan until it clears or some variation of why I need some of your baht now
and will repay later.

Watch out for overly friendly farangs and run if they start telling you sad stories about their financial situation, lost
passport, pick-pocketed, money coming soon, or if they forget their money and stick you with the bill. RUN RUN RUN..... :cat:

July 8th, 2007, 14:42
In almost a decade I never heard such a thing. Do you exaggerate I wonder ?

July 8th, 2007, 15:37
In over 20 yrs of coming to Thailand, I have never heard that one either--but if it happened and someone was stupid enough to fall forall that crap, then they deserve what they get--c'mon, wake up to the real world out there--it can be cruel, harsh place at times--you do have the scammers and then the jeffmars who are afraid to go anywhere due to potential tummy aches.

July 8th, 2007, 15:38
In over 20 yrs of coming to Thailand, I have never heard that one either--but if it happened and someone was stupid enough to fall forall that crap, then they deserve what they get--c'mon, wake up to the real world out there--it can be cruel, harsh place at times--you do have the scammers and then the jeffmars who are afraid to go anywhere due to potential tummy aches.

July 10th, 2007, 02:27
And the old one where a taxi driver tuk tuk driver,or colleague, asks where you are going and you foolishly mention some famous landmark.
They then tell you its closed for Kings visit or something, but open later, and, in the meantime take you to some other tourist trap where they get a cut and you get fleeced.....(usually a jewelery place or boat trip)