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View Full Version : You are invited to see our HIV Care Center.

February 10th, 2006, 00:51
G.A.P (Guardian Angels Pattaya)

Cordially invite you or any interested parties you know of, to an
Open day at our Care Center.

on Friday 10th February all day.................from mid-day till 6.pm

To view the facilities which are now in a very advanced state of renovations.
Tea and Coffee with be served.

G.A.P was founded to take care of young guyz, with HIV who do not have the strength any more to find money to pay for a room, food or even the taxi to go to the many hospitals to have blood tests or x-rays even, and are then told to basically go to the Wat or village where they came from to die.

We are sent patients from Dr Phillipe Seur or Banglamong or Chombury or Sattahip Hospitals, also work inconjuntion with Farther Giovanni of the Camillion Center Rayong, so we can monitor there tablet regime, food and general progress, we are hoping also to give them a future by helping them to work back into the community, but mainly giving them the strength through there food to get fit again and strong, as we have found the main problem is not taking in enough vitamins and protean to put on bulk again, then they will deteriorate fast if left to live just on an Issan diet.

The new Care Center is situated in the Soi running between Soi VC and Soi 16 opposite White Knight half way down on the right with the Blue door.
we are looking forward to you dropping in anytime during the day and if you can help also in any way, we will be please for your assistance.

Yours truly the G. A. P team.

February 10th, 2006, 09:45
on Friday 10th February all day.................from mid-day till 6.pm

I hope they have a better grasp of HIV care than they do of basic concepts like time and English grammar, and if their idea of good scheduling is to send this out on the day itself there is not much hope for them keeping the "guyz" on schedule!


February 10th, 2006, 16:16
Yes i will drop by but i cant make it today as it takes me 5.5 hrs to get there.

That's too bad, I'm sure you could possibly afford to provide the choc cake or bikkies.

February 10th, 2006, 17:17
yes its a pity they announced that just few hours before the event started !!! I was still in PTY this morning and would certainly have gone there and even donate something or whatever.... but obviously they need a good guy for marketing for their undoubtfully useful work....

February 10th, 2006, 17:21
Are the above cheesy replies to the posted message in regard ti the HIV care centre necessary?

This post is actually an informative one, it shows a good side of human nature, and is clearly needed.

Posts such as those in reply to the message are indicative of the downhill slide of this forum.

February 10th, 2006, 17:45
.... to tell those people that we r actually willing to support them, but we only can do that if they improve their information-policy....

February 10th, 2006, 20:15
Thanks guys for any feed back at all, even though its a bit of fun, as there is so much sadness in the world and sad People come to that, it is a wonderful thing to have a sense of humor.

It was a very successful opening and as we did not know if even one guy would turn up, to see all those smiling genuine interested people just coming to have a look nothing to do with fund raising, unless you wanted to sponsor one of our Angels, put something towards our up keep or help taking some one to the cinema or beach or even bowling, I'm sure we can arrange this.

The Care Center is nearly completed and it aways nice to know there is some one out there who can help if you come across a guy you think may have a serious problem, Pop him along to us and we will have him screened for you and if necessary can take him in and get him back on the right road to well being again.

As you say you missed all the advertising for the Open day, it was even reported on the very Interesting Roving, "Sunee of Sunee Plaza", weekly report, we can take you round any time, if you either contact us on guardianangelspattaya@hotmail.com or contact Monty on the thefullmontybar@hotmail.com.

Looking forward to seeing some of you guys soon, you will be amazed as the many good people were today, with what we have done in such a short time, if you wish to donate anything you feel we can use bedding furniture, clothes, trainers, or the like, we will be so pleased to accept it not matter how small.

Thank you for your interest, it means so much to us to have the backing of at least some of the gay community.

Kind regards.


February 10th, 2006, 22:29
I would be very interested to see your work as my Thai boyfriend is HIV+ and I know what a struggle regaining weight and strength can be. He's not in the Pattaya area so wouldn't be able to benefit directly but I would be interested anyway to talk to people who know of the problems he still faces.

I'll be be back in Pattaya myself in June.

February 11th, 2006, 03:34

you hit the nail on the head---but can i add ------some of the people involved could be directly responsible for the causation of HIV amongst vulnerable Thai youth ,
most of the poor individuals that have caught this terrible disease are suffering because of having had to work in these dirty little seedy bars , selling their young bodies via loud mouthed old has been falangs ,

-these are not GAY bars, as we know them, many of the falangs that visit are rife with H I V-they don't give a damn or second thought for tha Thais, they would get arrested and slung in jail in their own countries

95% of the young boys and girls, who are in the sex trade are there because of abject poverty in their families,they are driven into the sex trade through desperation , you really think those youngsters enjoy having sex with old men,do you blame them for robbing what they can

here we have a situation where bar owner' trade in young Thai people lives , selling them to generally elderly sex tourists who have not a hell in chance of getting into relationships in their own respective country's, mainly because they are unable to hold proper relationships with guys their own ages , 65 year old and older with youngster's who could be their great grand children ,And they brag about what they do with these kids, in my book old guys of 60 with 20 year old are pedophiles, and psychologically disturbed

then they [the bar owners with hanger ons]- turn around and say they are trying to help prevent HIV and call it charity work and expect praise from all and sundry --

is this done to justify their own pimping-or an attempt to put themselves onto a pedestal of respectability,all the back slapping and boozy fund raising nights doesn't wash with me ,

I'm a gay man of 38 years -i have a thirty five year old lover , we consider ourselves to be normal as far as normal can be on the gay scene

what we and thousands like us see;read; and hear about the goings on in Thailand particularly in pattaya is sickening ,

credit is due where its due , but not to these guys who are only lining there own pockets ,

February 11th, 2006, 03:44
Thank you for your interest Kun Jon, yes indeed we will be most interested in meeting you and your boyfriend or any one else for that matter, if you need any questions answered our team at GAP will be most pleased to answer them for you.

Our Open Day went amazingly well, Presided over By Dr Phillipe Seur MD The Eminent HIV specialist in Pattaya, with so many others popping in to many to mention here, Dr Phillipe, who to us all in Pattaya is not and Angel but a 'Saint', he was most impressed as we know you will be, when or if you care to visit us soon.

yours sincerely The GAP Team

February 11th, 2006, 04:46
Yes it is certainly interesting to see the workings of your mind тАШsing shorty singтАЩ but as you have tale to tell there are many hundreds more on how any individual can catch HIV i.e. could be from his lady boy selling her self in walking street, and not using a condom or his wife who he send out to go with a falang. The scenarios are endless you have just covered a few.

You are also very correct poverty does make bad bed fellow sorry about the pun, but if you could understand the Thai culture many would say here that it is better to go with a falang for money, then live in dire poverty with a drunken boyfriend or husband who is beating them to black and blue.

Your also correct that many guys who are elderly would not be able to have a relationship with a teen or up wards, but this does not stop two consenting adults, doing what is of great help and interest to both of them.

As we have had on discussions here before using the newspaper selling shock horror words pedophiles, is not going to make your post any more disgusting in your mind, because pedophiles enjoy 'child love' under 15 and pederast love 16 to18, so its no good trying to spice up your post using these tactics.

What would the point of bar owners trying to help there sex workers to go to get help if they thought they could not educate the workers in the use of condoms, at the first instance it just does not add up, who in there right mind would go to all the trouble to set up the enormous expense of charitable works, if they did not need to and could just earn money from renting our there sex workers.

It so nice to see you are happy with your 35 year old lover and IтАЩm sure you will never have to use the services of the oldest profession in the world, but fortunately if the two consenting adult are happy to meet up and do what come naturally, even if they are 18 or 35 or 39 if you can fight in the war or Army at 17 or 18, IтАЩm sure they can make there mind up if they would want to earn money, satisfying a man no matter what age he is, if you were fat and ugly at 39 who knows may be your lover could find you repulsive one day when he awoke, but just did not have the heart to tell you.

Fortunately the world is full of choices, you chose to sleep and stay with your 35 year old lover, you are happy who are you to say the guys and girls in Pattaya are any less happy to satisfy a man of maturity. each to there own, the American navy sent 39,000 troops here for what they call R & R how do we know if all of them were stunning and sexy, some find 18 repulsive others find 39 repulsive, thank god we are all different, including you, who knows who you would be looking for if your lover said one day, I now find you hideous I want a younger guy of 18.

Life is so interesting, love has no barrier, did you not know its what make the world go round.

But as you can see the world from your mind, we can all have a different scenario and I'm sure, behind every interesting comment you have made, many a guy have a different answer, thank you for your input, I'm sure there will be as many agree with you, as disagree, this is what makes this forum so addictive.

February 11th, 2006, 15:05

February 11th, 2006, 15:13
just help these kids and young men..get along there and donate some money or whatever you can. It's impossible for one person or group to change society's ways nor should one feel guilt. Give give give and the Gods will smile on you.

February 12th, 2006, 23:42
john botting
may be an arse in your mind , however , but i assume you are one of the back slappers , so i ignore your input totally as may a person would - as being biased , I have noticed on this site -which is a free open forum , That several of the people who contribute a lot of the input are seemingly some of the old fagot's that I ref ere to who#s comments are constantly agree ing with each other as a matter of course ,

I see these places through my own eyes, I live amongst you and know what goes on first hand ,Lie it or lump it ,my comments are based on true facts ,

food for thought ----------"keep your friends Close" ---" keep your enemies even Closer" , Monty is Close to me -----------Si I know what goes on and whats being done and said ,

February 13th, 2006, 02:10
I think the basic issue for many is trust..Who do you trust? Is everything on the up and up? Is there transparency with the financial accounting?
Is there exploitation going on? There are many questions that a rational person would have if one was going to contribute money..
In the best of charitable situations, small percentages of collected monies actually go to the intended target group, with a large percentage going to cover costs, salaries etc.. With no accounting, it is all based on trust of the personalities involved..

February 13th, 2006, 04:49
Good to see you with Rotary Johnny.I was a past president of my Rotary club which im not with now.We use to raise a lot of money for our community.I use to enjoy my weekly get togethers with the blokes,most of them were all businessowners except me.
The district governor gave me an exception and allowed me in.

February 13th, 2006, 08:43

February 15th, 2006, 18:25
good to know both John Botting and Mr Sydney are also rotary members--------you are my kind of people ,

seems you would agree "ALL" Charities-should be monitored ,Better registered with the local authorities ,--------and proper recorded accounts kept , -to ensure that they are in fact bona fide Charities,and not used as fronts for money making scams.

the accounts books should be accounted and held open for inspection by anyone ,

To have one or two individuals in total control is wrong and unacceptable,

I Raise my hat to ------- all Bona fide Charity Workers