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July 3rd, 2007, 11:49
In 10 days time I'm off, for the first time, to Morocco. [I've been to Tunisia and Egypt before, so I am familiar with general north African culture.]

Any gay recommendations for either Marrakesh or Agadir?

July 5th, 2007, 06:43
wow, nice. I've been wanting to go to Marrakesh. Please post some details on this trip when you get back.


July 5th, 2007, 10:29
Don't miss Fez. It is the single most amazing place in all of Morocco.

July 5th, 2007, 12:42
Thanks, guys. Any gay recommendations?

July 5th, 2007, 15:11
Yes. Go in the 1930s.

July 5th, 2007, 21:03
Yes. Go in the 1930s.

I think it made it through the late fifties - the advent of Radio Cairo. Morroco's bohemian paradise is "chronicled" around then in a book following famous gay/lesbian writers Paul and Jane Bowles (with her veiled partner). You'll find them and other famous names like theirs like William Burroughs (Naked Lunch), Ginsberg, Keroauc, rich bitch Barbara Hutton's (who cares?) gala parties, dark-skinned No. African boys (who now bomb Spanish railway stations), majoun and too much more I can't remember as I so long ago read ...

The Dream at the End of the World: Paul Bowles and the Literary Renegades in Tangier
by Michelle Green (Author)

Amazon review: www.amazon.com #customerReviews (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/customer-reviews/0060922672/sr=8-2/qid=1183643355/ref=cm_cr_dp_all_top/102-9437956-6840106?ie=UTF8&n=283155&s=books&qid=1183643355&sr=8-2#customerReviews)

But, who knows, the 30's may have been better.

The literary masterpiece is an absolute "must" for those interested in literary history of gay/lesbian authors.

And the book could give notes on where one might find resurrection of the Bohemian paradise.

July 11th, 2007, 19:11
wow, nice. I've been wanting to go to Marrakesh. Please post some details on this trip when you get back.


it is 10 years since I visited Marrakesh, but it might not have changed

I was looking forward to the turkish baths but they were a disappointment

During late afternoon all women disappear into the home. the car park becomes a large entertainment area
known as souk. Snake charmers, musicians, jugglers,magicians all perform and attract crowds of 50 or more to each performer

I was amazed how upfront some of the boys were in the crowd.. They will rub their crutch against your hand, take your hand and place on their cock and in one case in the crush remove their cock and place it in your hand. I was overcome by several boys wearing the long full length robe with nothing underneath, who were so brazen I expected to see them arrested. They walked around with obvious erections and were quite aggressive.

They were all money boys and to this day I regret I did not go to the cinema as I was urged to do, as it was all male and apparently anything goes.

I found Spartucas out of date then, it may be more up to date now.

There was a Czech forum where there was a lot of comments about Morocco, Marrakesh and Tangier. I will try and find it

July 11th, 2007, 19:19
and in one case in the crush remove their cock and place it in your hand.

Boys with removable cocks...now I've heard it all!

July 11th, 2007, 20:45
Thanks for the info re. Morocco.

The souk in Marrakesh sounds pretty exciting (though in quite a different way to that described in my guide books!)

I leave within the next 48 hours (Friday morning, UK time) - so if you do find that Czech forum info, Lonelywombat, please post it here a.s.a.p.

Many thanks in anticipation.

July 12th, 2007, 07:41
That forum is now a dead link but my friend on holidays here, went searching the net

and found on www.silverdaddies.com (http://www.silverdaddies.com) , 4 guys from Morocco on line in chat

He also found in the travellers section, 8 travellers who are visiting Morocco right now or very soon

gaydar shows who is on line from every country, and you can do a detailed search by country, and right at this minute there are on line

Morocco 56 View List Travel

There are over 50 in the "travellers to" including 9 that are already there

I am sure that making contact with a few of these would be more helpful, than all the out of date guidebooks or forums

Have a great time and please give a full report on your return

July 12th, 2007, 11:03
Now I have had time to think, one thing that stuck in my mind from that forum, was to sit at a table for coffee or a drink with an open packet of cigarettes and lighter

I am a non smoker as a few on that forum were. But they claimed it paid off as a conversation starter

It gives them a reason or excuse to approach

Excuse the funny but do Arab boys prefer Camel or Cowboy[Marlboro]

I am so jealous.

July 14th, 2007, 14:30
I am sure wombat meant to say envious and not jealous , but I did enjoy the reference to the Camels. One hump
or two?
Some French gay videos by Cadinot excelled in the portrayal of young Arabs and I recall one took place
in an Arab bazaar and bath houses but maybe there weren't in Morocco. The northern African Arabs are much hotter
than the hairy buggers we see in Pattaya mostly from the Gulf and Saudi.. :cat:

July 14th, 2007, 15:10
I am sure wombat meant to say envious and not jealous , but I did enjoy the reference to the Camels. One hump
or two?
Some French gay videos by Cadinot excelled in the portrayal of young Arabs and I recall one took place
in an Arab bazaar and bath houses but maybe there weren't in Morocco. The northern African Arabs are much hotter
than the hairy buggers we see in Pattaya mostly from the Gulf and Saudi.. :cat:

I am not sure if Chaleurs [Sex oasis] is the same one that springs to my mind
Here is the story line and a link to the gallery of actors. The automatic translation leaves a bit to be desired but you will get the idea
http://translate.google.com/translate?h ... n%26sa%3DG (http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.cadinot.fr/films/showfilm.php%3Fid%3D9&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dcadinot%2Bchaleurs%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG )


A young tourist breaks down from gasoline in the Saharan desert, It leaves to research help. In the oasis nearest, two tourists appreciate the legendary Arab hospitality lavished by their guide. Its hands are eloquent on its intentions towards their buttocks rebounded under the shorts, young people taste the famous Maghrebian specialities!

In the desert, our broken down motorist succumbs to an insolation. A young Bedouin discovers it inert. He transports it in his kasbah and lay down it on the litter. The small prince of the desert out of grip for this fair foreigner. He must fight with his two cousins to protect the young man disappeared against their greediness He recovers quickly thanks to the vigilant care from his saver. A letter and the elder brother, quite as fair, arrives. A robust camel driver with the commercial ebony skin him the race against the most rebounded part of its body. Arrived at the oasis, it is only with the two cousins. To change clothing, in all ingenuity, it exhibe in front of these two obsessed, an adorable pink bottom and it is pinned like a butterfly. But it is necessary to return to the country. To thank it, the brothers invite the rescuer. Sumptuous arrival: all the friends are with the reception in the honor of the survivor. Each one finds his/her boy friend, only, the young shepherd remains with the variation. Its protected is sent in the air in the cellar. With sadness, it leaves the house where it lost its illusions.

July 15th, 2007, 12:01
A young tourist breaks down from gasoline in the Saharan desert ...... and from there on it's pretty much a standard Cadinot porn flick ie. rape after rape after rape

July 15th, 2007, 18:26
Thank you for your post wombat.

Reading that was like reading LMTU, does'nt make the slightest sense.

Rape after rape after rape sounds like porno.

Cadinot surely cannot be accused of that

surely they are all documentaries

Excuse me I am typing one handed

July 20th, 2007, 03:28
Excuse me I am typing one handed
Oh my


July 24th, 2007, 14:51
Well, I got back on Friday after a week in Morocco - three days in Marrakesh and four in Agadir.

Having been to various moslem countries around the Mediterranean - Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan (maybe not "Mediterranean" - but you know what I mean: it's in the area!) and Turkey - I can say that Morocco feels definitely the most secular one so far. From what I read, that's largely because the late King Hassan was very pro-western (even suggesting, at one point, that Morocco ought to join the European Union!)

Furthermore, if you dig around on the internet you will find several references to widespread rumours that the current king, Hassan's son, had a gay past while a student in Belgium where he is said to have been often seen cruising gay bars (he has since married - but I guess that's the sort of thing a king is expected to do!)

Anyway, what of the trip?

Marrakesh: Very hot at this time of year (especially in the early afternoon). A blast of hot air suddenly literally hits you in the face from nowhere as you climb the roads through the Atlas mountains on the approach from Agadir (a four hour drive). The city is very scenic - especially the old souks where, however, it is very easy to get disorientated and lost. (Thank goodness for that young man who then took us in hand to guide us out again for a few coins!) Re. the gay ambiance, we saw nothing quite as overt as did lonelywombat (see above), but I can well believe what he has to say. The activities in the main square after dark are amazing. As soon as the sun goes down, it seems that every male in the city - and especially every young male - is out there watching the free entertainment (or, from this particular observer's point of view, providing it.) As well as the snake charmers, fortune tellers, professional story tellers and musicians, I especially enjoyed watching an apparently willowy and puny teenager challenging all comers to boxing matches (no gloves!) and winning every bout, prompting serial monetary collections among the crowd. There is certainly a great deal of eye contact and body contact going on in the huge crowds. My companion and I were followed around for more than 20 minutes by one especially persistent young man who seemed to be more interested in the snakes in our trousers than the ones in the charmers' baskets - and who only gave up when he saw that we were not playing ball(s). From the square, we took a 40 minute walk to the Cafe des Nogociants (appropriate name) where the city's money boys reputedly hang out. Sipping our drinks out on the pavement seating, we were soon openly propositioned by a nice young man but, in the immortal words of the old News of the World, we made our excuses and left. Apparently things get going big time at the C des N at about 11pm and we weren't prepared to stay out that long.

Agadir: Beautiful climate. Hot sun with great cool breezes straight off the Atlantic. Agadir itself is dreary (virtually all rebuilt after a 1960s earthquake) but the young men - of whom there are hundreds, each seemingly better looking than the last, are just stunning. It really was hard to find a plain one (and there is, I think, no such thing as an overweight young Moroccan man - the western problem of obesity obesity has yet, it seems, to reach North African youth.) Unlike Marrakesh, where dress is either traditional and unrevealking or just standard jeans/T-shirt, most Agadir boys seem to spend much of the day, when they are not working, relaxing in beachwear. Very nice! The very long, very clean (beautifully fine sand) and overall very pleasant beach, which heaves with boys and young men who play all sorts of games including flirting outrageously with the tourists every afternoon, provides enough fuel for a lifetime of wet dreams. (The much smaller number of women/girls tend to keep to themselves.)

Overall, a great holiday. As several people said to me in advance, unless you are a determined sun worshiper, two weeks would be too long. Certainly more than three days in Marrakesh (which is a comparatively small place) might be tedious. But as a week's break, very easily reached from Europe (a 3 - 4 hours flight from the UK) Morocco has a great deal to commend it and I will definitely be visiting again.

And those boys!!!!!

July 25th, 2007, 00:46
This is what I call a trip report ! ! ! Thank you.
In what way do you rate Morocco higher than Tunisia ?

July 25th, 2007, 00:59
It may not be a fair comparison.

When we visited Tunisia, maybe 15 years ago, we were much poorer than we are now and coulfd not afford to do all the things we wanted or stay in such nice places as we did in Morocco. Also, at that point, we were unused to the Arab culture - features such as aggressive bartering, physical manhandling of customers into shops, virtual refusal to let one go until a purchase had been made, etc. felt very intimidating.

I still think, though, that (a) the Tunisian beaches were not as attractive and were most definitely dirtier (uncollected camel dung!), (b) the local people were not as tourism-focused and, as a result, not as friendly to westerners, (c) the pervasive secularism and hedonism that was apparent in Morocco just wasn't in evidence there. Maybe life is just harder in Tunisia - the disposition of the people certainly made it seem that that was likely!

July 25th, 2007, 01:02
... the Tunisian beaches were not as attractive and were most definitely dirtier (uncollected camel dung!),Do camels enjoy sea-bathing?

July 25th, 2007, 01:11
Every beach seemed to have a resident herd of camels to provide rides for tourists who were required to wear an arab headdress for the obligatory (and expensive) photo on the beast's back. Not the most friendly of animals, if I recall aright!

July 25th, 2007, 07:28
Thanks Marsillius for a great trip report. It has stirred up my interest in revisiting

Tangiers and Casablanca I had inked in with a possible trip to Athens, but have now I have made contact on the net

with a boy in Rabat and another in Fez, Athens could be the side trip

They have said this is the very hot time of the year and for me to consider October to February.

I had never considered the road trip as I travel alone and buses do not appeal. If you get a chance to comment

I would appreciate it

July 25th, 2007, 12:46
Apparently July is the hottest time of year. Re. the road between Agadir and Marrakesh: the four hours I quoted for the journey was in a private car. No doubt a bus would take far longer!

July 31st, 2007, 22:36
you may when next in los try to speak to (i think he's names john or peter) the newish other part owner of Krazy dragon, the older guy of the two, & you may also see in this bar a chubbier guy with glasses, quite a young fellow & another farlang, they used to live in morroco, & being gay i'm sure they.............................................. ..


August 2nd, 2007, 13:26
cut and paste from Marsillius above

From the square, we took a 40 minute walk to the Cafe des Nogociants (appropriate name) where the city's money boys reputedly hang out. Sipping our drinks out on the pavement seating, we were soon openly propositioned by a nice young man but, in the immortal words of the old News of the World, we made our excuses and left. Apparently things get going big time at the C des N at about 11pm and we weren't prepared to stay out that long.

I thought I would google for more info on Cafe des Nogociants. The first link they found was to the above
post by marsillius

August 2nd, 2007, 14:49
Having read that, I thought I'd achieved fame - or, more probably, notoriety - at last.

Sadly not.

My own Googling for the C des N (maybe it matters which country you Google from?) turned up http://www.footprintguides.com/Marrakec ... esbian.php (http://www.footprintguides.com/Marrakech/Gay-and-Lesbian.php) in top place, with nothing from me at all!

August 2nd, 2007, 14:56
Use the more usual spelling "Cafe de Negociants Marakesh" and you'll get a fuller response.


August 2nd, 2007, 20:51
Having read that, I thought I'd achieved fame - or, more probably, notoriety - at last.

Sadly not.

My own Googling for the C des N (maybe it matters which country you Google from?) turned up http://www.footprintguides.com/Marrakec ... esbian.php (http://www.footprintguides.com/Marrakech/Gay-and-Lesbian.php) in top place, with nothing from me at all!

I copied your spelling and this is what I got again

Web Results 1 - 5 of 5 for Cafe des Nogociants . (0.30 seconds)

Did you mean: Cafe des Negociants
Morocco bound!
From the square, we took a 40 minute walk to the Cafe des Nogociants (appropriate name) where the city's money boys reputedly hang out. ...
www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/morocco-bound-t12154-15.html - 43k - Cached - Similar pages
TI:Genetic diversity and relationships of cacao (Theobroma cacao L ...
Institut francais du cafe et du cacao. no. 12. 68 p. DE:Potential; PY:1974 GE:Uganda TI:Study of mineral disorders and deficiencies of cacao OT:Etude des ...
guiltinanlab.cas.psu.edu/Ingenic/documents/publications/wouters/cocoabib.txt - Similar pages
Tourismic, guide hotellerie, annuaire hotel restaurant ...
- [ Translate this page ]

August 3rd, 2007, 01:31
I think your cookies may be the problem. Or maybe you spelt the town name correctly.

This is what I get.

Did you mean: Cafe de Negociants Marrakesh

Marrakesh Features | Fodor's Online Travel Guide
Right in the city center, opposite Caf├й des Negociants in Gu├йliz, the small but smart Nassim ... Douar Abiad, Circuit de la Palmeraie, Marrakesh, Morocco. ...
www.fodors.com/miniguides/mgresults.cfm ... ture=30011 (http://www.fodors.com/miniguides/mgresults.cfm?destination=marrakesh@183&cur_section=fea&feature=30011) - 43k - 31 Jul 2007 - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Caf├йs, Marrakesh - Restaurants - VirtualTourist.com
Cafe Les Negociants, Gueliz - Marrakesh. Cafe Les Negociants, Gueliz .... I ate at Grand Cafe de la Poste at lunchtime on my last day in Marrakech during a ...
www.virtualtourist.com/.../Wilaya_de_Ma ... -BR-1.html (http://www.virtualtourist.com/.../Wilaya_de_Marrakech/Marrakesh-2111278/Restaurants-Marrakesh-Cafes-BR-1.html) - 114k - 1 Aug 2007 - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Marrakesh Restaurants - Reviews, Photos - VirtualTourist.com
Marrakesh restaurant reviews and photos posted by real travelers and locals. ... Cafe Les Negociants, Gueliz - Marrakesh. Cafe Les Negociants, Gueliz ...
www.virtualtourist.com/.../Morocco/Wila ... -BR-7.html (http://www.virtualtourist.com/.../Morocco/Wilaya_de_Marrakech/Marrakesh-2111278/Restaurants-Marrakesh-BR-7.html) - 112k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Lyon Tourism : Lyon Eat & Drink Guide - Yahoo! Travel
Meanwhile, Mamounia evokes the tang of Marrakesh with its superb decor and ... The most famous is the Grand Cafe des Negociants; its imposing and formal ...
travel.yahoo.com/p-travelguide-2579700-lyon_restaurants_and_bars-i - 18k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Marrakesh Restaurant Tips by suvanki - VirtualTourist.com
From DEF head up Ave Mohammed V. At Place Abd El Moumen Ben Ali, Cafe Le Negociants is on your R. , cross over Bvd Zerktouni, and Rue de Yugoslavie is in ...
members.virtualtourist.com/m/6f35e/20372e/2/ - 123k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Marrakesh/Morocco - Restaurants and Cafes
Djem├вa el Fna, next to Commissariat de Police, Marrakesh, Morocco ... 55, Boulevard Zerktouni (in arcade next to Caf├й Negociants), Marrakesh, Morocco ...
www.go-africa.org/travel_to_africa_arti ... akesh3.htm (http://www.go-africa.org/travel_to_africa_articles/marrakesh3.htm) - 25k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Marrakech forum: Availability of alcohol - TripAdvisor
NewCarInsider.com Deals Marrakesh This Week Only! Free Instant Quote ... the extremely popular Caf├й des Negociants on the corner of Boulevard Mohamed V and ...
www.tripadvisor.com/ShowTopic-g293734-i ... akech.html (http://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowTopic-g293734-i9196-k324738-Availability_of_alcohol-Marrakech.html) - 74k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Spend unforgettable nights in a cosy & luxurious Moroccan palace
Le Diamand Noir at the Jets dтАЩEau roundabout is a classic of Marrakesh and is ... Cafe les Negociants has a great terrace and serves a good breakfast. ...
www.riadsmorocco.com/c-3-nightlife.html (http://www.riadsmorocco.com/c-3-nightlife.html) - 27k - 31 Jul 2007 - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Mamounia (La) Restaurant Lyon - Yahoo! Travel Guide UK
Cafe 203; 7.Resto Boucherie (Le); 8.Grand Cafe des Negociants; 9.Bistro Romain (Le); 10.Jour de F├кte; List all Restaurants ...
uk.holidaysguide.yahoo.com/p-travelguide-87501-action-describe-mamounia_la_lyon-i - 18k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
fresco - El ahad (zondag)
Een staalblauwe hemel boven Marrakesh en een zon die met de minuut ... Voor een shot cafe├пne ploften we ons neer op het terras van Caf├й Les N├йgociants, ...
fresco.skynetblogs.be/post/1080551/el-ahad-zondag - 82k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Did you mean to search for: Cafe de Negociants Marrakesh

Result Page:


September 2nd, 2007, 07:38
Does Marrakesh (and the rest of the country) have internet cafes like Thailand does? I like to upload my digital photos to a private server while on the road. How was the food? Did you eat food from the markets alot or mostly hotel food or what? thx


September 2nd, 2007, 14:30
There were some internet cafes wherever we travelled - including Marrakesh - though, as we never needed one and so never entered, all I can report is that they are certainly not as plush as the Thailand ones.

We were very careful with food (previous bad experiences with street / cheap cafe food in Egypt and Tunisia) so only ate in the hotel (in any case, the best deals for Morocco seem to be half-board or full-board ones).

Sorry I can't be more helpful!

October 16th, 2013, 10:57
Marsilius, I realize this trip of yours was back in 2007, but why did you play so hard to get? I mean, why go to France, for example, if not to taste the wine, no?

October 16th, 2013, 19:44
Good and legitimate question...

Unlike many of you brave boys, I always feel quite nervous of street encounters - especially in an officially gay-unfriendly location (police entrapment? potential for an ugly scene if signs have been misread? intimidation or blackmail?).

Guess I am just a nervous nelly! That's why an open scene like Thailand has more appeal for me.

October 17th, 2013, 06:53
We are going to Malaga for our nest trip and plan to go over by boat to Tangier, and Fes. Have made contact with locals that like to show their naked bodies on the internet. Great bodies and big cocks.

October 17th, 2013, 22:33
when are u travelling to morrocco? Do keep us posted on your experiences as to availability of the "boys"and cost.

October 19th, 2013, 09:05
I have been chatting to guys on chaturbate.com. Usually there is a Morocco'n boy there.
I usually load "male" as they are the busiest down. Sometimes go into the "other regions cam" I reckon if a straight guy will go live and jack off in public on internet, he is approachable.

October 20th, 2013, 08:07
http://chaturbate.com/hurley22/ 19 from kes he and friend looking for tokens

http://chaturbate.com/ta2_n_/ from grand casablanca 18 looking for girls

http://chaturbate.com/lavezzi19kaka/ 27 from Oriental Morocco bit aggressive hetro

http://chaturbate.com/khalidtc12/ 39 straight

http://chaturbate.com/ilyas1977/ 30 just logged in

http://chaturbate.com/roomlogin/sarco2000/ requires a password maybe doing a show

http://chaturbate.com/thegreatdicksir/ 19

you can see the videos, but if you join as a member you can be notified whenever they are on cam