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View Full Version : What do you think of this article on Jomtien Beach? true?

June 29th, 2007, 17:34
Gay Pattaya (Thailand): More and more sex on the beach
New marketing strategies for gay Jomtien Pattaya Thailand beach
By Suzy Size, the infamous writer based in gay Pattaya, Thailand

Jomtien, the gay Pattaya famous beach, has long been the foremost open air meeting point for potato queens that, mainly, like, er... more mature rice queens all over gay Thailand. But more and more rice queens from gay Japan, gay Korea, gay China and gay Taiwan flock here as well. In other words, gay Pattaya beach is increasingly becoming the international meeting place of gay Thailand, no, the gay world. Sticky Rice Gay Guide for Asia rates gay Pattaya and gay Jomtien as the most relaxed places in gay Thailand, or even the gay world, for pick ups when it comes to quick or long term gay encounters.

But this gay Pattaya trend has dramatically increased in the last couple of weeks or months. Suddenly, in gay Jomtien you can find access to gay Brazilian boys who are over all probably the most beautiful men in the world. They are called Paulo, Renato, Alex, Romero or Marco and they are extremely big in every aspect and always horny as well in gay Jomtien Pattaya beach. Besides the local gay Pattaya talent, you might now get to know gay Marrakech guys and their equally hung gay French counterparts very intimately. Gay African Americans have arrived in gay Jomtien Pattaya beach in drones as well and so have young farangs from Germany, the Czech Republic, America and even South Africa. All came to gay Pattaya. They are all young, beautiful, always available, horny, very direct and extremely cheap in gay Jomtien. In other words a gay dream has come true in gay Pattaya. And if you do not believe me, come to gay Pattaya and have a look for yourselves! It is all true, not only a pipe-dream by an old fag sitting in gay Jomtien Pattaya beach.

The price for half an hour or even an hour is incredibly cheap at 100 Baht, sometimes it goes as low as 50 Baht. Gay Pattaya and especially gay Jomtien has been inundated by gay adult DVDs from all over the gay world. They really show it all. Dozens of Thai vendors roam the beach from morning to night. Their business is excellent regardless of the very low prices they fetch. Overseas customers buy large quantities which they seem to store for cold winter nights. But also local gay Pattaya buyers have built up sizeable collections for rainy days, after all rainy season will certainly come again to gay Thailand, even if not immediately. So it is the incredible numbers of sales that make those vendors happy with what they make per day in gay Pattaya Jomtien beach.

Even very poor older gay farang gentlemen who cannot even afford a gay DVD from Jomtien beach might at least get a little sensation just looking through the offered material on gay Pattaya Jomtien beach these days. Gays from all over the world flock to gay Thailand, gay Pattaya, gay Jomtien beach, please.

June 29th, 2007, 19:07
" ... What do you think of this article on Jomtien Beach? true? ... "
I think Suzy Size is one lousy writer. A style (if the word 'style' even applies) reminiscent of Let Me Tell You.
Shirley not.

Cheers ...

June 29th, 2007, 19:11
The article failed to peak my interest.

June 29th, 2007, 19:43

June 29th, 2007, 20:47
Next your be saying I am 'Suzy' Heavens forbid some will say, at least I can string an Interesting thred together or can I?

Are you sure you want an answer?

June 29th, 2007, 20:52
Gay Pattaya (Thailand):
The price for half an hour or even an hour is incredibly cheap at 100 Baht, sometimes it goes as low as 50 Baht.

yeah, sure

very good article :sleepy1:

June 29th, 2007, 21:04
BTW I wonder if the "alleged" writer got paid for every time he/she could write the word "gay" into that piece? (I won't call it an article)

Since I had nothing better to do , I actually did a count and it is 47 times :cyclopsani:

Lunchtime O'Booze
June 29th, 2007, 23:34
Gay African Americans have arrived in gay Jomtien Pattaya beach in drones

I think Suzy is spinner of dreams.

June 29th, 2007, 23:42
BTW I wonder if the "alleged" writer got paid for every time he/she could write the word "gay"

I don't think anyone would have even paid 2 baht a word for that, including the management of the old TG. It's disgraceful "missinformation" about Jomptien.

All the "Suzie Sizes" in the gay thailand world are insulted, as well.

June 29th, 2007, 23:46
It's disgraceful "missinformation" about Jomptien.

Jomptien, eh? Muy interesante.

June 30th, 2007, 01:07
" A style (if the word 'style' even applies) reminiscent of Let Me Tell You.

Cheers ...

That is probably because LMTU' steals most of his posts from Suzie in the first place. :cheers:

June 30th, 2007, 02:14
I spend a lot of time on Jomtien beach and I don't recognize the beach to which he is referring. A lot of unsubstantiated and unexperienced heresay with little factual information.

June 30th, 2007, 03:38
I think Suzy Size is one lousy writer.

Ditto. Same writer that wrote an article about the gay venues in Chiangmai and that article was 90% bullshit. I do note that the writer doesn't describe ever having visited Dongtan Beach (and probably hasn't).

June 30th, 2007, 04:54
What do you think...
Me thinks you're trying to wind us up.

June 30th, 2007, 12:10
When Thai Guys Magazine left the market several others sprang up overnight. None are worth much more than leveling out an uneven table leg. They are however free so what do you expect? They are an advertising vehicle and nothing more. I hear that due to all the competition in all these gay add-rags that it does not cost much to run an add. One of the hotels got two free months for just putting up the owner of the rag free.

June 30th, 2007, 12:19
Its true!
Jomtien is like summer in Ibiza!
Young men from all over the world offering themselves to you for the price of a plate of fried rice!
Scratch that, they buy your cocktails! Expensive ones. Top shelf.
Because they love sex with Geezer! They live for it. They spend thousands of Euros to get here, just for the thrill of role playing as a starving Isaan boy! Get it while you can!

June 30th, 2007, 14:43
Next your be saying I am 'Suzy' Heavens forbid some will say, at least I can string an Interesting thred together or can I?
Not that I'm aware of.

Cheers ...

June 30th, 2007, 17:13

June 30th, 2007, 17:28
John B., you are on the side of light and reason on this issue.
Sadly, Trongbi lives on the side of darkness and his joy comes from belittling the efforts
of others and personal attacks. He thinks he knows it all but he is well worth the effort
of starting an ignore list as he is truely a pathetic troll and so self righteous. Right on JB!