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View Full Version : Update on my HIV+ boyfriend

June 26th, 2007, 20:22
It's some time since I updated my posts on my Thai boyfriend's condition following his very serious bouts of illness after his diagnosis as HIV+. I've just returned from seeing him and I'm happy to report that it's nearly all good news. He looks strong and healthy and his efforts to regain weight after becoming so painfully thin have, perhaps, been too successful as he's developed a "stomach" and says "me like moo" (I look like a pig).

A very obvious improvement is his skin which is now smooth and firm. Two years ago it was covered in sores which became infected and his back looked dreadful. Today the scars are very few and you'd never know the problems he'd had. His hair had become thin and receded at the front but is now thick and healthy looking although, sadly, he dyes it a colour he calls "Chocolate" which I hate.

His upper body shows more muscle now and we are a close match at arm wrestling (not a regular activity of mine but a useful way of monitoring his increasing strength which was, at one point, badly affected by muscle wasting which was never really explained. He lost all the strength in his legs at one point and couldn't even stand).

His CD4 count had remained low for over a year but suddenly climbed and has continued to rise for the last seven months.

Cataract operations on both eyes have been a complete success despite him discharging himself early from hospital. He left with one eye covered and only partial vision from the other as he peered out from beneath a bandage.

My main worry is his dependence on sleeping pills. He had severe problems sleeping when he was first ill and now adds an extra dose, which he buys, to the ones he's still prescribed. He won't accept that it's not a good idea and says he can't sleep without them. I don't like to lecture him after all he's been through. I can certainly report that he sleeps solidly through the night and snores loudly for most of the time. My earplugs are a standing joke between us.

I was glad to be able to sort out some confusion about his anti-virals. I was worried that his combination of anti-virals was being changed because of availability problems with the Thai "one size fits all" pill. But it is only the way they are being delivered and not the basic constituents that has changed and he now takes them as three pills rather than one.

As well as his overwhelming determination to survive I put a lot of my boyfriend's survival down to his genes. His grandmother, who'd still still lucid and active, is 104. His grandfather is less active following a fall but isn't doing badly considering he's 100. Sadly a powerful storm in Ratchaburi prevented us visiting his grandmother as the roads had were becoming flooded and it didn't seem wise to continue from our first stop to see his mother.

I still support him and pay his bills but I'm much more optimistic that he will soon get a job and support himself. He's probably unusual for a Thai of his age (31) in that he owns his house so that saves him (me) money. But he wants to leave the area where people know his HIV status and where he suffers some prejudice.

We'll be returning to Cambodia at Christmas for a holiday which we both enjoyed before he became so ill. It's a measure of his improvement that I feel confident enough to think about taking him out of Thailand which I never thought I would again.

So a great trip even with storms and temperatures around a 100┬░ at one point. I just don't have time to acclimatise in a short trip but will be in Thailand longer at Christmas and the New Year when the weather should suit me better anyway.

June 26th, 2007, 21:51
I wish you all the best and if Non-Buddhist prayers are accepted you have mine. If there is anything I personally can do feel free to contact me. I am not God but my bf thinks I am.


June 27th, 2007, 10:14

June 27th, 2007, 16:34
Someone had authored a thread recently about long term relationships and to some that meant commitment,
loyalty, and staying together through the good and bad, sickness and health etc.
I sincerely doubt many of us would have stuck it out like Khun Jon and are ready to drop the bf if he puts on a few
kilos or gets out of his teens. It is comical sometimes when bald, obese, aged men criticize a young man for the
same thing that they do like get older, get fatter, and sometimes start to lose their hair. Mirror mirror on the wall,
who is the ________________ (fill in) of all? :idea:

June 27th, 2007, 16:47
Nice story Jon, its amazing what the correct drugs can do.

I agree.

And let's hear it for the real unsung heroes of this story. The gifted and talented scientists whose toil and dedication has lead to the invention of these drugs that have brought so many back from the brink, providing hope life and lives to those with HIV/Aids. They are seldom acknowledged let along thanked for their work.

June 27th, 2007, 17:03
And let's hear it for the real unsung heroes of this story. The gifted and talented scientists whose toil and dedication has lead to the invention of these drugs that have brought so many back from the brink, providing hope life and lives to those with HIV/Aids. They are seldom acknowledged let along thanked for their work.

Well said Aunty. Thankfully the work continues with these dedicated men and women. HIV medication has improved a hundred fold over the past ten years from a large handful of pills, with awful side effects to one or two pills a day with hardly any side effects. If medication is taken as prescribed most HIV positive people can expect to die of old age rather than an AIDS related illness as was so common before.

Well done to both you Jon for sticking by your boyfriend, and of course your boy friend himself for having the will to fight on. Good luck to you both.

June 28th, 2007, 23:37
And let's hear it for the real unsung heroes of this story. The gifted and talented scientists whose toil and dedication has lead to the invention of these drugs that have brought so many back from the brink, providing hope life and lives to those with HIV/Aids. They are seldom acknowledged let along thanked for their work.

How about the drug companies, who risk billions of dollars to develop these drugs -- which may or may not ever give a return on their investment?

June 29th, 2007, 03:01
And let us not forget the taxpayers of industrialized countries who have financed the basic research that has given scientists most of their understanding of the HIV virus... and which was subsequently given to the large pharmacy companies to make drugs... and billions of euros and dollars in profits.

There is plenty of credit that should be awarded in the fight against the HIV virus. As well as a fair amount of blame.

June 29th, 2007, 04:18
And let us not forget the taxpayers of industrialized countries who have financed the basic research that has given scientists most of their understanding of the HIV virus... and which was subsequently given to the large pharmacy companies to make drugs... and billions of euros and dollars in profits.

There is plenty of credit that should be awarded in the fight against the HIV virus. As well as a fair amount of blame.

Wow, here's another one who doesn't know shit from clay. A simple thank you would have sufficed deary.

June 30th, 2007, 02:32
Wow, here's another one who doesn't know shit from clay. A simple thank you would have sufficed


I don't even know what that means.

Who should I thank? Are you dreary is that your pen name?
or were you calling me dreary?

What shit should we know from day? That tells me nothing...

Congrats to the original poster. Your BF and you sound like you have a good relationship.

June 30th, 2007, 05:01
Wow, here's another one who doesn't know shit from clay. A simple thank you would have sufficed


I don't even know what that means.

I rest my case :cheers:

June 30th, 2007, 22:48
I am not sure what point you were trying to make.

I guess there was no point.

But again congrats to the original poster for his relationship with his partner.

June 30th, 2007, 23:27
I am not sure what point you were trying to make.

I guess there was no point.

The rest of us understood with no problem. Is 87 your IQ?

July 1st, 2007, 12:36
how did boygeenyus guess the number of the hottest gogo boy in Pattaya. Whoops!, it is #88 and who gives a fuck about
his IQ.
Isn't it shit from shi no la? who really gives a shit at the end of the day. shit=day , oh I see
It would be an act of mercy to end this shit thread unless smiles objects... :cat:

July 1st, 2007, 14:46
It would be an act of mercy to end this shit thread unless smiles objects...

I've long had boygeenyus on my ignore list so I've no idea what purile drivel he's been spouting. However I do object strongly to your description of this thread as "shit". I rarely post here now because of the way that idiots like you reduce every thread to fatuous crap. I'll not bother again as it just not worth the effort to have to risk reading the offensive and upsetting rubbish that appears.

Why should I bother? I have a brave and couragious boyfriend who's worth a thousand of the sort of "shits" like you and your cronnies who blight this forum.

I'm off...

July 1st, 2007, 15:24
And let us not forget the taxpayers of industrialized countries who have financed the basic research that has given scientists most of their understanding of the HIV virus... and which was subsequently given to the large pharmacy companies to make drugs... and billions of euros and dollars in profits.

There is plenty of credit that should be awarded in the fight against the HIV virus. As well as a fair amount of blame.

I cannot agree more.

Thankfully no all countries do accept patents on pharmaceuticals.

Others countries, like Thailand, reduce import prices of some medicines. They should cut much further or start buying generics from elsewhere, i.e. India or Pakistan.

July 1st, 2007, 15:41
Jon you are a far better man than those who have reduced your post to yet another bitch. Please don't allow guys who have nothing better to do to in anyway put you off posting.......It's a joy to read how you, and especially your boyfriend is/has managed. Being a Positive guy myself and having lost quite a number of friends to HIV/AIDS before the onset of better medication I am 100% on your side. For you to have stuck by your boyfriend is nothing but commendable, and most of us salute you for it.
Do keep us posted as we know, unlike in the west, what a struggle it can be for sick people in the Third World. Again good luck to both you and your boyfriend.

July 2nd, 2007, 18:38
Great news Jon - may it only get better and better!