View Full Version : erection probs?

June 26th, 2007, 12:39
Most old guys who can't crack a boner anymore have vascular disease, which means the blood vessels in their cocks are getting clogged and narrowed by all that high cholesterol and plaque and fat in their diet. So the blood doesn't flow properly anymore. It's clogged plumbing baby. Viagra forces the blood vessels to open right up so the blood flows into their cocks again. Of course the vascular disease they have doesn't just effect their hardons, it also effects and is clogging their coronary arteries, so men who start to notice a loss of erectile function should get their hearts checked out and have their cholesterol levels checked. they are a prime candidates for a heart attack. The loss of a ragging boner is an early warning sign to get their health and hearts checked and sorted out.

June 26th, 2007, 13:15
I wonder why some guys need viagra and cialis,why is it that some have erection problems?

I admit that sometimes this does happen to me,mostly this started after i had a operation for a kidney stone a few years ago,whilst it doesnt concern me,i did take viagra until i realised it was doing damage to my heart.

I assume that a chicken dance naked on the beach at Jomtien is ok for your heart. It might cause heart failure for those not expecting to see a gross sight like that, perhaps even fatal

I used to chew viagra because I cannot swallow tablets.

All it did for me was to give me a stiff neck.

June 27th, 2007, 04:43
the excitement level is way down I find as sex is pressured
onto you- which boy you like he do anything -

more of a sale/checkout than excitement

in the USA it's more forbidden ,or used to be thought of as forbidden - especially gay sex-

which made it more fUn

June 27th, 2007, 10:03
Well I cannot speak from years of experience on this matter, but I think the problem might be your approach afp40plus.
Do you first seduce then date, then seduce, then date, then foreplay, then date, then corner and stick your tongue in their ears, and then date, and only then go in for the kill, ripping of trousers and sucking or fingering or whatever it is you do?
Or do you just whip it out and try and bang away with your left hand? This might be your problem.

I find if someone gives me eye contact and a wicked smile it gets my cock juicing, it always seems to be standing at attention waiting for this moment, unfortunately its most likely to be a traffic cop on the hard shoulder of a busy highway during rush hour.
The memory, luckily, is a reliable and powerful tool, so when later, and some exasperated juvenile delinquent with a tight swollen head is busily grappling with all their might to get into my pants, his little cold fingers barely reaching crack, I can just stand my ground, as I wear a strong thick leather belt and can dream of cop.
Hope that helps.

June 27th, 2007, 10:29
Well I cannot speak from years of experience on this matter, but I think the problem might be your approach afp40plus.
Do you first seduce then date, then seduce, then date, then foreplay, then date, then corner and stick your tongue in their ears, and then date, and only then go in for the kill, ripping of trousers and sucking or fingering or whatever it is you do?
Or do you just whip it out and try and bang away with your left hand? This might be your problem.

I find if someone gives me eye contact and a wicked smile it gets my cock juicing, it always seems to be standing at attention waiting for this moment, unfortunately its most likely to be a traffic cop on the hard shoulder of a busy highway during rush hour.
The memory, luckily, is a reliable and powerful tool, so when later, and some exasperated juvenile delinquent with a tight swollen head is busily grappling with all their might to get into my pants, his little cold fingers barely reaching crack, I can just stand my ground, as I wear a strong thick leather belt and can dream of cop.
Hope that helps.

I agree, a Little foreplay goes a long way for me, I hate it when they just stick their cute little ass up like lets get this over so I can go home. I bit of kissing and fondling and before long the precum is running my dick is hard enough to pry open any little tight ass and we both go home satisfied. I think taking ones time to play around a bit makes the whole experience better for both. Although their may be some who just want a blow job and go home, if that is what they want, then I give then that and pay them accordingly.