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x in pattaya
June 22nd, 2007, 12:14
In todays' Bangkok Post there is a review (sort of) of the book If Truth Be Told, which is apparently a collection of stories about male sex tourists who visit Thailand to have their way with boys. Without much preamble (we're pretty much left to our own devices to figure out what the book is about in the beginning) the reviewer, Bernard Trink, seems to focus on the issues of what is a paedophile and who is a child.

Sex abusers are near the bottom of the food chain. Paedophiles are even lower. Peter Murrell gets around this by calling the sex tourists (mainly British) gay and the youngsters they pay for their services boys, 16 years old and up. No girls. None are children by my narrow definition, neither are the gays paedophiles. ...money changes hands, so the boys are male prostitutes.

If you have the opportunity, I suggest you read Bernard's review in its entirety. It is probably one of the most incoherent, aimless bits of journalism you're likely to come across. The review title Gay, not paedophile experiences, seems to imply someone opened the door in the midst of an argument we didn't know was taking place. The third "sentence" in the above quote suggests that Mr. Trink may be under the influence of controlled substances when gluing together his thoughts.

Although it is out of place and illogical in this context, he does make a point which is often overlooked when LT relationships are discussed (hopefully with males a good deal older than 16)
Selfless mutual affection is rare. Often as not, it's the farang who is unfaithful.

Quite often when someone claims a LT relationship is bound to fail, the assumption is that it's the Thai who cheats on the ever-chaste farang.

Not included in the review or book, but based on some arguments I've read on message boards in the past,
it is also apparent that the definition of relationship means a lot of different things to different people. In some cases the crtieria sound like they came from a tribal tradition endorsed by the Taleban. I haven't yet heard of any farang insisting his LT friend wear the bourka and reside exclusively in a harem, but it sounds like some wouldn't find the idea too farfetched.

June 22nd, 2007, 14:36
As the unfortunate author of the book in question, I confess to a feeling of having been put through a mangle after reading Trink's review. His comments show that he has understood nothing of any importance about the book and he doesn't even bother to make any assessment of the quality of the writing - like a restaurant reviewer not bothering to mention the food. But I knew how bad he was before sending in the review copy and I just hoped for a bit of free publicity, which I have now got. At least Trink makes no overtly hostile comment about the book and even manages a lukewarm recommendation in his last sentence - the equivalent of any other reviewer praising it to the skies. I hope a few people here will read the book and make their own judgements. I've just finished delivering it to warehouses in Bangkok, so with luck it should be on bookshop shelves shortly. Asia Books, Bookazine, Kinokuniya, B2S and others are all stocking it. For anyone living in Pattaya, it is already available at DK Books in Soi Post Office and in Central Road near the junction with Beach Road. Mim of NS Travel in Sunee Plaza also has a few copies. Ultimately, the book will succeed or fail depending on whether people enjoy reading it, and not on what one hidebound, deeply confused old reviewer has to say.

June 22nd, 2007, 15:31
Last time I saw a recent photo of Bernard Trink he looked like death warmed over. He is getting up there in years and maybe his mind is going. I seem to recall the post wanting to can him last year, they should have. I have never been a Trink fan.

x in pattaya
June 22nd, 2007, 18:33
As the unfortunate author of the book in question, I confess to a feeling of having been put through a mangle

Good luck with the book. They say all publicity is good publicity. Trink may prove the exception to that generality, but as I say, chok dee.

Do you suppose he actually read the book?

June 22nd, 2007, 21:10
The topic of the book will - without a doubt - guarantee a slew of strong opinions.

Giving PeterUK the benefit of the doubt that he himself isn't personally advocating anything grossly unacceptable (i.e. sex with individuals below the legal age of consent) I wish him the best of luck with those who will attack his work based on the topic alone.

As a writer myself I have to say this is cause for congratulations!