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View Full Version : X-RAY Man Club ...North Pattaya - Report & Slides :-)

June 19th, 2007, 01:13
Looking at thailiciousboys.com blog today and they have posted a report on their visit to
X_RAY Man Club, located in North Pattaya, with slide show pics (Part 1 of a 3 part slide show)
with their comments:

http://www.thailiciousboys.com/ .

http://www.slide.com/r/BJN_VCgq1D-OpO85 ... view=large (http://www.slide.com/r/BJN_VCgq1D-OpO85Diz1XAvM3ekRdo6v?view=large) .

with more photos to be posted on their website soon.as this was Part 1 of 3 part slide show :-)

"I did miss Hollywood Disco, now having been knocked down to make way for a housing development,
but X-Ray Man Club in Pattaya has got to be the next best thing to it.

It is nowhere as big as the old Hollywood, it's a similar size to the Maya Pub(report soon), and run pretty
much along the same lines. As you enter you have the stage to your right, toilets at the far end, DJ and bar
area on your left. Also on both sides you have platforms that provide additional dance areas for the boys.

The music played was a modern mix with an equal balance, the sound level was about right,
and the air con seemed to do a good job in keeping the place nice and cool.

We arrived at about midnight with Lang & Gai.

We had got Lang to reserve a table for us, but there was no need, we were the first ones in"...

http://widget.slide.com/rdr/1/1/4/S/40000000ae6b4a5/1/60/ZqZjl60q1D_T__Sz-Ltsph3xVGquRD-0.jpg (http://www.slide.com/s/kANj5Vdjvz-LPMZwm0axmhaB54u6tXYb?referrer=hlnk)

http://widget.slide.com/rdr/1/1/4/S/40000000ae6b4a3/1/60/RGOJFMPMwD_X4vNeuEWamF1I1txKDyHW.jpg (http://www.slide.com/s/gKh0sdmr7D9YAFp-vTWkCp8B7qUdVtLL?referrer=hlnk)

http://widget.slide.com/rdr/1/1/4/S/40000000ae6b4b5/1/60/RH_zFyb17D-PegzDM8lxO1RTsCRi-Rsg.jpg (http://www.slide.com/s/cCnjI3DY0j9bguYGAg7Q-qvpAN3pSZkX?referrer=hlnk)
http://www.thailiciousboys.com/ .

Thanks thailiciousboys.com for your review of X-RAY MAN Club.


ps...Be sure to look back soon at thailiciousboys.com
to see part 2 and 3 of their 3 part slide show of X-Ray Man Club.

June 19th, 2007, 07:45
The above comments sound like a promotion for the place... NO,it can't be compared to Hollywood-they're both totally different venues. This dance club is in an old, run down go-go bargirl club which is cramped up for space with pillars in the middle of the small dance area which blocks ones view...the sound system is "ok" and the coyote dancers ...well, most of them look like ordinary fellows that have walked off the street (but some older readers may think anything young is attractive).
When I was there, the audience was mixed and it didn't seem to have much cruising ability.

I guess I will continue going to BKK on weekends to soi 2 and G.O.D. --But X ray is better than nothing in Pattaya and the music is good.

June 19th, 2007, 08:47
I have become a fan of the thailicious blog. When I read his post of X ray and saw the pictures I thought that the boys he brought with him, Lang and Gai, are more attractive than the boys working there. I would be happy in Lang and Gai's company where ever that might be. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but if you are referring to the blogger as old, you haven't seen his pictures. He's not old, and he is rather handsome. His taste might be different than yours, but that's all. Thailicous is a great website. I hope he keeps up his efforts.

x in pattaya
June 19th, 2007, 10:49
"I did miss Hollywood Disco, now having been knocked down to make way for a housing development,

Hollywood, at least in its final days, was a dump that only a drug dealer would miss.

What possible connection could there be with that and some hole-in-the-wall gogo bar?

June 19th, 2007, 12:00
I recognized two of the three boys in the photos and both work now in the Boyztown area in a tiny
gogo bar called Vassa.
I doubt they will stay long as the bar is tiny and the boys are hot. Hot doormen too at Vassa Boys
if you like the type of guys in the photos. Vassa is on a small connecting soi between Pattayaland soi 1 and 2

June 19th, 2007, 16:43
I have become a fan of the thailicious blog. When I read his post of X ray and saw the pictures I thought that the boys he brought with him, Lang and Gai, are more attractive than the boys working there. I would be happy in Lang and Gai's company where ever that might be. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but if you are referring to the blogger as old, you haven't seen his pictures. He's not old, and he is rather handsome. His taste might be different than yours, but that's all. Thailicous is a great website. I hope he keeps up his efforts.


I agree with your remarks 100%

I have found the thailicious.com website a welcome addition to my daily viewing of the internet.

The postings and reports - coupled with the photos and slideshows,
make for in informative, entertaining and interesting blog on the internet about Thailand.

Steve & Becky who visit Thailand often - as many Holiday Goers do -
have chosen to share their experiences with others via their blog.

They are a couple, who have no hidden agenda....
as you read their blog, you see why they love Thailand.

All presented in a positive fashion and format -
with NO vicious attacks - from flamers and posters who sadly have an axe to grind
or negative comment to make whenever given the chance -
as found more and more often on the traditional website forums such as this one.

For that, I am thankful,
I enjoy reading their blog, and I wish then continued success...
in their blog and travels in Thailand.
