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June 18th, 2007, 17:55
well i have never been to thailand and was thinking of coming to pattaya next feb 2008. as i am bored with gran canaria and the usual winter hotspots. after reading the topics on this forum i must say it has really put me off visiting pattaya.i have heard that it is cheap to visit there but according to this forum i would need more money than i take to gran canaria! is it possible to have a decent holiday in pattaya without having to go to these rip off bars that are often mentioned on here. the jontiem area looks lovely but i see that this gets slated a lot as well. can someone restore my faith and make me finally book a holiday. also any decent not to expensive hotels in a nice area would be appricated. by the way im no prude and love the fact that you can pay for a stunning boy for sex its just i dont wanna get ripped off. i can go to gran canaria for that. many thanks for your help.

x in pattaya
June 18th, 2007, 21:30
Pattaya can be a pleasant place to visit, although maybe less so in recent years.

During the "high season" the unwashed masses (and I mean that literally) tend to over-run the place. I'm not sure what that does to hotel prices here, but it definitely makes Jomtien less appealing. February is probably marginally less hectic, but then maybe hectic appeals to you??

If you make the visit, but feel the need to economize, please do so by finding cheaper accomodations (avoid Boyztown) and eat at small Thai eateries. Be generous with the "stunning boys." They don't want to be ripped off either.

Pick out a few hotels here that appeal and then ask for comments. There's really not much point in using a "gay hotel," since almost all hotels in Pattaya will be OK if you bring a stunning boy or two back, and the gay hotels (at least in the past) seem to over-charge for small rooms, indifferent service and no view.
Pattaya Hotels (http://www.gothailand.com/pattaya/indexhotels.htm)

June 18th, 2007, 22:20
Stick to Gran Canaria. Please.

x in pattaya
June 18th, 2007, 22:57
"Stick to Gran Canaria. Please."

Spoken like a true Pattayan.

Actually, I suppose I agree. There are far too many tourists here at that time of the year anyway and since you don't want to spend any money, you'll just be an annoying inconvenience to farang and Thai alike. :drunken:

June 18th, 2007, 23:01
Spoken like a true Pattayan.

That's the worst possible insult I can imagine. I demand an apology.

x in pattaya
June 18th, 2007, 23:33
That's the worst possible insult I can imagine. I demand an apology.

Obviously you have a very limited imagination.
Possibly I spoke in haste. I'm beginning to suspect we have a Sunee Plazan in our midsts... or is that midst? Can you have more than one midst?

June 18th, 2007, 23:56
thanks for your help to the one person with a decent comment . to the rest of you who replied, i do have money and was just enquiring where to go without beeing ripped off. but i have made up my mind and wont be going to pattaya so you can all fuck off!!!

x in pattaya
June 19th, 2007, 00:17
so you can all fuck off!!!

The place is awash in true Pattayans.

Incidentally, I was the person who made the helpful suggestions. After the inspirational pep talk by boygeenyus, I realized I was letting the home team down.

And, I take umbrage at the implication that one could be ripped off in Pattaya. We operate within the parameters of a strict code of ethics here, sir. The gang shootings, drunken brawls, bag snatching, drug pushing and accidental falls from balconies are just for atmosphere & ambience. So take that and stuff it in your Grand Canary.

June 19th, 2007, 00:48
boygeenyus should get an award from the Pattaya Tourist Board. At least this time he seemed to
have kept one hothead from adding to the flotsam and jetsam that end up in Pattaya.
We all know now how to insult boygeenyus, just call him a Pattayan.

If someone has the time and interest, it would be curious to see what % of boygeenyus's many posting
are Pattaya related. If you have the time and interest, you probably need a vacation in Pattaya. Bring lots
of money as everyone is trying to borrow money and borrowing doesn't meant the same thing it does elsewhere.
In Pattya borrowing means charity.

June 19th, 2007, 00:52
At least this time he seemed to
have kept one hothead from adding to the flotsam and jetsam that end up in Pattaya.


June 19th, 2007, 04:51
.... it can be expensive and it can be cheap... but as a tourist, you can spend as much in Pattaya as you can in Paris. Its just a different way of spending your money, whereas in Paris, one would go to a sauna for sex and probably get it free, if you are a falang in Pattaya you generally have to pay. Booze is certainly not cheap in the well known bars in Pattaya, as is not in Paris. Although, there is always a cheap bar in Pattaya as their is in Paris - get the drift.

Falang in Pattaya tend to enjoy the comforts and therefore will spend, that is generally though. And at the end of the day Pattaya is a rather fun place to be, better than Canary Islands and such like anyday.

June 19th, 2007, 06:33
I take you post as serious. I have been visiting Thailand for some 15 years. While not an expert, I can give you some ideas. A first time visitor would be well served to say in boystown,, Cafe Royale, or Ambiance,,, This will be about 30 or 40 dollars a night ,,, cheap for any place in the world, other than Pattaya ..... once you are used to the pace of Pattaya, you would be happy moving over to Sunee area which is about 10 blocks away.. The Flamingo is nice, if a little out of the way, and no elevator and is about 30 dollars a night ,,,, I have found Howards Guest house to be the place I like best, It has a nice elevator and is one or two minute walk from Krazy Dragon and Kaos. The cost here is about 600 Baht. If you are not counting every penny you would enjoy the new Sansuk, which is owned by same folks who run Howards. It costs a bit more but you have the Sauna and lots of Thai to look over. The food is also up to European standards at Sansuk. If you don't have the best vacation every in Pattaya, you are not trying... It is so easy to have a good time, the hotel people will be a good source of information on what to do. It does not take a quiz kid to find Jomtien beach... you walk out of your hotel and find first motor bike kid and say "Jomtien" he will take you to the drop off place next to the police hut. then you walk for 3 or 4 minutes down the lane to the "Bathroom Facility on the left side of the lane,,, Proceed to the chairs marked with a Coke cooler, with a sign that says RITS,,,, Voila you are at ground zero... sit and have good time ,,, the boys will take care of you to see you chair is set up and your towel is draped on the chair for you . I hope this will be the first of many wonderful visits for you.

June 19th, 2007, 07:27
thank you bing and the other nice posters on here. i would really like to vist but am a little scared after reading whats on here. maybe i should go with a friend who has been b4 but i like to go on holiday on my own. i guess i just prefer my own company lol. if i do decide to go to pattaya i will call cafe royale , howards etc to see what advice they can give me b4 i book. also im a young guy in my early 30s so its not like im at deaths door like the average old guy travelling to pattaya just to get a shag. i live in manchester uk ffs so i know what a gay scene is all about! i would really like to visit so will let the people on here that are interested know. as i said earlier the rest of you who just take the piss out of most posts on here, can f.... off! :flower: if anyone can reccomend a nice hotel nr the gay scene then let me know. cheers from steve manchester uk

June 19th, 2007, 07:29
Ooohh...Manchester! We're impressed!

x in pattaya
June 19th, 2007, 10:32
On Pattaya Addict someone just described his first night back in LOS and he managed to rack up a bar bill over B20,000.

That's the sort of quality tourist we here Pattaya appreciate. Someone who stays in one straight bar all night without aggravating anyone. And, he contributes to the economy.

Much more enlightened than the discussions of yore on the gay boards that I recall where posters anguished for hours over whether to pay a guy B1000 or B 1500. If you want to come to Pattaya, drop some cash. Otherwise, stay in Grand Canary!


June 19th, 2007, 11:40
t" ... if anyone can reccomend a nice hotel nr the gay scene then let me know. cheers from steve manchester uk ... "
After all that . . . try the Bondi Hotel in Jomtien ( http://www.thebondipattaya.com/ ). A perfectly reasonable and clean hotel in Jomtien ... good value for money at 900 baht for a quite large suite. A few minutes walk to the beach, and a quick baht bus into Pattaya central. Very gay friendly.

Cheers ...

June 19th, 2007, 17:08
so you can all fuck off!!!

The place is awash in true Pattayans.

Incidentally, I was the person who made the helpful suggestions. After the inspirational pep talk by boygeenyus, I realized I was letting the home team down.

And, I take umbrage at the implication that one could be ripped off in Pattaya. We operate within the parameters of a strict code of ethics here, sir. The gang shootings, drunken brawls, bag snatching, drug pushing and accidental falls from balconies are just for atmosphere & ambience. So take that and stuff it in your Grand Canary.

Not to forget defenestration. Shudder.

June 19th, 2007, 17:40

June 19th, 2007, 19:03
Well I have never been to Thailand and was thinking of coming to Pattaya next Feb 2008 as I am bored with Gran Canaria and the usual winter hot spots. after reading the topics on this forum i must say it has really put me off visiting pattaya. i have heard that it is cheap to visit there but according to this forum i would need more money than i take to gran canaria!

Many of the punters love to impress other punters with how much they spend. You can do it, @┬г50 - 55\day: figuring hotel @1,200THB\day (Once you decide where you're staying, adjust accordingly.) That's not incl. shopping (Up to you) or air-fare & transp to\fm yr home AP but incl. limo to\fm Phatthayaa, meals (Incl. 'guests.) tips, song taus, hair cuts, manicures, massages, laundry, bars (unless you drink like a ... Pearl.), off fees and and (one) 'escort' 95% of nights.

Is it possible to have a decent holiday in pattaya without having to go to these rip off bars that are often mentioned on here.
Of course. If you don't like a dive don't go back there. Otherwise, stick to the (Outdoor) beer bars, or avoid go-go bars, or simply don't drink.

The Jomtien area looks lovely but I see that this gets slated a lot as well.
It's not Cannes, or the flipping Canary Islands ... fortunately--But if that's the kind of thing you simply must have\are wanting, you will be sorely disappointed.

Can someone restore my faith and make me finally book a holiday.
If you can not get rid of your preconceived opinion; NO. Those who have already made up their mind that an experience will bad usually fulfill their own expectations--And, usually, are disappointed if they don't return home with horror stories to dine out on.

I've been to Thailand 11 times. I like it better each time.
Learn some Thai. At the very least; learn you say the things you might want to ask a boy--And to understand the possible replies--so as not to need rely on mamasans.
Be friendly, but not too, and cautious with of other westerners, especially Ozzies, since getting up a nose is the favorite pass time of many, especially the Ozzies, and your nose seems to be gotten up rather easily--I'm sure your, 'fuck off,' response delighted many.

Also; any decent not to expensive hotels in a nice area would be appreciated. by the way I'm no prude and love the fact that you can pay for a stunning boy for sex its just I dint wanna get ripped off. I can go to gran canaria for that. many thanks for your help.
I think there's a list of hotel web sites (Prices & pics.) here somewhere. (One of the better efforts of, dear, Let Me Tell You? I think.)

x in pattaya
June 19th, 2007, 19:38
"cheers from steve manchester uk"

Our recently retired Prime Minister, Mr. Taksin, is buying Manchester, or at least the only significant part. :geek:

June 19th, 2007, 20:11
"cheers from steve manchester uk"

Our recently retired Prime Minister, Mr. Taksin, is buying Manchester, or at least the only significant part. :geek:

Well, there goes the neighborhood!

June 20th, 2007, 17:38
I can honestly say I had the time of my life for a month in Pattaya, I managed to do Chaing Mai Chang Rai and most of Bangkok over a 3 or 4 years period of vacations and I can say Pattaya was by far my most memorable experience. I hired a guy the first day that spoke Good English for a month. He was a local Thailand guy and we did 3 and 4 ways for a month. I stayed the whole stay at BBB and had the time of my life. Since the guy was local he kept me out of too much trouble and managed to find a party some where almost every night. So, you can spend a few dollars and have the time of your life or you can go elsewhere and try to find a boy that is as cheap and perform as well as these guys do. I generally let the local boy pick out the guy for the night and he always found a nice one and worked out a satisfactory deal for all concerned. He would go home for the day and come back for the night and I would do my tourist thing alone and get his help with the boys at night. If I had time I would certainly do it again. I Have plans to go but time is a problem. I drop in to Bangkok for short trips and to keep my blood running. In the mean time I keep me a nice BF in the country where I work and have a good time year round. So, since I am in Asia working it is like living in Thailand year round for me. But any nice good looking boy is going to be expensive no matter where you live or play. I generally like college guys who like to party all night. I am 56 with a plan to remain 17 as long as my body will hold up to the good times I give it. So, Pattaya in any accent is a fun place to be. If I live I will certainly settle there to finish out my time.


June 20th, 2007, 18:26
(unless you drink like a ... Pearl.)Hints:

Pearl? Is she still amongst us? I thought she had thrown herself at the feet of some shady property developers, standing bravely between the town council and ocean one tower, too bad she didn't reckon on the coup and the Junta's intervention. Missed by all I am sure.